Radical With David Platt

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 377:41:21
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The latest sermons from teacher, author, and pastor David Plattdelivered weekly.


  • PRAY and FAST

    07/01/2019 Duración: 52min

    If we’re honest, many of us find it difficult to pray and fast. Whether it’s our sense of self-sufficiency, the distractions of social media, busyness, or simply not knowing what the Bible teaches about prayer and fasting, we often struggle with these spiritual disciplines. In this sermon from Matthew 6:5–18, David Platt addresses the why and the how of prayer and fasting. This passage from Christ’s Sermon on the Mount reminds us to acknowledge our needs and to look forward to our ultimate reward––God Himself.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Unveiling His Glory

    31/12/2018 Duración: 50min

    It’s all too common for Christians and for churches to seek to know God and to make Him known apart from relying on His Spirit. However, relying external regulations and human abilities is empty and, ultimately, damning. In this sermon from 2 Corinthians 3:7–18, David Platt reminds us that God’s people should be desperate for the Spirit’s presence and power. Gratefully, in His grace, God freely gives His Spirit to those who put their trust in Jesus.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Light in Darkness

    25/12/2018 Duración: 46min

    It’s one thing to acknowledge that Christmas is about a child being born in Bethlehem, but it’s quite another to ask questions like, “Who was this child?” and “What is He like?” In this Advent sermon, David Platt identifies twenty biblical characteristics of Jesus based on the majestic picture we see in Revelation 1:9–20. The child born in Bethlehem is fully human, but He is also fully divine and the Sovereign Lord of all.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Grace for the Giver

    17/12/2018 Duración: 46min

    Many Christians get nervous about the topic of giving. Some feel convicted about their materialism or lack of generosity, while others simply fear that they will be be guilted into giving more money. However, in this Advent sermon from 2 Corinthians 8–9, David Platt reminds us that our giving should be motivated by God’s grace. God’s gift of His own Son frees us to give for the glory of God and the good of others.  Explore more content from Radical.

  • Servant of Sinners

    10/12/2018 Duración: 38min

    It’s not enough to know that Jesus came; we also need to know why He came. It’s when we ask that question “why” that we hear the greatest news in all the world––Christ came to serve sinners. That’s the amazing truth in Mark 10:45, the text David Platt looks at in this Advent sermon. The One through whom all things were created took on flesh to serve and to save sinners like us. Explore more content from Radical.

  • Hope for the Hurting

    04/12/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    We will never understand why Christ’s coming is such good news until we see the seriousness of sin. On this first Sunday of Advent, David Platt looks at Genesis 3 to help us understand sin and its effects. Despite the hurt caused by sin, Christ’s victory over sin and death provide us with eternal hope.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Our Curse, His Cross

    26/11/2018 Duración: 46min

    Apart from God’s grace, the Bible’s description of our spiritual condition is sobering. We live under the curse of God’s law, separated from Him and without hope. However, according to Galatians 3:13, Christ has taken on our curse at the cross and provided full redemption for those who trust in Him. In this message David Platt points to the heart of the gospel––Christ’s death for sinners. Explore more content from Radical.

  • Rethinking Our Lives

    20/11/2018 Duración: 50min

    It’s one thing to know that you’re saved, but have you stopped to consider how and why God saved you? In this message from the Rethink Church + Rethink Mission conference, David Platt urges us to consider these questions based on Ezekiel 36:22–32. When we realize that our salvation is solely by God’s grace and aimed at God’s glory, it should cause us to rethink our role in the the mission of God.Explore more content from Radical.

  • The Father's Love and the Fatherless

    12/11/2018 Duración: 54min

    In a world of approximately 153 million orphans and vulnerable children, the church is uniquely called and equipped to care for these. Having received the love of God and having been adopted by grace into His family, we are now to reflect that love to others––particularly to those who are weak and vulnerable. Based on 1 John 3:1, David Platt encourages us to consider how God might be leading us to care for orphans, whether through adoption or through a variety of other ways.Explore more content from Radical.

  • In Order to Live, You Have to Die

    05/11/2018 Duración: 45min

    While the world has many ideas about what it means to truly live, Jesus offers us a path to life that seems counterintuitive––in order to live, you have to die. This truth from John 12:24–26 applies not only to the eternal life that comes to us through Christ’s death, but also to our own death—death to self, death to the world, and even death for the sake of the gospel. Drawing on a recent trip to South Korea, David Platt shares about how this truth was demonstrated in the twentieth century among Korean Christians, and he challenges us to consider how this truth should shape our lives as well. Explore more content from Radical.

