Larry Williams Drive



With a straight down the middle approach, Larry Williams Drive on Newstalk ZB delivers the very latest news and views to New Zealanders as they wrap up their day.


  • James Mac: Musician on the New Zealand Music Month version of Heardle

    06/05/2022 Duración: 02min

    Everyone knows about Wordle, and some people may have heard about Heardle - a game for guessing songs.Heardle got a Kiwi makeover for New Zealand Music Month.Musician James Mac, who developed this version of the game, joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Frances Sweetman: Milford Asset Management portfolio manager says their sustainability policy is to try and work with DGL instead of excludi

    06/05/2022 Duración: 03min

    KiwiSaver provider Milford Asset Management will try to engage with DGL Group instead of excluding the company.Company CEO Simon Henry made offensive comments about My Food Bag's Nadia Lim.Other Kiwi Saver providers Kiwi Wealth and Simplicity have added the company to their exclusion list.Milford Asset Management's Frances Sweetman told Heather du Plessis-Allan their sustainability policy is to try and work with the company on the issue before restricting it.“Our first strategy is to get in contact with the company, share our views about this issue, what we want to see happen and go from there.”LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Matthew Lane: Nite n' Day general manager says Countdown price freeze is likely down to The Warehouse breaking into the market

    06/05/2022 Duración: 02min

    Competition may be the driving force behind Countdown's decision to drive down costs.From Monday, the supermarket chain will freeze prices on 500 essential over the winter months in response to the cost of living.It includes a wide variety of staples - from tinned tomatoes, to butter, sugar, flour and more.Nite n' Day general manager Matthew Lane told Heather du Plessis-Allan it's likely a result to The Warehouse breaking into the market.He says it's hard to break into this market due to the major competitors, so The Warehouse is giving a good nudge with the likes of $4 butter and $3 milk.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Jason Walls: Newstalk ZB Chief Political Reporter on today's decarbonisation announcement

    06/05/2022 Duración: 04min

    Jacinda Ardern has weighed in on Simon Henry’s comments on Nadia Lim.Ardern said this afternoon that the comments do a complete disservice to Nadia and it would’ve been insulting to all women.Meanwhile, the Government is spending $10 million on removing coal boilers from schools.The move is going to reduce carbon emissions buy around 35,000 tonnes over the next ten years as part of a wider $23 million announcement as part of decarbonisation.The buildup to the Budget later this month continues.In this week alone, there have been announcements on driver licenses, truancy issues and biosecurity.Newstalk ZB Chief Political Reporter Jason Walls joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Dan Mitchinson: Biden taps 1st Black woman, LGBT White House press secretary

    06/05/2022 Duración: 05min

    President Joe Biden on Thursday named Karine Jean-Pierre to be the next White House press secretary, the first Black woman and openly LGBTQ person to serve in the role. Incumbent Jen Psaki is set to leave the post next week.Jean-Pierre takes on the role as the White House faces an uphill battle to help Democrats hold onto the House and Senate in this fall's midterm elections, and as the administration struggles to address Americans' concerns about soaring inflation and the state of the economy. She also comes into the job as Biden faces a daunting array of foreign policy challenges, including the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine and North Korea's escalating nuclear testing program. Biden is set to visit South Korea and Japan later this month and Europe in June.Biden is also bringing back longtime Democratic strategist Anita Dunn as his senior adviser. She had served in the Biden White House last year for several months after Biden was sworn into office.“Karine not only brings the experience, talent and int

  • Graham McKean: First Union organiser says bus drivers have no option but to avoid key stops for their own safety

    06/05/2022 Duración: 04min

    Tauranga bus drivers will no longer stop at three of the city's main bus stops if they see youths gathered.The boycott comes as drivers fear for their safety amid incidents of violence and aggression from young people at bus stops, most notably the Willow Street interchange.Police say they were called to deal with a youth who was found with an offensive weapon on Willow Street on Wednesday.First Union organiser Graham McKean told Heather Du Plessis-Allan bus drivers have no option but to avoid key bus stops for their own safety.“They’re totally feeling threatened. It’s just a matter of time before some of them are seriously injured, harmed, or beyond that.”LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Heather du Plessis-Allan: Countdown price freeze helps them a lot and shoppers just a little

