Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen



A weekly podcast with Bradley Grinnen to help you change your life in 10 minutes.


  • Episode 23 - How to Solve Your Problems and Take Action Now

    01/02/2016 Duración: 09min

    Why is it that endless amounts of information and knowledge have never been more available and yet we still find ourselves searching for solutions?  Many times the answers to our most pressing questions are right in front of us but we aren't sure how to take that information and use it in a way to solve our personal problems?  There is an answer to almost any question available online to anyone who can find a means to connect to the internet.  Solutions for relationships, job skills, remodeling, finances, healthy eating, exercise, psychology, resume building, education, marketing, branding, etc., are at our fingertips.  And yet, in this moment, we all have issues that we haven't been able to resolve.You already have the knowledge to solve your biggest problem already.  You aren't stuck because of a lack of information.  You're stuck because of the way you think and feel.  You know the way forward and the solution for your

  • Episode 22 - How to Be Your Own Hero Part 2

    25/01/2016 Duración: 10min

    Listen to excerpts of my in depth interview with Naim.  We walk through Be Your Own Hero in great depth and take a critical look at what it means for Naim to be the hero of his story.  As we walk through the 12 principles and stages found in the 3 Acts of the Hero's Journey, you will be able to better understand how to Be Your Own Hero and find the insights necessary to Own Your Life on a much deeper level.If you would like to listen to the full interview, it can be found HERE.  This interview takes you through Be Your Own Hero and as you listen you will be able to...Discover insights into your own circumstance.Take full responsibility for your life and outcomes.Identify exactly where you are in your journey.Clearly know the road ahead, including your next step.Create a detailed action plan to begin executing immediatelyThis will lead you to the actions that will create the life you desire most.  A fulfilled life.Own Your Life Podcast i

  • Episode 21 -How to Be Your Own Hero

    18/01/2016 Duración: 15min

    Your life is your story.  In your story, only you can be the hero.  No one else can do that for you. Others can help, guide, mentor, coach or support you, but they are the hero of their own story, not yours.  When you accept that you are the only one who can play that critical role in your life, pathways open that can take you almost anywhere you want to go. Be Your Own Hero reveals the major scenes that play out in act 1, 2, and 3.  Once you know exactly where you are in your particular story, you can identify what must come next for you in order to be the hero and move forward with the particular storyline that you are a part of at present.  Whether its work, relationships, family or major life struggles, once you know what must come next you have the confidence to proceed.  You also become aware that there is more going on to life than meets the eye and learn how to move in this world in a way that is uniquely your own

  • Episode 20 - A New and Powerful Way to Think About Resolutions

    13/01/2016 Duración: 11min

    I used to hate to make goals and resolutions for a new year.  I had gotten so used to failing to reach my goals and resolutions that I stopped doing them.  I hated the idea of goals because it felt like having a goal and writing it down was the most concrete way to determine that I was a failure once I couldn't reach my goal.  I dreaded making resolutions because even the process made me feel like a complete and total failure.  Until I did this one thing.  I learned how to align my goals with what I truly wanted in soul and spirit.  Once I learned to cast off the expectations of others and my misplaced desires, I was able to come up with goals that I truly wanted.  Instead of feeling like I didn't have the motivation or wondering if there was something wrong with me... I asked 3 questions.  Do I really want the goals and resolutions I came up with.  Are they truly aligned with my soul?  What do I truly want

  • Episode 19 - One Simple Question to Give You More Leverage and Power in 2016

    04/01/2016 Duración: 06min

    Here is one simple question to give you more leverage and power in 2016.  How can I best serve you in 2016?  What can I do for you?  Is there something you're struggling with and you are looking for answers and a way forward?  Does something have you stuck and you don't know how to move on?  Are there areas of your life that you've always wanted to grow in but you aren't sure how?  Do you have an idea that I could implement that would help you on a regular basis to make the kind of changes and live the kind of life you want?  Leave a comment below with your thoughts.You can be as specific and focused on your self as you want!  Or you can share broad and general ideas as well.  I value all feedback.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes   If you feel it's too personal to share, please email me here.

