Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson



Here to help salon owners master the skills they need for bigger profits and a fuller life.


  • 37. Thinking of SELLING your salon?

    21/11/2016 Duración: 09min

    Today I want us to learn the hard lessons from some people that have struggled to sell their Salon business. For lots of us it’s part of our long term goal to be able to put the Salon up for sale and retire on the proceeds or get the Salon to the stage where it’s running itself, and live of the profits for the rest of our dotage. What we need to understand is exactly what people are buying when they buy your business. Multiple of profit or a multiple of your turnover - that doesn’t really ring true, unless there’s lots of things in place to support that price. Our team - well unfortunately it’s illegal in most cases to tie your team to a business that they don’t want to work in. Your database - if you’ve got an up to date, current database, secure with excellent and complete details for your clientele, that can add some value to your business. So if you want to build a business what are you going to build? Systems - this is how you get to stay away from your Salon and still make money, and it’s also how you h

  • 36. Who is in control in YOUR salon

    14/11/2016 Duración: 07min

    How do you feel when you think about your Salon and your Salon team, when you think about your week ahead? Are you excited and motivated, or is there a part of you which is a little bit fearful, or anxious about the week ahead? I’ve had my own Salon for fifteen years now, and on three separate occasions I have been guilty of allowing my team to hold me hostage. There are some warning signs if you get into the stage of what I call the more, more, more decease then you are probably being held hostage by that member of the team. You need to be very careful about how much you give that member of the team. Also if you’re finding that there are members of your team that just aren’t carrying out your instructions then they’re chancing their arm. What they’re saying to you in a very unsubtle way is that they believe you won’t take measures if they’re not carrying out services how you’ve asked them to. Now I need you to be brave if this is happening to you, the situation has to be sorted straight away, and we’re going

  • 35. How to get MORE from your salon suppliers

    05/11/2016 Duración: 07min

    Hello and Welcome. Do you ever get frustrated with the relationship that you have with your suppliers, manufacturers and their representatives when they come into your Salon. I think it’s an under-utilised relationship and they could be adding value to a lot of businesses in a lot of different ways. So let’s get stuck in, five ways your rep could be helping you more: Free training – if a rep comes in and they have a new product that they would like you to stock, I always ask the rep to come into our team meeting and explain the product features, the benefits and the best way to sell that product through to your customers. Promotions – train your rep, what you want is a phone call, Facetime or a Skype conversation with that rep, the day or the day after they hear about that cycle of promotions. Stock control – get your reps to help with stock control. At the beginning of a supplier relationship, they will know the products that are easiest to sell; they will know the ones where you might need to stock an extra

  • 34. Slow down and honour your craft

    31/10/2016 Duración: 04min

    Hello and welcome, actually this week it’s Hola y bienvenido because I’m speaking to you today, very early in the morning before it gets too hot, on my roof terrace in my new house in Spain. This week my message to you is that I’d like you to slow down, take a bit more time. I’ve seen a very distressing trend in Salons over the last few years and we’re getting addicted to express services, we’re getting addicted to these little nuggets of service that we’re passing onto clients at a very low cost, and banging them out at a very rapid rate. Now I’m not suggesting that we get rid of all express services, they are what I see as a profit maximizer, so they’re an add-on; they’re a filling for those little gaps that you get during your day in your column. They shouldn’t be something that we rely on day in and day out and this is what’s happening. So I want you to ask yourself when you’re doing an express service, is this the very best job that you could do for that client? If she’s having an express service, have y

  • 33. Could YOU be the reason your salon isn't more successful?

    24/10/2016 Duración: 07min

    33. Could YOU be the reason your salon isn't more successful? by Phil Jackson from

  • 32. Do you need Salon Memberships?

