Everyday Strong Radio



Everyday Strong Radio believes you have an inner strength you can use at any time to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward toward your goals. This podcast will help you feel confident in you ability to develop healthy eating habits and accept who and where you are. It will encourage you to keep fitness a priority in your life and give you tools to develop a strong mindset. Itll also show you how everyday people, people just like you, are doing this in their own way every single day. Listen and find your Everyday Strong. Were glad youre here.


  • 095 Final Episode

    05/11/2021 Duración: 18min

    All good things must come to an end. This podcast has been such a wonderful experience for me, but it’s about time I start taking some of my own advice and close this loop. As I reflect on my time recording these episodes, I realize that I learned and benefitted from the advice I gave just as much as my listeners. Sometimes the coach a coach needs is herself! Thank you for growing with me and for your support. And keep on using your Everyday Strong!

  • 094 Client Spotlight: Patricia Bradford

    29/10/2021 Duración: 48min

    Not all of my clients come into coaching convinced it will work. In this episode, my client even tells me what she REALLY thought of our first session! Episode 94 Client Spotlight: Patricia Bradford showcases just how effective coaching has been for her and what knowledge she will be using throughout her life. Not only has she been able to implement mindset training, but she has also been enjoying a new practice I’ve been training to be a coach in called Positive Intelligence (PQ). No matter what practice she is using, it all circles back to our thoughts and how we assign value to our circumstances.

  • 093 Slowing Down to Speed Up

    15/10/2021 Duración: 23min

    Has anyone else been having issue after issue come up the last few weeks? Astrologists say Mercury in retrograde can be a time of tension, miscommunication, and mishaps. Whether it’s Mercury in retrograde or just a week that will not give you a break, we all need tools to help us get through the tough times. Slowing down to speed up is a way to step back from the problem long enough to detach ourselves from the thoughts that are holding us back or keeping us frantic. Join me on this week’s episode to figure out how to put Slowing Down to Speed Up into practice in your life.

  • 092 How to Coach Yourself from a Place of Love

    08/10/2021 Duración: 17min

    In Episode 92, I address a roadblock that many of us come upon in our coaching journeys. What can we do when we are using all the tips and tricks at our disposal, and we still run into a situation that has us feeling defeated and small? What happens when our mindset work becomes perfunctory? You can do all the thought downloads you want and follow the thought model perfectly, but still end up with thoughts that negatively affect our results. It happens and that’s okay. Episode 92 is all about How to Coach Yourself from a Place of Love. Join me this week to hear some ideas on how to step back, evaluate where feelings and thoughts that seemingly come out of nowhere come from, and coach yourself with compassion.

  • 091 Client Spotlight: Tracy Mikol

    01/10/2021 Duración: 45min

    Every few weeks, I like to do a Client Spotlight to showcase a client who has really applied the concepts they learned from coaching. In Episode 91, I sit down with one of my longest standing clients, Tracy Mikol. Even though Tracy is no longer my client, she continues to use techniques from our time together in her day-to-day life, relationships, and parenting. Like many go-getters, Tracy lived solidly in the “A” Line. She went from always questioning what to DO, to figuring out who she really wants to BE. Her ongoing mindset work concentrates on what thoughts and questions are useful to her, closing loops that slow her down, getting clear on what she wants, and making decisions ahead of time.  Do those concepts sound familiar? This episode is a must listen to see how the topics I cover in other episodes come together as a final result!

  • 090 Useful Thoughts and Questions

    24/09/2021 Duración: 15min

    Getting clear is all about asking the right questions. In episode 90, I offer you my list of useful thoughts and questions to ask yourself to get clarity and plan for your future. You may recognize a few of them from previous episodes, but you’ve come so far since  you first started listening and the list was worth updating!

  • 089 Upleveling Your Self Love

    17/09/2021 Duración: 50min

    Do you know what it’s like to love yourself unconditionally? Carola Fuertes, my guest for Episode 89, is dedicated to helping her clients expand their capacity for love and cultivate skills to help them create love on demand in their lives. Join me as we delve into how Carola’s coaching has helped me personally with my latest passion project, and how her desire to create more opportunities to uplevel self love has developed into her own passion project too!

  • 088 Judgement vs. Discernment

    10/09/2021 Duración: 14min

    I've said it once (or several times) and I'll say it again. Words matter! In Episode 88, I tackle the difference between Judgement and Discernment. These concepts arise in coaching quite often, and their differences may seem very subtle, but the impact of utilizing discernment versus judgement can be huge. Listen along to see if you can discern how discernment has more value and usefulness in your life than judgement. 