  • Episode 18 - How to Protect Your Relationship from Failure

    21/12/2015 Duración: 11min

    Are you in a romantic relationship that feels like it's hit a bit of a rough patch?  Maybe you have some troubles, or the two of you are fighting regularly, or you're not on the same page right now and you don't feel as fulfilled as you once did?  Or maybe you're afraid that things are coming to an end.  On a deeper level, you may be wondering if you have what it takes to participate in a thriving and fulfilling relationship.  Have you ever asked yourself if something in you is broken when it comes to romance?  In this week's episode I share with you the one question that can change everything in your relationship and protect it from failure.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes here

  • Episode 17 - The Best Way to Move Forward When You Don't Feel Ready

    13/12/2015 Duración: 08min

    Do you have a dream that you continually put off because you feel like you're just not ready yet?  Is there something that you've been wanting to do for awhile but you've said, 'I'm just not ready to do that?'  Maybe you've been wanting to change jobs, start your own business, create art, ask someone out, or take your relationship to the next level... but you keep putting it off because you think  you need to know more or have more experience.  We've all been there.  But saying 'I'm not ready yet' is simply an excuse.  If you look deeper inside you'll probably find that you're being held up by fear.  Fear of failure, success, embarrassment, or discovering that you don't have what it takes... that you aren't enough.  I offer two simple steps to help you move past the fear and make your dreams a reality when you don't feel like you're ready. Proving, that you do have what it takes.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and pr

  • Episode 16 - How to Have 'Difficult' Conversations and Resolve Conflict

    07/12/2015 Duración: 14min

    We all have people in our lives that we have a certain amount of unsettled business in our relationship.  We know what needs to happen, a difficult conversation, but instead we opt for avoidance or awkward encounters because we fear conflict.  In this episode of the Own Your Life Podcast, we discuss 8 reasons why we avoid the conflict that comes with difficult conversations and how to move past them to resolve the issues.  Finding the courage to resolve the conflict will bring deeper and more meaningful relationships and grow us in ways we often wouldn't normally choose.  Listen in and see if there isn't a chance for you to raise the quality of your relationships.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 15 - Dr. Chris Hawley Interview on Whole Health, Inspiration and The Healthy Way to Eat a Donut


    In the second edition of the Interview Episodes of the Own Your Life Podcast, Bradley interviews Dr. Chris Hawley.  Dr. Chris is the spokes person and co-creator of SEITY, which seeks to help people reach their potential through a whole health perspective.  Dr. Chris's background is in sports medicine and family practice.  He has worked with the top professional athletes, olympic athletes and the nation's largest collegiate athletic department.In this interview we cover... the 'spirit genome', how to change your body through your mind and spirit, how to be inspired, connecting to your core values, the healthy way to eat a donut, overcoming the 'I'm not smart enough' syndrome, dipping your tragedies in the pool of greatness, the difference between whole health and holistic medicine, and more.The Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. Subsribe in Itunes

  • Episode 14 - Amazing Tool Guaranteed to Unlock the Power of Gratitude

    23/11/2015 Duración: 12min

    So often we are told about the power of gratitude and how it can change our lives.  Yet when we make our list of things we are grateful for, often it doesn't make much of a difference in our everyday lives.  In this episode of the Own Your Life Podcast we share a simple exercise that can be used to change everything you know about the power of gratitude.  You can use this tool to re-center or ground yourself, raise your energy levels, and transform your emotional state immediately.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 13 - How to Increase Your Choices and Have More Freedom

    16/11/2015 Duración: 11min

    Do you ever feel like you have limited choices, none of which you're satisfied with?  As you're trying to make significant changes to better your life, do you ever feel that it isn't going to work out, even before you start?  In this episode of the Own Your Life Podcast we look at the overcoming that feeling that you just don't have what it takes... that you aren't enough, and reveal the foundational principle that changes everything.  This one principle will help you deepen your relationships, have more fulfillment in your work, and bring you a sense of freedom that you may never even imagined possible before.  There is a warning however.  This will cost you in action, work, sacrifice, and may cause you to face some pain that you've been avoiding. The Freedom you will gain, however, will be worth it.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 12 - Do This One Thing to Raise the Quality of Your Relationships

