Radical With David Platt

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 377:41:21
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The latest sermons from teacher, author, and pastor David Plattdelivered weekly.


  • The Ministry of Mercy

    20/08/2018 Duración: 01h50s

    While the world often ignores or mistreats those who are weak and vulnerable, the Lord takes a different posture toward those in need. In this message from Ruth 2, David Platt points us to the God of Israel’s abundant mercy toward a needy Moabite woman named Ruth. Like Ruth, we too need God’s mercy. And, for those who have received that mercy in Jesus Christ, we should be extending mercy to the most vulnerable in our own communities and around the world. Explore more content from Radical.

  • The Mystery of Mercy

    13/08/2018 Duración: 54min

    One of the most difficult aspects of suffering is the feeling that God is far from us. We assume that loneliness, cancer, the death of a loved one, and other forms of suffering are evidence of God’s indifference or anger. However, the book of Ruth reminds us of God’s faithful love in the midst of suffering. In this message from Ruth 1, David Platt encourages us to trust in the God who sovereignly works all things for the good of His people.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Why the Great Commission is Great

    06/08/2018 Duración: 59min

    There is no better news than the message of God’s grace in the gospel. Followers of Christ rightly celebrate this as our greatest joy and our life. However, it’s all too easy to ignore one of the ways we should respond to this good news––by making it known to all the peoples of the world. In this message from 2 Corinthians 4:13–18 at The Gospel Coalition 2013 Missions Conference, David Platt urges churches and followers of Christ to make the gospel known, even in the midst of difficulties and suffering. While earthly trials are temporary, God promises His people eternal joy.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Biblical Church

    30/07/2018 Duración: 50min

    Whether due to cultural opposition, sins and weaknesses within the body of Christ, or the routine, daily struggles that come with following Christ, it’s easy to forget the amazing privilege God has given to the church. No other institution or organization can claim to have Christ as its head. In this message from Ephesians 1:22–23, David Platt highlights the significance of the church’s relationship to Christ and its role in proclaiming His salvation. As we commit to Christ and to one another in the context of the local church, we put the glory of Christ on display.Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Mission

    23/07/2018 Duración: 51min

    There are many ways churches can serve their own members and their communities, but we cannot forget the global scope of Christ’s mission. As David Platt explains from Romans 15–16, the church should be about spreading God’s praise among all the peoples. Whether by praying, giving, or going, every member should play a role in getting the gospel to those who have never heard. It is the church’s privilege and responsibility to proclaim the good news to our neighbors and to the hardest-to-reach people groups on the planet. Explore more content from Radical.

  • Relenting Wrath: The Role of Desperate Prayer in the Mystery of Divine Providence

    16/07/2018 Duración: 01h57s

    If God has all power and knowledge, even over the future, then do our prayers really matter? And if they do, then what difference should that make in our lives and in our churches? In this message from Exodus 32–33 at Together for the Gospel 2014, David Platt urges believers to depend fully on the God who is sovereign over all things. God uses the prayers of His people to accomplish His purposes in the world.Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Worship

    09/07/2018 Duración: 55min

    Many Christians recognize that the church’s weekly gathering is important, but they seem to give little thought as to why. Why should we gather regularly for corporate worship, and what should our priorities be when we gather? In this sermon from John 4:1–26, David Platt identifies the kind of worship that pleases God. We gather as God’s people, not to be entertained or to listen to the thoughts of men, but rather to worship God in spirit and in truth.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Faith and Freedom

    02/07/2018 Duración: 54min

    Without realizing it, many followers of Christ have had their views of government shaped by political debates, the media, and popular culture. They give little thought to Scripture’s teaching on this important topic. In this sermon from 1 Peter 2:13–17, David Platt helps us think through a biblical view of government as well as the Christian’s responsibility to governing authorities. While we should pray for and submit to earthly rulers, our ultimate allegiance is to a heavenly King.Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Leadership

    25/06/2018 Duración: 50min

    In order for a business, an organization, or a government to be effective, good leadership is essential. It’s no surprise, then, that bookstores are filled with advice on how to identify an effective leader. But what about the church––how do we know who is qualified to lead God’s people? In this message from 1 Timothy 3, David Platt points out the biblical qualifications for elders and deacons. In order to faithfully carry out its mission, the church should look to Scripture to find out what faithful leadership looks like.Explore more content from Radical.

  • The Bible in the Church (Part 2)

    18/06/2018 Duración: 43min

    If we only listen to the competing voices in our culture, then we’re likely to ignore the most important realities in life––eternal realities. Where else will we hear about God, salvation, heaven, hell, and judgment, unless we are confronted with God’s Word on a weekly basis? In this sermon from Acts 20:25–38, David Platt urges pastors and all Christians to consider why God’s Word must be supreme in the church. Instead of focusing on the ideas of man, we desperately need to hear from the God who speaks to us in Scripture.Explore more content from Radical.