  • A Love Relationship with God

    29/10/2018 Duración: 57min

    Scripture teaches us that supernatural love exists eternally in God. Therefore, if we claim to know God, then it only makes sense that our lives would be characterized by love. In this sermon from 1 John 4:7–5:5, David Platt points out the centrality of God’s love for the Christian life, particularly as that love has been demonstrated in the death of Christ. Now, for those who possess God’s Spirit, God’s love for us should cause us to respond in love for Him and for others.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Waging Spiritual War

    22/10/2018 Duración: 48min

    Whether we realize it or not, we are all involved in a spiritual war. Thankfully, God has not left us to our own strategies or abilities. In this sermon from 1 John 4:1–6, David Platt exhorts us to trust in the truths of who Christ is and what He has accomplished for our salvation as we engage in spiritual battle. By the power of God, our victory is assured.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Captivated and Compelled by Love

    15/10/2018 Duración: 54min

    If we claim to love God, then our lives should reflect a love for His children, that is, our brothers and sisters in Christ. The good news is that God enables this love for others by His Spirit, and Christ has given us the ultimate demonstration of love by laying down His life for us. In this sermon from 1 John 3:11–24, David Platt urges us to reflect on God’s love and then demonstrate this love in the way we serve others. This kind of selfless love is a mark of every true child of God.  Explore more content from Radical.

  • I Am a Child of God

    09/10/2018 Duración: 51min

    The incredible promise of Scripture is that by God’s grace, those who have trusted in Christ are declared to be His children and will one day be united fully with Him. In this sermon from 1 John 2:28–3:10, David Platt exhorts us to see the beauty of God’s love for us and how He has equipped us to live not for this world but for the world to come, when we will see Him as He is.Explore more content from Radical.

  • The Hope of Life After Death

    01/10/2018 Duración: 46min

    What will happen to me after I die? That’s a question that confronts everyone, regardless of their background or religious affiliation. Thankfully, the Bible is not silent on this eternally important question. In this sermon based on Revelation 21, David Platt explains the Bible’s teaching on what happens to us after we die. For the unbeliever, the sobering prospect of God’s righteous judgment awaits. But for the believer, there is an eternal hope that fuels our perseverance in the faith. Those who are in Christ will dwell with God forever.

  • True Assurance of Eternal Life

    24/09/2018 Duración: 56min

    Many people claim to love God even though their lives demonstrate a love for the world. However, as 1 John 2:3–17 reminds us, these two loves cannot coexist. In this sermon, David Platt encourages us to examine our lives to see whether we genuinely belong to God. None of us will reach sinless perfection in this life, but a love for God will be evident in our desires and in our obedience.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Why Jesus Died and How We Live

    17/09/2018 Duración: 52min

    It can be difficult for anyone to admit that they’ve sinned. Even as Christians, we have a tendency to want to deny or make excuses for things we do wrong. Our sin may even lead to doubt whether we have eternal life. In this sermon from 1 John 1:5–2:6, David Platt reminds us that, instead of hiding or denying our sin before a holy God, Scripture invites us to confess it and to find the forgiveness that comes through the death of Christ. Walking in the light involves regularly receiving God’s grace and walking humbly in obedience to His commands.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Eternal Life and Everlasting Love

    11/09/2018 Duración: 54min

    There are a lot of areas in life where it’s ok to lack certainty. However, when it comes to our relationship with God and our eternal destiny, we should want to know for certain where we stand. Thankfully, God wants His people to have this same assurance––the assurance that we have eternal life in Jesus Christ. In this sermon from 1 John 1:1–4, David Platt encourages us to believe and experience the love of God as it is revealed in Jesus ChrisExplore more content from Radical.

  • The Story of Redemption

    03/09/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    We often don’t understand the full significance of a story until we get to the end. That’s certainly true in the book of Ruth, as Ruth’s redemption is put in the larger framework of God’s redemptive purposes. In this message from Ruth 4, David Platt shows us how Ruth’s redemption looks forward to King David and the Redeemer who would come from David’s line. We’re reminded that, even in the most difficult times, God will accomplish His saving purposes.Explore more content from Radical.

  • The Risk of Love

    27/08/2018 Duración: 58min

    Our culture has a distorted picture of what it means to love someone. The focus is on my desires, needs, and happiness. Gratefully, this kind of love is nothing like the love of the Lord for His people. In this message from Ruth 3, David Platt highlights the indescribable love of God. This is a self-giving love that protects and provides for those in need, much like Boaz showed toward Ruth. Ultimately, though, God’s love was manifested fully and perfectly in the death of Christ, who gave His life in order to shelter us from the judgment we deserve.Explore more content from Radical.

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