Harris Creek Baptist Church



This is the weekly sermon podcast from Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. Visit www.harriscreek.org for more information.


  • Winning The War

    26/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    We are in a real war, and if we don’t realize it, then we are losing. Once we learn to watch for it, we begin to see it. Once we see it, we can’t unsee it. Paul writes in Ephesians 6 everything we need to know to resist temptation when the enemy attacks. Stand strong against Satan’s schemesStand firm and suited upStay praying in The Spirit and share Life Group Discussion:Do you recognize when the enemy attacks? Why is it important to stay on guard?What is a moment you stood strong against the enemy? What is a moment you failed, but you felt the grace of Jesus that he’s already won the battle?

  • The Call to Discipleship

    19/05/2024 Duración: 43min

    Let your life be a life of worship as you obey your parents, guide your children, and work in the role God has placed you in. Live a life of worshipping Jesus in your home and at your workplace. Children: Honor and ObeyDads: Discipline and DiscipleWorkers: Worship  Life Group Discussion:How old should children be to continue to obey their parents? What areas in your life do you model well for your children? What areas do you struggle with?  Do you feel like your work is a place that you can “worship” unto the Lord? If not, how can you make it a place you can worship while you work?

  • The Truth About Marriage

    12/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    A marriage cannot be happy or healthy without Christ at the center of it. In this message, Jonathan Pokluda teaches us that (1) the mindset of marriage must be sacrifice and submission, (2) the mission of marriage is sanctification through service, and (3) the mystery of marriage is that it showcases our savior.

  • Stop Sleepwalking

    05/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    Paul reminds us in today’s text the antidote to spiritually sleepwalking is to walk in love, walk in the light, and walk in wisdom.  1. Walk in Love2. Walk in Light 3. Walk in Wisdom  Life Group Discussion:What have you put behind you and fully surrendered to walk in love?When someone brings sin into the light? How should you respond?What do you daily allow to fill your heart? What influences your flesh? 

  • Anger and Forgiveness

    28/04/2024 Duración: 42min

    To live a Christian life, we have to imitate Christ. One place where some struggle is with forgiveness of others who have committed a wrong against them. Rather than holding grudges, quiet judgment, and anger in our hearts, we are called to forgive in the same way that Jesus forgave us. God deeply cares about how we are able to forgive others and let go of our anger. Life Group Questions: Are there any unresolved conflicts or feelings of resentment towards others in your life?How can you take the first step towards resolution?How does our anger towards others often reveal other sin within us?

  • A Changed Life

    21/04/2024 Duración: 45min

     Change begins in you thinking …thoughts take you places. When you become a Christian, you are learning a new way to live, different than the world. The true test of a changed person is what comes out of them when they are squeezed. The true test is in trials.  Thoughts take you placesYou are learning a new wayThe true test comes in trials Life Group Discussion:What are you allowing in your thoughts? Share what you fed your brain this week. What do you need to let go of?What are you going to start doing to help fill your heart with the things of God?What comes out of you when you are squeezed by life? Begin to uncover what is stored in your heart. How would your life look different if you took this step? 

  • Mature Christians and Unity

    14/04/2024 Duración: 46min

    The disposition of a mature Christian comes from a unified doctrine. The deployment of mature Christians leads to unified service. The development of mature Christians makes up a unified church.  A mature Christian’s disposition A mature Christian’s deployment A mature Christian’s development  Life Group Discussion:Who do you know that is clearly marked with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and gentleness? What makes you say that? Would someone think about you?  Where have you been deployed in the body to use your gifts? If you haven’t deployed your gifts, ask your LG how they see God using you in the body. Are you in a season where you are a weak part of the body? Share with your LG and let them pray for you during this difficult season. Take a step forward in growing your faith. Don’t just “go” to church, but “be” the church.

  • Show Your Wounds to Share Your Savior | Easter 2024

    31/03/2024 Duración: 38min

    Jesus showed his wounds and Thomas was changed forever. Thomas believed Jesus was risen indeed. May we be encouraged to show our wounds and tell others about the risen Savior who changed our lives forever.  1. We tend to conceal when the Bible’s pattern is to reveal.2. Show your wounds to share your Savior.3. A man with an experience of God is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.   Life Group Discussion: - What do you remember about Easter Sunday in your childhood? Was it an important day in your family?- Do you conceal your wounds or reveal them? Why or why not?- What are some of the challenges you face to show your wounds in your workplace, school, neighborhood, and with friends?

  • Shadows of a Savior | Good Friday 2024

    29/03/2024 Duración: 31min

    On Good Friday, we observe in reverence the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins. In this message, JP takes us through the scriptures to see where we might've missed the shadows of our savior throughout the Old Testament. 1) Shadows of Sacrifice2) Shadows of a Substitute3) Shadows of a Savior

  • The Mystery of God

    24/03/2024 Duración: 45min

    The mystery of God is revealed in suffering, serving, and sharing.  The mystery is revealed in sufferingThe mystery is revealed in serving The mystery is revealed in sharing  Life Group Discussion:Have you witnessed unbelievable heart change in someone’s life? What changed?When you experience suffering, does God seem far away from you or near to you? What makes you say that?Who do we serve? Those who love us? Those who are our enemies? What would it look like to serve our enemies?  

  • A Blended Family

    17/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    We have been brought into The Kingdom of God by the blood of Jesus. We have been blended in with the Jews who trusted in Jesus as the Messiah. We are being built up into God’s temple and God is building His home among us forever. 1. You have been brought in2. You have been blended3. You are being built up Life Group Discussion:Is there a relationship you've given up on because of differing views? Why or why not?How many contacts are in your cell phone that are a different ethnicity than you? What can you do to increase the number.  Would you say you're diligent when it comes to cultivating meaningful relationships with people who look different than you? If so, what makes you say that? If not, what is a step you can take to be diligent?

