Diabetes Discourse



The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased to more than 8% of the US population, and this growth trend is expected to continue. Advances in diabetes care remain at the forefront of treatment. Diabetes Discourse features the latest developments, from new insulin therapies to exciting research and promising technology.


  • Managing the Diabetic Athlete


    Guest: Sally Hara, MS, RD, CDE, CSSD Host: Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC Exercise is essential for controlling blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes but benefits also present a set of unique challenges to athletes. What are the concerns medical professionals should be aware of and monitor for their athletes living with diabetes? Join guest host Janice Baker and Sally Hara, certified specialist in sports dietetics, as they discuss prescribing exercise regimens for the diabetic athletes.

  • Screening, Diagnosis and Early Treatment for Diabetes and Pregnancy


    Guest: Lois Jovanovic, MD, MACE Host: Steven Edelman, MD Universal guidelines in screening, diagnosis and early treatment for diabetes and pregnancy are presenting opportunities for the physician and patient to better manage their diabetes and the health of the newborn babies. What are the standards and what is the clinical relevance? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, chief scientific officer of the Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, Dr. Lois Jovanovic, as they discuss the need to screen all pregnant women for diabetes.

  • After the Diet: Mindful Integration of Food and Behavior in Diabetes Management


    Host: Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC Guest: Monika Woolsey There are many challenges in overall diabetes management relative to a patients' mindful integration of food and behavior. What do healthcare professionals need to know to help their patients with diabetes better manage diet, stress and physical activity? Join guest host Janice Baker, CDE, RD and her guest, president and founder of "After The Diet" network, Monika Woolsey, RD, as they discuss the biochemistry and appetite regulation of diabetes and diet.

  • How Stress Factors Into Diabetes Management


    Guest: William Polonsky, PhD, CDE Host: Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC Stress is an integral element in the management of diabetes. What are key questions healthcare professionals can ask of their patients dealing with diabetes-related stress? Join guest host Janice Baker, CDE, RD and her guest, founder of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute, Dr. William Polonsky, as they discuss the basics of stress and diabetes and we can better help our patients living with diabetes.  

  • New Treatment Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes


    Guest: John Buse, MD, PhD Host: Steven Edelman, MD The recent American Diabetes Association / European Association for the Study of Diabetes consensus panel produced their treatment algorithm to control glycaemia in type 2 diabetes. How can healthcare professionals treating patients with type 2 diabetes provide additional prandial intervention to reach A1c targets? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Dr. John Buse, as they discuss the results of the glargine-exenatide combination study and its implications for a preferred treatment algorithm. 

  • Immune Interventions for Type 1 Diabetes


    Guest: Jay Skyler, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Can immune intervention stop the disease process of type 1 diabetes? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of medicine, pediatrics and psychology at the University of Miami, Dr. Jay Skyler, as they discuss the diagnosis, screening, testing and current immunotherapy research for the prevention and intervention of type 1 diabetes.    

  • Choosing Between Insulin and Incretin Therapies


    Guest: Vivian Fonseca, MD, FRCP Host: Steven Edelman, MD When should healthcare professionals treating patients with type 2 diabetes consider using insulin or incretin treatment or both? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, president-elect of the American Diabetes Association and professor of medicine at Tulane University, Dr. Vivian Fonseca, as they discuss comparative and contrasting effects of both insulin and incretin treatment, the incretin effect and the clinical efficacy and safety of incretin-based therapies.  

  • Pediatric Diabetes Research


    Guest: Alberto Hayek, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Diabetes research is the cornerstone for new opportunities in the treatment of patients living with diabetes. How will the newly formed Pediatric Diabetes Research Center serve this goal? Join guest host, certified diabetes educator Janice Baker and Dr. Alberto Hayek, professor of pediatrics and co-director of the UC San Diego's Pediatric Diabetes Research Center, as they discuss the need for collaboration in both biochemistry, molecular and cell-based therapies for the treatment of diabetes.

  • Approaching Patients with Diabetes from a Behavioral Perspective


    Guest: Amy Ozier, PhD, RD Host: Steven Edelman, MD The EADS (Eating and Appraisal Due to Emotions and Stress) questionnaire developed by Dr. Amy Ozier, registered dietitian and certified health education specialist, and assistant professor and facilitator of the Certificate of Graduate Study for Eating Disorders and Obesity at Northern Illinois University, helps healthcare professionals determine how psychological and physical factors modulate how much patients with diabetes eat. Does this tool help to bridge the gap when a psychologist is missing from a multi-disciplinary team?  Dr. Ozier joins host Dr. Steven Edelman to discuss overeating as a contributing factor in a patient's overall health, the impact of hyperglycemia and treatment that helps modulate behavior.

  • Where Do SGLT-2s Fit in the Treatment of Diabetes?


