Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca



Couch Talk w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca is an intimate place for intimate conversation about tackling menopause, hormonal imbalance, and sexual health issues with grace and ease. Join Dr. Anna and the world's top experts, and discover how to naturally burn fat, boost energy, sleep better and stop hot flashes the Keto-Green way!


  • How To Speed Start The Keto Diet

    08/03/2020 Duración: 48min

    There is so much information, and misinformation, out there about what the best way to eat is. We think that you need to figure out the diet and lifestyle that works best for YOU. Brad Kearns joins me to talk about following the Keto diet, fasting, micro-exercising. Brad explains how you can speed start the Keto diet by following his tips. Particularly, it is about being very strict right from the start: no sugars or processed carbs! Brad also mentions the type of people who shouldn’t follow the Keto diet. We are both big believers in how incredible fasting, both intermittent and for days at a time, is for your productivity. Brad says that humans perform at their highest in a fasted state, and I have to agree - I actually fast for a few days before making any big decision as I feel I’m in my most mentally clear state. Brad talks about the benefit of micro-workouts, especially in our modern society. Micro-workouts are small bursts of exercise throughout that keep your baseline fitness built-up at all times. Pe

  • How to Be Confident As Fu*k

    01/03/2020 Duración: 57min

    While confidence is a natural state of being for a lot of people, it is something that you can learn even if it doesn’t come easily to you. Elle Russ, writer and author of Confidence as Fu*k, joins me to talk about what led her to pursue confidence as a career. There are so many different ways to be confident. And for so many confident people, they’re at the top of their game. This doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t pitfalls to having innate confidence and Elle explains what some of these are. We also talk about how you can be confident in one area of your life, such as your career, but not others, such as parenthood. Elle shares about her disability and the shame that she felt when she initially received her lifelong diagnosis. It wasn’t until she started opening up and talking about her disability that her confidence started to grow back. She quickly found out that by taking the power of her shame away that she was able to live a happier and healthier life, exploring the paths she thought she’d never

  • This Is Your Brain On Birth Control

    23/02/2020 Duración: 49min

    Your brain on birth control can have some pretty horrific side effects on your body. That’s why, when you’re considering going on the birth control pill, you need to research the current evidence out there, weigh up the pros and cons, and make an educated decision. Sarah E. Hill, author of This is Your Brain on Birth Control, joins me to talk about what actually happens to our bodies when we’re on the pill. Sarah is a psychologist who specialized in studying women’s health and the birth control pill, in particular, after she noticed some changes to her body when she came off it. The biggest thing she discovered was that being on the pill actually damped her personality traits - coming off it allowed her actual likes, loves, quirks, and dislikes to shine through again. Sarah explains what role cortisol has in our bodies. We’re often scared into thinking cortisol is such a negative hormone, but actually, it has a lot of positive actions. When we’re taking the birth control pill, however, it’s almost like our bo

  • The Power Of Clean Eating & Dirty Sex

    09/02/2020 Duración: 31min

    Our previous sexual experiences, even traumas, don’t have to define our approach to sexuality as we get older. As Oprah says, trauma is an explanation, not an excuse. Lisa Davis, the author of Clean Eating, Dirty Sex, joins me today to talk about releasing past traumas through clean eating and self-love. Lisa explains how we can be held back by our previous sexual experiences. She shares about a time when she was younger when she didn’t perceive herself as conventionally attractive to feeling more attractive in her later teenage years and becoming more promiscuous. For years, she felt that this was the only way she could share her sexuality and it hampered her adult relationships. When we’re holding ourselves back due to past trauma, we tend to lack a sense of ourselves. This can have a negative effect on our immune systems and mental health. Lisa shares how you can start the process of inner bonding, and indeed, why getting to this point is so important for us all. Lisa goes through some of the steps that yo

  • Why You Should Care More About Your Pelvic Health

    02/02/2020 Duración: 40min

    Pelvic floor health can decline for women of all ages, whether they’ve had a pregnancy or not. Though severe issues are more common after giving birth, some degree of trouble happens as a woman grows older. Dr. Brianne Grogan is here to talk about the link between pelvic floor health and mental health and what we can do to prevent the decline. Brianne had her own pelvic floor scare when she went for a run 3 weeks post-partum and felt something shift to where it wasn’t supposed to be. She was determined to regain her pelvic health and now teaches other women and men how to protect themselves. Because for so many people, mental health is linked to pelvic health, and women who experience pelvic issues often experience feelings of loneliness, as well. A women’s health physical therapist is a specialist who works exclusively with women to improve their pelvic floor health. If you’ve been experiencing issues, you should ask your doctor for a referral. Brianne explains what some of the symptoms of pelvic floor probl

