Bloom And Grow Radio



Bloom and Grow Radio is a weekly Podcast designed for the Urban Jungle Dweller, Houseplant Enthusiast and Succulent Killer alike. Maria Failla interviews different "Plant People" in the Urban Gardening community to source houseplant care tips, stories and lessons theyve learned from caring for their plants along the way. Each episode has practical and spiritual tips and stories that empower and inspire the listener to have their own houseplant collection and #keepblooming and #keepgrowing.


  • Small Space Cut Flower Gardening for Beginners

    11/06/2024 Duración: 01h11min

    Some of my happiest childhood memories are of my mom's garden bursting with homegrown flower bouquets. Whenever we had visitors, she'd snip whatever was in bloom, bundle it up with herbs from her kitchen garden, wrap it in a wet paper towel and tinfoil, and gift it to our guests. I just thought it was the simplest, kindest way to grow joy for herself and for her friends—and that's the beauty of growing cut flowers.Speaking of beauty, I couldn’t get enough of this episode’s guest and her amazing book! Lisa Ziegler is the founder of The Gardener's Workshop and the author of the book I just devoured, ‘The Cut Flower Handbook.’ We had a high-level overview of what you need to know if you want to delve into cut flower gardening!In this episode, we learn:[04:13] What sparked Lisa's desire to grow cut flowers?[07:32] How did Lisa's hobby bloom into a flower farm?[10:23] Are spacing guidelines for cutting gardens important?[13:07] What is the best place for a cutting garden, and why is it diff

  • How to Move with Houseplants

    04/06/2024 Duración: 01h06min

    Moving is such a pain in the neck. Packing boxes, saying goodbye to familiar surroundings, and navigating new neighborhoods—it's enough to make anyone break a sweat. But you know what can be worse than that, plant friends? Moving with houseplants!If you know, you know, and if you haven't moved with your houseplant collection yet, consider yourself lucky. Our guest today just moved across countries and into a different garden zone. We've both moved multiple times in the last few years, dragging our plant collections of over a hundred plants each, far and wide. This conversation with Becca from Becca De La Plants was also very heartfelt, as we discussed not only moving with plants but also how it relates to our lives.In this episode, we learn:[03:32] What have the last couple of years looked like for Becca?[06:08] How does it feel to move into a completely different garden zone? (from zone 9 to 6)[09:06] Did Tucson spark Becca's gardening passion, or was it the Missouri land?[15:33] Make this su

  • Bird-Friendly Gardening

    28/05/2024 Duración: 01h02min

    While we are stewards of the land, we are also stewards of the native animals that call it home. And birds, with their declining population, need our help to keep them flying high in our shared environment. Our responsibility is to protect their home, provide them with food, and minimize the threats they face.When I realized there was someone else who shares my deep passion for birds AND gardens, and that she wrote a whole book on making bird-friendly gardens, I knew I needed to meet and befriend her immediately. So in this episode, Jen McGuinness, aka Frau Zinnie, talks all about optimizing our gardens for our birds.If you follow me on social media, you know that I'm a crazy bird lady. I think Frankie, my parakeet, knows that this episode is special because he’s especially loud behind the scenes.In this episode, we learn:[05:29] How Jen became a plant/bird lady[08:08] What is Jen’s gateway bird?[09:31] What does bird-friendly gardening mean (beyond the bird feeder)?[13:17] How will a bird-friendly garden

  • Hydrangea Care

    21/05/2024 Duración: 54min

    Hydrangeas are beautiful flowers, and they represent a wide range of emotions in different cultures. Yes, they can be tricky to grow, but they are relatively low-maintenance with the right care! In this episode, you will learn everything you need to know about hydrangeas from Ryan McEnaney aka @ryanplantsplants, your new best plant friend. I bumped into him in Seattle during the Northwestern Flower Show a few weeks back. We grabbed dinner and it was crazy how much we clicked!Ryan is a fifth-generation member of Bailey Nurseries, which is known for their Endless Summer hydrangeas, Easy Elegance Roses, and First Edition shrubs. His lifetime spent with hydrangeas has given him a strong grasp on their care, and he’s willing to share these tips with us!In this episode, we learn:[06:13] What has Ryan’s plant parent journey looked like?[09:54] What are the 4 main species of hydrangea?[13:42] Understanding bloom cycles for pruning[16:56] Say goodbye to balcony watering stress this summer with self-watering planters![

