Jimmy D Radio



My name is Jimmy DeFalco and I am a recovering Drug Addict. I grew up in a Wolf of Wall Street type of environment. My father made millions of $$'s all while partying with Hard Core Drugs everyday. This warped my perception of reality and eventually led to me to become a drug addict myself, hooked on Opiates and Xanax. Over the last 2 years I have made one of the most drastic transformations physically, mentally and emotinoally. My goal in starting this Podcast is to provide, Hope, Inspiration and Applicable tools that anyone, not just addicts, can use to improve their life. ENJOY!


  • The Queen of the Grind - Danielle Gertner Interview

    18/01/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Danielle Gertner is a 24 year old, entrepreneur, fitness influencer, thought leader and volleyball coach. She started her business "Gertner Grind" right after graduating from UF at 21. Since then she has grown into taking cross country tours, expanding her movement nationwide! Her unique Animal Flow fitness routines are unlike anything I've seen! They are extremely fun to perform and will kick you butt in the process! In this episode we do a deep dive into: The non-physical benefits of fitness Limiting Beliefs and how to dismiss them The subconscious mind and how to manipulate it  Business / Entrepreneurship Tips You do not want to miss Danielle's #1 piece of advice on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.  Follow Danielle at: IG: Gertnergrind FB: Danielle Gertner Website: www.gertnergrind.com If you enjoyed this episode, please scroll to the bottom of the episodes and leave a rating / review. This will help Jimmy D Radio grow and allow me to help more people.  

  • How to Effectively Set and Execute your New "Life" Resolutions

    31/12/2018 Duración: 32min

    Start your year off RIGHT!! In this powerful episode I break down the goal setting formula I used to go from a drug addict in a mental health facility to speaking on a TEDx Stage in less than 3 years. I share the scientific reason behind why it is so important to write down and consistently read your goals. Then I share a powerful reflection exercise that "preps" your mind to be in a perfect state for goal setting. Lastly, I share my proven formula of setting  annual goals and how you can break them down into simple daily action steps.  Lastly, I discuss how to set realistic and unrealistic goals and why both are important to implement. If you liked this episode please share with a friend and leave a rating/review.  If you are interested in coaching, email me at jimmyd@jimmydefalco.com or go to my site www.jimmydefalco.com and fill out the form. Follow me: IG: Jimmy_DeFalco FB: Jimmy DeFalco or Jym_dad

  • How to Build Lean Muscle Mass

    08/11/2018 Duración: 31min

    This is one of my favorite episodes yet! The other day, I had a buddy that I talk to in the gym, come up and ask me, "Man, what are you doing? You've put on some serious muscle quick!" We talked for a while and that conversation prompted me to make this episode for you all! First, I explain the process that occurs when you workout and how your muscles evolve/adapt. Then I give you 6 simple, not easy, simple tactics you can implement into your routine to build lean muscle mass. They are: 1) Change the exercises/movements or equipment you typically use 2) Change the tempo of your reps, focusing on the negative and time under tension 3) Use quality form focusing on mind-muscle connection 4) Get a full contraction and stretch on each rep 5) Implement drop sets and burnout sets 6) Switch up your rep ranges Follow me on IG: Jimmy_DeFalco and FB: Jimmy DeFalco or Jym_dad If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a 5 star rating and a brief review.

  • Your Thoughts Aren't Always YOUR Thoughts

    20/10/2018 Duración: 09min

    In this episode I take a deep dive into the human brain and why we have negative thoughts. Have you ever had a great idea, wanted to speak up in a meeting, or wanted to take action on a new project but almost immediately after you get excited, all of these negative thoughts creep in?! I know I have! Well, those negative voices in your head aren't necessarily your thoughts, they are programmed thoughts, we all have, from the beginning of time. Listen to this quick 10 minute episode to gain a better understanding of why you have those negative thoughts, more importantly, how to interrupt those thoughts and replace them with new, positive ones.