  • How To Heal & Improve Your Brain Health

    26/01/2020 Duración: 30min

    Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet and reducing our screen time are some of the best ways to combat long-term degenerative health and brain diseases. I’m joined by Dr. David Perlmutter, my dear friend, neurologist, and co-author of Brain Wash, to talk about disconnection syndrome and our brain’s health. The first thing David talks about is how important sleep is. It’s the most important thing we can do to improve our overall health and our brain function, but so many people don’t prioritize it. Poor sleep has been linked to bad decisions, impaired memory function, and so much more as it leads to a decline in our amygdala. David explains what we can do to reconnect with our amygdala. Doing so will help us stave off degenerative brain diseases and improve our overall brain health. He tells us that there are a number of different lifestyle changes you can make to help improve your brain’s recovery, and even help prevent degenerative diseases.  One of these changes is to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet. The curre

  • How To Embrace Conflict

    19/01/2020 Duración: 51min

    Whether you’re terrified of conflict or you thrive on it, learning how to embrace conflict in the healthiest way possible is incredibly important for successful relationships. Today’s guests go so far as to say there’s a certain level of beauty that develops during conflict. CrisMarie Campbell and Susan Clarke are here to talk about why we should all embrace the moments that bring conflict to our relationships. Chronically repressing feelings of conflict and avoiding stressful situations can actually lead to bigger health problems. Once you start addressing some of the issues, you might notice positive changes to your health. Some of these feelings might even be held onto from childhood. When you’re in a relationship, communication styles are more often than not going to be different. But it’s important to honor and respect your partner’s communication style and learn how to have meaningful conversations, even when they have an element of conflict. You might also find that you have feelings of jealousy over s

  • How The Hormone Fix Can Help You

    05/01/2020 Duración: 07min

    This episode of Couch Talk features an incredibly informative and touching review from Lisa, whom I’ve been working with through my Magic Menopause program and is a big advocate of my book, The Hormone Fix. Lisa touches on what questionnaires and charts you can find in The Hormone Fix. These will help you track your progress, health improvements and changes, and more.  I’m also a follower of The Hormone Fix. It’s my way of life that I’ve put together and implemented through all the years I’ve traveled, explored, and discovered what makes the healthiest people in the world the healthiest. Lisa praises the benefits of my Mighty Maca supplement, saying that she’s had so much more energy while taking it. She also shares how her husband started taking it, too, and he’s had more energy than he’s had in years. I believe that men can learn a lot from The Hormone Fix. While it’s targeted to peri- and menopausal women, the information contained about hormone health is universal. Lisa and her husband took part in parts

  • Why Sustainable Farming Should Matter To You

    29/12/2019 Duración: 28min

    The farming industry has changed dramatically over the years. With the introduction of factory farming, animal agriculture is causing more harm than good to not only our health but our environment. Joe Heitzeberg joins me to talk about his business, Crowd Cow, that focuses on supporting small, local farmers to rear the best meat and fish possible. Crowd Cow works with farmers who care about their animals to raise them with love and happiness before ending their lives with as much compassion and gratitude as possible. Joe explains what problems industrial farming has had on the local agriculture and environment. He also tells us how a few alternative views of the legislation can allow farmers to claim their animals as organic, free-range, and grass-fed when in reality they’re anything but. By choosing to support sustainable farming practices with our money and purchases, consumers can send a message that they don’t support factory farming that contributes to environmental endangerment and poor animal welfare.

  • Why The Mediterranean Diet Is So Good For You

    22/12/2019 Duración: 36min

    How does eating a diet rich in olives, fish, vegetables, and pasta sound? If you think it sounds perfect, then you’re in luck, because the Mediterranean way of eating is the best out there and perfect for weight loss. I’m joined by Dr. Steven Masley who has researched and written about the Mediterranean diet as a way of bringing health and wellness to America. Steven explains why the Mediterranean diet is so good for weight loss. One of the biggest factors is the lack of processed food and carbs, like bread. Everything is fresh and low in preservatives. Another reason why Europeans tend to weigh less than Americans is that their lifestyle is naturally more active than ours. Europeans, especially those living near the Mediterranean, will walk to the market every day for their fresh food. They don’t tend to have large pantries and fridges. Steven says that this is a reflection of the quality of the food in Europe. Pesticides and preservatives are seldom used, farmers wouldn’t dream of injecting their animals wi

