Everyday Strong Radio



Everyday Strong Radio believes you have an inner strength you can use at any time to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward toward your goals. This podcast will help you feel confident in you ability to develop healthy eating habits and accept who and where you are. It will encourage you to keep fitness a priority in your life and give you tools to develop a strong mindset. Itll also show you how everyday people, people just like you, are doing this in their own way every single day. Listen and find your Everyday Strong. Were glad youre here.


  • Being Responsible For Your Own Happiness

    14/05/2021 Duración: 20min

    I had the chance to talk about being responsible for your own happiness recently in a small group coaching call.  Boundaries, demands and ultimatums are all ways we try to get someone else to do something to make us happy.  The thing is, it’s not up to others to make you happy or do things for you so you feel better.  That’s your job. When we rely on others for our happiness we’re outsourcing our emotional wellbeing. Tune in for this week’s podcast on being responsible for your own happiness and how fun it really can be. 

  • 074 Saturday Morning Coffee and Conversation

    07/05/2021 Duración: 25min

    A client recently asked me what the gold nuggets were from the day I spent with Brooke Castillo. The discussion started with an answer to her question and expanded on what I’ve learned from Brooke and Abraham Hicks, and the mindset I’m using going into the next 12 months. Wherever you are in your life and whatever you’re working on, concepts from this conversation can be applied. Take a listen, consider applying what resonates and see what happens!

  • 073 What Can You Do in a Year?

    30/04/2021 Duración: 14min

    Today marks one year since I left my job of ten years, sold my home and moved not once, but twice. It marks 12 months of entrepreneurship, becoming a coach who works from anywhere, training volunteers on mindset and helping women live the second half of their life on purpose.    Why do I tell you all of this? Because there is nothing special about me.  I’ve simply learned how to manage my mind. In this episode I talk about my last 365 days, and the thing is, your version of this story is 100% possible for you, too. Listen and learn how.

  • 072 Team vs. Alliance

    23/04/2021 Duración: 18min

    Words matter. And the words team and alliance matter a lot when we’re thinking about people we have to work with, volunteer with or are in any type of relationship with.    A team is the joining of forces or efforts but an alliance, on the other hand is an agreement to cooperate for specific purposes.   The thing is, we often think we’re on a team when the other person sees it as an alliance. This can cause a whole bunch of unnecessary ruckus and drama, so in this episode I go over both, give examples and a tool to help open the conversation with others to find out just which one you’re on. Listen on your favorite podcast provider to find out more!

  • 071 Equal Airtime

    16/04/2021 Duración: 17min

    Equal airtime is a wondeful concept to remenber. It's ensuring you spend as much time looking at possibility and the positive as our brain does looking at the negative and what's going wrong. Where your focus goes, energy flows. This isn't always easy to do so in this epsiode I give your simply, easy tips on how to keep the focus exactly where you want it to be. 

  • 070 Resignation v Acceptance

    09/04/2021 Duración: 17min

    How much of your life have you resigned yourself to? It looks like thinking, that’s just the way my partner is. That’s just how they do things at work. That’s just how my kid is. That’s just how the world is.  How do you know if you’re resigned to something? By the way you feel.  You’ve stopped resisting or trying to make the situation different but you still don’t like it. You’re not happy about it and in a way, you feel a bit powerless. It feels like a bad taste in your mouth.  Acceptance on the other hand is when we allow the situation to be what it is (and often it’s a situation we’re not so keen about), and we don’t try to change it or protest it. We let it be what it is. But there’s one more important facet that plays a bigger role than you’d expect in terms of being able to accept something rather than be resigned to it. Listen to find out. 

  • 069 Gardening For Your Mind

    02/04/2021 Duración: 12min

    When Spring comes you clean up the yard so your flowers have a healthy place to grow. You water and care for them until they become established. After that you check on your plants, deadhead them as needed and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Taking care of your thoughts is the same exact thing. Learn how in this episode!

  • 068 Reflections on 12 years of Flying Solo

    26/03/2021 Duración: 27min

    This past week marked 12 years since I was divorced. When I look back over the past 12 years I can see how I was operating and why. I can see the thoughts, the dedication to the action line at all costs and...what it cost me. It wasn't until coaching came into my life, first with nutrition, then life coaching, that I saw how it was even possible for me to be a creator in my life instead of at the effect of it. Maybe, you'll see some of you, too, and these insights will offer a little perspective.

  • 067 Getting Out of Your Own Way

    19/03/2021 Duración: 24min

    If you're anything like me, you probably get in your own way from time to time. The thing is we don't always realize we are or understand why it's happening. It all comes back to our thoughts - as expected - and I share how, why and how I've done it time to time, too. 

