Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay



Self improvement can be a challenging process. Subscribe to the Kain Ramsay: Life Balance Coaching Podcast now available on iTunes.In this exciting and innovative podcast, I share many of the most impacting insights and principles I’ve learned about some of today’s most relevant topics that influence your life on a daily basis.This weekly audio program will provide you with the most insightful and effective life principles I have learned, for transforming your thought life, and for allowing you to make significant progress in the most important life area’s.I’ll regularly share secrets, tips and strategies you can action immediately to improve various aspects of your life and overcome many of greatest challenges that we face.Come on this exciting journey of self discovery, and I’ll look forward towards sharing with you high impact truths about the nature of reality and the core of your identity, to enable you for living with far deeper passion, drive & purpose for the rest of your life.If you find this Podcast helpful, please like, subscribe, review and share.


  • Life's Greatest Risk: Just Be Yourself Part 4

    03/11/2014 Duración: 19min

    “Waking up to who you actually are (Self Concept) requires you to begin letting go of whoever it is that you imagine yourself to be (Self Esteem).” I’ve heard the statement “just be yourself” so many times throughout my life. It sounds like such an amazingly simple thing to do, but in all honestly, it's taken me YEARS to be able to fully understand what this means. In my quest for answers I’ve found that it is very much possible to just be yourself. The person who is a jerk to others and the person who is afraid of social situations are, in actuality, not being themselves. Their real self is just being covered up with their pre-conditioned and fear-based thinking - of not being good enough at simply being themselves. Our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the stories, labels, and judgments that we have placed upon ourselves. It is who we naturally are without the masks and pretentiousness. It is who we really are when we let fall to the floor the cloak of other people’s stuff that we h

  • Life's Greatest Risk: Just Be Yourself Part 3

    03/11/2014 Duración: 15min

    How often do you not say or do something because you're worried about how it'll be perceived? For most of us, myself included, this happens more often then we'd like to admit. We live in a culture that is starving for authenticity. We want our leaders, our co-workers, our family members, our friends, and everyone else we interact with to tell us the truth and to be themselves. Most important, we want to have the personal freedom and confidence to say, do, and be who we really are, without worrying so much about how we appear to others and what they might think or say about us. Sadly, however, even though we may say we want to live in a way that is true to our deepest passions, beliefs, and desires; most of us don't and it's not that easy. We've been taught by our parents, teachers, spouses, friends, co-workers, politicians, the media, and others, that it's more important to be liked and to fit in than it is to be who we truly are. In addition, many of us assume that who we are is not good enough and therefo

  • Life's Greatest Risk: Just Be Yourself Part 2

    03/11/2014 Duración: 16min

    If you don’t believe it yourself, don’t ask anyone else to do so! It is virtually impossible not to transmit your doubts and insecurities to others through body language, tone of voice, inflection, word choice, and other subtle characteristics. When you show by your actions that you lack self-confidence, other people also begin to doubt your ability to perform even the most insignificant of tasks. To gain the respect and confidence of others, begin by making a list of all the attributes that make you who you are, followed by the areas you could do with some work in! Make a conscious effort to build upon your positive strengths and simply improve on your weaknesses (if they're even important). It may not be easy, but if you assess yourself objectively and persevere in your efforts, you will eventually prevail .... like my wife Karen, If in this video you think that she looks confident - I can guarantee you that she wasn't, but simply done what she had to do anyway. Feal the fear and do it anyway!

  • Life's Greatest Risk: Just Be Yourself Part 1

    03/11/2014 Duración: 15min

    Don’t look to the stars for the cause of your misfortunes: look to yourself to get better results. There are many things you cannot control, but you can control the only things that really matter: your mind and your attitude. External forces have very little to do with success. Those who program themselves for success find a way to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Solutions to most problems come from one source and one source alone: yourself. Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters. But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success.

