Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire



Getting you out of your head and into your heart. From the creator of and Love Wide Open on major social media channels. Heidi is a Heart-Based Thought Leader, Blogger, Love Slinger and an Alternative Healthcare Practitioner/Coach.


  • E130 Self-Acceptance — What Does It Actually Mean?

    18/10/2022 Duración: 13min

    Do you accept yourself? Listen in to learn why we need to accept ourselves, the good and the bad, and to get some practical suggestions on how to do it. Self-acceptance is not always easy. It can be hard to think about accepting the parts of us that we do not like.  As mentioned in this episode, if you are struggling with low self-esteem or low self-confidence, come on over to the website and fill out a Heal Your Story Strategy Session Application to find out the different ways I can help you. You can join my free Heal Your Story Facebook Group here: Thank you for listening. Thank you for making the one-year anniversary of the Heal Your Story Podcast special.  Lots of love.  —Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E129 Begin Healing Your Emotional Trauma

    11/10/2022 Duración: 11min

    Do you have emotional pain that has gone unhealed? In this episode, I give several tips on how to begin your emotional healing of trauma.  Left undealt with, emotional trauma can manifest into physical pain and get lodged in our nervous system.  Healing trauma takes time, commitment and support.  As mentioned in the podcast, you can book a Heal Your Story Strategy Session to discuss working with me and your healing options. You can book that call here  You can find me private Heal Your Story Community Group on Facebook here Thank you for listening. I hope to hear from you.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E128 Reduce People-Pleasing Tendencies

    04/10/2022 Duración: 12min

    What causes a person to be a people-pleaser? You are most likely genuinely empathetic and compassionate. This is the most common cause behind being a people-pleaser. It is wonderful to have a lot of empathy for others. It means you care deeply about everyone around you. However, if you fall into this category, you aren't ever taking care of yourself and putting the needs of others far before yours.  Being en empath or HSP, can pre-disposition you to fall into this category.  Listen in to find out how to reduce your people-pleasing tendencies and become a more empowered you.  As mentioned in this episode: Join the Private Facebook Group You can work with me 1:1 Join the newsletter to learn about my new program for anxiety reduction and empowerment by signing up for my Free Ebook "Am I an Empath or HSP? or join the general newsletter https://crea

  • E127 Tips to Stop Negative Self-Talk

    27/09/2022 Duración: 08min

    In the previous episode, I discussed how low self-esteem often leads to self-sabotage. Well, one of the things we do to ourselves when we have low self-esteem is fill our heads with negative self-talk.  What would it feel like to free yourself from negative self-talk?  I discuss tips to reduce and get rid of negative self-talk.  As discussed, you can find me Free Heal Your Story Facebook Group here: You can join the newsletter here to get info about upcoming events, programs, and courses or stay in the loop with the podcast topics: And if you want to leave me a voice message, scroll down to the bottom of these show notes. Sending lots of love.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E126 Dealing With Self-Sabotaging Beliefs

    20/09/2022 Duración: 11min

    We sabotage ourselves right before the good stuff.  In this episode, I discuss the different ways that we self-sabotage ourselves and the ways to prevent it.  If you are looking to join my free FB Group for the Heal Your Story Community, you can find that here: You can download the Free Ebook for Empaths and HSPs here: Want to work with me more closely? You can sign up for a Heal Your Strategy Session here: If you like my work and want to support further episodes, you can donate to the tip jar here: Sending lots of love.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E125 How to Stave Off Anxiety

    13/09/2022 Duración: 10min

    So many people have reached out about how anxiety has played and continues to play such a large and bothersome role in their lives.  We can do so many things to keep anxiety at bay if we just slow down and get into our bodies. Yes, get out of the headmess and get back into your body to slow down to regulate your nervous system.  I discuss how mindfulness can bring us back to the present moment and keep us from getting all wound up.  I also provide an affirmation with reflection questions at the end.  Soon, I will be launching my signature program for Empaths and HSPs and how to reduce anxiety and build empowerment skills through embodied healing techniques.  As mentioned in this episode, you can find my Free Ebook, Am I an Empath or HSP? Here: You can find my Free Private Heal Your Story Facebook Group here: --- Send in a voice message:

  • E124 5 Types of Happiness Everyone Can Achieve

    06/09/2022 Duración: 13min

    It seems that everyone has been eluded by happiness at some point.  What if it were more simple? What if happiness was found in the little things and moments?  Join me for 5 different types of happiness that everyone can achieve. It takes time, effort and willingness to be open for happiness to arrive.  Get my Free Ebook Am I an Empath or HSP? A Checklist and 6 tips for Empaths and HSPs to Thrive You can learn more about me and my coaching services at You can also join my Heal Your Story Private FB Community here: Sending lots of love.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E123 How to Maintain Your Motivation