  • 066 Using Your Everyday Strong

    12/03/2021 Duración: 16min

    March 8 was International Women’s Day, and, not coincidentally, Everyday Strong Radio’s second birthday.  That said, this episode is a little different. It’s filled with some history, some stories, some inspiration all of which may create a mindset shift in you about who you are and how you show up in the world…..in the best way possible.

  • 065 Helping From a Clean Place

    05/03/2021 Duración: 16min

    Today I’m talking about helping from a clean place - which is something one of my clients and I came up with recently during a powerful coaching session. What we’re talking about is helping others or doing things for others from a clean place in your heart. How can you not help from a clean place in your heart? Easy, and it’s sneaky too. Tune in this week to how and why helping, doing nice things and being generous in the world can backfire on you.

  • 064 Self Trust

    26/02/2021 Duración: 17min

    “As I’ve said a hundred times, we don’t have to let our brain be in charge. It will always come up with negative thoughts. It will always push the worst case scenario to the forefront of our mind, then press the repeat button over and over again. But our job isn’t to fight the thoughts that don’t serve us, our job is to say….I see you. I hear you...and it’s ok.  I get it.  And then it’s to go on and ask, “What am I forgetting to remember about me?” Tune in and learn how to remember what you forgot about you.

  • 063 Who Am I?

    12/02/2021 Duración: 17min

    Who am I...without the title Mom, boss, employee, volunteer, wife, aunt, sister, neighbor, co-worker? We often define ourselves with a description about what we do or the role we play in the world.  This is how society is constructed and how we make sense of things.  What I’m asking you to think about is who you are without those things. Who are you as a person? What kind of person are you? What’s important to you? Where could that lead you? Find out for YOU in this episode.

  • 062 The Best Kind of Love

    05/02/2021 Duración: 13min

    We all know February is about love. And any minute now the media and advertising will start dumping all of their thoughts about love into your feed, your inbox and mailbox reminding you to BUY things to show others how much they mean to you. But where is any advertising or media leading with loving yourself?  This all said, I wanted to make this episode about loving yourself. What I’ve done is captured some of my favorite quotes about self love and will share them then talk a little about each one, and how mindset plays into each.

  • 061 How To Create The Results You Want in Your Life

    29/01/2021 Duración: 14min

    There’s one reason you’re not getting the results you want in your life: you brain. In this episode understand how it sabotages on the regular then learn the 3 simple steps to creating what you DO want in your life and how to use your everyday strong.

  • 060 Appreciation and Gratitude

    22/01/2021 Duración: 20min

    The feeling of gratitude never really sat well with me in most situations but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why. ⁣ ⁣It just felt obligated to me. ⁣ A little less than….if that makes sense. ⁣ It’s not that I wasn't; thankful, because I was - 100%. ⁣ ⁣I just didn’t feel grateful.⁣ ⁣Listen to the rest of the story on this week's podcast and learn the similarities, and the differences....and which word is more powerful and why. ⁣

  • 059 Why Giving Yourself Credit is The Best Thing You Can Do

    15/01/2021 Duración: 17min

    How often do you think about your past and give yourself credit for all you’ve accomplished in your life? Learning how to say thank you to your past you, and appreciate all decisions you made up until this very day is powerful. In this podcast I tell you the why and the how behind giving yourself credit as well as the role it plays in your goals for today. 

  • 058 New Year's Intentions

    08/01/2021 Duración: 47min

    Today’s episode is the audio from the workshop I recently hosted.  If you’ve followed me for any amount of time you know I firmly believe, words matter, and they matter a lot when it comes to creating a life you love.  On January 1, millions of people created resolutions for themselves to adhere to in the New Year.  Others created intentions for themselves instead.  How are intentions and resolutions similar and different at the same time? And how will one serve you far better in the New Year? This is what I covered in the workshop. I hope you find a few nuggets of gold to take away from it and create your own intentions for an amazing year. 

  • 057 As Soon As Now

    01/01/2021 Duración: 08min

    Happy New Year! Today's episode is short and sweet...and invites you think about 2021 and what you want to create for yourself.....as soon as now. Enjoy!

  • 056 Reflection, Introspection & Direction

    18/12/2020 Duración: 37min

    Reflection, introspection and direction are the 3 steps to duplicating what's going well in your life. Because our brain is always going to look for what's wrong, what’s not going right and could go wrong, it’s even more important to spend time looking for what went right or is going right, and understand how you made that happen.  This is the exact work I did with some ladies in my recent workshop, Reflection, Introspection and Direction.   We took some time to identify our wins, think about how they were accomplished, pulled out the super thoughts that created those positive results and looked for ways to use them again in the future. It was a fantastic conversation and they came up with some real magic to carry them into 2021. This week’s podcast is the recording of the workshop. Finding your wins is an extremely useful habit that can change your life one celebration at at time.  

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