    06/05/2022 Duración: 02min

    We’ll have to give Countdown a little bit of credit here.A price freeze is definitely better than no price freeze during a cost of living crisis.But I think buy now we’ve realised that this price freeze is not quite as great as it looks, right?First, it doesn’t actually reduce the burden on shoppers very much.A price cut would mean that your grocery bill would come down, but a price freeze is just going to keep your grocery bill as high as it already is.A price freeze just locks in the profits that Countdown’s already making on those items and it locks in those profits for the possibly the next three months because that’s apparently how much supply supermarkets will already have on their books on that price.So Countdown probably already knows that the price freeze will not hurt them much at all for the next three months, therefore they can afford to do it.Secondly, I’m not entirely sure if you’ve looked through the list of these products, but they’re not necessarily the highest priorities for squeezed shopper

  • Jamie Mackay: The Country host on what to expect for the start of duck hunting season

    05/05/2022 Duración: 03min

    Duck hunting is set to start at 6:45 am on Saturday.Fish and Game New Zealand says that good bird populations and the ease of Covid restrictions means this season looks to be the best in years.However, unfortunately, the weather may look to be in favour of the ducks this weekend.The Country host Jamie Mackay joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Liam Dann: NZ Herald Business Editor at Large on supply shortage problem at PlaceMakers

    05/05/2022 Duración: 04min

    There is a bit of a supply shortage problem going on at PlaceMakers.On Thursday, PlaceMackers delivered price rise and shortage information, revealing Pink Batts has had production issues.Another product of concern is Gib, with customers being told to order it now for July.NZ Herald Business Editor at Large Liam Dann joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Enda Brady: Boris Johnson faces his first serious electoral test since his reputation hit rock bottom

    05/05/2022 Duración: 05min

    Ever since the "Partygate" scandal rocked Boris Johnson's premiership at the end of last year, the British Prime Minister has repeatedly dodged questions about his future by asserting that what the public wants is for politicians to get on with running the country, not obsess over events that took place nearly two years ago.Later this week, Johnson will have some indication of whether or not that claim is right. On Thursday, people across England, Scotland and Wales will vote in local elections, the closest thing to a mid-term that Johnson has faced since taking office in 2019.The vote takes place as Johnson and his governing Conservatives are surrounded by scandals and crises so bad that members of his own party have publicly called for his resignation. Indeed, the most pressing of these scandals, which saw Johnson fined by police for breaching his own Covid rules during the 2020 lockdown, might have led to his ousting from office under normal circumstances.And yet, Johnson has time and again proved himself

  • Mark Knoff-Thomas: Newmarket Business Association chief executive on Auckland Transport's plan to oversee solutions to ram raids

    05/05/2022 Duración: 03min

    Auckland Transport are appointing a designated staff member to oversee solutions to the recent ram raids experienced by local businesses.In some cases bollards will be installed outside shops that feel they're being targeted.But retailers feel it's still too hard to get permission for the bollards.Newmarket Business Association chief executive Mark Knoff-Thomas joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Lynda Keene: Tourism Export Council chief executive on Kiwi overseas travel exodus

    05/05/2022 Duración: 03min

    Nearly a quarter of Kiwi adults are planning on flying the nest in the next year.Horizon Research shows that more than 900,000 Kiwi adults are planning overseas holidays now the borders are open.The exodus is apparently going to start in May and peak in September.But how will New Zealand tourism operators feeling about this?Tourism Export Council chief executive Lynda Keene joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Heather du Plessis-Allan: Simon Henry would be wise to apologise for what he said about Nadia Lim

    05/05/2022 Duración: 02min

    You know by now I’m not one to join aboard the cancel culture train when someone says something deemed out of line, but I think that businessman Simon Henry would be wise to apologise for what he said about Nadia Lim.I’m saying this not because I’ve taken offence at it, but because he’s wrong and because he risks wearing personal and business damage unless here he kills this off as a media story as soon as possible.Just in case you haven’t heard this, what he said during an interview with NBR was this: “I can tell you, and you can quote me, when you've got Nadia Lim, when you've got a little bit of Eurasian fluff in the middle of your prospectus with a blouse unbuttoned showing some cleavage, and that's what it takes to sell your scrip, then you know you're in trouble.”If you read the context of the article, he was trying to compare his business’ recent IPO with My Food Bag’s recent IPO.His IPO did really well. Shares that were worth AUD $1 at float are now worth near AUD $3.80.My Food Bag’s IPO did not do as

  • The Huddle: Nadia Lim, Auckland cyclepaths, Simon Bridges

    05/05/2022 Duración: 10min

    Nadia Lim has hit back at comments from DGL CEO Simon Henry.Henry claimed in an NBR interview that things including Lim's appearance could explain why his business has outperformed hers on the NZX and ASX.Auckland Council has voted on new cyclepaths.The vote was on prioritising giving Auckland Transport money to build new cyclepaths, which was passed by 13 votes to 3, with 7 absentions.Simon Bridges delivered his valedictory speech in Parliament yesterday.Bridges touched on his Māori identity and gave a lesson for new MPs during his speech.Listen above as Simon Wilson and Nick Mills discuss the day's news with Heather du Plessis-AllanSee for privacy information.