    16/10/2016 Duración: 08min

    For more help and info, go to Hello and Welcome. Today we’re talking about Salon Memberships. If you’ve ever struggled with cash flow in your Salon, or to stand out from your competition locally, I think Memberships could be really helpful for you. So what I’ve got for you today is five pointers to set you on the right track: Pricing - What I can tell you is that from the customer’s point of view there needs to be a financial incentive. They’re going to need some kind of discount, but it doesn’t need to be as big a discount as you think. There is a certain amount of value that you can build in by making it feel like a club, like something slightly more exclusive that has value to it, so you don’t need to discount quite so much. A small element of your clientele will pay because it’s a predictable stream for them; it’s a lot easier for them to budget if they’re on a predictable monthly outcome. Tiered plans - Now if you’re only offering Membership in one form, I’m afraid you missed the point

  • 31. How to set Targets for your Salon Team

    10/10/2016 Duración: 07min

    Welcome, and today we’re talking about individual team member targets. What I’m going to share with you is three targets that I set my own team here, in my award winning Salon. Now it may well be that there are times when you need to add more targets, and that varies according with the performance of the employee and also the stage of the career they are at. It’s really important that your team know what’s expected of them. So these are the big three that I want to share with you: Average bill - Average bill or average ticket value is one of the most important key performance indicators or KPI’s in your Salon. An average bill covers an awful lot, so if you can see that someone’s average bill is very low, there are parts of her job that she’s just not doing. An average bill that’s on the increase indicates somebody who’s taking retail seriously or that’s also very good at selling additional products or services when somebody comes in to your Salon. So you want to see a nice high average bill, set a benchmark f

  • 30. Boost your team's performance with one-to-ones

    06/10/2016 Duración: 06min

    Welcome, and today we’re talking about one to ones. So these are the individual meetings that you’re going to be having with every member of your team to help them hit the targets that you need to, so that you can achieve Salon success. Today I’ve got five tips for you on running one to ones: 1. These are called one to ones and not meetings so call them one to ones, keep the meetings for the capability and disciplinary process. 2. Frequency and format of the meeting - How often you meet with a member of the team would depend on where they’re at in their career and also their performance against their targets. 3. Feedback - The beginning of each meeting you should be feeding back the performance of the team member over the last period. Summarise what it is that you’re expecting from them, but make sure you end on a high. 4. Targets - I expect a member of the team to set themselves an easy target, those targets need to feed through and add up to what you need the Salon to achieve to hit your goals. 5. Keeping r

  • 29. Living AND Working with your Partner

    24/09/2016 Duración: 07min

    Get the MP3 and transcript here: Welcome, and today we’re talking about working and living with the same person, how we’re going to run our businesses and our relationships successfully when your partner at home is also your partner in the business. If you get it wrong it can have dire consequences not only on the business front, but it can end a relationship as well. I’ve lived and worked with the same person for about twenty years now. Now there are some amazing benefits, but there are a lot of down sides as well; you’ve got to be really careful. Firstly you’ve got to start with the end in mind. Are you going to be selling the business at some stage, is the idea that one partner leaves the business, what happens if you split up? You need to have these difficult conversations before you embark on working together. Sometimes they are hard conversations, but you have to get an agreement in the end. Secondly you have to agree on the big stuff, you have to be pushi

  • 28. Work-Life Balance and your salon business

    18/09/2016 Duración: 07min

    Welcome, and today we’re talking all about work life balance. As far as work life balance is concerned though I think I’ve got three strategies that could really serve you well. I have a problem with the expression work life balance; I think it puts pressure on us as human beings that we should be spending fifty percent of our energy and effort on our businesses and the other fifty percent outside having some kind of other life. I think that where you set your percentage is entirely up to you, stop beating yourself up, stop trying to move to this fifty-fifty Utopian world. Firstly, you need to know what’s needed. This goes back to your goal setting. You will never achieve work life balance where ever you’ve decided to split unless you are crystal clear about what it is that you’re trying to achieve in the areas of your life. Once you know what’s needed it’s also much easier to figure out what’s not needed. Where are you willing to spend your time, your effort and your energy? Where you set those percentages i

