Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

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Inspired Choices Network What if you know way more than you acknowledge about what is possible in this world? So often, our judgments of ourselves stem from a knowing that we have that may be unique to us....that we turn into a wrongness because we don't see it in others. Heather Nichols


  • Being an Equal Creator: The Magic of 50/50


    Do you have a habit of diminishing yourself or shrinking with other people? Or trying to dominate and control?  Do you tend to overpower your body? Control your money flows? Or not trust that the universe has your back? All of these things (and more) are where we refuse to show up as “50/50″ in our lives. What is 50/50? It’s the willingness to be, and to bring, the greatness of YOU to all that you create, all of your relationships, all of your life and living. And to invite and allow others to do the same. Join Heather for a dive into this new topic in Access Consciousness that is changing so much!  What can you create if you actually value the gift and the contribution you be?  And what can you contribute?

  • Unleash Your Potency! Guest Juna Guetter


    Does your body have a potency that you’ve never acknowledged?  Potency is the ability to change anything - Gary Douglas If you’re ready to change whatever isn’t working with your body, with your relationships, with your work, with your money, is now the time to change it? Have you always known there was a different possibility with your body? What if now is indeed the time and what if now, more than ever, is the time when your body is willing and actually able to let go of holding patterns of disease, disharmony, pain and suffering? What if you, by letting go of past programming, genetic blueprints, fate, destiny and karma, could be the invitation to your body to start showing up as the potency and energy systems to generate and create itself as something new and different?  A body that you can take with you gently and kindly, wherever you go? How do you sum up 50+ years of living and 25 years of professional escapades into a brief bio? Juna Guetter. Born in the USA. Pregnant at 17. University Honors Graduate

  • Business as Possibility! Guest Simone Milases


    Most people don’t see any joy in business. They see business as hard, stressful, stuck, a struggle… and a whole lot of things that business can be, but doesn’t have to be! Business super-coach Simone Milasas has always been different. For Simone there is always the choice to create Joy of Business™! Would you like to explore the different possibilities that become available once you are willing to choose Joy of Business™ WEBSITE LINK: GUEST WEBSITE LINK:

  • Creating From Joy


    What if creating your life from a space of Joy is the most generative space to create from?  Joy is an energy in our world that is de-valued, and not seen as relevant in business, in family, with bodies, and beyond.  And yet, joy is one of the spaces from which everything seems to just flow.  What if creating your day, and your choices, to generate more joy in your life is the fastest way to create the life and business that you truly would like to have? Join Heather for more on creation!  How happy are you willing to be?  How Joyful are you wiling to be?  How much ease can you have with creation?

  • The Energetics of Creation with Guest Shannon O’Hara


    What if creation is actually way more about playing with the energies of the universe that are available to us than anything we can "do"? When you are playing in and with the energetics of creation, you are allowing the constant and dynamic energies of the universe to contribute to you in ways you could never fabricate on your own.  Are you willing for creation to be that easy?  Are you willing to be that potent? Join Heather in this phenomenal conversation with Shannon O'Hara, Access Consciousness facilitator, Talk to The Entities Founder/Creator, and creator of magnitude.  Shannon's capacities to perceive energy and create from that space are nothing short of magic!

  • The Gift of Men with Guest Christel Crawford, CFMW


    Creating Beyond Reality! with Heather Nichols So much of what is ‘out there’ about men is from women. In an age of suffragettes and women’s lib, men have gone from being the patriarchs to the defenders of their very beings. Wrong if they do – wrong if they don’t…. and as a lover of men, we ask: What else is possible here?Full of kindness, never-ending thoughtfulness and generosity, attentiveness, steadiness – and yet in this reality, men are virtually forced into a way of doing—rather than being—to prove their worth, their value, their potency. Make money, take care of people, work, eliminate them from the equation fully so that they can be strong, powerful, on-top-of-their-game.Men — What if there is a different possibility for how you create your life? And who you be? What if you could have you like never before? You are brilliant, beautiful, potent, amazing creatures. What if you could know that to be true about you—all the way to your core?  Christel has a totally different point of view about the gift of

  • Creation from Being with Christel Crawford


    Creating Beyond Reality! with Heather Nichols What if creation wasn’t about the doing of it? What if it was about being it – receiving it – and then acting on the small whispers of awareness you gently receive? I wonder how much more aware we can be and what that would create for our lives, our future, and the planet? Join Heather & Christel for a conversation about the joy of creation that happens when you’re truly willing to be it! Christel Crawford, CFMW is a Certified Facilitator, Dominatrix of Business & Wealther Creation for Heather Nichols, Coordinator with Karlina van der Weij, and the Social Media Maven for Curry Glassel & Right Riches for You. Fast, full-on and fearless. What else is possible when you truly commit to your life?  