    Guest: Robert Henry, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD The potential benefits of a new class of medications, sodium-dependent glucose cotransporter-2 therapy (or SGLT-2s), for type 2 diabetes is promising, but where will they fit in the treatment of diabetes and what are the risks? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of medicine at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in San Diego, California, Dr. Robert Henry, as they discuss the mechanism, benefits and potential cardiovascular risks of this new class of medication.

  • Healthcare Reform and Implications for the Treatment of Diabetes


    Guest: Shereen Arent, JD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Healthcare reform will have significant implications for both patients living with diabetes and the healthcare professionals treating diabetic patients. How will healthcare reform impact current treatment, access and affordability? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, executive vice president of government affairs & advocacy of the American Diabetes Association, Shereen Arent, as they discuss the impact of reform to cost of patient care, current and future prevention programs and the Affordable Care Act.

  • Managing Diabetic Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy


    Guest: Craig Wargon, DPM Host: Steven Edelman, MD Patients with diabetes commonly need treatment for peripheral neuropathy. What are common symptoms and what should a physician be looking for in each patient visit? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, practicing physician in the division of podiatric surgery at Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Craig Wargon, as they discuss symptoms, treatment and the need to glycaemic control in patients with diabetes.    

  • The Centers for Disease Control’s Approach to Prevention of Diabetes


    Guest: Ann Albright, PhD, RD Host: Steven Edelman, MD The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is aggressively becoming hands-on in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. A new national diabetes prevention program is under way under the tutelage of previous successful clinical research and trials results. What can healthcare professionals treating patients with diabetes learn and how can they get involved? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, the director of the division of diabetes translation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Ann Albright, as they discuss the criteria for the National Diabetes Prevention Program.

  • Diabetes Research: Hope for a Cure in Stem Cells?


    Guest: Emmanuel Baetge, PhD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Current stem cell therapy research is leading the way into producing functional pancreatic, insulin-producing cells. How will this translate into clinical trials and human therapy for diabetes from a scale, delivery and efficacy position? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest Dr. Emmanuel Baetge, chief scientific officer of Viacyte, Inc., as they discuss the benefits of stem cell research therapy for diabetes.

  • Do We Need to Temper our Enthusiasm for Incretin-Based Therapy?


    Guest: Robert Cuddihy, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD There have been impressive results with incretin-based therapy for patients with type 2 diabetes: improved A1C, beta-cell preservation and weight loss are some of the benefits. But do healthcare professionals need to temper their enthusiasm for this novel therapy? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, medical director of the International Diabetes Center, Park Nicollet Health Services, Dr. Robert Cuddihy, as they discuss whether incretin-based therapy holds promise of a truly disease-modifying therapy.    

  • Do Women With Diabetes Have a Greater Risk of Cardiovascular Disease?


    Guest: Jennifer Green, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD What is known about the relationship between glucose control and cardiovascular disease in diabetes? The recent Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes (BARI 2D) trial provides some interesting results on the relationship between type 2 diabetes and silent myocardial infarction. Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, assistant professor of medicine in the division of endocrinology, metabolism and nutrition at Duke University, Dr. Jennifer Green, as they discuss the role of glycemic control to cardiovascular disease in both sexes.

  • Glycemic Control and Macrovascular Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes Using the Archimedes Model


    Guest: David Kendall, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD The assessment of intensive glycemic control in preventing cardiovascular disease is unclear. Discrepancies in recent clinical trials such as ACCORD, ADVANCE, PROactive and UKPDS 80 may reflect difference in study design and patients, versus glycemic control. How can using the Archimedes model illuminate this quandary? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, chief scientific and medical officer of the American Diabetes Association, Dr. David Kendall, as they discuss the effect of glycemic control on macrovascular outcomes in patients with diabetes.  

  • The Role of Incretins for In-Hospital Management


    Guest: Stanley Schwartz, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Guidelines that avoid the use of oral antidiabetes agents associated with hypoglycemia and weight gain are becoming increasingly popular in treating patients with diabetes. What are we learning about incretin-based therapies in both the intensive care and emergency medicine departments and perioperatively? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, associate professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Stanley Schwartz, as they discuss the surprising results in both intensive care, emergency medicine and perioperative periods using incretin-based therapies.  

  • The Need to Preserve Beta Cell Function Early


    Guest: Ralph A. DeFronzo, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD New information on the state of impaired glucose tolerance indicates that the level of beta cell loss is greater than once considered. New treatment regimens are being considered to combat both the insulin sensitivity and beta cell loss for type 2 diabetes. What do health care professionals need to understand about the critical first steps in both the assessment and treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center, Dr. Ralph DeFronzo, as they discuss the potential of early combination and triple therapy to preserve beta cell function.  

  • Current Guidelines for Inpatient Care of Patients With Diabetes


    Guest: Fred Toffel, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Are the current ADA guidelines for inpatient care enough in the management of patients with diabetes? How are areas such as identification, assessment, glycemic control and nutrition therapy integrated? How are we approaching optimal glycemic control for inpatient care? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, endocrinologist in Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Fred Toffel, as they discuss unique approaches to inpatient care for patients with diabetes.  

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