Diabetes Discourse



The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased to more than 8% of the US population, and this growth trend is expected to continue. Advances in diabetes care remain at the forefront of treatment. Diabetes Discourse features the latest developments, from new insulin therapies to exciting research and promising technology.


  • Closing the Loop: Progress on the Artificial Pancreas Project


    Guest: Aaron Kowalski, PhD Host: Steven Edelman, MD The Artificial Pancreas Project under the auspices of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is making strides towards closing the loop with improvements in communication between glucose sensors and external insulin pumps. What progress has been made in closing the loop in the development of the artificial pancreas? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, director of glucose control research at JDRF, Dr. Aaron Kowalski, as they discuss current systems and future development of the artificial pancreas.  

  • Dietary Energy Density, Energy Intake & Managing Obesity and Diabetes


    Guest: Barbara Rolls, PhD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Current studies are reflecting the relationship between dietary energy density and energy intake in the management of the obese and patients with diabetes. How can physicians learn to integrate diet strategies for weight management in their patients with diabetes? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of nutritional sciences at Penn State University, Dr. Barbara Rolls as they discuss the benefits of diets low in energy density and "volumetrics."

  • What is the Relationship Between Insulin Sensitivity and Puberty?


    Guest: Philip Zeitler, MD, PhD Host: Steven Edelman, MD The emergence of type 2 diabetes in both children and adolescents suggests a relationship between insulin sensitivity and puberty. What are we learning from recent studies and clinical research? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado, Dr. Philip Zeitler as they discuss recent studies and clinical data that may shed light on this relationship.

  • The Increasing Role of the Pharmacist in Diabetes Care


    Guest: Candis Morello, PharmD, CDE Host: Steven Edelman, MD The management of diabetes is a sophisticated multi-disciplinary approach. There are multiple benefits to both the physician treating diabetes patients and the patients themselves by increasing the role of the pharmacist to provide a collaborative approach to care and placing the patient at the center. Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, pharmacist from the Skaggs School of Pharmacy Sciences at the University of California, San Diego, Dr. Candis Morello, as they discuss the benefit of the increasing role of the pharmacist in the management of diabetes.

  • Can A Whole Grain Diet Help Manage Diabetes?


    Host: Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC Guest: Lorena Drago, MS, RD, CDN, CDE Whole grains have the potential to lower cholesterol as well as help manage blood glucose levels. What is the advantage of a whole grain diet in the management of diabetes? Join guest host registered dietitian Janice Baker and her guest, certified diabetes educator Lorena Drago, as they discuss the myths and facts of a whole grain diet in the management of diabetes.

  • The Relationship Between Diabetes and Periodontal Disease


    Guest: Tim Garofolo, DDS Host: Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC Periodontitis is considered the sixth major diabetes-related complication. What do healthcare professionals need to know to help their patients with diabetes? Join guest host and registered dietitian Janice Baker and her guest, dentist in San Diego, California, Dr. Timothy Garofolo, as they discuss symptoms, prevention and the management of diabetes-related periodontal disease.

  • The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Patients With Diabetes


    Guest: Jim Flood Host: Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC It is well established that exercise is a critical component in the management of diabetes, but many diabetes patients struggle with exercise. Physical therapists are the "exercise experts" in the guidance of patients' overall care. What are the benefits of physical therapy for patients living with diabetes? Join guest host, Janice Baker, RD, CDE, and her guest, physical therapist in San Diego, California, Jim Flood, as they discuss the benefits of designing an exercise plan for their patients.

  • Improving the Care and Management of Hispanics with Diabetes


    Guest: Carlos Campos, MD, MPH Host: Steven Edelman, MD Healthcare professionals treating Hispanic patients with diabetes need to be rigorous in monitoring and treating this disease. Special considerations are required to address adherence issues and cultural norms. How can physicians learn to care and manage this growing population? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, executive director for the Institute for Public Health & Education Research at the University of Texas Health Sciences, Dr. Carlos Campos, as they discuss the unique opportunities in managing and treating diabetes in the Hispanic population.  

  • The Certified Diabetes Educator: A Key Role in the Diabetes Team


    Guest: Angela Norton, RN, CDE, PHN Host: Steven Edelman, MD Diabetes educators focus on helping patients living with diabetes and related conditions achieve behavior change goals and lead to better clinical outcomes and improved health status. How has the role of the certified diabetes educator changed in the management of diabetes? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, diabetes educator at SHARP Healthcare, Angela Norton, as they discuss the benefits and increasing role of the diabetes educator in the management of diabetes.

  • Gastric Surgery for Bypassing Type 2 Diabetes


    Guest: Francesco Rubino, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Gastrointestinal surgery for the morbid obese has long been an option in treatment, providing positive long-lasting results such as normal blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels and the discontinuation of diabetes-related medications. Is type 2 diabetes an operable intestinal disease? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, chief of gastrointestinal metabolic surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College, Dr. Francesco Rubino, as they discuss the implications of metabolic surgery for type 2 patients.

