Edge Radio With Viz And Annie



What is Edge Radio? It's Huge! Some call it entertaining. Some call it edgy. Some even describe it as being funny and addictive! It may make you laugh and could possibly even make you cry. Prepare yourself, if you dare, for something so big it will push you to the Edge! It's Edge Radio with Viz and Cole. It's hours of fun, gay comedy and talk, and subjects with a little bite. Show includes Gay porn reports and interviews with some of the hottest up and coming LGBT artists and musicians. Who knows they may throw a midget in for good measure. That adds what? A few inches? Edge Radio is live Wednesdays at 8 PM - 11 PM ET (-5.00 GMT)on QNation.FM!


  • Edge Radio 04-22-09 Part 3

    23/04/2009 Duración: 46min

    Cole puts his boxer shorts on right in front of Miss Annie and shows us how well his pubic hair has grown in. For some reason Cole's cock reminds them of a slinky. Is there a new theme song for Cole? They check in with Momma Viz and he confronts her about making fun of his hairy legs when he was a kid. Did he make it up? After the break Viz mentioned he had some issues last week but didn't want to bring it up till now. He thought he may have had to do last weeks show standing up which leads to a conversation on Tucks and the proper use of them. Since it is Earth Day, Miss Annie tells the boys about the origins of the day and some interesting information about its creator.

  • Edge Radio 04-22-09 Part 2

    23/04/2009 Duración: 43min

    In part 2 Evil Gene checks in with the weekly porn report and review. This week he reviews "Raw Rooftop Sluts" and a film involving a Midget on a Big wheel. After the break Viz and Cole relive the Jared Michaels interview with a little help from Miss Annie on sound effects. She also surprises the guys with some special ones that she made for the show. Can you say Swedish? Cole gives a report of more bizarre facts as he always does and Viz tells a quick story about a convicted sex offender that bit off his own junk.

  • Edge Radio 04-22-09 Part 1

    23/04/2009 Duración: 39min

    There was no show last week so the gang catch up with each other. It has been two weeks since Annie has seen the boys and they are glad she is back. For some reason Cole brings up that he knows someone that is going to climb Mt. Everest. This of course introduces Viz and Annie to the term "Sherpa". Cole then proceeds to educate them about the Sherpas and what they do. Annie missed the boys so much she brought them a special gift – boxer shorts. Viz and Cole go over what types of questions they could ask the nominees at the Grabby award red carpet broadcast. Viz brings up that something is wrong with his tongue and how it is sore and hurts. He proceeds to give a demonstration on what the show would sound like if he had no tongue. After the break they take a caller from Canada. Viz tells Cole about the Miss USA contestant that lost due to the bitter queen Perez Hilton.

  • Edge Radio 04-08-09 Part 3

    09/04/2009 Duración: 39min

    The boys are all alone in this one because they are without Miss Annie and Evil Gene this week. Based on the chatters in the chat room the boys were wondering if they needed to add more vagina talk to the show. For some reason the women love them some Viz and Cole. For some reason Viz comes in contact with his feminine side and gets on the subject of wanting a child of his own. Is it too much to ask a female friend to carry his child? If lesbian friends asked for your sperm would you give it to them? After the break the show leaves the wholesome side and starts to get on track. Cole tells us a story of a good deed he has done this past week. Cole does a second good deed and brings Viz rubber ducks to add to his collection. Viz tells Cole a story about a pimp in Australia who paid his whore with chicken nuggets. Was she part aborigine? Are aborigine's cave people?

  • Edge Radio 04-08-09 Part 2

    09/04/2009 Duración: 47min

    In Part 2 Cole tells us a story on something that happened to him as a result of what Viz says about his cock. Viz tells a story about his younger days and the rendezvous he used to have with a married man. He also reports a story about an ex-subway sandwich shop employees that was fired due to the fact that he had been in gay porn. After that Viz thought it would be nice to inform Cole that there was a Chia Obama out there and how they needed one for the Edge Studios. After the break Cole gives a report as he fills in for Miss Annie. He reports that the economy is apparently booming for psychics. He also reports on how a man got arrest for driving drunk on a motorized bar stool and a pillow fight that was stopped by the police. He ends the report with different holidays in April and how they need their own.