  • How to become an Emotional Time traveller

    03/11/2014 Duración: 12min

    Human beings possess the unique ability to engage in emotional time travel, mentally fast forwarding through time to envision how they will feel in future situations. Emotional time travel is not without its pitfalls. At the most obvious level, people may make inaccurate predictions about how they will feel in a situation because the situation unfolds differently than they expect. Yet, even if the situation people experience objectively matches the situation they imagined, people face a fundamentally different psychological situation when they experience an event than when they imagine it. The failure to recognise this can lead onto a wide variety and array of unwise and ill informed decisions. People's predictions about how they will feel in the future shape many of their decisions, though under certain conditions people place surprisingly little weight on their affective forecasts in decision-making. Supporting the validity of decisions that are based on affective forecasts, most studies suggest that fore

  • Emotional Management Techniques

    03/11/2014 Duración: 15min

    For many people, emotions can be an inconsistent daily NIGHTMARE that we often just don’t know what to do with or how to handle. So we turn to the only strategies we do know. If you’re a man, you might distract yourself by playing video games, building something new or even by going to the pub or the gym, and if you’re a woman, you might head to the shops or eat a whole load of chocolate! Turning to these things occasionally is OK, but making them part of your regular coping repertoire might not be overly effective for you. Emotions are valuable, and offer a number of benefits (even the bad ones). Once we’re able to process and cope with them effectively, we can learn a lot about our needs and ourselves. Emotions send us important messages and help us connect with others and also keep us on the ‘right track’ throughout life. Using unhealthy strategies can sabotage our relationships, our careers and even our health, in fact, it’s been scientifically suggested that people who handle stress effectively even

  • Self Esteem V's Self Concept (How to make true Progress in life)

    03/11/2014 Duración: 17min

    Your self concept (or self image) is the sum total of all the knowledge and information that you currently have about yourself - it's the person you know you can be, could be, ought to be and want to be. It includes things like your gender, name, personality, physical appearance, race, likes and dislikes, beliefs, values, social history, nationality, schooling, family, career, accomplishments, failures, skills and talents. Your self-concept also includes who you think you might become and what you believe you were like in the past. It is an idea or image of yourself that comes from what you know about yourself and what you believe others think about you. Your Self Concept answers the all important question: Who am I? Your self concept includes the information about yourself that only you know, such as your motives, your agenda's, your achievements and your failures. Your Self Concept incorporates your values and plays a fundamental role in determining how you really feel about something (in spite of what

  • Inside Out Living: Part 3

    03/11/2014 Duración: 13min

    Every day of our lives, we are being constantly programmed (taught, influenced, impacted and conditioned) by the world alongside everyone and everything that lives in it. Our beliefs are always being moulded and manipulated (for better or for worse) by other people in their attempts to have us ‘join their team’ without us even being aware of it. Most of our beliefs are formed over many years, which is why they can become such a firmly entrenched and non-negotiable part of our mental and emotional DNA. And a lifetime of being taught a certain message or philosophy can makes it extremely difficult for us to consider any other degree of reality other than the one we have already accepted to be true. When considering to believe anything else other than what we already do, (another version of truth, an alternative option, a new way of living, thinking, seeing or believing) we’ll often need to question what it is that we’ve believed for however long we’ve been believing it - and this can really take us out of our

  • Inside Out Living: Part 2

    03/11/2014 Duración: 12min

    Would you like to experience a deeper clarity of who you are and peace and freedom for within, even in the midst of what may be highly challenging circumstances? The Inside Out Revolution offers an understanding of how life works in a way that turns more traditional forms of psychology on its head. This revolutionary approach explains where our feelings come from (whether good or bad), and how our experience of life can change for the better within only a few moments. Understanding these principles allows you to tap into the deeper intelligence behind life, access your natural wisdom and guidance, and unleash your limitless creative power. You'll be able to live with less stress, greater ease and a sense of connection to the larger unfolding of life. The content of these three video’s have been adapted from the books; The Inside Out Revolution by Michael Neill, and The OZ Principles, by Roger Connors, Tom Smith and Craig Hickman. Are you ready to begin part 2?

