Keto Naturopath



Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Chinese herbal medicine, areas of specialty Environmental medicine, nutrition, and nutrigenomics. Clinical practice 16 years.


  • Episode 45: Prequel to interview with Dr. Westman

    16/01/2019 Duración: 29min

    When people ask who has the greatest experience with working with the people on a low carb diet, there is only one answer. That’s Dr. Eric Westman. He was only person to actually conduct studies on the approach and methods that Dr. Robert Atkins employed to treat people with a low carb diet...that resulted incredibly reproducible outcomes. At a time when dietary recommendations by physicians was low fat Dr. Westman was looking in the opposite direct to change peoples health status.   Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 43: Interview with Dr. Thomas Seyfried part II

    19/12/2018 Duración: 01h12min

    Catch your breath from part one and get ready to be introduced to the larger context of treating cancer 'as a metabolic disease' and how essential a calorie-restricted ketogenic diet is to achieving a return to health, creating healthy cells from cancerous ones...a return to “the society of cells” as Dr. Seyfried says. Is it possible? You bet.   Links: Efficacy of Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy Combined with Ketogenic Diet, Hyperthermia, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Stage IV Triple-Negative Breast Cancer -pulse: a novel therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancer Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 42: Interview with Dr. Thomas Seyfried Part I

    15/12/2018 Duración: 43min

    From Vietnam To The Cutting Edge of Cancer Research …   Fighting To Save People's Lives In a Different War 50 years later. In this episode, the first part of the interview with Dr. Seyfried. Tom mentioned briefly that he spent a year in Vietnam as part of the 1st Calvary Division...The 1st Cavalry Division is one of the most decorated combat divisions of the United States Army and had some of the highest casualty rates of the entire Vietnam War. As he calmly puts it: '...From firebase to the jungle’ is where he spent his time. It is no stretch of the imagination to say he sees himself in an entirely different kind of war…with an even higher 'body count’ then in Vietnam…  'of over 1,600 people dying of cancer each day’ in the US.  The 1st Calvary Division where Tom Served in Vietnam Some of Dr. Seyfried’s recent studies Press-pulse: a novel therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancerOn

  • Episode 41: Prequel to interview with Dr. Seyfried part III

    09/12/2018 Duración: 36min

    The Shot heard round the world. “… the origin of carcinogenesis resides with the mitochondria in the cytoplasm, not the with the genome in the Nucleus.”Researchers have transplanted the nucleus (it’s DNA) of a cancer cell into a healthy cell that had its nucleus removed. When that new combined cell with healthy cytoplasm and mitochondria but DNA from the cancer was injected into mice no cancer developed. But when the cancer cell with the nucleus of a healthy cell was injected into mice, those mice developed cancer. No one saw this coming or dared to predict such an outcome. It is evidence that the promoter of cancer was not the ‘cancerous DNA’ genes of the cancer cells, but the mitochondria in the cytoplasm of the cancer cells. This event, repeated many time since, invalidates the assumption upon which cancer treatment is based today. Books: Cancer As A Metabolic Disease, Hardcover Tripping Over The Truth Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 40: Prequel to interview with Dr. Seyfried II

    03/12/2018 Duración: 40min

    "Bottom line: where are tumor cells getting their energy from?" This is the entire focus of "Cancer as Metabolic Disease" and Dr. Seyfried’s work. His years of research have lead him to what many of us believe is an incredible breakthrough in treating cancer based on metabolism (what is the source of energy for tumors) and then how to starve the tumor of these fuels, killing the cancer but not the patient. Absolutely key to this therapeutic approach is a calorie restricted Ketogenic Diet. Listen in as we cover some of the concepts in detail so that when you do listen to the interview you won’t get lost or distracted by the terminology or concepts being discussed. Show Links:  Somatic Mutation Theory - Why it's Wrong for Most Cancers. Otto Warburg On The Prime Cause & Prevention of Cancer: Respiration of Oxygen in Normal Body Cells vs. Fermentation of Sugar in Cancer Cells

  • Episode 39: A super busy entrepreneur discovers Keto…And gets help to make it happen.