  • Initiating Insulin Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes


    Guest: Anne Peters, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Initiating insulin therapy for type 2 patients provides its own set of challenges and opportunities. New insulin preparations and a better understanding of insulin physiology may provide physicians more options in effectively tailoring insulin therapy to the needs of their patients. Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, director of clinical diabetes programs at the University of Southern California, Dr. Anne Peters, as they discuss the benefits of initiating insulin therapy for type 2 patients.

  • Addressing the Unique Challenges for Elderly Patients with Diabetes


    Guest: Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC Host: Steven Edelman, MD The prevalence of type 2 diabetes increases with age, with an estimated 8.6 million Americans over the age of 60 diagnosed with diabetes, and a growing number at-risk for developing diabetes with age. Our elderly face unique diabetes management challenges. Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, registered dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Janice Baker, as they discuss the unique challenges in caring for our elderly patients with diabetes.

  • Integrative Medicine and Managing Diabetes


    Host: Steven Edelman, MD Guest: Erminia (Mimi) Guarneri, MD, FACC, ABOIM Integrative medicine appears to be an effective approach to the overall management of patients living with diabetes. Host Dr. Steven Edelman's guest, founder and medical director of the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in La Jolla, California, Dr. Mimi Guarneri, stresses that the more a patient puts in, the more they get out of an integrative medicine program. They discuss an integrative approach to risk modification and disease management focused on reducing stress, improving emotional state, increasing fitness, maximizing nutrition, and reducing dependence on medications.

  • The Benefits of Moderate Weight Loss in Diabetes


    Guest: Ken Fujioka, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Patients with type 2 diabetes struggle to lose or maintain weight, especially with particular therapies. What are some of the successful therapeutic interventions available for overweight patients with type 2 diabetes? What are the potential health effects of the loss of even 5 to 10 pounds for these patients? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, director of the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center and director of the center for Weight Management at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California, Dr. Ken Fujioka, as they discuss the role that weight plays in the aetiology of diabetes and its particular benefits.

  • The Benefits of TZDs for Early Type 2 Diabetes


    Guest: John (Jack) L. Leahy, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Where do thiazolidinediones, or TZD's, fit in our clinical approach to treating patients with type 2 diabetes? TZD's used early in the course of the disease seem to be a powerful therapy with a substantial reduction in the progression of type 2 diabetes. What does this tell us about the pathogenesis of diabetes? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of medicine and chief of the division of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism of the University of Vermont, Dr. Jack Leahy, as they discuss the pathogenesis of diabetes and the role of thiazolidinediones in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.    

  • Addressing the Global Diabetes Epidemic


    Guest: Francine Kaufman, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Diabetes has moved from being a disease of developed countries to a disease in developing countries such as India and Asia. What are some of the cultural influences surround this growing epidemic? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of medicine at the University of Southern California, Dr. Francine Kaufman, as they discuss the new challenges to this growing global epidemic.

  • Advances in Continuous Glucose Monitoring


    Guest: Timothy Bailey, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Continuous glucose monitoring is an effective tool in the management of both type 1 diabetes and insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes patients. However, barriers and challenges remain for both the healthcare provider and patient. Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, director of the Advanced Metabolic Care + Research Institute, Dr. Timothy Bailey, as they discuss the benefits of and advances in continuous glucose monitoring.

  • Oral Agents for Diabetes: What to Choose and When


    Guest: Andrew Ahmann, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD We now have many choices of oral agents in the treatment of type 2 diabetes patients. But choosing the type and where they fit in the treatment algorithm can be a challenge. Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, director of the Harold Schnitzer Diabetes Health Center, Dr. Andrew Ahmann, as they discuss the different classes of oral agents, benefits and treatment algorithms in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

  • Skin Care for Patients Living with Diabetes


    Guest: Janet Trowbridge Host: Steven Edelman, MD There are a number of skin conditions that affect people with diabetes: xerosis, acanthosis nigrican, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum and more. What do healthcare providers need to know to diagnose and treat their patients? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, dermatologist specializing in diabetes, Dr. Janet Trowbridge, as they discuss skin conditions in patients with diabetes.

  • Challenges in Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetes in Asian Americans


    Guest: Richard Arakaki, MD Host: Steven Edelman, MD Diabetes affects populations differently; diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Are there unique characteristics of Asian Americans with diabetes or pre-diabetes? Join host Dr. Steven Edelman and his guest, professor of medicine at the University of Hawaii, Dr. Richard Arakaki as they discuss unique challenges and barriers for healthcare professionals managing diabetes in Asian American patients.

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