  • How to Water Your Houseplants: Everything You Need to Know About Watering

    14/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    Did you know that watering is one of the most common causes of houseplant death? You saw a gorgeous new plant baby from a store, and then you brought it home full of excitement and good intentions. In fact, you wanted to do your best, so you read the watering instructions in the packet and tried to follow them as closely as possible… And then tragedy happens. The once vibrant leaves start to wilt, turn yellow, or fall off entirely.It’s a rookie mistake! But I’m here to share my hard-earned watering technique so you can keep your plants happy (and your plant parent pride intact). We’ve all been there, plant friends.In this episode, we learn:[02:27] Why, when, and how of watering houseplants[04:12] Why do our houseplants need water?[06:04] How do houseplants absorb water?[09:04] When should we water our houseplants?[10:54] Frequency errors in watering[15:00] How to determine soil moisture[16:00] What is top watering?[20:20] Grow your garden with the highest quality houseplants from Proven Winners leafjoy™[21:52

  • How to Use Nature to Improve Your Mindset

    07/05/2024 Duración: 52min

    How can you use plants to promote more mindful thinking? In this episode, I had the most amazing chat with my longtime plant friend Brittany Gowan (@brittanygowan). Brittany and I go way back to our NYC plant mom days when we used to have plant swaps and brunches together. It is pretty wild how plants can bring people together like that.Brittany is one of a kind—she blends her skills in psychology and coaching with her deep love of nature. On the show, we discussed how plants can reduce stress, foster compassion, and increase joy.In this episode, we learn:[03:06] Who is Brittany Gowan? (one of my OG plant friends!)[06:16] Finding peace in a stressful job[10:12] What are some ways that city people can connect with nature?[12:59] Importance of noticing and appreciating “little things” in urban areas[16:03] Celebrate special moments and create lasting memories with Wind River Chimes[17:51] Discover fun, plant-filled projects that add joy to your life with '¡Verdura! – Living a Garden Life' by Perla Sofía

  • How to Care for A Lot of Plants (AKA Have a Large Plant Collection)

    30/04/2024 Duración: 01h21min

    If you have 250 plants in your home, what would you do? That seems like WAY too many plants to care for, right? But for Samantha Hermann, better known as @houseplusplant on Instagram, this is her second nature. She’s my newest plant friend, and I’m so excited to have a casual conversation with her on this episode (let me know if you want more episodes like this). Samantha has been successfully keeping that many plants alive and happy for years, and I’m sure it’s a lot of work. But she’s here to share her best tips for managing a large indoor plant collection without stressing out!In this episode, we learn:[04:46] Meet Samantha, the houseplant expert with over 250+ plant babies[05:37] What happened at the recent Tropical Plant International Expo?[11:22] When did Samantha start collecting houseplants?[15:09] Grow healthy plants in any corner of your home with Soltech’s stylish grow lights[17:26] Make your houseplants happy with Espoma Organic's high-quality, premium potting mixes[21:39] Why you should try n

  • Eco Anxiety

    23/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Have you ever felt a sense of worry, fear, or anger when you think about climate change and the state of our planet? If so, you may be experiencing what's called "eco-anxiety." As plant lovers who are so connected to nature through our gardens and houseplants, it makes total sense that eco-anxiety could affect us. We care deeply about the Earth because we are part of it. So, let us spend some time with my dearest friend and resident green witch, Rachael Cohen, to better understand this concept.In this episode, we learn:[03:33] What is eco-anxiety?[07:14] Rachael’s personal story of identifying/managing eco-anxiety[09:45] Coping with eco-anxiety[11:21] How perspective affects happiness[12:16] What is the environmental impact of our actions, and how does it relate to our well-being?[15:21] Fill your homes with the most ethereal sounds with the new Wind River Eclipse Collection (use code GROWINGJOY)[17:26] Discover gardening tips, kitchen tricks, and family activities to reduce waste and save money w

