Conversational Breakthroughs



I have a deep belief that all lasting change begins on the inside and works its way out. I believe that lasting success is a combination of doing the deep personal work and having a business philosophy that is in alignment with your core values. I believe that, ultimately, the business that will give you the most joy and profitability is the one that is based on referrals and repeat business. I believe that becoming a referable person may be one of the most rewarding and challenging quests that youll ever embrace. I believe that when you focus on developing yourself while creating the systems and structure in your business that make it easy and fun for others to introduce you to the people they care about, your work will become your play. I believe that the old model of cold calling and buying leads on the internet is a way of avoiding connection. I believe what Gary Vaynerchuk says, You are first a media company and the backend of your business is selling real estate and helping people get loans. I believe that dialogue skills are essential to mastery. I believe that the future of real estate is brighter than ever. I believe that the agents and lenders who will prosper the most are the ones that embrace the role of being a provider of all Home Services. I believe in community and being part of a group of like-minded people is the secret to sustainability. I believe that life is for learning and when we learn something, we integrate it, then teach it. I believe that every real estate agent and lender is the leader of a tribe. I believe that a tribe of 150 people has the capacity of referring over 50 transactions a year to you. I believe that gardening" is a 10x more profitable than farming. I also believe that beliefs are changeable, you do what you do when you believe what you believe, and when you believe differently, you do differently. I believe that I have an important message that must be shared. I believe you will get what you need when you need it from my message.


  • Cameron Miller

    17/01/2019 Duración: 57min
  • Podcast #6: What Does It Mean The Next Highest Vesion of Yourself

    26/01/2017 Duración: 44min

    What does it mean to experience the “Next Highest Version of Yourself”?The truth is… you can do EVERYTHING right to achieve your financial and personal dreams, but still come up short, because of the belief patterns running unchallenged through your subconscious mind.You see, we enter this world with a clean slate -- full of love, joy and possibility.However, during our formative years, up to age 13, we collect patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving from the family, adults and culture around us. Patterns unconsciously operate, that either support our intention to create the highest versions of ourselves… Or more commonly, keep us stuck in vicious cycles that completely limit our possibilities.But here’s the good news…You can interrupt these inherited negative patterns and replace them with new, positive behaviors that make it much quicker and easier to reach your personal and financial dreams… IF you know how.The challenge is -- getting rid of these negative patterns takes