
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 14:16:12
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  • 【口语速成锦囊】-破冰-初入餐厅轻松搞定

    20/11/2018 Duración: 04min


  • 知道黑五,那知道绿色星期一和cyber星期一么?

    30/10/2018 Duración: 08min

    重磅推荐:KO姐最新专辑《看美剧学英语》已上线!并将与《听力阅读专项提升》一起参加今年喜马拉雅123知识狂欢节,12月1日-3日半价购买!请速加小助手【微信:trussardi777】暗号“123”,即刻加入5折优惠群,第一时间获取优惠卷与福利!没错,还有其它福利!福利!福利哦!(悄悄告诉你,这将是本专辑历史最低价,大制作,高品质,性价比无与伦比!)Wait, wait, just give me a second. let me add this to my shopping cart first. You know they are having a really big sale tomorrow, I have to be totally ready. Otherwise the products could be gone in a minute.Why don’t you use the “Yi Tao”app, just type in 口口送红包, you can get an eight yuan coupon immediately,and sync to all the products in your shopping cart in TaoBao. You can use it tobuy whatever you want and even get cash back.真的假的,我只要输入口口送红包就可以拿到KO姐送的8块红包,同步到我的淘宝购物车,还可以拿返利?赶紧的让我下了一淘APP拿了红包再回来录节目。Black Friday是哪天呢?Black Friday refers to the day after Thanksgiving. This used to be unofficially or officially the start of holiday shopping season. Almost all stores come out with Door buster Sales with the early bird special to attract consumers to their shop. People stand in line hours before the stores are opened, to grab the bargains of t

  • 你知道Jack-o'-lantern里的杰克是谁么?(讲解版)

    28/10/2018 Duración: 06min


  • 瑞幸咖啡真能干掉星巴克么?(讲解版)

    12/10/2018 Duración: 15min

    重磅推荐:KO姐最新专辑《看美剧学英语》已上线!并将与《听力阅读专项提升》一起参加今年喜马拉雅123知识狂欢节,12月1日-3日半价购买!请速加小助手【微信:trussardi777】暗号“123”,即刻加入5折优惠群,第一时间获取优惠卷与福利!没错,还有其它福利!福利!福利哦!(悄悄告诉你,这将是本专辑历史最低价,大制作,高品质,性价比无与伦比!)Starbucks’ second-largest market after the US is China, where it has over 3,300 stores and operates with virtually no serious competition.A Beijing-based startup could change that. Luckin Coffee has opened 525 outlets across China’s major cities less than nine months after its launch. Today the fast-growing company confirmed it’s closed a $200 million funding round giving it a $1 billion valuation. Investors include Centurium Capital, a private equity fund founded by the former China head of Warburg Pincus, and GIC, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund.In domestic Chinese media, Luckin has aggressively courtedcomparisons to the world’s best-known coffee chain. In May, it even wrote anopen letter accusing Starbucks of “monopolistic behavior” (Starbucks called themove a “publicity stunt”). But Luckin isn’t a Starbucks copycat—rather, itmeshe

  • 原创儿童故事学英语|森林里的水晶屋01

    14/09/2018 Duración: 12min

    Oh brown, oh brown, oh I see something brown.Oh brown, oh brown, oh I see something brown.Oh pink, oh pink, oh I see something pink.Oh pink, oh pink, oh I see something pink.Oh chocolate, oh chocolate, oh chocolate is brown.Oh doughnut, oh doughnut, oh doughnut is pink.Green avocado,Yellow banana,Red strawberry,Blue blueberry,Brown chocolate,Pink doughnut.green yellow brown purple blue pink red orange绿色黄色棕色紫色蓝色粉红色红色橙色查看全部文本,请关注公众号:esenglish,输入:启蒙

  • 儿童趣味英语启蒙|颜色

    13/09/2018 Duración: 11min

    配唱儿歌:I see something pink《我看到了一些粉色的东西》Pink orange brown and green粉红色 橙色 棕色和绿色Pink pinkOrange orangebrown brownand green green查看全部文本,请关注公众号:esenglish,输入:启蒙

  • 端午知多少?

    11/06/2018 Duración: 07min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:trussardi777参加打卡练习,享免费纠音赢奖金,请在公众号输入“打卡” The Festival Date Varies Each Year!查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,关键词:端午节

  • 哪个女生不想要马甲线?哪个男生不想要六块腹肌?

    04/06/2018 Duración: 11min

    重磅推荐:KO姐最新专辑《看美剧学英语》已上线!并将与《听力阅读专项提升》一起参加今年喜马拉雅123知识狂欢节,12月1日-3日半价购买!请速加小助手【微信:trussardi777】暗号“123”,即刻加入5折优惠群,第一时间获取优惠卷与福利!没错,还有其它福利!福利!福利哦!(悄悄告诉你,这将是本专辑历史最低价,大制作,高品质,性价比无与伦比!)"If you don't lose weight in May, only sadness will be left in June" 查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,点击左下角【口语单词】搜索关键词:马甲线

  • 学会这首down by the bay一起过个儿童节

    28/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:trussardi777"Down by the Bay" is a traditional children's song. 查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,关键词:狗熊梳头

  • 结婚那天他竟然让新娘抓蜘蛛!

    21/05/2018 Duración: 11min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish 更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts 练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】 咨询课程加助教的微信:trussardi777 原文: Wedding vows 婚礼誓言 Bride 新娘 Groom 新郎   Harry 王子与Meghen王妃的誓言是怎样的呢? "I, Harry, take you, Meghan, to be my wife,to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, ... 查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,关键词:抓蜘蛛

  • 师傅你打表么?

