Bucket Of Breakups And Makeups Podcast



Bucket of Breakups and Makeups is a podcast about love gone wrong, oh-so-painful loss of love, and the discovery of a soulmate.


  • Taming Unhelpful Thoughts

    27/06/2023 Duración: 05min

    I think it’s safe to say that our mind and our thoughts play a pivotal role in sabotaging our relationships, right? I used to be guilty of always thinking the worst. Who’s with me? It becomes even more damaging when our thoughts become unhealthy and affects all areas of our life. It never seems to fail. You’re trying to concentrate on your work, but your mind wanders off to a completely unrelated topic. Or, maybe you’re about to go on a first date, but all you can think about is how horrible your last few dates have been. These are examples of unhelpful thought - they are always unhealthy, too.Unhelpful thoughts can be distractions or be destructive. Neither is helpful.Your mind is a terrible thing to waste, and if you can’t manage your thoughts, you’re not using your mind to your advantage. Imagine how powerful you would become if you could ignore or replace your negative thoughts! You could accomplish more and get greater enjoyment from your life.In this episode, Farrah shares strategies to manage thoughts

  • The Fresh Start After a Relationship

    27/06/2023 Duración: 08min

    Most romantic relationships end at some point. The trick is to learn something from the experience and then springboard into a new life.Each relationship is a learning experience, and the information learned can be used to reinvent yourself. It’s hard when a relationship ends, but you have the opportunity to write a new chapter in your life. What will you decide to do with this opportunity?In this episode, Farrah explains how to take your life to a new level after the end of your relationship:Romantic relationships can contribute to your personal growth or hold you back. If you’re going through a difficult breakup, give yourself time to heal. Use your single time to make positive changes that will help you to develop a loving and supportive partnership. Farrah share's tips on how to enjoy the single life and embrace self-care while you heal.

  • Single Time After a Breakup is a Must

    27/06/2023 Duración: 07min

    After a breakup, your friends may give you conflicting advice. Some will warn you about the dangers of rebound relationships. Others will urge you to start dating again.Studies suggest that there’s little harm in making a new connection quickly if you had a healthy relationship with your former partner. On the other hand, if you have dating patterns you want to change, taking some time off is usually the smarter choice.Invest in yourself so you can find the love you deserve. Consider these tips for what to do while you’re between relationships.Romantic relationships can contribute to your personal growth or hold you back. If you’re going through a difficult breakup, give yourself time to heal. Use your single time to make positive changes that will help you to develop a loving and supportive partnership. Romantic relationships can contribute to your personal growth or hold you back. If you’re going through a difficult breakup, give yourself time to heal. Use your single time to make positive changes that will