  • Composting Basics

    16/04/2024 Duración: 01h09min

    You may have heard that compost is the key to a healthy garden, and feeding the soil is more important than feeding your plants. And if you don't garden, you've probably heard about composting as an eco-friendly way to live more sustainably and support the planet. That is why I dedicate an entire episode explaining what composting is and how it works.My guest, Michelle Balz, is a true composting guru who has written, not one, but two incredible books solely focused on this amazing soil amendment. By the end of our conversation, you'll understand exactly what compost is made of, how it benefits your garden's soil, why it's so great for the environment, and best of all—how to successfully compost both indoors and out.In this episode, we learn:[06:49] What has Michelle’s journey been in composting?[09:24] How many different composting systems does Michelle have in her home?[10:20] Compost vs soil vs potting mix[12:02] What makes compost so special?[13:53] How does composting benefit the envir

  • Everything You Need to Know About Philodendron

    09/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    If you're a houseplant lover like me, chances are you already have a philodendron or two in your collection. These awesome tropical plants are some of the most popular and beloved houseplants for good reason—they come in tons of different shapes, colors and sizes, and they're relatively easy to care for too! In this episode, I'm going to give you the full rundown of everything you need to know about growing these amazing plants at home. We'll cover the basics of their natural habitat and key care requirements, and I'll introduce you to some of my current favorite philodendron varieties.In this episode, we learn:[03:50] Philodendron high-level overview[09:38] Care #1: Light[13:43] Care #2: Water[15:38] Care #3: Soil[16:05] Care #4: Humidity[17:08] Care #5: Fertilizer [17:39] Troubleshooting philodendron issues[19:10] Thank you Proven Winners leafjoy™ for sponsoring this episode![21:01] Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)[22:21] Philodendron 'Brasil'[22:37] Philodendron 

  • How She Grew The Sill: Plantrepreneur Eliza Blank

    02/04/2024 Duración: 37min

    If you interact with the houseplant community online at all, you've definitely felt the impact of The Sill on our plant niche. I honestly can't believe that it took me a whopping 230 episodes to finally have Eliza Blank, founder of The Sill, grace the Growing Joy with Plants podcast! Her female founder story of recognizing a need for a houseplant brand and building it into a million-dollar company would make you feel empowered, as it did me.In case you didn’t know, The Sill was one of the OG plant brands that helped start the houseplant craze before the pandemic. And when I first started my podcast, they were also the first to reach out and show their support! So I want to take this opportunity to show you the story behind the success of The Sill live on stage at the Northwest Flower and Garden Festival in Seattle.In this episode, we learn:[00:30] The Sill and its impact on the houseplant community[05:23] How did Eliza get into houseplants?[07:28] How exciting/challenging is it to launch a houseplant

  • Climate Proof Your Garden

    26/03/2024 Duración: 57min

    Climate change is real, plant friends—and it’s impacting our world too fast! Because of that, it’s becoming extremely important for us plant parents/gardeners to adapt our practices to ensure our gardens can withstand the challenges that lie ahead. In fact, it’s already impacting our gardens in SO many ways—from unpredictable weather to increased pest infestations. So in this episode, I invited a new plant friend, Kim Stoddart, who is a passionate gardener, climate advocate, and author of "The Climate Change–Resilient Vegetable Garden," to discuss strategies for building a climate-resilient garden.In this episode, we learn:[03:39] How Kim became a passionate climate activist and gardener[11:44] The Resilient Gardener vs. The Resilient Garden[15:06] Deepen your meditation practice with the Wind River Meditation Chime[16:49] Grow a thriving, climate-resistant vegetable garden with Espoma Organic![19:03] What are the climate issues to consider when building a resilient garden? (doom & gloom)[20:44] W

