Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing



If you want to write and publish a book ... if you want to know the latest in book marketing strategies ... if you want to know what tools an author should be using ... and if you want to be successful as an author, Author YOU - Your Guide to Book Publishing with Dr. Judith Briles ... Everything You Want to Know, But Didn't Know What to Ask is for you. You will hear about statistics, scenarios and strategies on what to do now! Judith features a variety of experts, besides herself, that are visionaries in publishing, book marketing experts, book design experts--anything that will get your book and YOU as the author--to the next, next level of success. Sometimes, it's one step at at time; others you will leap frog up the ladder. As The Book Shepherd, Dr. Judith Briles is in and each week. She will include publishing professionals that will reveal tips and secrets to the author's journey. If there is a book in you, then you will want to listen and learn each and every week.


  • How to Protect Your Book from Pirates & Theft12-15-2022

    16/12/2022 Duración: 59min

    Woot ... this was the #3 most downloaded and listened to episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing with over 150,000 downloads. It's all about book theft and protection. Judith's Truthiness: you need author protection ... a nosey author is kryptonite to any book thief. Cheryl Obermiller, author of FraudPoints joins AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing host Dr. Judith Briles for an eye ... and ear ... opening podcast. Takeaways include: • Why authors must think like a thief does. • Steps to take when piracy occurs. • How to follow your book title online. • 4 things to do every day to protect you and your book. • What is copyright infringement? • Tips for authors to take immediately when piracy occurs. • What to do with Amazon if your book is stolen by pirates and thieves. • Why and why to register with the US Copyright office. And, of course, much more. Listen in ... this is a podcast for authors you can't afford to miss. Remember: a nosey author is kryptonite to a book thief. If you don’t

  • How to Find Money & Grants for Authors and Writers 12-08-2022

    09/12/2022 Duración: 59min

    Would you like to find Grants to Support Your Writing and Publishing? Bet you might. Woot ... this was the #4 most downloaded and listened to episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with over 150,000 downloads in 2022. It's all about money, author support, and what resources to approach. If you would like financial support, it's time to discover Funds for Writers with C. Hope Clark. There are lots of myths ... and facts ... for writers in applying for and obtaining a grant. If you want a guide at your side, this episode of AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. - Get tips and tools for finding grants. - How to understand the guidelines. - Where to start your search for available funds. - Grants aren't for newbies--donors want experienced authors to support. -Tips on "tripper" words to avoid when applying. -Why you want to create a "what I will do with the money" in your application. As always, there are lots of nuggets on the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing

  • LinkedIN Pizazz, Power and POP for Authors 12-01-2022

    02/12/2022 Duración: 58min

    It’s LinkedIn Power Forward Woot ... this was the #5 most downloaded and listened to episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with over 130,000 downloads in 2022. It's all about essential spots on this powerhouse platform for authors to use. Marketing and writing with heart, not hype, direct response copywriter, marketing mentor and author of the award-winning book, Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget, Debra Jason joins podcast host Dr. Judith Briles for another deep-dive into all things new on LinkedIn. As with many social networking platforms, now and again LinkedIn® makes changes that affect your profile and your visibility. Join AuthorYou as Debra Jason shares updates that have taken place on the network and why you may, or may not, want to take advantage of them. During the podcast you’ll explore: • How do you get access to LinkedIn Live and Newsletters? • How you can reach a larger audience (according to LinkedIn). • What is Creator Mode? Is it for you? • Are hashtag

  • Knowing Your Author Rights-Avoid Getting Sued 11-24-2022

    25/11/2022 Duración: 58min

    Do YOU Know Your Author Rights? It's crystal ball time ... time to open up authors' glazing eyes when it comes to the legal stuff surround publishing and author rights. With AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast host Dr. Judith Briles, is publishing attorney Jonathan Kirsch and author of 13 books for the hour. Takeaways include: - What are the legal risks that an author takes when publishing a book? - Is changing names and descriptions enough in a manuscript? - When does copyright protection begin? - Should authors contact an attorney to “vet” a manuscript? - What rights does an author own and control in his or her work? - Why and when does an author need an attorney? - From a legal perspective, what kind of books are most likely to draw a lawsuit?  And lots more. It moves fast—join in and learn ... and plan for 2023. If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Host Judith Briles has lots to share in this episode of

  • Writing for Kids - Working with Schools 11-17-2022

    18/11/2022 Duración: 58min

    Do you want your books in schools? Libraries? How about working with someone and creating a collaborative book that lands in both? How about writing for juveniles? That's what bestselling author Jane Wood did with Kathryn Knight in the creation of Finding Family Treasure. Genealogy for kids and the research behind it. Jane joins the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast for a fast hour on juvenile writing, engaging the reader plus teachers and librarians, and much more. Takeaways include: - How to partner with an expert our of an author's genre/norm. - Steps you need from beginning to final book. - How to get kids input from the get-go. - Why it's a MUST to include diversity and tips on how to do it. - How to find teachers resources. - How to get teachers and librarians behind the book before it's ever published. Join in ... you will learn a lot!

