


Join us in deep conversation with two individuals that question everything in today's chaotic American culture. Learning is essential and having genuine conversations will build oneself.


  • Report Ep. 9 - Movies, TV, Technology and Privacy

    01/05/2019 Duración: 01h34min

    Join us in our discussion of movies and TV shows that we love and grew up with. We end up discussing the future of technology and privacy towards the second half

  • Odyssey Report #8

    26/04/2019 Duración: 03h22min

    In this episode, we have a casual conversation, mostly centered around dating, sex, etc. 

  • Odyssey Report 5

    11/04/2019 Duración: 02h08min

     After a short break your dynamic duo return for another episode for the  Odyssey Podcast. As we don't provide a full news report on recent events  this session was more of a casual conservation. Thanks for listening  and more to come! 

  • Odyssey Academy Ep. 3 - The Nature of Morality and Moral Theories

    19/03/2019 Duración: 01h58min

    Join us in our discussion of moral theories and the differences between these moral theories and how they are applied in various situations including politics, religion and Batman. If you're someone who has wondered about what your moral values should be and how to live your life, you just might be more confused after watching this because we open your eyes to a multitude of contrastive theories.  Links:  https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/glossary/moral-philosophy http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catechism/command.htm http://home.sandiego.edu/~baber/gender/MoralTheories.html

  • Odyssey Report Ep. 4

    16/03/2019 Duración: 01h55min

    On this episode, we have a guest by the name of Ronnie Escoto. He helps us dissect the most recent news on the mass shooting at the New Zealand Mosque and Trump's National Emergency Declaration. Other topics discussed were Boeing's 737 fleet being forced to land and being called into question in regards to their safety for commercial use. As well, we cover college admissions and the scandals going on, where celebrities pay universities to admit their children. What does it take for a student to get into the top universities nowadays?  Article Links:  https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/15/asia/new-zealand-christchurch-attack-what-we-know-intl/index.html https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/15/bernie-campaign-2020-staff-union-1223914 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cheat-sheet-everything-you-want-know-about-college-admissions-scheme-n983646 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/us/politics/trump-agenda-tracker.html https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&hl=en&q=Howard+Schultz&stick=H

  • Odyssey Academy Ep. 2 - Firearms

    12/03/2019 Duración: 01h48min

    On this episode, Matt and Parth discuss the origins of firearms and some of the mechanics behind firearms. They delve into history as well as current day shootings to discuss the mentality behind wielding a weapon of such power.  Links:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2IOZ-5Nk5k https://www.quora.com/Why-do-we-use-gunpowder-in-bullets https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_(firearms) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muzzle_velocity https://www.quora.com/External-Ballistics-Does-a-bullet-accelerate-after-leaving-the-barrel http://gunbelts.com/blog/muzzle-velocity/

  • Odyssey Report Ep. 3

    11/03/2019 Duración: 02h01min

    On this episode, we discuss the return of the Jonas Brothers, the gender wage gap, the importance of learning about history, Niccolo Machiavelli, R Kelly and his allegations, certain functions of government, companies and hiring workers and Jack Dorsey and his podcast with Joe Rogan.  Article Links:  https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/chart-beat/8501679/jonas-brothers-sucker-number-one-hot-100-debut https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqOQgKIjNDQklTSURvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoTUtFUWliNFp6WWpZQU1FZUFLa2t6bVFLeTBLQUFQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/us-national-soccer-team-hopes-to-send-a-message-to-girls-everywhere/2019/03/08/f851bf58-41df-11e9-9361-301ffb5bd5e6_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d0d27bec4822 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-06/-captain-marvel-hit-by-online-trolls-but-disney-was-ready https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/03/08/mcdonalds-walmart-lyft-budweiser-and-others-mark-womens-day-2019/3109481002/

  • Odyssey report 2: Disney and The Green New Deal

    06/03/2019 Duración: 01h56min

     Article links:   https://greenparty.good.do/massmigrat https://www.gp.org/ten_key_values_2016 https://cosmicbook.news/captain-marve https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop https://deadline.com/2019/03/roseanne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiQr6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabe https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2... 

  • Odyssey Academy Ep. 1 - Freeways in LA/Alex Jones

    04/03/2019 Duración: 02h16min

    Enjoy our newest segment, called Odyssey Academy, where we learn about a topic and then share our education with our listeners. On this episode, we discuss freeways in LA, its history, some stats, etc. Then we go into discussion on Alex Jones and the most recent (2019) 4+ hour long podcast with Joe Rogan. 

  • Odyssey Report Ep 1: Trump's Wall and Immigration

    03/03/2019 Duración: 02h21s

     We are trying out this specific episode in regard to report current  events. Here is a list of links that we used as references in respect to  what we talked about:     https://immigration.findlaw.com/citiz...    https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Co...   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-can...   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-can...  

  • Episode 6

    23/02/2019 Duración: 02h19min

    On this episode we continue our chats of Hypergamy, Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks, discuss Democratic presidential nominees, and talk economics. We finally get the name of the podcast correct and add a little intro and outro music for people to enjoy. 

  • Episode 5

    20/02/2019 Duración: 02h34min

    The audio quality is getting better, thank you for tolerating the audio issues. 

  • Episode 4

    16/02/2019 Duración: 02h35min

    Here, Parth educates us on multiple economic concepts and our audio is a bit better. 

  • Episode 2

    16/02/2019 Duración: 03h01min

    More of a test episode, the quality of the audio will improve overtime. 

  • Episode 1

    16/02/2019 Duración: 02h05min

    More of a test episode, purchased a off the shelf microphone. Forgive the audio, it will improve as episodes continue.