  • Inside Out Living: Part 1

    03/11/2014 Duración: 12min

    Is there anyone occupying a space in your head that they haven’t paid any rent for? If your peace of mind and your achievements in life are dependent upon someone else’s actions, that person is in complete control of you and you have freely given them your power. The same principle applies to our expectations of money, materialistic possessions and promotions at work, status, rank or our achievements and failures. How many environmental circumstances and situations play a frequent role in determining your emotional wellbeing? Because we’ve been conditioned from birth to believe in the myth of an outside-in world, we assume the path back to well-being and joy and peace of mind must be through getting a better job or a better partner or working on becoming a better person. The irony is that the harder we work on changing ourselves in order to change the way we feel, the more distant we become from our true self, and the more important it seems to work on all those things on the outside of ourselves. As a res

  • The parts that make you YOU!

    03/11/2014 Duración: 16min

    One way to grasp an understanding of how we are made is to be able to recognise that there are three parts of us, which are all perfectly interconnected. Firstly, we have a material part, which prevents our blood, bones and organs from simply becoming a pile of ‘mush’ on the floor, we call this our Body. However we also have two immaterial parts, which we’d call our soul (where the thoughts come in) and our spirit (which gives us our conscience). The following is my best possible effort at explaining our design and how the Spirit, Soul and Body are all interconnected. Indeed, we are a race of cleverly constructed and highly complex beings! Our Body It’s by our Body that we function. It’s made up of organs and cells, which consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Our body contains our nervous system with nerves and the brain. It’s through our bodies that we connect to the physical world with our five senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling). The science is clear. Stress, especially that

  • Locus of Control - n/a when there's sharks about!

    03/11/2014 Duración: 16min

    The Internal Vs. External Locus Of Control People who base their success in life upon their own efforts and believe that they are in complete control of their life outcomes have what we would call an internal locus of control. You might be able to recognize someone with an internal locus of control through his or her relentlessly stubborn and highly driven nature (of which I can often be found guilty). In contrast to this, people who will assign their successes and failures in life to other people, or factors and influences outside of themselves have what we’d call an external locus of control. You’d likely be able to recognize someone with an external locus of control through highly visible insecurity, low confidence and low self-esteem (I lived in this camp for a while but got very bored of it). Let’s say for example that you're the kind of person who has an internal locus of control and you get a promotion at work or achieve some other type of success. You’d most likely assign your achievement to the ha

  • How NOT to adopt a false sense of security!

    03/11/2014 Duración: 12min

    Whether you believe that your self confidence and trust is broken by a loved one having an affair, a destructive addiction, or the departure of someone’s interest in you, it requires a radical shift in your worldview to get things back on track. Emotionally adjusting takes time and energy, but is worth it as it builds maturity and a commitment to being responsible for you. If you have ever truly trusted someone and went on to learn that they weren’t deserving of it, you might be likely to swing to the opposite side of the pendulum and feel wary of everyone. If you have a deep rooted belief that it would be hard to ever trust anyone else 100% again, you’re actually not too far from the truth because you cant. The real task is learning to trust you. Everyone has their own notion of what trust feels like. On some level, trust is having faith in someone else’s ability to truly know and support you. This may mean nurturing, protecting, listening, contributing financially, knowing what you are thinking without y

  • Learning how we Learn: Part 2

    03/11/2014 Duración: 07min

    Many people in the world today live out their lives making their daily decisions based upon the decisions they made about themselves years ago. We develop core unconscious beliefs about ourselves as children; it’s in our childhood we determine our self-worth and value, our beliefs about who we are and what defines us – ‘the Glass Ceiling’ as it were, which often, we will often ‘unknowingly’ allow to cap our potential. These beliefs mould us as humans, and give us the rules we live by. Some might say our core education comes from the classroom - but I’m going to suggest that it doesn’t! We receive our primary education from our family experience when we are children – unintentionally we become conditioned to be who we believe ourselves to be, when we don’t conform to our beliefs, we’re out the comfort zone - and this can often be a scary place to be! I can remember getting taken to the circus with my sister when I was small. I hated the clowns with a vengeance; however the animals always fascinated me – par