  • How To Address & Move Past Erectile Dysfunction

    15/12/2019 Duración: 50min

    Erectile dysfunction is a pretty common thing that affects men as they get older. Erectile dysfunction affects more than just a man’s sexual performance, it impacts his confidence, relationship, and other aspects of his health. Orest Komarnyckyj from Old Guy Talks is here to talk about what we can do to help our partners with erectile dysfunction. The most important thing to understand about erectile dysfunction is that it’s more common than you think. There are so many different treatment options out there, both medical and natural, but it really does come down to trial and error until you find one that works for your partner. I also share some supplements he can take to support his sexual health. Talking about problems in the bedroom are never easy, but once you approach the subject calmly and openly, it will be easier to talk about. Your partner is very likely embarrassed that they’re experiencing erectile dysfunction, so reassure him that he’s not alone. Encourage him to seek out qualified medical practit

  • The Truth About A Healthy Life Beyond The Pill

    08/12/2019 Duración: 39min

    Taking the hormonal birth control pill might be preventing unwanted pregnancy, but it could also be masking, or even causing, a whole host of chronic health conditions. Dr. Jolene Brighten, the author of Beyond the Pill, is here today, along with my daughter, Amanda, to talk about the effects of the pill on our bodies and what alternative birth control methods are available. Jolene is an expert in women’s health, nutrition, contraception, and hormone imbalances. She works with women to reclaim their natural health, cycle, and rhythm. Having been on the birth control pill for 10 years when she was younger, she knows how it can devastate your body’s natural health, though she isn’t completely anti-pill. Jolene just wants to help you find the best healthcare for you. Many doctors will put young women on the pill to help manage painful or long periods, amongst other things, but those symptoms could actually be caused by a chronic condition such as PCOS. Jolene explains why we shouldn’t try to just mask these symp

  • How To Take Control Of Your Reproductive Health

    24/11/2019 Duración: 36min

    Your menstrual cycle gives you more indication into your body’s overall health than just whether you have a regular period or not. As Lisa Hendrickson-Jack shares, by charting your menstrual cycle, you can not only track your fertility, you can also uncover other health problems you might not be aware of. Lisa is a holistic reproductive health practitioner, the author of The Fifth Vital Sign, blogger and podcast host at Fertility Friday, and has been using fertility awareness for 20 years as her primary birth control. On this podcast, Lisa explains what aspects of your menstrual cycle you should notice and track, from the color of your period blood to the length of your bleed to how your cervical mucus changes throughout your cycle. Did you know that having pain during menstruation is actually a sign that your body isn’t at optimal health? We’re taught that women experiencing cramps is normal during our pre-menstrual time, but when is pain ever something normal? Pain is a sign that something is wrong in our b

  • What Is The Secret To Health & Longevity

    17/11/2019 Duración: 30min

    It’s not too late for women over 50 to take back control of their strength and cardiovascular health, even if they’ve never set foot in a gym before. All it takes is a solid morning routine, a bit of knowledge, and some confidence to get started. Tracee Gluhaich is here to talk about women’s fitness and the secret to a long, healthy life.  Tracee saw first hand the impact a lack of exercise and being conscious of your health can have on your life, and she’s vowed to age strong because of it. She is a personal trainer and yoga teacher, working mainly with women over 50, to help them get their health back.  Tracee says that the most important thing for her is to have a really strong morning routine because this is the foundation of the rest of her day. She aims to get her daily workout in first thing in the morning - it makes her feel good to do this but Tracee also thinks the morning is the best time for women to workout. For Tracee, she’s prioritized weight lifting and yoga over cardio. For years, she pushed

  • Why Your Illness May Actually Be A Histamine Intolerance

    10/11/2019 Duración: 38min

    Histamine intolerance can mimic or mask other diseases and illnesses in your body. And histamine is more than just your response to allergies! Dr. Brooke Kalanick is here to talk about what histamine intolerance is and how you can combat it in your own body. Dr. Brooke is a naturopathic doctor who focuses on women’s health, hypothyroidism, and autoimmunity, especially when it relates to histamine intolerance. She’s the co-author of Hangry and co-host of Better Everyday. She explains in this episode what role histamine has in our bodies, from allergy responses to everyday chemical reactions. Many women have histamine intolerance and don’t have any idea. Dr. Brooke explains what some of the symptoms of histamine intolerance are and how you can spot them. A big one is if you feel like you might have another illness but your blood tests come back normal each time you test for it - histamine could actually be masking those symptoms. Dr. Brooke shares how she has had many patients who have histamine intolerance but