  • Why You Should Care About the Spring Equinox

    19/03/2024 Duración: 01h12min

    What are your plans this Spring Equinox? Spring equinox is like a special day when light and dark are balanced just right. As it draws closer, it comes with a reminder that nature has its own patterns that repeat over and over, and this particular event shows us that winter is ending and spring is starting… bringing new life and growth. Tuning into the Earth's frequencies during this season can help us grow and feel refreshed too. In this episode, I’m so happy to welcome back our residential green witch and my dear plant friend, Rachael of Our Infinite Nature! She’s here to celebrate the upcoming Spring Equinox, share her insights on what's happening in the earth, sky, and ourselves during spring, and offer practices for connecting deeply with the powerful changes that happen in spring.In this episode, we learn:[01:58] Connecting with nature and the seasons[04:18] Cultivating intuition with plants[05:58] Why “awe” is a spiritual emotion[09:15] The importance of “seasonal living”[12:16] What is happeni

  • Everything You Need to Know About Calathea

    12/03/2024 Duración: 37min

    Calatheas have a bit of a reputation among plant parents for being dramatic "divas." And I'm not going to lie—they can be particular about their care. But don't let that scare you off! If you try to understand their preferences, you can totally grow lush, vibrant prayer plants at home. That’s what we’re going to talk about in this episode!In this episode, we learn:[01:44] Understanding calathea (now also called Goeppertia)[02:21] Why calathea isn’t for everyone (so set your expectations)[05:46] Why calatheas are the perfect statement plant![06:17] Understanding the natural habitat of Calathea[06:51] Why calatheas are called “prayer plants”[07:41] High-level overview of Calathea[08:41] Calathea Care #1: Lighting[11:10] Calathea Care #2: Watering[14:42] Top tip: Calathea enjoy filtered water [15:28] Enjoy superior quality and a variety of plants from Proven Winners Leaf Joy![17:14] Mindful goal reflection through daily plant check-ins[18:13] Calathea Care #3: Humidity[21:04] How do you create a

  • Homesteading Basics

    05/03/2024 Duración: 52min

    Is homesteading your ultimate dream? Because mine too, plant friends! Like most gardeners, I've always dreamed of someday creating a homestead and being more self-sufficient. I very much enjoy growing my own fruits, veggies, and herbs, but starting homesteading seemed a little scary. That’s why I was so excited to speak with gardening influencer Kevin Espiritu of Epic Gardening, who has spent the last few years turning his suburban property into an enviable homestead. Kevin shared his advice for transitioning from gardener to homesteader, one step at a time.In this episode, we learn:[04:43] Managing multiple projects and Kevin’s homestead building[04:51] What got Kevin interested in homesteading?[07:59] Homesteading vs gardening[09:14] What are the aspects/elements of homesteading?[11:15] What is “greywater” and its potential for water recycling?[14:17] Different uses of rainwater (and why you should start collecting them!)[15:22] Experience cozy mindfulness with Wind River Chimes![16:53] Learn actionable

  • How to Repot Houseplants

    27/02/2024 Duración: 41min

    Do you know that repotting and potting up mean different things? As our houseplants grow happily under our care, eventually they will outgrow their current pots. Determining whether your plant needs to simply have its soil refreshed (repotting) or be shifted to a larger container (potting up) can be challenging for new plant parents. In this episode, I will walk you through when to pot up versus repot, proper techniques for both, tips to avoid issues, and how to turn repotting into an uplifting self-care ritual by really tuning into your plants' needs and creating an environment that allows them to thrive.In this episode, we learn:[02:30] Things I learned about repotting in the last couple of years[03:34] Some personal plant care routines[04:59] Do some spring cleaning![06:28] Repotting vs potting up vs potting up water-rooted cuttings[09:04] Some rules to remember in potting up[10:43] Do the two-inch “bump up” rule when potting up[11:59] When should you pot up?[13:08] What is repotting and why is it impo