  • Learning how we learn: Plato's cave 2014

    03/11/2014 Duración: 13min

    Here's a modern adaptation of a very old story .... And so, a conversation between two of the worlds greatest philosophers, Socrates and Glaucon went something like this .... Socrates: "Why do people think that Personal Development is meaningless? Let me put it this way - imagine you're in a cave, all chained up so you can't turn your body at all, and all you get to look at is this one wall. Some assholes behind you are making shadow puppets using the light from a fire and making echo noises and that's all you or anyone else chained up has seen or heard all your life." "Sounds terrible, right? Except it's all you've ever known, shadows and echoes, and that's your whole world - there's no way you could know that, really, you're watching a slightly-improved M. Night Shyamalan film." "In fact, you get pretty good at understanding how the patterns in the show work, and everyone else chained up is like, 'Holy Cow man, how did you know that that tree was going to fall on that guy?' and you'd say something like,

  • Solid Grounds: A foundation for life!

    03/11/2014 Duración: 19min

    FACTS, FAITH or FEELINGS ... What are the foundations of YOUR life? These three things are absolutely vital in determining the quality of our lives. It’s hugely important that we know something about each of them, but it is even more important that we get them in the right order and keep them there. Most people will generally put their feelings first and in turn make the quality of their feelings provide a basis for the quality of their life, but that's like trying to build the roof of a house before laying the foundation. It just won't work that way! The right order is facts, faith and then feelings. Facts form the foundation on which you build your life; your faith rests upon these facts; and your feelings will come last and come as a result of getting the first two in order. Let's look at these, one at a time. First, facts. What is a fact? A fact is something that is true. For example, two plus two equals four. This is a simple mathematical fact. It is true in the United States, in Russia, or anywhere

  • Steve Covey's: Sharpening the Axe

    03/11/2014 Duración: 08min

    “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” - Abraham Lincoln The lumberjack story is has been made popular by a reference to it in Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits due to the messages it carries with it. 
Like many stories this story has a specific meaning, the version I tell in this video carries a key message about the value of continuous personal development and the importance of using our brains sometimes ... opposed to our brawn!

  • Identity Crisis: Part 5

    03/11/2014 Duración: 08min

    If you were to begin to define yourself differently, in a way that’s more empowering and accurate for who you are today, how would you describe who you’ve become? If you're unsure of how to even begin answering this question, the video should be able to offer you a few suggestions as to how you can begin doing this today!

  • Identity Crisis: Part 4

    03/11/2014 Duración: 10min

    TRUISM: Its tough to enjoy life when you’re not particularly confident in who it is that you are! People who haven't learned to accept and get along with themselves tend to have more difficulty accepting and getting along with others. I personally spent years having a hard time getting along with people, until I eventually grew to realize how the difficulties I had with other people were actually "rooted" in the difficulties I had in accepting myself. A wise man once suggested that “a good tree will bear good fruit, and a rotten tree will bear rotten fruit”. Likewise, the "fruit" of our lives comes from the "root" within us. If you're rooted in shame, guilt, inferiority, rejection, lack of love and acceptance, etc., the fruit of your relationships will suffer. However, once you have a deep revelation of who you actually are (which I’m hoping this course will help you to achieve) and begin to accept yourself and others, eventually these new roots will produce good fruit, and your relationships will begin to

  • Identity Crisis: Part 3

    03/11/2014 Duración: 11min

    There are two sides of risks. Before Risk (where we find security and safety), and after Risk (where we find a sense of achievement, excitement and freedom). On the before side of Risk, you will experience: * fear * trepidation * hesitation * anxiety * doubt * sweaty palms * excuses * research and analysis, followed by more research and analysis (aka PROCRASTINATION) * the status quo * temporary comfort * a dead-end job On the after side of risks, you will find: * glory * victory * elation * the exhilaration of truly living * satisfaction * faith in the miraculous * confidence * resilience * learning * courage to do it again * the opportunity to live your purpose Did you now, we ALL have the same choices in life? We can live on the before side of risks where we never take advantage of the opportunities to do something significant, meaningful or challenging with our lives. It's in this place that we'll often find ourselves making excuses and concocting seemingly reasonable explanations for living an ordina

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