  • 27. How to use Facebook for Salon Recruitment

    11/09/2016 Duración: 13min

    Welcome, and today we’re talking all about how we can use Facebook advertising as an effective tool to help us recruit into our Salons. What I’ve put together today you can use as a checklist next time you’re doing Facebook advertising for recruitment or a trouble shooting list to see where you went wrong last time. Market - this is your audience in Facebook terms, first thing though you do realise you’re going to pay for this right? I still think Facebook advertising is a cost effective way of reaching your audience. How do we reach the audience with Facebook? You have to know who you’re talking to and also use your Facebook advertising tool called interests and behaviours, so that you identify your target market by the things that they’re interested in. I do limit my adverts geographically, but don’t limit yourself too far and don’t narrow your search to far geographically. Don’t limit it by age, keep it broad as far as age limit is concerned, focus on the interests and behaviours instead. Now the message:

  • 25. How to compete with online retailers

    29/08/2016 Duración: 10min Get the full transcript here: SUMMARY Welcome and today we’re talking about how Salons can compete with online retailers. So today what I’ve got for you is seven strategies that I think can give your Salon a fighting chance. 1. We need to remove the ability to make a comparison. Online retailing only works if the customer is able to make a direct and immediate comparison. We can remove that ability to make a comparison then the online retailers don’t stand a chance. 2. Take away the choice for the customer. Reduce her ability to say no to take a product by including them in a service you offer. 3. Take away the choice as far as your staff is concerned. We have a Salon guarantee in place, so my team know they have to consistently talk about retail products. 4. See retail products as an overall project. When you’re seeing the product as an overall project

  • 24. How to get referrals to WORK in your salon

    21/08/2016 Duración: 07min

    Welcome and today we’re talking about recommend a friend and referral schemes. We all know that recommend a friend schemes and referral schemes make excellent business sense. So why do I hear from so many Salon Owners that they’re not getting excellent results. Well I think I’ve identified three fundamental flaws which I would like to share with you: 1. They don’t maintain customer interest. I’ve seen two things going wrong here; I don’t think many of your recommend a friend schemes are generous enough. The other thing is I’ve seen people rewarding their customers with something that just don’t interest them. 2. Some schemes fail to maintain the team’s interest. There will be some people that need recommend a friend, but there will be other Stylists or Technicians or Therapists that actually don’t need recommend a friend. So it’s very hard to get traction with your recommend a friend scheme. 3. We get time scales wrong. I think you should be taking your recommend a friend scheme out of the Salon; you need to

  • 23. How to say goodbye - firings and resignations in your salon

    15/08/2016 Duración: 10min

    Welcome, and today we’re talking about when an employee decides to leave or when you need to terminate their employment. So what are the circumstances when it’s time to say goodbye? 1. When a member of your team is not hitting the required Salon standards. You should also have in place a capability procedure and also a disciplinary procedure. 2. When they quit. To get to the stage where they’re actually resigning from a position, is a big mental process for an employee and when they’ve got to that stage, it’s too late. 3. It becomes all about the money. Pay your staff as much as you can possibly afford and then the conversation when they’re asking for extra pay rise is very short indeed. So there are four golden rules for when we’re dealing with employees resigning or us terminating their employment: 1. We are never surprised. I will not take a meeting unless I know what’s on the agenda. That gives me a chance to be prepared, to start planning ahead so you are fully prepared and fully armed. 2. You must have

  • 22. Take back CONTROL in your salon business

    08/08/2016 Duración: 06min

    I want you to take back some of the control in your business. There’s been a real buzz word around business – which is outsourcing. I’m not suggesting that you do absolutely everything in your business, there are times when you need to outsource, but there are elements of our business that we’re handing over too readily and we need to start taking back some things into the fold. Websites: Have enough knowledge and understanding to be able to update your website yourself. Once you have that knowledge you can make an informed decision if it’s something you will carry on doing yourself, or if it’s something you can hand over to someone else. Social media: Updates I see done by the professionals don't quite ring true; it feels a little bit phoney. Take your social media back, learn to master it, learn to schedule. Design: You are spending a lot of money on design. In my Salon our prices increase in September and with that I need to send the new prices to my Graphic Designer for the next twelve months. He’ll also