  • How To Know If You Have Heavy Metal Poisoning

    03/11/2019 Duración: 37min

    If you’ve been feeling off but all your tests are coming back fine, it’s possible that you have heavy metal poisoning. Heavy metals could be behind many of the diseases and illnesses our bodies have such as digestive issues, weight gain, autoimmune diseases, brain fog, and more. Wendy Myers from Myers Detox explains how you can start to detox from heavy metals to regain control of your health and life. Wendy was feeling generally unwell through her 30s and was told she had the hormone level of someone in menopause when she was only 37. Instead of immediately going on the HRT her doctor’s recommended, Wendy decided to get to the bottom of why she had this issue in the first place. After lots of internet research, and a few out-of-pocket tests, she discovered that she had heavy metal poisoning, which was affecting all her other hormones. Wendy thought she was doing everything right. She ate a healthy diet, got lots of exercise, and generally lived well. But heavy metal poisoning doesn’t care about that. Our soc

  • How To Conquer Your Acid Reflux

    27/10/2019 Duración: 29min

    Acid reflux and GERD is a chronic stomach issue for many Americans, with growing numbers of people taking Prilosec or other long-term acid reflux medication for 10+ years. This is so unhealthy! Jenn Malecha, a holistic health coach, joins me to talk about why people get GERD and how they can correct their stomach issues. Jenn is a natural health coach who was diagnosed with skin cancer at the age of 26. This surprise diagnosis had no real external indicators that something was going wrong, but when she started looking at her hormones and internal health, she discovered that she has imbalances that contributed to her skin cancer, and later in life, to Hashimoto’s. What Jenn discovered when she took it upon herself to investigate her health was an overgrowth of H Pylori in her gut. She found the same bacteria in her father-in-law’s guts and has helped him come off the Prilosec he’d been on for over 10 years. Now, he only needs to worry about having acid reflux when he eats food that he has sensitivities to. I’d

  • What You Need To Do To Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

    20/10/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    Women have a greater risk of having Alzheimer’s Disease when we get older than men. Alzheimer’s starts in the brain, so it’s important to protect our brain health from an early age. Dr. Lisa Mosconi joins us to talk about Alzheimer’s, brain health, and women’s changing bodies through menopause. Lisa is Italian, living in America, and holds two PhDs in Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine. She’s the author of two books, The XX Brain (coming soon) and Brain Food. As a certified Integrative Nutritionist, Lisa promotes eating a Mediterranean diet to have, not just a healthier body, but a healthy brain. You should start looking after your brain health right away. If you haven’t been eating for health, it’s time to start. The brain is so important to our bodies and they begin deteriorating almost as soon as we start forgetting things. Women are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than men because of our estrogen levels, which is necessary for optimal brain health, begin to decrease when we go through menopause.

  • How A Little Sexual CPR Can Boost Your Love Life

    06/10/2019 Duración: 27min

    Reclaim the power of your sexual pleasure and start healing your relationship with my program, Sexual CPR. When I was having trouble in my marriage after losing my son before he was born, I wish I knew about the techniques that I know now. Sexual CPR is helping women and men rekindle their marriage and increase their sexual desire. In the United States, there is so much focus, funding, and research on men’s sexual health. Women’s sexual health, on the other hand, is sorely lacking in understanding. I’ve conducted my own research and spoken to experts in both men’s and women’s sexual health and created Sexual CPR. Cortisol is our stress hormone. Ane when it’s raised in our bodies, our oxytocin, or love, levels decrease. This leaves us feeling unloveable and incapable of giving love. But when our cortisol levers are low, oxytocin has a chance to work the way it’s supposed to - letting us feel, give, and receive the love we deserve. When we learn to reignite our sexual enjoyment, with or without the presence of

  • How To Treat Cancer Using Integrative Healthcare

    29/09/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    Information is empowerment. The more you know about your hormones and body, the better chances you have with your cancer diagnosis. My guest, Dr. Nasha Winters, is an expert on helping women treat their cancer using integrative healthcare. At the age of 19, Nasha was diagnosed with a terminal cervical cancer diagnosis. Years of poor medical advice and heavy prescriptions to try to fix her hormonal issues, which started from the tender age of 9, led Nasha to learn how to take control of her own health. Many years later, she’s now helping other women get a positive outcome from their own diagnosis. In this episode, learn how Nasha recreated balance in her body. She did this through a combination of both integrative and standard healthcare, which at the time was an incredibly innovative and new approach to treating cancer.  In Nasha’s practice, she insists on taking a series of blood tests that will give her a good overview of her patient’s health and nutrients. She recommends any doctor working with cancer pati

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