  • Being WITH Your Body


    What if your body knows way more than you have ever acknowledged?  What if you could contribute to your body, receive from your body, be WITH your body—in a way that would generate and create so much more ease and magic in your life?  Our bodies can be an incredible guide and compass for *more* in every area of our lives.  So much of the time it is the refusal to acknowledge, honor, and listen to our bodies that contracts our lives and eliminates possibilities.  Being WITH your body is an act of honoring and receiving the brilliance of your body with total allowance, gratitude, and no point of view. What if you could have true intimacy with your body?  And with you?  What would that create?  What would that change?  What would be different? Join Heather for this potent conversation that will include tools, processes, and possibilities for being with your body in a way that can expand your life and living dynamically right away.  Heather brings 20 years of facilitating embodiment through movement, meditation,

  • Possibilities Galore: What will you choose? with Guest Nilofer Safdar


    Possibilities! Possibilities! Possibilities!!! What would it be like to live in a world of possibilities? What if that is the truth of who you BE? What if limitations are not real and they could disappear in poof of smoke? What would that be like, I wonder? Join Heather Nichols and Nilofer in a beautiful conversation about possibility. Nilofer Safdar is a bestselling author and the host of the Illusion to Illumination Summit which is now in Season 5. She has interviewed more than 100 luminaries, change makers and thought leaders. She is a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator CFMW. She loves generating and creating. Nilofer helps people change their reality to generate and create a life they desire and require. Her target is to generate a life that is joyful and expansive for everybody she touches.  

  • The Joys of Being a Witch with Guest Julia Sotas


    What if being a witch wasn't anything you thought it was? What if you had magical capacities beyond anything you’d ever acknowledged? Would you be willing to venture into the magical land of creation where anything is possible? Julia Sotas is a wild, involved adventurer who has been using the tools of Access Consciousness to enrich her life for the past three years. She is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Bartender, Pilot (in the making), Theatre Actress and farmer’s daughter from Canada who has enjoyed traveling the world gaining new perspectives while speaking to groups from all walks of life.Julia holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Winnipeg, Canada. You can find her weekly Podcast on iTunes at “Access with Julia”.  

  • Being Committed to Your Life with Heather Nichols


    What if committing to your life–what you came here to create, who you came here to be, what you are up to this time ’round–is the greatest gift of joy and possibility for YOU that you can choose?  And what if that changes EVERYTHING around you? I’ve seen since this dynamic conversation peoples lives change in an instant.  Instant money flowing in. Instant happy body. Instant possibility. Instant invitation to step in to more. Instant change. My relationship is getting sweeter, more spacious, more delicious.  My kids are happy.  My business is ready to explode again.  I’m having more fun than ever.  And my body is singing. And actually none of that even matters.  I’ve chosen me for the first time ever.  Really.  Truly. Here I am and here I go.  And here I create and here I BE.   Heather Nichols has been playing and creating in the field of transformation and magic her whole life.  A visionary, agent of change, and knower of what is possible beyond this reality, she has been facilitating people into joyful embo

  • The Brilliance Beyond Addiction with GUEST: Marilyn Bradford, MSSW, MEd, CFMW


    What have you decided is not possible? Is it living without your addiction or obsession? What if there was a brilliance that you be that is beyond any addiction? Have you ever found yourself saying: “I can’t live with (alcohol, food, cigarettes, my partner etc.), but I can’t live without it/them? This either/or universe seems to trap many of us. It is actually what creates the belief that there is no way out of an addiction. As real as this may seem right now, there is a different way. There is a way of being and looking at things that allows you to come to a place of peace and choice and even brilliance. Join Heather Nichols and Marilyn M. Bradford, MSSW, MEd, CFMW in a very different conversation about being and addiction! Marilyn Bradford, MSSW, MEd, CFMW, is an international speaker, psychotherapist and teacher who has worked in the field of addiction for over twenty years. She is the creator of “Right Recovery For You”, a radical and unique approach to ending any addictive or compulsive behavior. It was

  • The Joy of Irresistible Creation


    Would you like to see yourself in the mirror and instead of seeing the things that are wrong with you, feel & see joy? Would you like to stand and express yourself in front of other people with confidence and pride? Can you, just by being irresistible, be a total contribution to other people? Have you always known that all of this is possible and you just have wondered HOW? Join Heather Nichols and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, photographer and filmmaker My Södergren in a dynamic conversation! For 22 years, My has worked in front of and behind the camera, as host on SVT and TV4 +, as well as on stage in many different ways . She has also worked as a television producer and writer, and her expertise is to inspire people to be themselves in front of any audience.

  • What Choices Are You Refusing That You Truly Could Be Choosing?