  • Indoor Plant Projects for Stress Relief

    20/02/2024 Duración: 55min

    Do you feel a little sad or bored being stuck inside this winter (at least those in the northern hemisphere)? I hope the winter months haven’t got you down too much because I know we’re all feeling a bit cooped up lately. That’s why I brought on a new plant friend, Perla Sofía Curbelo-Santiago, a gardening expert and horticultural therapist, to share some of her favorite simple DIY indoor plant projects to spark joy during these months. Note that these are all featured in her new book ¡Verdura! – Living a Garden Life, which celebrates little plant-inspired passion projects to nurture our creativity!In this episode, we learn:[01:53] Rebranding of my YouTube Channel[02:43] Introducing Perla Sofia Curbelo-Santiago aka Agrochic![04:24] How did Perla develop her passion for gardening and plants?[07:05] How did Agrochic start?[09:38] How did Perla balance Spanish and English content?[11:32] What does her plant collection and garden look like?[15:08] Make meditation more relaxing and meaningful with Wind River’s Med

  • Everything You Need to Know About Ficus Care

    13/02/2024 Duración: 32min

    I am completely obsessed with ficus! Over the last few months, I've been slowly collecting different ficus varieties and learning how to help them thrive. There's just something about the colorful leaves, sculptural shapes, and tree-like growth that makes me love this plant genus. I love my ficus collection and feel like this genus has been overlooked, with the fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) getting most of the hype. But there are so many gorgeous, easy-to-grow ficus species that make excellent houseplants. I have spent the last few months cultivating a variety of ficus so you can grow these beautiful plants at home.This episode is made in partnership with Proven Winners leafjoy houseplants.In this episode, we learn:[00:43] We’re all about ficus today![02:49] Reasons to love ficus[04:03] Did you know Michael Scott from The Office has a Ficus benjamina in his office?[05:06] How about a Boston fern in Will & Grace?[05:48] Why Ficus elastica is a good beginner plant[07:08] How do you care for ficus?[

  • Cultivating Intuition with Nature

    06/02/2024 Duración: 58min

    How can we use plants to connect with intuitive energy? If you're anything like me, simply being around plants makes you feel happier, calmer, and more like your true self. I've always felt plants have some extra special magic that goes beyond their pretty leaves. That's why I was so excited to welcome back our resident “green witch" Rachael from Our Infinite Nature (formerly Infinite Succulent—yes, she just rebranded!) on the podcast this week to talk about how plant care can open up our intuition and help us reconnect with our own inner magic!In this episode, we learn:[02:46] Infinite Succulent just rebranded to Our Infinite Nature![03:27] Check out Rachael’s Intuitive Magic Group Coaching[07:57] A little bit about Rachael’s background + certifications[08:53] When did she discover her mediumship and intuitive talent?[09:31] Reiki certification and intuitive coaching[10:53] What is intuition?[11:30] Understanding energy, spirit, and nature[12:35] Why is learning intuition similar to learning

  • Humidity and Houseplants

    30/01/2024 Duración: 57min

    Do I really need a humidifier? Why do my plants get crispy leaves when I crank the heat? When it comes to houseplant care, humidity is right up there with water and light as one of the most important factors. I’ve spent years stressing about humidity levels. Fortunately, I invited my dear plant friend and humidity expert, Leslie Halleck, for another session of Grow Better. Understanding the science behind humidity has helped me stop freaking out and keep my plant collection happy.In this episode, we learn:[04:44] Beware of random blogs you find online![05:43] Why is humidity important and how does it affect the plants?[08:57] Important role of transpiration in a plant's health[13:32] The three terms you need to know (relative humidity, absolute humidity, vapor pressure deficit)[14:49] Grow your indoor garden like never before with Soltech's grow lights![17:10] Cold air vs warm air[20:54] Is your hygrometer relative or absolute humidity?[22:45] Why is it so much drier in the winter?[25:18] How elevatio

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