Locker Room



Locker room is a men's podcast from Southland Christian Church in Kentucky. When you think about the kinds of conversation that happen in locker rooms you probably think about vulgar, childish and demeaning language. In this podcast we are redeeming men's conversations by talking about the right things in the right ways.


  • Parenting

    30/04/2018 Duración: 20min

    You can listen to the rest of Southland's Parenting Podcasts here or subscribe on iTunes. Thanks for tuning in!      

  • Samson - A Character Study

    23/04/2018 Duración: 28min

    Scott walks us through some important applications from the life of Samson. Group Questions: Today was the final episode of Locker Room Season 1! What did you learn this season? Which podcast challenged and/or encouraged you the most? Read Judges 13:5, 25. What was Samson’s mission? What was the source of Sampson’s strength? Read Judges 14:3. What was competing for God’s place in Samson’s heart? What are some things we are tempted to chase that lead us away from God? How would you describe Samson’s character? How did his actions impact the people around him? How does God respond to Samson’s actions over the course of his life? What does that reveal to you about God’s character? Can you think of a season in your life when you lived by what was right in your own eyes? What were some of the consequences of living that way? Read Hebrews 12:11. How does God show us His love through His discipline? Who is at the wheel in your life - God or you?  What is one area of your life where you need to trust that God knows

  • Misconceptions of Masculinity with Will Briggs

    16/04/2018 Duración: 28min

    Will Briggs is the Lead Care Pastor at Southland. In this episode Will and Scott discuss what really makes a man and the importance of being comfortable in your own skin. Group Questions: What activities, hobbies, or interests do you associate with being “manly?” Who comes to mind when you think of “manly" men? What is the essence of true, biblical manhood? What kind of man was Jesus (Check out Micah 6:8, Ephesians 5:25, and Revelation 1:12-18)? Will mentioned the balance between toughness and tenderness. Who do you know that embodies these characteristics well in their personal and professional life? Who has God made you to be - uniquely and creatively? Why do you do what you do? How does comparing our lives to others distract us from living out our God-given purpose? What does it mean to be wounded? How has woundedness impacted you and those in your life? Read Proverbs 27:17. Will said, “We’re an average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.” What are you becoming like as a result of the people you

  • Hope Versus Expectations with Patrick Holley

    09/04/2018 Duración: 24min

    In this episode Scott and Patrick discuss the important distinction between hopes and expectations.   Group Questions: Talk about a time when you had expectations that ended up in disappointment. Share a funny story if you have one. What is the difference between hope and expectation? Why does that distinction matter? Patrick said, “Expectation is pre-planned disappointment.” Discuss what this means and give a few examples from everyday life. How does hope prevent disappointment? What is the object of our focus when we have expectations? When we have hope? Read Psalm 43:5. Discuss a time in your life when you had to  release a relationship or circumstance into God’s control and place your hope in God. Is there a desired outcome in your life right now that you need to let go of? How does trusting in God’s sovereignty help us when certain expectations are not met in life? What did Patrick say are some common coping strategies men use for dealing with unmet expectations?  Read Habakkuk 3:17-18; John 16:33. What

  • Chivalry with Brian Lucas

    02/04/2018 Duración: 23min

    Brian Lucas is the campus pastor at Southland’s Danville campus. In this episode Brian and Scott talk about Chivalry and face down gender stereotypes that often keep men from stepping up and serving in certain roles. Group Questions: 1. In the podcast, Brian Lucas mentioned his interest in aviation. What is a hobby or interest that you have either pursued or would like to pursue in some free time? 2. Brian shared about the time he went to Danville to pray over the launch of Southland's Danville campus. Not long after, he joined Southland's Danville staff. Can you look back and think of a time when God had you in the right place at the right time for something you didn't quite understand yet? 3. How did Brian define chivalry? What are some of the "little ways" chivalry plays out in day to day life?  4. Who are some examples of chivalrous men in your life? What impact have these men had on you? What did you learn from them? 5. What are some distractions that pull you away from living as a servant? What about th