  • The Bible in the Church (Part 1)

    11/06/2018 Duración: 49min

    Thankfully, when it comes to God’s design for the church and its mission, we’re not left to our own wisdom and creativity. God has graciously given us His Word, a perfect revelation of who He is and what He desires for His people. In this sermon from Acts 20:1–24, David Platt urges us to submit our lives and our churches to the authority of Scripture. God intends for His people to teach it, discuss it, obey it, visualize it, and then spread it to the ends of the earth. Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Accountability and Discipline

    04/06/2018 Duración: 54min

    We don’t normally think of words like accountability and discipline in a positive light, but in Scripture God gives us these things for our good. God’s people are called to care for one another in the context of the church, both in terms of teaching and encouraging one another and, if necessary, calling one another to repent of sin. In this sermon David Platt points us to accountability and discipline as marks of a biblical church. Beginning with Galatians 6:1 and then moving to other parts of the New Testament, we’ll see why churches that seek to glorify God and be faithful to the Great Commission should be marked by a concern for the spiritual welfare of every member.Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Fellowship

    28/05/2018 Duración: 57min

    What counts as Christian fellowship? A group Bible study? What about praying with someone? Is it considered fellowship if we’re simply eating with or spending time with other believers? These are important questions. As David Platt explains in this sermon, Scripture makes fellowship among God’s people a top priority. Based on Romans 12, we’ll see how God’s mercy in the gospel grounds the fellowship that should exist in the church. As a family of faith, the church should partner together for the glory of God and for the good of one another. Explore more content from Radical.

  • Martyrdom and Mission: Why Reformers Died In Their Day, How We Must Live In Ours

    21/05/2018 Duración: 59min

    Some truths are so important that they’re worth giving our lives for. The gospel certainly fits in this category, which is why the Reformers were willing to die to make sure that the good news of Christ was proclaimed faithfully according to God’s Word. In this message from Together for the Gospel 2016, David Platt urges us to learn from the example of the Reformers. Their deaths several centuries ago should give us an eternal perspective on how we live our lives today.Explore more content from Radical.

  • Biblical Womanhood

    14/05/2018 Duración: 53min

    What is God’s design for women? Our culture offers a very distorted answer to that question, bombarding us with messages and images that miss God’s good design. Women are promised liberation, all the while being physically abused, sexually objectified, and even encouraged to ignore or change their God-given gender. And the problem isn’t just out there in the world—the church often misses God’s good design as well. The roles of wives and mothers are often devalued, as is the important role of single women in the church’s life and mission. In this message, David Platt addresses these distortions by providing an overview of biblical womanhood that begins with Genesis 1 and then draws from various passages of Scripture. Only as we listen to God’s Word and find our identity in His gospel will we see the goodness and the fruit of God’s design for women. Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Ordinances

    07/05/2018 Duración: 44min

    Many churches rarely teach on the new covenant ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The biggest concern is how to fit them in without disrupting the weekly service. It’s little wonder, then, that baptism is viewed as optional by many Christians while the Lord’s Supper is either misunderstood or ignored. In this sermon David Platt explains the meaning of these two ordinances and answers the following questions: Why should I be baptized? How should I be baptized? Who should be baptized? When should I be baptized? Who should participate in the Lord’s Supper? Where should we have the Lord’s Supper? When should we have the Lord’s Supper? According to Scripture, baptizing believers and regularly taking the Lord’s Supper are crucial aspects of what it means to be a New Testament church.Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Membership

    30/04/2018 Duración: 48min

    Sadly, it’s not uncommon today for those who claim to be followers of Christ to show half-hearted commitment to Christ’s bride, the church. Like consumers, many Christians shop around for the best church “experience.” Others merely attend for an hour each week without any desire to meet needs among God’s people or to be a part of the church’s mission. There are even those who attempt to follow Christ apart from regularly gathering with God’s people. But as David Platt points out in this sermon from 1 Corinthians 12:12–27, God has not designed us to be spiritual lone rangers. We are fellow members of Christ’s body. For the sake of our own souls and for the sake of Christ’s mission, every follower of Christ should be committed to a local church.Explore more content from Radical.

  • What Happens to People Who Never Hear about Jesus?

    23/04/2018 Duración: 55min

    It’s one thing for someone to hear the gospel and reject it, but what about those who have never even heard of Jesus? Are they okay, spiritually speaking, as long as they live a good life and follow the light they’ve been given? What is their standing before God? In this sermon, David Platt addresses these eternally important questions based on Romans 15. Given the staggering number of people in the world with little or no access to the gospel, this issue is not merely theoretical. Getting the gospel to the unreached is urgent. Explore more content from Radical.

  • 12 Traits of a Biblical Church: Giving

    17/04/2018 Duración: 46min

    Although we don’t always feel wealthy, evangelicals in America and in many parts of the West are some of the wealthiest people in world history. We have everything we need––food, clothes, houses, cars, jobs, education, savings accounts, vacations––and more. Yet, for many churches, God’s generosity toward us has not resulted in our generosity toward others. We have been content to stockpile God’s resources rather than use them for the spread of the gospel. In this message, David Platt highlights giving as one of twelve biblical traits of the church. Rather than listening to the culture, we should be listening to Scripture to see how God would have us use the resources He has entrusted to us. Explore more content from Radical.

  • The Idolatry of Comfort and the Glory of Christ

    10/04/2018 Duración: 52min

    We are taught from a young age to “be safe” in whatever we do. This isn’t bad advice for the everyday tasks God has given us to do, but when it comes to following Jesus, we can wrongly assume that God would never call us to something costly or dangerous. Our time, effort, and resources are spent on maximizing our comfort. However, Jesus said that following Him would mean forsaking everything. And while we aren’t to seek out suffering, we know that proclaiming the gospel in many areas of the world requires taking risks. In this sermon from Philippians 1:12–30, David Platt reminds us not to let comfort become an idol, but instead to pursue faithfulness to Christ, even if it costs us our lives. Being with Christ is infinitely better than any temporary security this world offers. Explore more content from Radical.

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