  • Edge Radio 04-08-09 Part 1

    09/04/2009 Duración: 43min
  • Edge Radio 04-01-09 Part 3

    02/04/2009 Duración: 39min

    In the final hour Viz wants to find the Mr. Limpy so he can show Ms. Annie. He tries to explain to her what it looks like. Cole then proceeds to tell her the cameltoe pillow story which involves the Mr. Limpy. After hearing the conversation and banter the chatters suggest that Viz and Cole will be the two old guys from the muppets – Waldorf and Statler. Annie gives us a news report. She reports on a woman who was locked in her car and couldn't get out. Is this a trend? She also reports on how someone blew up the ass of the Lenin statue in Russia. Her final story is about legalization of same sex marriages in Sweden which of course leads Viz and Cole into their best Swedish impressions. After the break the gang briefly discusses sex toys. Cole ends the show with a little story involving an irish pub, girlfriends mothers, insults and a samurai sword!

  • Edge Radio 04-01-09 Part 2

    02/04/2009 Duración: 52min

    Evil Gene checks in again this week with the Edge Radio Porn report. Before he starts his review Viz and Cole mention to Gene that they will be going to the Grabby's for a live broadcast and want to hang out. This brings up the subject of the GAYVN's in San Francisco. Gene summarizes what went down at the event between Brent Corrigan and Michael Lucas. He reviews two movies this Porn Star Mason Wyler. The first is "Summit" with Brent Corrigan and the second is from "Boy’s Pissing.com" Can we say Eww? After the break Cole gets upset because Viz says he is going to go our whoring around after the Grabby's broadcast while they are in Chicago. Is this true? The boys then check in with Momma Viz and she is in a good mood. Did she get laid? They get a Farmersonly.com update. She is still looking for a man and Viz asks her what types of guys she likes. Does she have the same taste in men as her son?

  • Edge Radio 04-01-09 Part 1

    02/04/2009 Duración: 42min

    Well Spring is here and Viz is full of spunk and horny as a result. The boys wonder if Ms. Annie is adventurous in bed. It is funny how they talk about her right when she is in the studio. Is she a secret dominatrix? Cole had a bad day and wanted people to die. Well that is how he describes it. He summarizes his day and introduces us to Rat Guy. Was he day that bad? Is it ever? After the break Viz has a question. He is working out again and he asks Cole and Annie about a guy he saw at the gym and whether he was gay or not. There was eye contact a few times as well as a possible I want you maneuver. Is Viz's gym crush gay or not? See what Annie and Cole think.

  • Edge Radio 03-25-09 Part 3

    26/03/2009 Duración: 45min

    In part three the boys interview transgendered comedian Ian Harvie. They discuss everything from his decision to change his gender, how he got his start in comedy, and what he is currently working on. He was a talker and wasn't holding anything back. After the break Viz gives Cole a hard time about being the only name billed on Ian's website with no mention of Viz at all. He likes busting Cole's balls.

  • Edge Radio 03-25-09 Part 2

    26/03/2009 Duración: 43min

    In part two Evil Gene checks in with the weekly porn review. This week he reviews "Three Dollar Hookup" from 18 West studios as well as a bareback porn called "Barebacking Sluts" from Breed Me Media. Find out how they rate. After the break Cole tells us about some weird sex laws in various countries. Who knew there were such laws? Cole also tells us about an interesting love triangle, or is it more like a square? Viz sums it all up with a story about a man who was having sex with animals.

  • Edge Radio 03-25-09 Part 1

    26/03/2009 Duración: 45min

    Viz is trying to pimp Cole out on Manhunt.com as a great contest or radio segment idea. After a brief talk about Coles wiener Viz was wondering if woman have similar issues with the size of their labia. Viz thinks that the type of underwear one wears determines how long your penis will be as you grow older. Viz wants to get Cole the puppetry of the penis book and create fun puppets as a possible Cole challenge. Viz suggests that the Manhunt segment could become similar to the Dating Game. After the break Viz goes on his rant about how the President is on all the channels way too much. Annie reports about a Down Syndrome mom looking to get her child laid. Any takers? She also reports about the lesbian kiss of death and lists the television shows that have done it. Viz remembers straight actors/guys kissing in gay movies. Is that hot or what?

  • Edge Radio 03-18-09 Part 3

    19/03/2009 Duración: 48min

    The boys finally get to talk to Gay Pop Star Aiden Bay. Cole tries to embarrass Viz during the interview. Does it work? After the break Viz thinks that he is in love with Aiden – well a crush anyway. Cole tells us that he had jury duty this past week and that he was not chosen and then released early. He took that opportunity to sit in his car and jerk off. Did he get caught on camera?