    18/05/2018 Duración: 05min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:trussardi777参加打卡练习,享免费纠音赢奖金,请在公众号输入“打卡”原文:Hurry up! The taxi is here.He can wait a few minutes, i’ll be right there.I hope that driver doesn’t put the meter on, it’s expensive enough to take a cab.查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,关键词:打车;打表

  • 你是否也有伤疤,也会疼?

    14/05/2018 Duración: 08min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541结尾歌曲:Set sail“Every scar that you have is a reminder not just that you got hurt, but that you survived. “---Michelle Obama你的每道伤痕不仅提醒着你自己受过伤,也提醒着你自己存活了。查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,关键词:语言;演讲

  • 妈妈,今天请让我大声的赞美你!

    11/05/2018 Duración: 05min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541Mother’s day母亲节Magnificent伟大的Mom, you are magnificent!Outstanding=excellent非常好Tender=gentle温柔Sympathetic同情心的When you tell people that they are honorable that means they are worthy of honer and respect.值得被人尊重查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,关键词:母亲节

  • 啥?打游戏也能拿奖学金?

    08/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541Video games电子游戏Addicted 沉迷Some colleges are now trying to recruit “athletes” in what are euphemistically called “e-sports.”查看全部文本,请关注订阅号:esposts,关键词:游戏

  • 在拉斯维加斯被问最多的问题是…·旅游人文|畅游Vegas3

    06/05/2018 Duración: 10min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541Hi there, welcome to travel and learn English with me.When you go to Las Vegas, guess what is the most frequentquestion you probably will be asked, especially around the casinos? That wouldbe, “Any luck?” And I guess, the second most frequent question could be, “Doyou gamble?” or “Do you play?”Any luck? 手气如何?Do you gamble? = Do you play? 你赌不赌?你有没有小赌玩一下?Emm, for me, I’m not really a table game person. For most ofthe time, I just play slots. ‘Cause it’s really easy to jump in. All you needto do is to insert money, choose how much you want to bet on, and wish yourselfgood luck.Jump in 上手easy to jump in 容易上手Insert money 塞钱(进去机器里)Bet 赌查看全部文本,请登陆公众号esenglish输入关键词:牌九

  • 没玩过这个你都不算去过拉斯维加斯·旅游人文|畅游Vegas2

    01/05/2018 Duración: 06min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541Hi there, how are you today?Have you listened to my previous episode on Las Vegas yet? If you did, you probably already knew what we are going to talk about today, which is, casino games.To start our journey, I’m going to introduce you with some popular table games.Slot machineFirst, let’s go with the classic, blackjack. Blackjack is one of the most well-know and popular casino game. It’s a fairly easy game for beginners as well as for experts. The goal of the game is to accumulate cards with the points total equal to or as near to 21 as possible without exceeding it. All the picture cards, like kings or queens or jacks count as ten. Aces count as one or eleven. For the rest of the cards, they count as what their face value it.He aced all his classes. = He got A in all his classes.Every player sitting in the same table play against the dealer or the house, who begins the game by dealing each pla

  • 人文历史|五一是“国际”劳动节么?

    28/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541本节目文本信息请在公众号esenglish输入关键词:罪恶之城;拉斯维加斯Hi there, how are you today?Have you noticed that May Day is just around the corner? Oh,  你可能不知道什么是May Day。But I bit most of you already know the other representation of May Day, which is, the International Workers’ Day.Around the corner 靠近了,马上到了 In todays episode, I’m not going to talk about vacation or where you wanna go during the holiday. What I wanna talk about is something you might not know about this holiday, something I had been wrong for many years about this particular day.第二段请在公众号查阅

  • 拉斯维加斯为什么叫“罪恶之城”?·旅游人文|畅游Vegas1

    24/04/2018 Duración: 07min

    Hi, there, this is Ko Ko.First, I have to apologize. Yeah, I have to apologize again.‘Cause I haven’t updated this particular podcast for at least five months…yeah… five months, since last year I went to Las Vegas. Then, we are going todive into today’s topic, which is, the Sin City, Las Vegas. Yes, it’s the citythat I went to and then stopped updating my podcast.The Sin City, Las Vegas 罪恶之城,拉斯维加斯Las Vegas, normally we just call it Vegas.你去哪啦?I just went to Vegas last week.And a lot of people also call it the Sin City, just as whatI mentioned earlier.Actually, there are many reasons that caused the city to becalled the Sin City. The most accepted reason is because there are so manythings that we can do in Las Vegas, either legal or illegal but ok, but wecan’t do them in other places in the US.Legal 合法Illegal 不合法本节目下面的文本请在公众号esenglish输入关键词:罪恶之城;拉斯维加斯跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541本节目文本信息请在公众号esenglish输入关键词:罪恶之城;拉斯维加斯

  • 终于等到对的你

    02/11/2017 Duración: 05min

    跟KO姐学英语,轻松快乐,进步于无形~ 请关注微信公众号:esenglish更多跟读推送以及英语内容请关注订阅号:esposts练习发音,提高听力阅读单词量,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541本节目文本信息请在公众号esenglish输入关键词:终于等到对的你;对的人

  • 发音 | 每个人都想要成功

    24/10/2017 Duración: 06min

    每天跟KO姐一起念念,练习发音,提高听力。更详细的讲解,请查阅专辑【听力阅读专项提升】想要咨询课程加助教的微信:t1123530541念念翻译在订阅号:espostsEveryonewants to be successful. What success looks like, of course, is up to you—a rockstar, a skilled dancer, a fabulous cook, a celebrity personal trainer, CEO ofyour own company, or the best parent of your children. 每个人都想成功。但是成功对每个人来说都不一样,比如摇滚明星、跳舞好的舞者、非常棒的厨师、公众人物的个人教练、有自己的公司,或者是好的父母。

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