  • Turn Your Pain into Prosperity

    12/10/2018 Duración: 22min

    Everyone says that pain is the catalyst for change. Well, I don't believe that is 100% accurate because I experienced pain for nearly a decade and never changed a thing... Pain will do one of two things to you, it will make you BITTER or get you BETTER. It will either BREAK you or make a NEW you. In this episode I do a deep dive into why experiencing pain is a good thing. Pain or adversity is put in our lives to help us grow, to develop us into a better person. Listen in on how you can take pain/adversity and turn those experiences into your greatest asset! ENJOY!! IG: Jimmy_DeFalco FB: Jimmy DeFalco

  • Tony Hoffman-Substance Abuse & Motivational Speaker

    26/07/2018 Duración: 01h13min

    This was my favorite interview by far! Tony Hoffman shares his amazing story of adversity and how he was able to overcome all odds! He was on magazine covers in high school for BMX Racing before he got hooked on pain killers, eventually he became homeless, and ended up prison. Only to come out and get 2nd place in the BMX World Championships, Coach BMX at the RIO Olympics and today he is the most sought after substance abuse speaker in the country. His story shows that no matter what you have been through, no matter what your life looks like right now, that it is NEVER too late to CHANGE! We discuss everything from substance abuse, to mindset awareness and most importantly never giving up! Tony's story will inspire, motivate and is very entertaining as well. Enjoy!! If you enjoyed this episode please SUBSCRIBE, RATE AND REVIEW!!!

  • Success Takes Time-Never Give Up

    18/07/2018 Duración: 12min

    NEVER GIVE UP! In this day and age of "instant gratification" you can obtain most things want a lot quicker than 10 or 20 years ago, except SUCCESS! You have to still earn success the old-school way, through hard work and dedication. In this episode I discuss how I am able to stay patient down the long road to true success and why giving up is NEVER an option! If you received ANY value out of this or any other episode, please take 2 minutes to SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW! This will help Jimmy D Radio, become view-able to additional listeners. The world needs to hear my story and message but I need your help to accomplish that! Thank you for all of you r support!!!

  • Recreate Yourself - Becoming the Best Version of You

    21/06/2018 Duración: 17min

    This may be the best episode of JimmyD Radio yet, this single piece of content could change your entire perspective on who you are as a person. I used to and most people still believe that the way we are today, is the way we will always be, and there is nothing we can do to change it. That is complete BS! We all get to CREATE OURSELVES! If we don't like what we see, we get to rearrange the pieces! I accepted the way I was for 10+ years until I finally got fed up and decided to recreate myself! You can too, tune in to hear about my experiemces in recreating myself and how you can apply the same concepts

  • Open your Mind Up to Prosperity and Abundance!

    01/06/2018 Duración: 11min

    We have all been there before thinking, "WOW, this is just too good to be true." When we think or say this we are subconsciously not accepting the prosperity and abundance entering our lives. We all have a subconscious belief of the happiness and success we deserve out of life. When we start to exceed this level of happiness or success, we tend to subconsciously self-sabotage ourselves. This is why so many of us seem to stay stagnant, stuck at the same point in our lives. In this episode I discuss how to break out of these cycles and open your mind up to receiving new levels of success!

  • How to Quit the Job you Hate and Chase your Dreams

    23/05/2018 Duración: 58min

    Who hates their job? Who wants to chase their dreams? Who said YES to both of those but doesn't know where to start? Then this episode is for YOU! Today, I interviewed Thomas Marc, a good friend who quit his cushy corporate banking job to pursue his passion, Health and Wellness! We discuss his internal dialogue, mindset and some of the struggles he faced when making this difficult decision. Thomas did what so many Americans want to do! Listen and learn how he was able to overcome his fears, break society's chains of normalcy by designing his life instead of living in it!

  • Interview with Sam Lucania - Author - Public Speaker

    11/05/2018 Duración: 46min

    Sam is also a recovering addict. He is now an author and public speaker and has an amazing story, from overdosing, going to jail, to losing loved ones, this story has it all! Learn how he was able to turn it around against all odds! Make sure to check Sam out on IG and FB @handslikeyourpraying. He also has a website if you would like to order his book or inquire about him speaking at on of your events.