  • Business and Ministry with Kurt Braun

    26/03/2018 Duración: 27min

    Kurt Braun has one of the coolest titles ever! He also has an amazing life story. Scott and Kurt discuss the unique challenges Kurt has faced from being in New York on 911 to making the transition from the business world to full time ministry. Group Questions: A huge part of Kurt Braun’s testimony is being in New York City on 9/11. Where were you on that day and what do you remember about the day and following week? When you hear the word “finances,” what is your first reaction? Do you have peace or anxiety? Do you feel like you have financial freedom and stability, or financial fear and uncertainty? Before Kurt came on staff at Southland, he was a Christian man working in the business world, and had some encounters where his faith and work were opposing one another. have you ever  been in that situation? What did you learn? What tensions do you face at your specific job where you find yourself being torn between maintaining integrity and excelling at work? Because of his interactions in NYC on 9/11, Kurt sa

  • Being a Single Christian Man with Wade Haga

    19/03/2018 Duración: 27min

    Scott, Derrick and Wade discuss the unique opportunities and challenges that single men face. Group Questions: How old were you when you got married? Did you want to get married earlier or later in life, and why? If you are not married, do you wish you were? Or, do you prefer being single, and if so why? Read 1 Corinthians 7:7. How does Paul describe singleness? Do Paul’s words line up with the culture’s view of singleness and marriage? How does it feel to be single in the church? If you’re married, how do you view single adults in the church? How can single and married adults better love one another in the church? Greg Chandler says, “being single gives you the chance (time and freedom) to become whole.” If you are single, how are you moving towards wholeness? How are you using your time and energy? If married, how would you encourage a single person to use that freedom? What guys are you sharpening? How are they sharpening you? Navigating sexual desires in a healthy and biblical way is a huge struggle for

  • The Value of Coaching with Taylor Barnette

    12/03/2018 Duración: 26min

    Taylor is a former Division 1 basketball player and devoted follower of Jesus. Scott and Taylor discuss value and importance of having good Group Questions: Growing up, what was your favorite sport or hobby? What were your favorite and least favorite teams you were apart of? What is your favorite sports memory of all time? How has a coach or mentor influenced your life? What was it about them that made you want to listen to and follow them? Taylor mentioned his coach, Tommy Huston, mimicked Jesus' servant attitude. When was a time someone served you? Who is someone you could be serving today? What keeps us from having a humble spirit? In life, there are always ups and downs. When was a low moment in your life? And how has God redeemed that or brought reconciliation and healing through the pain? The discipleship process is one that never ends. We are always growing more like Christ. Who is someone that is pouring into you? If no one, who is someone you could ask? Who is someone that you could be pouring into?

  • Identity and Purpose with Aaron Hogue

    05/03/2018 Duración: 30min

    Aaron is a leader with FCA at the University of Kentucky, a husband and a father. Scott and Aaron discuss our identity and purpose apart from vocation and deal with the question, “why do I do what I do?” Group Questions: Who are some of the great coaches or mentors you’ve had? What made them impactful in your life? The questions Aaron loves to ask coaches are: Why do you coach? What’s your purpose? Why do you coach the way you coach? What does it feel like to be coached that way?  Substitute your roles in life: husband, father, leader, etc. Why do you do what you do? Passion will run out, but purpose will sustain you. What does that mean for your life? Are you fueled by passion or purpose?  “There are three hard things: Steel. Diamonds. And to know one’s self.” - Benjamin Franklin. Who is helping you see the blind spots in your life? Read Ecclesiastes 4:8-12. How does this passage speak about purpose? Why do we need others in our lives? Men tend to isolate themselves. Looking for an escape or driven by fear

  • Marriage with Dave Willis

    26/02/2018 Duración: 21min

    Dave is a pastor and author. Dave will talk about how to build strong dating and marriage relationships. Group Questions: Discuss Dave’s seven keys to a successful marriage: Pray together every day. (Spiritual Leadership) Answer the phone when she calls. (Availability) Turn off the phone when you're together. (Distractions) Be playful and fun. (Joy) Be an encourager, not a critic. (Build Up) Always be there for each other. (Covenant) Never give up on each other. (Commitment) Which of these keys is easiest for you? Hardest? Is it easier to pray for your wife or with her? Why?  How does technology currently impact your marriage? Would people around you know that you prioritize your wife by what you say and do? How do you currently handle conflict in your marriage? What are some healthy ways you can manage conflict? What unhealthy practices do you need to guard against? Read Ephesians 5:25-26. We are called to give, pursue, and forgive with radical grace. As a group pray for one another to do that in our mar

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