  • Leonie Freeman: Property Council chief executive on Adrian Orr's comments about house prices

    05/05/2022 Duración: 03min

    Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr was grilled by MPs today, telling them to “take a step back and just breathe” when it comes to inflation.He told MPs house prices should drop 5 to 20 percent from current levels to be sustainable.Orr was asked about recent homebuyers who may then face negative equity or stress from higher interest rates, and said the bank had warned them.Property Council chief executive Leonie Freeman joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Topsy Rule: Sumner-Redcliffs Historical Society secretary on Christchurch City Council refusing to provide a flagpole over worries about Chi

    05/05/2022 Duración: 02min

    Christchurch City Council is refusing to provide a flagpole for a Sumner building because it’s worried about the Chinese Government.It had promised to give $10,000 towards a new flagpole for Sumner after it was lost in the earthquake.But now it has rescinded that.Sumner-Redcliffs Historical Society secretary Topsy Rule joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Cameron Bagrie: Economist says there needs to be fiscal restraint in Government spending

    05/05/2022 Duración: 02min

    One economist warns tax cuts may not be a good idea.The latest Newshub-Reid Research poll showed almost 69 percent of those polled want taxes slashed, but Grant Robertson has pushed back against such a policy.Economist Cameron Bagrie told Heather du Plessis-Allan there needs to be fiscal restraint in Government spending.“We’ve got an inflationary fire out there, and a fiscal policy, Government spending or tax cuts, is potentially pouring more and more diesel on that.”LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Jason Walls: Newstalk ZB Chief Political Reporter on Trevor Mallard's third consecutive day of absence from Parliament

    05/05/2022 Duración: 05min

    Trevor Mallard has been absent from Parliament for the third day in a row.Mallard was meeting with the US Ambassador, but meanwhile National MP Chris Bishop was publically planning a coup against the under fire Speaker.Mallard is also copping criticism for going to Europe along with a group of MPs from every other political party except Act.Act Deputy Leader Brooke van Valden said it’s an expensive junket that serves no purpose, but Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern backs the tour.A new poll suggests that Kiwis want tax cuts in the upcoming Budget.A Newshub-Reid poll suggested that 69 percent of Kiwis wanted a tax cut, but 48 percent of Labour voters also want the cuts.Newstalk ZB Chief Political Reporter Jason Walls joined Heather du Plessis-Allan.LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Nadia Lim: Chef and My Food Bag founder says she's speaking up for people who feel they don't have a voice

    05/05/2022 Duración: 03min

    Nadia Lim isn't sweating the small stuff after a Kiwi richlister brought up her attire and race in an interview.DGL Group CEO Simon Henry claimed in an NBR interview that things including Lim's appearance, could explain why his business has outperformed hers on the NZX and ASX.Simplicity and Kiwi Wealth have chucked DGL Group on its exclusion list.Lim told Heather du Plessis-Allan his comments were offensive.“I’ve got the privilege to be able to stick up for those people that don’t have voice, who probably also say these types of comments, and probably on a much, much, much, much, much, much more frequent basis than I.”Lim says she's speaking up for people out there who feel they don't have a voice.“And you know, there’s so many great, hard-working people who contribute so much and yet they put up with that type of thing all the time, so that’s why I decided, you know what? Actually, this is not cool.”LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.

  • Murray Olds: Anthony Albanese under fire for not knowing party’s own NDIS policy

    05/05/2022 Duración: 06min

    Anthony Albanese has stumbled over details of one of his party’s major policies before an adviser handed him notes in the middle of a press conference.The Opposition Leader – who on the first day of the campaign came under fire for not knowing the unemployment figure and official cash rate – faced a barrage of questions in Sydney on Thursday over Labor’s National Disability Insurance Scheme policy.Instead of providing a clear answer about the six parts of the plan, Mr Albanese stuttered, saying what Labor would do “was outlined by Bill Shorten”.“But Mr Albanese, what are the six points?” he was asked.He stuttered again before responding: “We will put people at the centre of the NDIS”.Journalists threw further questions about it, including “what is the policy?” and “do you not know what it is?” which he dodged until towards the end of the press conference.After being handed the policy on a piece of paper by an adviser, he looked down at his notes and detailed the six points.Another journalist went on to call h

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