  • Myth Busting about Hybrid Publishing 11-10-2022

    11/11/2022 Duración: 58min

    Let's talk Hybrid Publishing. The Myths and the Truthiness. Joining Dr. Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd is Teri Rider, CEO of Top Reads Publishing, a hybrid publisher that creates a publishing plan and portal for its clients. Takeaways include: - What is a hybrid publisher. - Myth Busting about Hybrid Publishing. - Tips for identifying legitimate Hybrid publishers. - What to expect in timelines for Hybrid publishing, - What to expect in costs of Hybrid publishing. - How to identify red flags in Hybrid publishing. All this and much on this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast.

  • 21 Author & Book Blunders to Avoid 11-3-2022

    04/11/2022 Duración: 57min

    Are you guilty ... of tripping over mistakes and snafus—blunders that could have been avoided in the author’s walk to publishing? Most are. In this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast, publishing expert, author of 43 books, and podcast host Dr. Judith Briles starts weaving the path of author and publishing potholes to avoid. Your takeaways include: - Tips for grasping and implementing the business of publishing. - Tips for working with contracts with others, including termination. - Tips for using endorsements—when to and where to place them. - Tips for how to get and use music lyrics. - Tips for recognizing seducing publishing predators. - Tips for creating the author’s personal author and book plans. And of course, much more. If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Judith Briles has lots to share in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast.

  • Author Trends Coming for 2023 10-27-2022

    28/10/2022 Duración: 57min

    It's crystal ball time ... time to open up authors' glazing eyes to review and then plan forward. With AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast host Dr. Judith Briles, award-winning cover ad book designer Rebecca Finkel joins her for the hour. Takeaways include: -What book cover trends are. - When is the best time to release a book. - How to coordinate the visuals in book design, swag, and branding. - Using QR codes. - Ways to keep file maintenance sane. It moves fast--join in and learn and have fun ... and plan for 2023.

  • The Power of Questions in Writing & Speaking 10-20-2022

    21/10/2022 Duración: 58min

    Do you know that the power of creating the right questions starts with your personal observance--what you see ... what you hear? In this episode of AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast, author Christine Kahane joins host Dr. Judith Briles in an engaging journey of creating the right questions at the right time AND for creating balance in awkward and sometimes not so fun times. Takeaways include: - How to start with curiosity. - Tips for avoiding the deadly "why" and the equally deadly "don't" beginning a question or statement. - How to find the compassionate "ask". - How to aim for clarity. - How to get "bold" when ask questions of a "dangerous audience" of "subject". You will come away with the Art of the Question, the Art of Deep Listening, and the Art of Being Present. It's a different AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast ... a difference that is good!

  • Author Smarts: Editing and Self-Editing 10-13-2022

    14/10/2022 Duración: 57min

    Author Smarts: Editing and Self-Editing What is self-editing? It’s more than just using spell check and the edit feature in your Word software. There are a variety of stages in “self-editing” before a manuscript goes to publication in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with host Judith Briles and her guest Carolyne Ruck. The episode starts with a simple question: What do you do when you “finish” writing your manuscript? The answer includes celebrating ... then putting your manuscript in a drawer and send your Inner Critic on a vacation for up to a month. Other takeaways include: - When you can edit yourself. - When to bring in outside editors. - Why you should be stepping away from your finished manuscript. - What you should be doing when your manuscript is in the drawer. - What are sensitivity readers and when do you use them. - Why manuscripts should be printed out. - What you do when your manuscript comes out of the drawer. - Differences in editing fiction and nonfiction

  • Writing Children’s Books Are Not Child’s Play 10-06-2022

    07/10/2022 Duración: 56min

    Writing Children’s Books Are Not Child’s Play What is a children’s book? It’s more than just a “fairy tale.” There are six main areas for children’s books—Board, Picture, Early, Chapter, Middle, Young Adult plus comic and graphic novels. Each has age ranges and page ranges. For the self and indie authors, the two areas to usually avoid are Board books and Early Reader books. Editor and children’s expert Carolyne Ruck dives into: -Myths about children’s book. -What the current realities of the children’s market is. -Why “sensitivity” readers should be used. -Tips for becoming a children’s author. -Identifying what groups to get help from. -Why it’s important to hang out with kids the age authors are writing for. -Why story time at libraries and bookstores are ideal research sites. -What the Own Voices Movement is. If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Host Judith Briles has lots to share in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Gu

  • The Author Platform 09-29-2022

    30/09/2022 Duración: 57min

    Have you ever wondered what best-selling authors have that you don't? Have you ever wondered what are they doing to get their books on the bestseller lists? Have you ever wondered what is their secret? Wonder no more ... the answer is, in two words: AUTHOR PLATFORM. Your platform has very little to do with the actual book or books you have written. When you get your author platform in place, you sell more books, make more money, and grow a lasting fanbase. As it builds, it is a good indication of how many people have read your work, bought your books, subscribed to your emails, read your blog posts, or followed you on social media. Your takeaways include: • What a platform is. • How to get other authors and influencers to promote you and your book to their audiences... even if they don't know you from Adam today. • How to optimize your Amazon Author Central page so it makes you money • How to gain new readers and sales with Goodreads that 99% of other authors just don't know how to do Your platform inc