    14/11/2018 Duración: 54min

    Interview with a professional that decided to embark on a ketogenic lifestyle (for her, Zero Carb with some minor exceptions). She enrolled in our first beta coaching program and has achieved some outstanding results. You may recognize yourself what her challenges were. A wonderful person, hyper-focused  on the things she can control in her life, being a single mom with a 9 year old son.   Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 38: Prequel to an Interview with Tom Seyfried PH.D Author of “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease”

    07/11/2018 Duración: 40min

    Thomas Seyfried is one of a couple of people in the world whom have challenged the medical establishment over the past 20 years. Presented with a higher, more provable truth of how to manage cancer which is now being carried out at a few places out side of the US. His focus, explanation, hypothesis is that cancer is a “metabolic Disease” as opposed to a genetic Disease. That means that understanding how a cancer acquires it fuel (source of energy) and blocking that is a far, far more effective method of treating cancer.  We will spend two podcasts on offering  a broader understanding of what this means through detailing and explaining some of the references, concepts and references he uses. This will allow all of us to more thoroughly understand and appreciate his interview at the end of November.  Show Links:  The Glucose / ketone Index   Press-pulse: a novel therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancer  h

  • Episode 37: Going Deeper on Artificial Sweeteners Part II

    24/10/2018 Duración: 32min

    Link to Israeli study: Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiot Correction: Said this study was done in 1914 meant 2014. Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 36: What I learned from a 7 Day Fast

    18/10/2018 Duración: 43min

    After leading a group through their first fast...I go over my own 7 days fast, the data, what changed and how fasting is...once again…being used to reverse type II diabetes.     Show Links:Therapeutic use of intermittent fasting for people with type 2 diabetes as an alternative to insulin  ADA Deems Low Carb Diet Medical Nutrition Therapy for T2D  Glucose - Ketone Index Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 35: Reflections on Keto at an Italian Family Wedding

    10/10/2018 Duración: 33min

    What to do at a wedding…An Italian wedding! If you’re keto. People watching is inevitable at weddings, there’s all types, but at an Italian wedding there are many heavy people. It's a reminder that Keto is not known to many. It gets personal, in that you see people that you've seen through years at the other family events that are not doing so well…and you know you could help them with just a few words. Yet the larger reality is that some things are better left unsaid.Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 34: Fasting, And Why It May Help Your Autoimmune Condition

    03/10/2018 Duración: 33min

    Thought you knew fasting? Lets’s talk. There’s now a variety of fasts, water fasts, bone broth fast, Fasting Mimicking Diet, Protein Sparing Fasts…Now, we’ve learned that fasting could possibly reverse completely or at least improve autoimmune conditions like MS due to a drop in IGF-1 during the fast and then returning to normal…Interesting stuff for sure.Show Links: A Diet Mimicking Fasting Promotes Regeneration and Reduces Autoimmunity and Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms the Fasting Mimicking Diet Live Up to the Hype? diet shows promise against MS C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 33: Parkinson’s disease: Avoid getting it before you look to improve it with Keto.

    27/09/2018 Duración: 44min

    As remarkable as ketones are in incredibly improving Parkinson’s disease, it’s best to avoid it in the first place. Listen in and find out how. See, we often talk about how keto is so helpful for Parkinson’s but often omit disclosing why eating organic foods may help reduce the incidence when we recommend eating veggies on keto. Show Links: Study uncovers cause of pesticide exposure, Parkinson's link and pharmacogenomic biomarkers of Parkinson's disease. Exposures and Parkinson's Disease. The pesticides known to be implicated in Parkinson’s disease Maneb

  • Episode 32: Artificial Sweeteners: What You Don’t Know May Kill You

    19/09/2018 Duración: 34min

    Since everyone has a sweet-tooth to some extent, knowing what each sweetener actually is, its effectiveness, side effects, and which are known toxins is important to know. This is a first in a series on artificial sweeteners and ‘natural’ sweeteners commonly used. We’ll cover why some are considered toxic,what problems with some of the others are, and which are considered safe and possibly useful. The list we’ll cover list in the order of usability. BestDon’t use any sweetener at all. While on keto your desire for sweet food will diminish and the fewer you have the faster you will reach that point. Some sweeteners are know to spike your insulin...without increasing your thinking it through on why you want to use a particular sweetener a head of time my change your desire of needing a sweetener at all. If you have toSteviaXylitol (be careful around your pets, especially dogs) Haven’t tried but have read good things about this.Allulose Safe but questionsMonk fruit Got issues with…Sugar alcoholsEryt