    30/08/2022 Duración: 11min

    I found myself really inspired  by a conversation with a young person. I was inspired by what they are doing with their life and the action they are taking.  It got me thinking about the difference between inspirational and motivational, they are actually different.  Oftentimes, we back out of doing things because we don't have the motivation to do them.  Motivation requires action and sometimes, people just don't want to take action in their lives.  I discuss different ways to motivate yourself into action.  You can signup for a Heal Your Story Strategy Session here: If you enjoy my work, you can support me monetarily here with my Tip Jar (all tips go back into the production of the podcast and other free healing work I do for you): Sending lots of love your way.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E122 What Is Your Attachment Style in Relationships?

    23/08/2022 Duración: 13min

    Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through the infant/caregiver relationship. What if we had to learn to cope to certain events or family dynamics in our early years? As adults, we are often playing out our early childhood attachment styles in many adult relationships. We may not even be aware of these attachment styles.  Listen in to learn about the 4 types of attachment styles.  As referenced in this episode, you can find the Heal Your Story Community here: You can also learn more about me and my 1:1 coaching at I love this work. I help empaths and sensitive souls that feel anxious, overwhelmed and withdrawn release their trapped emotional pain to finally feel calm, clear and confident in trusting themselves to build a safe, joy-filled and purposeful life. Sending you lots of love.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E121 The Pitfalls of Overthinking and Tips to Overcome It

    16/08/2022 Duración: 11min

    We have all gotten caught up in an overthinking pattern at some point, but there are many of us who get stuck in this pattern of thinking.  What are the pitfalls of overthinking?  What are the strategies to find peaceful thinking and being?  Work with me at Listen to my mind soothing and heart opening Heart Space Gratitude Guided Meditation here: or look for Heal Your Story with Heidi Dellaire on YouTube.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Sign up for the Heal Your Story Newsletter to get the latest news on empaths, sensitives and all things healing. Sending love and healing. ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E120 The Power of Letting Go

    09/08/2022 Duración: 11min

    What would happen if you fully let go of the people who weren't able to love you? What would life look like if you truly let the fullness of who you were shine out into the world so that the right people entered your life? What would happen if you stopped people-pleasing and giving yourself away?  What would happen if you truly let them go and finally started loving yourself wholly?  Newsletter Sign-Up: Work with me or apply for a Heal Your Story Strategy Session: Sending anyone who is struggling with people-pleasing lots of love.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E119 Let Your Weirdo Shine with Guest Cat Knott

    02/08/2022 Duración: 44min

    What happens when you bring the entirety of yourself into the room and let your inner light shine as brightly as it can? In this episode, I get to speak with Cat Knott, a spiritual teacher, evolutionary guide and a channel to a universal voice and collective called "The Crew".  We get into discussion about being an empath what that meant for us growing up and how now, there is a call for all empaths to find their voice and shine the totality of themselves...brightly.    Don't dim yourself down just because you believe you are too much for someone else. You can find Cat's work, channels and the Reality Poke podcast on  You can find my work for empaths and sensitives, coaching services and the Heal Your Story podcast on Happy Viewing.  ~Heidi   Thumbnail Art by #catknott #realitypoke #uninventedlife #heididellaire #healyourstory #healyourstorypodcast #empaths #highlysensitiveperson #hsp --- Send in a vo

  • E118 Stop Trying To Please People

    26/07/2022 Duración: 08min

    “Lean too much on other people’s approval and it becomes a bed of thorns.” ~Tehyi Hsieh Trying to please everyone all of the time is a disease. Learning to be an authentic you, to say no, and to stand up for yourself is the only cure for people-pleasing. Start today and stop the never-ending people-pleasing. Gently and with kindness, tell just one person "no". Start with that little bit of empowerment.   Not everyone will love or even like the real you. But you know what, that’s okay. You can cope; you are way stronger than you think you are. When you stop seeking the approval of other people, you’ll find that you never really needed it in the first place. All you needed was your own approval.  In the episode, I spoke of meditation and affirmations. Look at Episode 104:  Manifest My Dreams Affirmation, Episode 109: Breath in Calm, Breath Out Anxiety Affirmation and Episode 93 for the Heart Ssace Gratitude Meditation.  You can also find the Heart Space Gratitude Guided Meditation on my Heal