  • Essential Tips for Authors & Indie Bookstores 09-22-2022

    23/09/2022 Duración: 58min

    Authors always have questions about bookstores starting with: Will they carry my book? Host Dr.Judith Briles The Book Shepherd delivers an informative AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with the Colorado and visionary owner Nicole Sullivan of the BookBar and Bookies on: -tips for launching a book, -where to launch a book, -tips for partnering with a bookstore, -dos and don'ts in approaching a bookstore, -how to work with local bookstores, -how to create a festive book launch, -who to -what to include in a proposal to a bookstore ...and oodles more. Tune in for a must-add for your author success in working with independent bookstores, the life of a community.

  • Protecting Authors from Fraud 09-15-2022

    16/09/2022 Duración: 58min

    Cheryl Obermiller, author of FraudPoints joins AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing host Dr. Judith Briles for an eye... and ear ... opening podcast. Takeaways include: -Steps to take when piracy occurs. -What is copyright infringement? -Tips for authors to take immediately when piracy occurs. -What to do with Amazon if your book is stolen by pirates and thieves. -Why and why to register with the US Copyright office. And, of course, much more. Listen in ... this is a podcast for authors you can't afford to miss.

  • Author Speaking Must Haves - part 2 09-08-2022

    09/09/2022 Duración: 58min

    Are you dancing the Cash Cow Two-Step? In my option, you should be! Get ready to fast-forward podcast to move you into book sales...big book sales. With the Cash Cow Two-Step, you will use your awesome words and wisdom, to create a presentation, program, or speech--be it 15 minutes or all day that will create raving fans. -Would you like to move caseloads of books at full price? -Would you like to have your phone ring with the messenger saying, “Are you available to speak ...?” -Are you ready to step up and out and move forward? I'm your dancing instructor, doing the Cash Cow- Two-Step in 50 US states and 20 foreign countries ... let's try out your steps in the latest episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast.

  • Website Tabs for Speaking Success Part I 09-01-2022

    02/09/2022 Duración: 58min

    For a Speaker or Speaker-to-be, a website is a must-have. What’s on yours? Within it should be a Speaking Tab. Within the Speaking Tab are essentials ... must-haves that meeting planners are looking for. If they are missing ... you may end up missing on a future program. Dr. Judith Briles is solo this week and next where she focuses on what she calls the Cash Cow 2-Step. Your takeaways include: -The essentials that all Speaker websites need. -Why your Speaker One Sheet creates a “stand out.” -How a Fun Fact sheet can be a tipping point. -How to sell books without pitching them. And of course, much more. If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Judith Briles has lots to share in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast.

  • Writing Crystal Clear Characters with Color 08-25-2022

    26/08/2022 Duración: 58min

    Hey authors ... do your readers know your characters quickly? The answer is most don't. It's time for clarity in your character writing and do it with distinction, delineations, and dimension. Bestselling author Mara Purl joins Dr. Judith Briles, host of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast for a lively and informative hour to rock your writing. It's time for Writing Crystal Clear Characters with Color.

  • Zooming Tips for Participants & Presenters 08-18-2022

    19/08/2022 Duración: 58min

    Are you Zooming? As a guest? As a presenter. AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast host Dr. Judith Briles reveals a series of Do and Don't tips for being a PRESENTER as well as a PARTICIPANT in this fast hour. Online meets are here to stay. Your takeaways include: -how to avoid making participants Zoomsick -tips for the Zoom dashboard -when to drink and eat ... and when to avoid -what to wear -background calm or chaos -what not to do on a chat -lighting tips and of course, much more AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for authors and writers who want to be seriously successful.

  • Writing with Heart and Voice 08-11-2022

    12/08/2022 Duración: 58min

    Tis time to sharpen your writing style on this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with host Dr. Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd, and her guest Sally Chetwynd. Your take aways include: -How to capture "the heart" of your writing. -How to deal with the fear of failure. -How to swim against the cultural riptide. -Tips for pronoun grammar. -How to feed personal experience into your story. -Tips on how to be a successful writer. -Resources on the writing craft that won't intimidate hesitant writers. And of course, much more. Listen in.

  • Essential Tips on Publishing with a Purpose 08-04-2022

    05/08/2022 Duración: 58min

    Publishing with a Purpose is the smart thing for authors to embrace ... to do. This episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with host Dr. Judith Briles and her guest Tara Alemany will reveal: - The different models of publishing today. - How to understand the cost so publishing today. -What your rights of an author are. -What to expect when you are publishing expecting. -Why you should only grant an exclusive license ... never exclusive rights on your books. -How to figure out and negotiate better discounts on book purchases from a publisher. -Know the essential questions you need to ask before entering any contract with a publisher. The above ... and so much more with the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. Listen in.

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