Deves World



Welcome to the Deves world podcast, where I talk about the life heros. Wait a mints ; when I use the word Heros , never expects its a Hollywood star , sports start or a politician. For me whoever working hard to feed their loved ones are heros and their stories are amazing. Recording live from the common man. That is where you , I and everyone else will fit in. Lets tune into Deves world !!!


  • Understanding human liver -part1

    13/06/2020 Duración: 10min

    Are you tired of gruelling diets that don’t work and never end? Do you find dieting a constant struggle against calories, cravings, and hunger? If so, do yourself a favour and stop torturing yourself. Most likely, your diet isn’t working and may even be harming your health. Most fad diets promote unhealthy, short-term weight-loss by restricting the fuel and nutrients that your body needs. These diets are counterproductive because they often exacerbate the core problem – your metabolism. Thankfully, there’s a new way to improve your health and get rid of those unwanted inches for good, and it doesn’t involve counting calories and spending hours at the gym each day. The key is to revamp your metabolism by detoxing your liver so it can function properly again

  • Understanding human brain

    22/05/2020 Duración: 14min

    Hi everyone. Hope all are doing good in this difficult time. This is a situation where we all need more mental strength than our muscle strength. We have to understand the pattern of our behaviour through our mind. Let me gauge your mental process , all you have to do is answer a simple question below A bat and ball cost $ 1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much dose the ball cost ? Let me see how many are giving the correct answer to this question. You can use calculator if you wants to ! ............................ ..............................This was yesterday question on my linkdin post. Now to get an answer , what is the connection between this question and your brain , pls keep on listening

  • History of pandemics

    26/03/2020 Duración: 30min

    In the era of COVID 19 let us journey through history. How pandemic attacks humans ? How we responded ? What lessons we have learned ? How first plague spread ? What is the story of small pox ? How it finished even a city ? All explained in this 30 mints video. Listen till the end

  • Why do we age ?

    15/02/2020 Duración: 13min

    On a cellular level, aging is related to your mitochondria. Mitochondria are tiny organelles inside your cells that extract energy from the food you digest and create a chemical called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which stores energy for cellular function. They’re essentially the power plant of the cell. As you get older, though, your mitochondria begin to falter. This leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species, also known as free radicals. These damage your cells and cause widespread chronic inflammation, laying the groundwork for degenerative diseases like cancer.

  • Why do we sleep ?

    09/11/2019 Duración: 30min

    Are you a night owl ? Or a morning type ? Your circadian rhythm dictates a great number of things. It’s what guides your body’s desire for sleep – or the opposite of sleep. It’s what makes you want food or drink at certain times. It’s even responsible, to an extent, for moodiness and emotional ups and downs, as well as your metabolic rate. But here’s the thing: circadian rhythms vary from person to person – a fact that causes a large chunk of the population both to hate alarm clocks and to suffer from health complications. This portion, which makes up about 30 percent of the population, consists of “night owls,” people whose circadian rhythm inclines them to seek slumber late at night and to rise late in the morning. Distressingly for these nocturnal folks, society is morning-oriented. School and work typically begin in the morning and last through the afternoon, right when the body clocks of night owls say they should be asleep, or at least still sleepy. Being out of sync with society’s schedule puts night o

  • 1 Malaysia Development Berhad scandal-1MDB

    01/11/2019 Duración: 32min

    Jho Low wasn’t poor – in fact, his family was worth millions. But it wasn’t enough. Desperate to keep up appearances with his peers at an elite private school in London, he started styling himself as an Asian “prince.” At university in America, Low cultivated a circle of well-connected peers. It was those contacts which eventually allowed him to pull off a massive construction deal in his home country and curry favor with Najib Razak, the future prime minister and the man who put Low in charge of a billion-dollar investment fund. Low used his position to pull off the heist of the century and siphon millions into his own account to fund his lavish lifestyle. When the theft was finally discovered, it brought down the Malaysian government.

  • In search of stardust-part 5

    25/10/2019 Duración: 11min

    You know the effect of starting farming in human life ? Is it just to find source for food ? The creation of modern cities was just an after effect of farming in 10000 years so !Would you know the first Road was built back in fifth century BC Rulers built roads to enable trade, like the Royal Road from Persia to the Mediterranean , the road was 2,700 km long and could be traveled in just seven days by couriers using a relay system of fresh horses – a huge advance on the walking time of 90 days !!!

  • In search of stardust-part4

    11/10/2019 Duración: 22min

    Did you know from where did the oxygen which we are breathing in has come from ? You know how Photosynthesis helped to spark a biological revolution ? How Evolution and the extinction of dinosaurs helped the big forms of life develop that would eventually lead to humanity ? Curious to know these answers ? Please continue listen

  • In search of stardust- part 3

    05/10/2019 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever gazed into a clear blue sky where millions of stars are glittering in line ? Have you ever think of from where did they come from ? Have you ever thought of a process where planets are formed from the accumulation of star dust ? Nope ? Then continue listen !!

  • In search of stardust -Part02

    27/09/2019 Duración: 35min

    Bacteria are earth’s most abundant life forms, and we’re here because they allow us to be. Furthermore, bacteria can live and thrive on almost anything. As long as they have a little moisture, they can survive in even the harshest environments, such as in the waste tanks of nuclear reactors. Some are so resilient that they appear indestructible. Even when a bacterium’s DNA is blasted with radiation, it will simply reform as if nothing has happened. Amazed ?! Listen then !!!

  • In search of stardust-Part 1

    20/09/2019 Duración: 18min

    Over the past few hundred years, humanity has slowly accumulated pieces to the puzzle of our existence. We now know more about our universe, our planet and ourselves than anyone could have once possibly imagined. Yet, there is still much more to learn, as the process of scientific discovery never stops!

  • Alexander the Great _ part 4

    06/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    Alexander made it all the way to the banks of the Ganges in India before realizing his soldiers could not go on. Alexander died at the age of 32, before he could accomplish any of his future campaign plans.

  • Alexander the Great _ part 3

    30/08/2019 Duración: 08min

    After again defeating Darius, Alexander took the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon.

  • Alexander invading Persia

    17/08/2019 Duración: 10min

    Alexander the Great was one of the greatest military commanders of ancient times. He extended a small Macedonian empire from Greece all the way to India. By combining military genius with a keen political mind, Alexander became king of the largest empire the ancient world had ever seen.

  • Alexander the Great

    17/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    Alexander the Great was one of the greatest military commanders of ancient times. He extended a small Macedonian empire from Greece all the way to India. By combining military genius with a keen political mind, Alexander became king of the largest empire the ancient world had ever seen