  • E117 The Battle Between Perfectionism and Happiness

    19/07/2022 Duración: 10min

    In this episode, I discuss how the need for perfectionism can elude us from happiness. When we are constantly seeking perfectionism, we find ourselves in a state of failure which leads to procrastination and unease and unhappiness.  If you are struggling with perfectionism or people-pleasing, you can sign-up for a Heal Your Story Strategy Session to discuss how I can help you move through the programming of perfectionism.  You can find me at and check out Heart Space Session on Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter here: Sending you lots of love along your healing journey.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E116 Add Purpose To Your Life

    13/07/2022 Duración: 11min

    It’s important to find purpose and meaning in your life. But purpose and meaning is not something that can be determined with the blink of an eye or the snap of the fingers.  The process of finding your purpose or mission in life requires plenty of self-reflection, listening to others, and finding which passions light you up.  In this episode, I will discuss ways to add more purpose to your everyday life so you can begin living a more meaningful life. If you are feeling stuck in life, you can book a Heal Your Story Strategy Session on my website at  You can also find other podcast episodes where ever you listen to podcasts by looking for Heal Your Story with Heidi Dellaire Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter here or by visiting or Sending lots of love your way.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E115 Empaths and Narcissists: Empathy Opposites

    02/07/2022 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, Emotional Health Coach for Empaths and HSP's, Heidi Dellaire, speaks about the contrast between Empaths and Narcissists and what draws them together. If you are someone who exhibits high empathy, you are someone who wants to forgive, understand and connect. Your empathy is an amazing gift. However, if you are partnered with a narcissist, you will be manipulated and used for your empathic nature. Listen in to determine if you are still in the stage of understanding that you are an empath who may be idealizing the narcissist in your life and believe that you can still help them.  Join the Heidi Dellaire Newsletter here: Learn more about my coaching services for empaths and sensitives at or at Sending you all lots of love.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E114 Simple Ways to Reduce Sadness

    24/06/2022 Duración: 15min

    What if there were simple ways to reduce our sadness or our anger or any emotion for that matter? What if we could easily come back to the present moment and the sacredness of yourselves with just a few simple steps?  I was overcome with emotions with the news of June 24th. I ran the gamut of emotions and put my own practices into place in order to find peace for the moment.  If you identify as an empath or a sensitive, get yourself on the newsletter. There are some big things coming down the pike. You can sign up here and don't forget to confirm on your confirmation email. It could end up in promotions or spam.  Email sign-up: You can also learn more about my coaching services or read more blog posts on or Sending you all love and peace.  ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

  • E113 Pathways to Inner Peace and Freedom with Gabby Bernstein

    16/06/2022 Duración: 31min

    Join the conversation between myself and #1 New York Times Best Selling Author Gabby Bernstein.   In this episode, we discuss a myriad of topics from trauma healing, judgment, shame, and trapped emotions in the body, to techniques to release trauma and to get curious about your own healing.  I loved this conversation with Gabby about the healing process and her own journey to heal from childhood trauma. Her new book Happy Days is one of my new favorites along with her book Judgment Detox.  Take some time and join in. You may just find the courage to ask for help in healing your own trauma.  I love our chat about following the signs that show up when it comes to finding the next right person to help you along your journey.  You can find Gabby at I look forward to the next time I get to speak with her.  Sending you all lots of love.  Sign up for the Heal Your Story Newsletter or book a Heal Your Story Strategy Session through this link or

  • E112 Giving Too Much Of Yourself Away

    01/06/2022 Duración: 11min

    Many sensitive people find themselves giving themselves away to the detriment of themselves. Add any trauma in there and you have a mix for people-pleasing and co-dependency from someone who is seeking love and affection in all the wrong ways. Boundaries are allowed to be crossed and resentment kicks in for feeling used.  Are you someone who is giving too much of themselves away?  Facebook is no longer supporting podcasts on their platform after June 3rd, so please subscribe to get notifications on one of the three services listed below.  Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: Spotify: If you are looking for help with anxiety, low self-esteem, low self-worth or navigating the world as a sensitive, I would love to help. You can learn more about my coaching

  • E111 What's The Difference Between an Empath and an HSP? Are You One or Both or Neither?

    22/05/2022 Duración: 16min

    As an empath and HSP, I tend to attract these types into my life as a Healer and Emotional Health Coach. I help empaths and HSP's navigate the world, release trauma, reduce anxiety, reduce the feelings of isolation and start to feel calm, clear and confident to move about the world no longer feeling like they are alone.  Listen in to hear the subtle differences between them both and my journey as both to where I now help others who are the same.  As of June 3rd, 2022, Facbebook will no longer be promoting podcasts, so please sign up to listen to podcasts on another platform like Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts. You can find the links to all of those through my website  Sign up for the mailing list, sign up for a Heal Your Story Strategy Session, find self-development articles from or watch my YouTube Channel all from this link. Sending lots of love and healing. ~Heidi --- Send in a voice message:

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