  • Episode 31: A Deeper Dive on Dairy, Acne, Prostate Cancer and Laron syndrome

    12/09/2018 Duración: 49min

    Taking a deeper look at dairy and why it is not only such a problem for so many but a near definitive cause for cancer. Acne and prostate cancer having a strong association with dairy consumption. Also, will be looking at a group of people who have a genetic defect (Laron syndrome) that blunts the effects of IGF-1 and  the insulin increasing effects of whey. Reference  Links:Linking diet to acne metabolomics, inflammation, and comedogenesis: an update. for acne-promoting effects of milk and other insulinotropic dairy products. impact of cow's milk-mediated mTORC1-signaling in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer. of insulin/IGF-1 signaling by western diet may promote diseases of civilization: lessons learnt from laron syndrome growth factor 1

  • Episode 30: Keto Coaching Group Call

    05/09/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Join as we have an open check-in discussion of our Keto Coaching Weekly Group call. We drill down into the effects of exercise on blood sugar level, and hear from each person on their individual progress.Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 29: Treating infertility in women with the Ketogenic Diet

    03/09/2018 Duración: 44min

    Female infertility is a heart breaking condition for many couples.  Long before a woman or a couple decide they need to see a reproductive endocrinologist they should look at the underlying cause, which for most women is insulin resistance. If you take care of that, something that the Ketogenic way of life is tremendously effective with, then you may not need further medical intervention. Join me in this discussion of PSCOS in Women and what to do about it, and its parallel condition in men.   Show links/Citations:Role of hyperinsulinemia in the pathogenesis of the polycystic ovary syndrome:  Myo-inositol effects in women with PCOS: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials:  Review Metformin and troglitazone in the treatment of female infertility associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome:  High-Fat, High-Sugar Diet Disrupts the Preovulatory Hormone Surge and Induces

  • Episode 28: The importance of specific fats to be used in Keto with other factors to help bipolar, autism, etc.

    09/08/2018 Duración: 46min

    The Ketogenic diet creates so many benefits for various conditions, and yet those benefits can be increased by using the right kinds of fats along some knowledge of nutrigenomics. Listen to this deeper dive into understanding why some fats are more important than others in the conditions of bipolar and autism along with knowing a little about your gene - nutrient interaction. This topic will be elaborated on future podcasts and is meant to be a foundational explanation for further discussions.Abstracts of studies The ketogenic diet for type II bipolar disorder: C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 26: Confronting misinformed medical information about Keto

    03/08/2018 Duración: 40min

    Sometimes you just have to stand up to false information in the media and show how and why a particular article or research paper is incorrect. Today I do exactly that but going through a well-sited article in a medical blog that actually misrepresents what the ketogenic diet actually is. Listen in on why this article has misled many physicians by misrepresenting information and where the correct and bonafide studies and information can be found. Links included for both. Podcast links C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

  • Episode 27: Stop Keto MCT Products From Destroying The Rainforest, Buy RSPO Certified Products!

    03/08/2018 Duración: 54min

    Little do most people know that they are directly contributing to the destruction of the “lungs of the earth” (the most sensitive ecosystems in the world, the Rainforest) by using products that contain non-RSPO palm oil. That is non-sustainably harvested palm oil. Listen to this interview with the U.S. Outreach Representative for the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.This is perhaps the most important interview I’ve done because it will directly inform you about how your specific product purchases are contributing to Rainforest destruction globally and contributing to the demand for Non-RSPO certified palm oil products.Long ago we decided to commit to having our C8 Keto MCT Oil product RSPO Certified . Now you'll know why this is so incredibly important. Our hope is that we begin to ‘set the bar higher’ in terms of encouraging other companies to convert their products, or the ingredients in their product to RSPO-certified palm oil ingredients…and consequently halt the massive destruction of a remarkable

  • Episode 25: Group Keto coaching session + surprise visit by Keto ‘veteran'

    24/07/2018 Duración: 50min

    Our group coaching program is well underway, but there are always questions. Formerly ‘Keto Newbie’ Brian joins the group and weighs in on some points for understanding and implementing in Keto.Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on AmazonOur Facebook Group Keto NaturopathUntil next time, Dr. Karl

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