  • The Consequences of NOT Following Through

    26/04/2018 Duración: 11min

    What does your word mean to yourself? Meaning do you trust yourself to follow through with what you told yourself you were going to do? In this episode of Jimmy D Radio, I discuss the psychology behind what happens when you follow through and what happens when you don't. If you enjoyed this Podcast, PLEASE take 2 minutes to write a review on iTunes and share with a friend who could benefit from it. I need the help of YOU to get my message out to the world. Thank you for taking the time to listen!

  • The Biggest Difference Between Success & Failure

    20/04/2018 Duración: 12min

    Everyone has moments of self-doubt and insecurity. However, it's your choice whether to listen to that little voice in your head or tell it to shut the fuck up! "When it is obvious your goals can't be reached, don't adjust your goals, adjust your action steps." - Confucius

  • How to Change your Automatic Responses

    11/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    What is your "GO-TO" automatic response when you get bad news or have had a shit day? We all have two choices when we get bad news, we can do what we "want to do" in the moment for that instant, short lived, gratification... OR we can choose what we know is in our "Best Interest" for the delayed, sustained, feeling of happiness. In this episode I discuss how to rewire your neuro pathways to change those "automatic responses" in the midst of adversity. Learn how it saved me from a life of pain and addiction and how you can apply it to improve your life no matter what your current circumstances are. Follow me at: IG: https://www.instagram.com/jimmy_defalco/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/thehealthcoach11/

  • The Importance of Morning Routines

    07/04/2018 Duración: 13min

    Morning routines are the single most effective way to improve the quality of your life. Every concept or method I discuss will NOT be effective if you’re not starting your day off on a positive note. In this episode, I breakdown my morning routine, how it has changed my life and how it can change yours too! If you like this episode please HIT “SUBSCRIBE,” write a mini review on iTunes and tell a friend about my channel. ENJOY!

  • How to Shift your Belief System to Align with your Goals

    30/03/2018 Duración: 13min

    For the first 28 years of my life I believed that girls, drugs, money and fighting were the key to being a man, to being happy. In this episode I teach you how I was able to and how you can change your internal belief system to better align with the life you desire. This is only a 13 minute listen hope you guys enjoy! Follow me at: https://www.instagram.com/jimmy_defalco/

  • Pushing Yourself Physically and the Effects on your Thinking Process

    18/03/2018 Duración: 15min

    This episode is all about getting active. I discuss the physical, mental emotional and structural benefits you will reap when you get of the couch and push your physical limitations. For me it's the gym but it can me running, swimming, basketball whatever you want it to be; just get out and get ACTIVE! If you received any value out of this, please take 2 minutes to click "SUBSCRIBE," rate this podcast and write a review. Thank you ALL for the support, it's you guys that keep me pushing forward.

  • Visualization: The Key to Unleashing your Full Potential

    15/03/2018 Duración: 11min

    In this episode I talk about how Visualization is playing a HUGE role in my transformation and how you can use it to reach your full potential too! What is visualization? Why is visualization important? What are the benefits? How do I utilize this powerful tool? Listen to find out!

  • Taking FULL Accountability

    02/03/2018 Duración: 11min

    Your life is a compounded result of ALL of the Decisions YOU have made up to this point! So many people want to blame their life on circumstances, or how they were raised, or the government but those are all Bullshit Lies! When you blame your life on external forces, you give the power of your life to those external forces, leaving you feeling helpless over your own life. Take BACK control of your life today by take FULL ACCOUNTABILITY for everything! This 11 minute clip will get you on the right path. ENJOY! "iTunes:keywords, iTunes:name or copyright.” 351265

  • The Life of Jimmy D. Jr. EP. 1

    02/03/2018 Duración: 40min

    I grew up in a Wolf of Wall Street type of Environment, watching my father making millions of $$$'s while partying with hardcore drugs daily. When I graduated college I thought my entire life was planned out... Late in 2008 my family lost everything... Not knowing how to cope I turned to Xanax and Opiates. The next 8 years I made terrible decision after terrible decision ended up in jails, rehabs and mental facilities. Until one day... I decided I've endured enough much pain, it was time to change. Hope you all enjoy!