Everyday Strong Radio



Everyday Strong Radio believes you have an inner strength you can use at any time to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward toward your goals. This podcast will help you feel confident in you ability to develop healthy eating habits and accept who and where you are. It will encourage you to keep fitness a priority in your life and give you tools to develop a strong mindset. Itll also show you how everyday people, people just like you, are doing this in their own way every single day. Listen and find your Everyday Strong. Were glad youre here.


  • 055 Mental Gymnastics

    11/12/2020 Duración: 18min

    Mental gymnastics describes really well what our brain does when it comes to doing something new or aiming for a new goal….or sometimes just in life in general. It's taking action from negative thoughts to create a positive outcome. The thing is when we use negative thoughts to create something positive, we become emotionally exhausted, and any progress to the goal goes out the window. Learn the nuances and simple changes you can make to easily create the positive outcome you're looking for. 

  • 054 Minimum Life Standards

    20/11/2020 Duración: 19min

    Minimum life standards are tools I created for myself this year, not only because of the pandemic, but because of all the changes I was making. There were so many positives happening, but still I felt a lot of sadness. Instead of trying to fix myself, because really, this was all part of the process, I decided to use what I knew from the child welfare system and put it to work for me. You can too. It will be your buoy at any time in your life and help you keep on, keepin’ on. Tune in to learn how.

  • 053 Creating a Calm and Connected Holiday Season

    13/11/2020 Duración: 46min

    It’s clear nothing will change in terms of the pandemic by Thanksgiving, and highly likely not by Christmas either. Maybe you're worried about the annual family obligations, or have a tendency to people please during this time of year especially. Nothing has gone wrong. You’re used to traditions and were looking forward to them.  So why do you feel anxious or worried? Because there’s a thought problem here, that’s all.  Tune in and learn how you can sort out your thought problem and create your own roadmap to a calm and connected holiday. This workshop comes complete with the slide deck, a PDF workbook and mini coaching sessions to help you prepare for a holiday you’ll want to remember. 

  • 052 Holding on Loosely

    30/10/2020 Duración: 15min

    How do I take a song from the 80s and turn it into a coaching example? Easy peasy. Tune in to learn how we actually work against ourselves when we are fixated on a particular outcome. Yes, you want to get the job, meet the person of your dreams, lose the weight, retire early and travel. And you probably have a pretty good idea how you're going to do that. But what if the Universe has an even better idea? How might you be preventing an even better result for yourself by not holding on loosely? 

  • 051 People Pleasing: A Mini Workshop

    23/10/2020 Duración: 13min

    People pleasing is something we all do in some aspect or another in our lives. Maybe with our partner, our boss, or even our kids. But why? How can being helpful and accommodating really be hurting us? Tune in to find out. 

  • 050 Self Confidence: A Mini Workshop

    16/10/2020 Duración: 21min

    Today's episode takes a deep dive into self confidence, why we have or don't have it, how it's different from arrogance and how to grow your self confidence on the daily. This mini workshop enhances the Self Series on self esteem, self confidence and future self. 

  • 049 The Power of Questions: A Mini Workshop

    02/10/2020 Duración: 31min

    Asking effective questions is one of the best skills you can develop in your self coaching practice, not only for you, but for those around you. Level up your questioning power and you'll level up your life. 

  • 048 How to Advocate for Yourself

    25/09/2020 Duración: 12min

    Letting or assuming others will notice your accomplishments, achievements and other good work is a mistake. Advocating for yourself and reminding the world who you are doesn’t come naturally to many.  In this episode learn what other people are assuming instead, and why, how to prepare to advocate for yourself when the time comes, and ultimately, how becoming your own biggest fan changes the default assumptions of everyone around you….for the best.   

  • 047 Having Your Own Back with Ann McCoy

    18/09/2020 Duración: 48min

    Today’s episode is a discussion with my dear friend Ann McCoy. We talk about how our uncannily similar lives have presented us over and over with the opportunity to have our own backs. Divorce, single moms of two boys, sole proprietor and fundraiser, supportive boyfriends, opportunities to chase our dreams and now heading out into version 3.0 of our lives…. having our own back was the key to all we’ve accomplished, and will continue to accomplish going forward.

  • 046 Either Or Thinking

    11/09/2020 Duración: 20min

    Our brain makes sense out of the information it receives by categorizing it. It’s also how our society thinks. We have good people and bad people. We have people who are right and who are wrong. People who do good things and people who do bad things. But what if everything was bad, and good? Right, and wrong? How would this influence our thinking? What would be different? How could it be more helpful than harmful? Tune in to find out. 

  • 045 Making Things Harder Than They Need to Be

    04/09/2020 Duración: 16min

    If we want to feel good, we’ll do something that makes us feel good. Conversely, we will also do something so we don’t feel bad.  Can you hear that difference? We'll talk about these tricky statements in this week's episode so you can start working more effectively instead of working harder. 

  • 044 Living On Purpose

    28/08/2020 Duración: 18min

    Living on purpose and knowing who you are isn’t something we’re taught how to do. Many of us start to figure it out as we get older, after an impactful life event or when we’re just so tired of everything, somethings gotta give. There’s an easier, more intentional way though, and that’s what I talk about on this week’s episode. Learn what  living on purpose really is and how you can start doing so as soon as now. 

  • 043 Making Decisions

    21/08/2020 Duración: 18min

    The brain makes at least 24 decisions a minute - most of them automatic. But what happens when everything’s new and the brain and the brain goes into overwhelm? Learn how to stay out of analysis paralysis in this episode.

  • 042 What's Wrong with Being Practical?

    24/07/2020 Duración: 13min

    On the outside, being practical and realistic seems level-headed and a "good decision." That couldn't be farther from the truth. Tune in and find out why.

  • 041 Self Concept

    17/07/2020 Duración: 14min

    Self concept is your mental picture of who you are. It’s how you think about yourself and your unique characteristics. So what does that have to do with shoes? Tune in to find out.

  • 040 Radical Responsibility

    10/07/2020 Duración: 19min

    Learn what radical responsibility is, and start embracing 100% ownership for each and every result you have in your life, day in and day out.

  • 039 A Special Episode

    20/03/2020 Duración: 05min

    This is a special episode for very special times. Tune in to learn more about where Everyday Strong Radio is going for the upcoming weeks.

  • Helpful Thoughts & Questions

    13/03/2020 Duración: 14min

    Questions are the perfect way to uncover sneaky and subtle thoughts you're carrying. On the flip side, it's awesome to have some helpful thoughts in your toolbox. This episode delivers both.

  • 037 Micro-quitting

    06/03/2020 Duración: 09min

    Quitting often happens after some consideration. It's a bigger deal to quit. But micro-quitting is very different. It’s sneaky and often goes totally unnoticed. The thing is, it's way more dangerous. Why? I tell you in this episode. Learn how to spot where you’re micro-quitting and what it’s costing you, day in and day out.

  • 036 The Difference Between Positive Thinking and Life Coaching

    21/02/2020 Duración: 14min

    Is looking on the bright side and doing mindset work the same? Is learning how to self-coach simply turning your frown upside down? No, not at all. In fact always being a positive thinker can be harmful in the long run. Find out why in this week’s episode.

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