Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson



Here to help salon owners master the skills they need for bigger profits and a fuller life.


  • Setting Targets in your Salon

    12/04/2018 Duración: 06min

    Setting targets in your salon isn't easy - and there are a couple of pitfalls I see owners and managers fall into again and again. But for the long-term success of your business, they are vital. Taking the time to communicate to your team exactly what is expected of them is never time wasted.

  • Do you need a salon blog?

    04/04/2018 Duración: 08min

    Social Media has replaced a lot of things in our modern lives. The rules of English Grammar, warmth, and authenticity in our human relationships and the need to research something before we pass it on have all gone by the wayside. But one thing I've wrongly predicted would decline - BLOGGING. There are still millions of people around the world who share their thoughts by updating their blog. I see a lot of Salon owners trying to build that in their online marketing strategy. A few of them get some good traffic and a decent audience for their blogs. But some struggle to be consistent and create high-quality content. If the blog is not doing you any good, you need to step back and think if this needs to be a continuing part of your online marketing strategy.

  • Get MORE from your salon software

    27/03/2018 Duración: 06min

    As Entrepreneurs and Salontrepreneurs, our job is not always to use our platform to change the world. It is to turn the conditions that we're living into something that can grow, prosper and generate some profit. I don't tell you what cards to deal. Instead I help you with the cards that we've been dealt. Whatever your political belief is, we can all agree that we're in for a choppy time financially and economically. So how can we protect our businesses in difficult times?

  • How to improve salon retail - if you're starting with ZERO!

    21/03/2018 Duración: 06min

    Stocking a range of professional salon retail products is great - but what if you're team just won't sell?  How is your salon retail?  Is it a strong part of your salon strategy?  Or are sales poor?  Even ZERO?  Take a look - I might just be able to help!

  • Salons and Snow Days

    02/03/2018 Duración: 06min

    OK. We don’t cope well with the snow here in my part of the UK, problem is, it happens so infrequently that it’s hard to justify investment in snow precautions. So this week hit hard. Lots of customers and staff struggling to make their way in. And lots of calls for me from managers and owners wondering if it’s wise to call a salon snow day.

  • Salon Team Meetings 101

    04/12/2017 Duración: 08min

    Gat ALL of the BuildYourSalon podcasts at Why hold salon team meetings at all? In every salon, there is an agenda.  A set of goals and objectives that every salon team is striving for.  Problem is, if you're not communicating the agenda, not moving your team towards the salon goals, the team will set their own agenda. I'm lucky.  I get to see inside lots of salons.  To see how they tick.  What works, and what doesn't.  Right now I'm seeing a lot of salons who could be getting much better results from their teams, if only they would coach and direct them. Salons everywhere invest hundreds, if not thousands in the development of their teams every year.  And a lot of salons waste their money.  Follow the SIMPLEST way to be the salon manager your team deserves.  Improve your team's performance and be clear about what you want them to achieve.  Check out Team Performance Upgrade here:

  • 5 point health check for your salon website

    26/06/2017 Duración: 12min

    I've had a rough week.  My salon website was hacked.  So of course step 1 is to have a nose around - see what everyone else is doing.  I've been shocked! So many salon owners are neglecting their websites.  I know we're all getting so much from social media, but I think this is shortsighted. Take a look at your own website and bear in mind my 5 key points . . .

  • How to Steal a GREAT idea

    11/06/2017 Duración: 05min

    OK, I probably don't mean 'steal'. Borrow, take inspiration from, whatever you want to call it. Taking ideas from other businesses can be a shortcut to increasing your salon's success. In this episode, I give you a few ideas on what may be better places to look for that inspiration.

  • Are salon memberships right for you?

    04/06/2017 Duración: 06min

    I've had a salon membership scheme in my own salon for nearly four years. I've been helping other salon owners with their own schemes too because I truly believe they make great business sense. You can find out more about the Salon Membership Masterplan here:

  • Who is the boss in YOUR salon?

    28/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    Salon life is TOUGH - but I think a lot of salon owners and salon managers are making life a lot tougher for themselves by being pushed away from the strategy they have carefully crafted. I'm all for being flexible in business, but I think these salons are being swayed too easily - sometimes by just one or two clients. My first EVER live event is 17th September in London. Book here!

  • 47. If you own a salon, pay yourself properly!

    04/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    How can you expect to enjoy long-term salon success if you're not paying yourself properly? Disclaimer: I do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with my ideas, information, tools or strategies. I do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Do not make any decisions based on any information presented in this broadcast without understanding that making any change in your business or personal life is accompanied by the risk of hardship or significant losses. Seek advice from trusted, qualified professionals before attempting any lifestyle change or business or financial endeavour. Check with your indemnified professional advisor before acting on this or any information. Continuing with this broadcast indicates your agreement that you will not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Find our more about the "Get Paid Properly" programme here: My live event details a