    Join Heather Nichols on Creating Beyond Reality Radio this week with special guest, Christel Crawford, in a vibrant conversation about choice. What if there were choices that only you could make? What if no one else on the planet had those choices available to them? What choices are you refusing that you truly could be choosing – that if you chose them, would change everything? Christel has been creating change and ‘more’ her whole life, consistently demanding and growing forward.  In the past year, Christel has changed and transformed her entire life and business, and loves working with people and playing with the tools of creation to create life and business at the speed of space.  Christel is the Dominatrix of Business & Wealth Creation for Heather Nichols, consults with business owners all over the globe, and creates her own business worldwide.  She loves guacamole, Evernote & laughing; and has “play more” as one of her targets for 2015.  

  • Embody Your Ecstasy with Caroline Muir


    Join Heather Nichols and special guest, Caroline Muir, for this delicious and expansive conversation of what is possible when you choose to live fully alive with your own vitality, beauty, potency, and juice!  Caroline is a powerful, lit-up Tantric educator, goddess, queen, and beyond,  whose work has been instrumental in inspiring the modern tantra movement in America. Caroline is celebrated as a Tantra Yoga educator, best-selling author, and the first person to introduce sexual healing practices for women, by women, (in heterosexual or same-sex partnerships). Caroline provides her transformational work to both women and couples. Author of two best-selling books, Tantra Goddess, A Memoir of Sexual Awakening and Tantra, The Art of Conscious Loving (co-authored with Charles Muir) as well as co-producer of the DVD Secrets of Female Sexual Ecstasy, Caroline founded the Divine Feminine Institute for Men and Women in 2004.  Find out more about Caroline’s work at:  

  • The Joy of Embodiment with Dr Lisa Cooney


    Join Heather Nichols and special guest, Dr. Lisa Cooney, for this dynamic conversation on the joy & orgasmic possibilities that can show up in your world when you choose to create a different reality with your body.  What if, every time you refuse to honor your body, you are abusing it?  And what if there is a possibility for communion with and honoring of your body that would create more joy, ease, and freedom in your body than you have known is possible? Dr. Lisa Cooney is a leading authority on thriving after childhood sexual abuse. As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Master Theta Healer and author of the upcoming book, “Kick Abuse in the Caboose: The Bridge to Radical Aliveness,” she has supported thousands of people over the past 20 years move beyond their abuse to create infinite possibilities for themselves.  Lisa is also an Access Consciousness 3 day Body Class facilitator and creates magic with bodies from a space of allowance, ease, and brilliant

  • From Anxiety to AWEsomeness with Glenyce Hughes


    Join Heather Nichols for an interview with special guest, Glenyce Hughes, on how she transformed crippling anxiety into a life of joy, abundance, and travel.  In 2002, Glenyce began to struggle with panic attacks that became so intense that she couldn’t be in a car for longer than 10 minutes.  This propelled her into an exploration of every healing modality she could get her hands on, until 2011 when she found Access Consciousness and created permanent change. Glenyce now travels the world with ease, joy and glory! How does it get any better than that? Glenyce Hughes is an Inspirational Author, Speaker, Professional Medium, Radio Host and Facilitator of Infinite Possibilities. She empowers you to live your phenomenal life as she guides you to tap into your true potency, potential and all the amazing infinite possibilities. A true luminary, sheʼs inspired thousands around the world through her radio shows, writing, classes, tele- calls, groups, and individual sessions. For more information go online www.glenyc

  • Living Your Brilliance with Heather Nichols


    Living your brilliance is the willingness to be the walking, talking, breathing possibility that you be–that you can invite others to be–by simply being you.  When you are willing to continually perceive and choose new, exciting, and sometimes uncomfortable & edgy choices that may be unfamiliar to you, your life, your possibilities, and the expression of your brilliance expands.  When you are willing to choose based on the colors of a vastly greater palette of colors than you ever imagined before, you begin to live the vibrant, sometimes surprising, and out of the box reality that brings you to greater and greater places and spaces of brillance. Join Heather for this dynamic conversation of what can show up when you are willing to get messy, uncomfortable, and to create your life in a way that you never have been willing to before.

  • Gratitude, Potency, and Making A Demand: How to Change Anything


    In this reality, when there is something we would like to change we believe we have to judge it, or ourselves, in order to have change.  What is funny about this is that it actually doesn’t work. What if you could be a magical catalyst for change in ways that are easier than you can imagine?  When you add the element of gratitude to your life and living…everything changes so much more easefully and dynamically.  Join Heather Nichols for this show where we will explore just how easy change can be.

  • Giving–or Contribution? The Elements of Creation Part 4 on Creating Beyond Reality Radio with Heather Nichols


    During the holidays, there can be such an emphasis on giving that actually ends up leaving you depleted and exhausted. What if a true gift is one that contributes to everybody involved? What if, when you truly receive from giving, the recipient can receive even more as well? Join Heather Nichols on the 4th in a 4 part series on the elements of creation: question, choice, possibility, and contribution.

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