  • 21. How To Move From GUILT To GRATITUDE - Podcast

    02/08/2016 Duración: 08min

    This week I want to look at those guilty feelings, that mis-spent energy that is affecting your current and future success, and we’re going to come up strategies for dealing with it so that we can move forward to a place of gratitude. Guilt comes in three forms; guilt for the things that we’ve done in the past, guilt for our current position and guilt for our potential future circumstance. When we’re looking at guilt in the past, remember we've all made mistakes. The things I got wrong in the past were the best I could do at the time, I wasn’t out to hurt people deliberately. So how do we move on from that guilt? You find someone that trusts and loves you unconditionally, and you talk it through. They will forgive you - then it’s time that you forgive yourself. Guilt in our current situation is why we hide away our success, we shield others from how well we’re doing, and it’s a misspent guilt. You are completely limiting your potential if you have those feelings around your potential success. It’s your duty a

  • 20. How to raise your salon standards - GUARANTEED!

    25/07/2016 Duración: 12min

    This week I want to guarantee that this is going to be the best episode for your business ever! Actually I’m not, but I think you should be guaranteeing because this week we’re talking about Salon Service Guarantees. Salon Service Guarantees are one of the most important marketing statements that you can possibly make, they are marketing gold. There are three golden rules for you, when you are coming up with your Salon Service Guarantee: The first is that your guarantee must be achingly simple to understand. Secondly it has to be relevant to your customer. The third is that your guarantee must be absolutely genuine. So what I want to do now is share with you the guarantee that I’m making to my customers, I want you to understand the thought process on how I put our guarantee together. So our guarantee is called the Bravo Five Point Promise, just five simple points: Point number one is that we guarantee you’ll receive a full consultation before every service. Point number two, if we don’t offer you a luxury co

  • 19. PLEASE look at email marketing!

    11/07/2016 Duración: 08min

    FREE 30 minute webinar here: I’m going to get straight in with the begging – PLEASE can you start having a really close look at email marketing in your Salon. I’ve come up with seven ways that will inspire and motivate you to get on with some email marketing. First – Email marketing is really, really low cost even free. Second - Nobody else is doing it, so it’s something that does set you apart from your competition. Third – It keeps you in the mind of your customer. Fourth - Email marketing lets you project your brand personality. Next up - If I can find a marketing pillar that doesn’t need my team to do anything and it doesn’t take any Salon time that makes me really happy. Sixth - Email marketing helps your existing marketing work a little bit harder. Finally email marketing is easy to track, so you can measure your success relatively easily. If you’re serious about getting into email marketing, there will be a link to a free webinar that I’ve put together for you

  • 18. What is wrong with your marketing?

    11/07/2016 Duración: 07min

    Today I have two questions for you, the first is what is going wrong with your Salon marketing and secondly who do you think you’re talking to? I love our Industry, I think it’s a fantastic, vibrant industry being pumped full of youthful energy. But that disappears when it comes to our Salon marketing. I think the most common problem which brought me on to the “who do you think you’re talking to” question – is that we haven’t adequately identified who the marketing is supposed to be speaking too. How do we talk to people in a way that they understand and relate and how do you make sure that we’re hitting the buttons that our target markets are interested in - by using something called customer avatars. Customer avatars are imaginary people but they have a set of characteristics that you believe identify your target market. What I want you to do is start having a think about your customer avatars. Now the easiest way to get started on customer avatars is to have a look at the clientele that you already have. N

  • 17. Gotta love the HATERS!

    04/07/2016 Duración: 11min

    Hi everyone, Phil Jackson here from Build Your Salon, here to help you master the tools you need to generate the profits you deserve, so that you can lead a fuller life. Today we’re talking all about the haters, who just give us a hard time online, and I just wanted to explore with you how I deal with it. So why is it that people have this strong reaction to us, why do people hate online at all? Well I suppose the simplest explanation is that they are jealous. What we’re doing as entrepreneurs is not normal, normal for most people is to get the qualifications and stay on payroll until you either retire or die. So how do I deal with it? I deal with it by finding the one beautiful little nugget of truth or the one beautiful little positive that will be in every single negative response that you have. Find the treasure, focus on that and see it in proportion of what else you’ve done. You get one or two people hating, have a look at the reach of their Facebook post. Think about the good, think about it in context

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