  • Edge Radio 03-18-09 Part 2

    19/03/2009 Duración: 40min

    There is no porn report this week and Viz is trying to expand listenership call ins and participation by installing Skype on the station computer during the break. After some live testing they determine that it needs some tweaking before it is utilized. After the break Barack Obama checks in. Viz and Barack have a little conversation about teabagging and having sex in the white house. Viz tries to sound smart by telling Annie and Cole about Bananas and why they no longer produce seeds. He is apparently well steeped in Banana knowledge. Annie reports a story about a lucky dildo. Is the dildo candle in the studio lucky?

  • Edge Radio 03-18-09 Part 1

    19/03/2009 Duración: 44min

    Viz is in a very excited mood because they get to talk to and interview Gay Pop Star Aiden Bay. Viz wants to bust Mz. Evil’s balls about not showing up last week after he promised a porn report this week with a special porn star guest. Cole tells us that he finally got through a Target shopping trip without getting aroused. Annie’s got issues and Viz wanted to make sure that he and Cole weren’t a direct result of being on the show. Viz gives Annie and Cole an update on nut sack guy and admits things that he probably shouldn’t have on the air. Cole brings up to Viz that he saw a show that reminded him of Viz. For some reason it involved repos, Mexicans, and midgets. During the break Annie and Cole find Mexican midget wrestling and go off into the world of giggles and such once they return on air. It soon becomes Midget humor 101. Once they gather composure Cole reports a story involving lesbians and a turkey baster assault. He also reports on a story about a female high school senior and her fight to wear a

  • Edge Radio 03-04-09 Part 3

    05/03/2009 Duración: 44min

    The boys interview up and coming porn star Cooper Lee. Unlike last weeks interview, this weeks guest actually talked and they learned a ton about him. After the break Viz does his best AC/DC impression. They also discuss the now famous Chimp face eating story which reminds Viz about the Sigfried and Roy Reunion and final show in Las Vegas. They play some of the Chimp 911 call which is disturbing and discuss how crazy the woman was who owned it.

  • Edge Radio 03-04-09 Part 2

    05/03/2009 Duración: 38min

    Mz Evil checks in with the weekly porn report. He also updates the boys on the Prop 8 protest that he was missing to call into the show for his porn report. He reviews "The Intern" in honor of Annie and "Ass Cruisin with Aaron James" for Cole. After the break Cole had a few interesting facts about various nonsense. If you know Cole you understand.

  • Edge Radio 03-04-09 Part 1

    05/03/2009 Duración: 42min

    Annie is back so all is well. The boys start to ask Annie question about her sex life. Is she glad to be back? Viz tells Cole he is a crop duster and Cole admits that he has never crop dusted and is shocked that Viz has done the deed. This leads into a discussion about aromatics and if Viz is summoning Annie and Cole to it. Viz begins to get a bit crazy with sound effects as Cole shares his story about being lactose intolerant. He thinks Viz acts like a 12 year old. Really? After the break Viz suggests getting massages during the show and Cole updates Annie about the Hootchie smell from hell. Annie gives a news report involving an airline and soft porn. She also reports that Northwest Airlines now serves penis on flights as well as other interesting news worthy events.

  • Edge Radio 02-25-09 Part 3

    26/02/2009 Duración: 45min

    The guest who shall remain nameless called in late after he didn't even show up last week which got Viz a little irritated. Both he and Cole determine that he is as dumb as a box of rocks. Once he finally gets through and they start the interview it becomes apparent that he is indeed dumb and not much of a conversationalist. It fast became the worst and most uncomfortable interview in the history of the show. At least one thing was good about it. It was the shortest! After the break Cole relives the story on how he got the dent he claims to have on his ass. Viz doesn't see it. You can observe and judge for yourself with the pictures on the website. The boys then discuss having Ms. Annie on board and begin to analyze her. Viz tells a story that he found on a website for wife beaters. Since the creator of the site was having hosting issues Viz said he would host it for him. Cole ends the show with some bizarre town names. Which is the most bizarre? Listen and find out.

  • Edge Radio 02-25-09 Part 2

    26/02/2009 Duración: 45min

    Mz Evil checks in with a porn report. Somewhere along the line they begin to discuss Brent Corrigan and Cooper Lee amongst other things. As they prepare for the guest that fell thru last week Cole reports on a few stories in the news. He reports on Condom sales, a cancer detecting pussy, and the affects of the economy on horny Chinese business tycoons while having a interesting conversation with Barack Obama as he does the report

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