    09/11/2015 Duración: 09min

    In this episode of the Own Your Life Podcast we examine why we want to be liked by others so much and why it's imperative that we allow people to see who we truly are.  From our deepest friendships to our romantic partners, our relationships will suffer and fail if we don't intentionally choose to be ourselves.  Conversely, if we show up, own our truth, and reveal all of who we are, we raise the quality of our relationships and the quality of our life across the boards.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 11 - When You Don't Know What to Do Next

    02/11/2015 Duración: 10min

    Do you ever feel stuck?  Do you have times where you aren't sure what to do next?  In this episode of the Own Your Life Podcast we share three things to do when you aren't sure what the next step is.  We explore how to get clear about what you want and how to get it.Own Your Life Podcast is Edited and Produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 10 - How to Get Your Partner to Change

    26/10/2015 Duración: 10min

    Are there changes you wish your partner or spouse would make?  Are you struggling to decide if it's time to leave someone?  How do you make the person you love change their behavior? This week on the Own Your Life Podcast we discuss how to determine if you should stay or go and what to do when you want your partner to change.The Own Your Life Podcast is produced and edited by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 9 - When You Have to Do Something You Don't Want to Do

    20/10/2015 Duración: 11min

    Have you ever had to do something that you just didn't want to do?  How do you handle those situations?  Are you miserable the whole time, complaining in your head continually until it's done?  This week on the Own Your Life Podcast we discover a few different ways to change our mental, emotional and physical state so that we can own those moments and make an impact on ourselves and the world around us.Own Your Life Podcast is produced and edited by  Gregg Nordin. Subscribe In Itunes

  • Episode 8 - Mantras Part 3 - How to Create a Mantra in Two Simple Steps

    12/10/2015 Duración: 12min

    This week on the Own Your Life Podcast we learn how to create a Mantra in two simple steps.  In the process, we explore how creating and using the most basic mantra can have exponential effects on reducing stress and anxiety in our lives.Own Your Life Podcast is produced and edited by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe In Itunes

  • Episode 7 - Mantras Part 2 - The Science Behind Mantras and Forming a New Identity

    05/10/2015 Duración: 11min

    What if you could change your thoughts about yourself?  What if you could actually change the way you view yourself and how you self-identify?  This week on the Own Your Life Podcast we get a little more in depth on the science behind Mantras and how to use them to stop old and limiting thought patterns and create new ones that form a new identity.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by  Gregg Nordin.  Subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 6 - Mantras Part 1 - Rewire Your Brain Using Mantras

    28/09/2015 Duración: 09min

    This week on the Own Your Life Podcast we discuss what a mantra is and how we can use them to rewire your brain.  We dispel myths about positive thinking and offer a proven method to reprogram our neural pathways to help to change our identity.Own Your Life Podcast is Edited and Produced by Gregg Nordin.   Subscribe in itunes

  • Episode 5 - Mike McHargue Interview: AKA 'Science Mike'

    23/09/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    This week, in our first edition of 'The Interview Episodes', we sat down with Science Mike McHargue of 'The Liturgists' and 'Ask Science Mike'.  We covered everything from bio-feedback and re-programming the brain to how Mike overcame huge challenges, like excessive bullying early in his life, to get to the place he is today.  Mike helps people know God in an age of incredible scientific insight.  He was an executive at an international marketing firm by the age of 25.  He had created and sold 3 businesses before that. He turned down job offers from Steve Jobs a ridiculous amount of times.  Mike's first book is coming out in 2016 and I will go on record to say that it will be a best seller.Own Your Life Podcast is edited and produced by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe in iTunes   Show notes for Own Your Life Podcast Mike on Twitter - @mikemchargueAsk Science Mike Podcast - you can submit your questions for 'Ask Science Mike'

  • Episode 4 - How To Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up

    21/09/2015 Duración: 10min

    This week on the Own Your Life Podcast we explore the windy path to fulfillment and success.  We discuss the 'messiness' that life brings our way and how to stay on track when we get discouraged.  We also share three things you can do to see your projects and endeavors become a success.  Own Your Life Podcast is Edited and Produced by Gregg Nordin Subscribe In iTunes

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