  • Sell MORE in Your Salon

    11/03/2017 Duración: 06min

    Hello and welcome, today we’re going to tear apart your sales technique and put it back together hopefully in a way which is going to help you improve your results for yourself and your Salon. I am happy to point out some areas where I see Salon Managers and Owners going wrong. The first part of this video is brilliant content for you and your team as well. We’re going to talk about a better way to sell when we’re in the Salon. The second part of the video is how we apply that when we’re selling our business, services, product, anything online and ourselves and I don’t see us carrying through those sales techniques in a very effective way. There are fundamentally three ways that you can sell a product or service to a customer. The first way is to sell a product or service on its features. Let’s say I’m going to sell you this product, which is called Quick Blow-dry and Quick Blow-dry has extract of water mint in there, is paraben free and it’s only Thirteen Pounds Fifty a bottle. What I’ve done there is descri

  • 45. The most important measure for salon success

    31/01/2017 Duración: 10min

    The free cheat sheet is here: Hello and welcome, and it’s that time of the year again. I thought it was good timing for me to share what I think is the one most important measure for measuring the success of a member of your team. The one measure that I’m going to share with you today that I think is vital, is called utilisation. Essentially how busy one member of your team is. Some Salon coaches around the world, will say that the average bill is the most important measure, and I don’t think that’s correct. We’ve had turn our marketing into a machine for a successful Salon, and that involves running promotions, discounts or a loyalty programme. So, average bill will look a little bit more negative, utilisation will show us how busy somebody is. The other measure is the amount of money they’re putting in the till. Your service total or your service and retail total, isn’t necessarily a great measure of how brilliant a Stylist or Therapist is. The other problem with using service and reta

  • 44. Do you even deserve success?

    17/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    That sense of entitlement - you know: the one we judge others on so harshly. When we call them lazy, unambitious, disloyal, irresponsible. Sometimes we just need a mirror. Falling into a sense of entitlement is easier than you think, spreads like a virus and is poisonous to your success.

  • Commit fully and ignore your friends!

    11/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    Poor old Molly Malone. Dragging her wheelbarrow around Dublin and shouting herself hoarse, only to die with a fever. Is she remembered for her shellfish entrepreneurial skills? Nope. She's commemorated with a saucy statue and is known locally as The Tart with the Cart. I was laid up in Dublin with tonsillitis this week. Possibly the most sober tourist the city has ever seen. Luckily the accompanying fever never carried me away, but I got to thinking: what do I need to so to get my own (hopefully less immodest) statue? What do I want to be remembered for? Whatever it is, you have to go the whole distance to be cast in bronze, I reckon. Poor Molly could have given up at any time (the cobbles in Dublin are brutal) so I'll let her be my inspiration. Apologies for the sound quality in this week's podcast. My voice is not at full ranting speed!

  • Get MORE from your salon accountant

    02/01/2017 Duración: 09min

    Get MORE from your salon accountant by Phil Jackson from

  • 41. Salon recruitment 101

    19/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    I’m going to start today with a little bit of a marketing lesson for you, and it’s going to sound obvious, but bear with me, there is a message which is relevant to recruitment in the Salon Industry coming up very soon. The message that I have for you around marketing is that the less work you need to do, the more likely your marketing is to be effective. So, there are industries which are hard work to market; the not obvious industries, and then the obvious industries. Let me explain the distinction, if your hair has grown to long most people will choose some form of Hair Salon or a home hairdresser to get that sorted. It’s an easy industry because the customer has already made the connection with the kind of service they want to receive. If, however you are a business coach and somebody is struggling with their business, they don’t necessarily go to a coach. So, it’s a not obvious business, so it’s a lot harder to market because firstly you must persuade the customer that that’s the route they should go dow

  • 40. The ONLY opinion that matters is from your customer

    12/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    40. The ONLY opinion that matters is from your customer by Phil Jackson from

  • 39. Network your way to salon success

    05/12/2016 Duración: 08min

    Hello and Welcome, and today I’m here to tell you that you need to concentrate on building your networks. Now networking can come across as slightly intimidating, particularly if you’re in the Hair and Beauty Industry, we seem to have a small confidence crisis. I’ve done lots of networking over the last few years, once you get past the very detail of what we do, we all have the same problems. I think there are three ways we should be building our networks for three very different reasons: We need to be building our Industry network. I’m always amazed whenever I go to an Industry event, of how few people actually put themselves out there and talk to other Salon Owners and Managers. It is reassuring to know that we’re all facing the same difficulties so get out there, find who you can rely on when times are hard. Our professional networks. It’s time to understand a little bit about what’s going on in the greater world of commerce. An important part of this can be networking events. Business networking is about

  • 38. For your salon to survive you need to CHANGE

    28/11/2016 Duración: 08min

    YOUR COPY of my book - pay SHIPPING ONLY here: Hello and Welcome, and today I’m going to start with an apology because this is a subject that I’m really passionate about and I get really, really frustrated about and I’m talking about change in our Industry, and I think as an Industry we are really bad at bringing about and steering change. If you strip out all of the change that’s been imposed on us the way that we do business as Hair and Beauty Professionals has actually changed very little over the years. I think we’re missing out, we’re not steering the change so it happens to us. We can wait for changes to happen and react to them as best we can or we can steer the change. It’s time for us to take the reins. This is something that I talk about, because I think it’s the very survival of our Industry that is at stake here. So how do we go about implementing change in our businesses? Well the first thing to do is to recognise the change that’s going on around you.

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