  • The Simple Gospel

    10/03/2024 Duración: 36min

    We were all dead in our sins before God. We couldn’t work our way or earn our way to Him. Yet, because of His never-ending love and mercy, He has made us alive in His Son Jesus. Paul lays out the simple yet powerful and profound life changing reality in these ten verses that is the Good News of the Gospel. 1. We were dead in our sins2. By grace we are made alive in Christ3. We are made alive to walk in our purpose Life Group Discussion:Growing up, how did you view the church – as a place to go, or a group of people who followed Jesus?What do you picture when you think of the word, “grace”?Hold out your fingerprint. Does anyone else have your same fingerprint? You are God’s masterpiece! What is one thing you could ask God to help you with this week? How would your life look different if you took this step?

  • Ask God

    03/03/2024 Duración: 41min

    Do you truly know what you have? As we continue to study Ephesians, Paul prays that the church in Ephesus would know four things. Ask God that you may know Him betterAsk God to know the hope you have in HimAsk God to know the value you have in HimAsk God to know the power you have in Him  Life Group Discussion:What do you value here on earth?How do you get to know God better?Are you afraid to ask God to use His power in your life and others? Do you believe the power is really there?

  • You Are Chosen

    25/02/2024 Duración: 47min

    Why did God choose you? He chose you forevermore according to His pleasure. Even when you have nothing to offer Him , he brought you into His family.  You’ve been chosen by the FatherYou have been forgiven and redeemed by ChristYou have been sealed by His Holy Spirit  Life Group Discussion:Why did God choose you?What is your story of grace and redemption?What does it mean to be affected for The Kingdom?

  • How God Changes a City

    18/02/2024 Duración: 42min

    How does a city change? In this message, we intro the book of Ephesians by looking at how God shifted the city of Ephesus. God changes a city by changing a personGod changes a city by removing idolsGod changes a city with the message of His grace Life Group Discussion:Have you ever felt darkness in a city you visited?What are the idols that have your heart?Where is one place this week you can influence people? Hold each other accountable. Pray together to seek the welfare of our city and change the world through the power of Jesus.

  • Are You Abiding?

    11/02/2024 Duración: 47min

    If you Abide in Him, you will develop spiritually. Hold fast to your relationship with Jesus. Know Him. Love Him. Abide in Him.  Apprehend The GospelBehave like JesusIlluminate Truth with LoveDevelop Spiritually Eternally Live Life Group Discussion:Do you apprehend the Gospel? Have you grown in your relationship with God more today than one year ago? As you ABIDE with Jesus is it hard for you when a curve ball comes your way?

  • Listening to The Spirit

    04/02/2024 Duración: 34min

    We can't abide without the Holy Spirit. Just after Jesus explains to his disciples He is leaving and tells them to remain connected to Him. Jesus explains that He will send the Spirit, and this will be our advantage. The Spirit of God helps, convicts, and guides us.  In abiding the Spirit helps In abiding the Spirit convicts  In abiding the Spirit guides  Life Group Discussion:We need help even when we aren’t willing to receive it. Is it easy for you to receive help from the Holy Spirit or do you wrestle with pride? Do you pause and listen to the Holy Spirit when you are in a meeting, in class, or with friends and respond in obedience to His leading? Share a time you were obedient and a time you failed. Has it been a while since you stopped listening to the “ding” correcting you? Ask the Spirit to reveal truth to you and listen, so you can bear fruit.

  • Abiding in Jesus' Presence

    28/01/2024 Duración: 40min

    The presence of Jesus will change us when we are aware that He is in our midst. Rather than moving on with our life, we want to connect intimately with Him. In this message we look at someone in Scripture who shows us what it looks like to Abide with Jesus. Abiding means sitting at the feet of JesusAbiding means listening to JesusAbiding means removing whatever is distracting you from Jesus Life Group Discussion:Do you relate more to Martha or Mary? What keeps you from abiding in Jesus?  When you spend time with Jesus abiding in Him, how does that make your heart feel?

  • Transformed to Love

    21/01/2024 Duración: 46min

    God takes Christ and he puts Christ in us. We are a new creation in Christ. We are recruited by God to show His love to the world. When we abide in Christ, we are going to do things to show His love to the world that doesn’t make sense. You need to give up control. Lean into God and His plan for you. As you abide in Jesus, He is transforming you to love sacrificially with joy. Sacrificial love comes through obedienceSacrificial love offers true joyYou were recruited and made to love Life Group Discussion:Share a time when you felt the Spirit leading you to go out of your way to be a conduit to love someone sacrificially.What would you say is the hardest thing about being vulnerable in letting others sacrificially show love to you?Is it difficult to let go of control and let God lead you?

  • The Fruit of Abiding

    14/01/2024 Duración: 49min

    What would most people say Christians do? Pray, read the Bible, make disciples, give generously, forgive, love, serve, go to church, and share the gospel. In our new series, “ABIDE”, JP looks to John 15 to focus our thoughts on a true disciple is one who abides in Jesus and fruit is produced. We also learn when we are pruned, bring it to God and trust him to teach you to abide in Him and bear more fruit. John 15:1-8 The Father prunes fruitful branchesThe Son produces fruitThe fruit of the Spirit proves a disciple Life Group Questions:Read Galatians 5:22 – 23 and share with your group what is easy fruit for you and what is hard fruit?When was a time you experienced pruning and you felt so near to the Father learning to abide in Him?What did God do in your life when you experienced pruning and produced more fruit? 

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