  • 087 Closing Loops

    03/09/2021 Duración: 20min

    For Episode 87, I want to focus on closing loops. Do you often find yourself waiting on input from other people to make a decision?  Many of us do this so we can gain as much information as possible and get outside perspectives.  But at a certain point, it slows us down and can leave us feeling stuck without that outside input. Or, on the other hand, it can leave us paralyzed by the amount of information we get in return. Decisions by committee are the safe option, but not the one to help you grow. Closing loops is about losing the weight of carrying around unmade decisions. It's about being the best advocate for yourself and trusting that you will make the best decisions for you. 

  • 086 Client Spotlight: Ellen Mitchell

    27/08/2021 Duración: 53min

    This week’s episode is one of my favorite kinds. A client spotlight. Ellen Mitchell shares her journey from being skeptical of coaching to retiring a whole 4 years ahead of schedule!   Ellen not only retired early, but she now has the freedom to do the work she loves and give to those around her in meaningful ways. She started by investing in and showing up for herself, but the ripple effect of those shifts in perspective are just beginning.  Her journey through coaching is a perfect example of how getting clarity on what you actually want and trusting yourself (even if you need to borrow your coach's belief in you for a while) will make all the difference in achieving your goals.  This episode is a must listen!  

  • 085 Thoughts About Midlife

    13/08/2021 Duración: 18min

    My episode this week is all about midlife and the opportunities that come with it. For most of our lives, we have a playbook to follow whether its on how to be a good student, spouse, parent, employee, etc. Now that you have reached midlife, there is no instruction manual. So, what's next?  What's next is that you get to write your own manual without any expectations already laid out for you. This is your chance to become all you came here to become and unearth your authentic self. 

  • 084 Lagging Indicators

    06/08/2021 Duración: 17min

    Today’s episode is on lagging indicators. We usually think of lagging indicators when it comes to the financial and business world, but today I'm talking about it in terms of your life.  Why?  Because most people decide their future on what they have evidence of from the past.  This is how you sell yourself and the people around you short.  Using lagging indicators is making decisions about your future based on the past.  It’s capping what’s possible for you and causes resignation, discouragement and blame. Just because it’s always been a certain way, doesn’t mean it always will be. Tune in to get the shift you need to start making decisions about your future, from your future….right now.

  • 083 When Your Future Self Arrives

    30/07/2021 Duración: 26min

    This weeks episode centers the story of my life at this moment. We often live our lives on the go, constantly looking for the next thing, the next project, the next goal. But sometimes stillness allows us to realize that we are already the person we have been working so hard to become.  Where do we go from there? How do we overcome discomfort in the stillness? The possibilities are endless, but no matter what path you take, you do not need to do it alone, and you get to do it on your own terms. (If your terms include an Oracle Deck, I highly suggest the Work Your Light Deck I use) This weeks podcast is about being your future self now and enjoying having already arrived. 

  • 082 Client Spotlight: Nancy Olson

    23/07/2021 Duración: 42min

    This week’s episode is something I haven’t done in a long while - a Client Spotlight. I’m thrilled to have my client Nancy Olson join me as she shares where she was when we met and where she is now.  Nancy is the perfect example of someone who took what she learned, implemented it and created the results she was looking for in her life in no time flat. From being in a time deficit to having an abundance of time….from feeling like everyone owned her life but her to disentangling herself from things that no longer serve her….from having fractured family communication to fantastic communication….Nancy is an incredible example of what the power of mindset can create in your life. This is one you won’t want to miss!

  • 081 Trust vs. Belief

    16/07/2021 Duración: 41min

    This week the podcast is back and with a very special guest, my dear friend and a coach too, Carola Fuertes. Carola and I talk about the difference between trust and belief, what each truly means, why one can be stickier than the other, and how both can be especially useful in your day to day life.

  • 080 Being Now Here

    24/06/2021 Duración: 09min

    I had different plans for this episode but changed them this past weekend when Norm and I were working outside getting his house ready to go on the market. When we paused to admire all the hard work we’ve done we joked about how great everything  looks just as we are about to leave.  And isn’t that the thing?  So often we wait for something to happen or be a certain way before we enjoy it. But why? Why not enjoy it all now? Then I realized what I’ve been forgetting to remember….and what you can remember too, in any given moment. Tune in to this short ‘n sweet episode for your mission over the next couple of weeks - should you choose to accept it - and learn how to remember what we so easily forget.

  • 079 Collapsing Time

    18/06/2021 Duración: 17min

    One of the most common things clients or prospective clients want to work on together is time. They think there’s not enough of it. They don’t feel they have control over it. They feel everyone and everything else is taking up all their time. Or they feel like time is getting away from them and there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s exhausting and it sucks the life out of you.  And it’s all optional.  Join me for this week’s episode on collapsing time….meaning how to make more of it so you can get what you want in your life faster. 

  • 078 Being Clear

    11/06/2021 Duración: 20min

    Today’s episode is about being clear. It’s something I’ve been practicing since I joined my business Mastermind a year ago. And it’s a skill I’ve been having my 1:1 clients sharpen more and more each week. But what does it mean to be clear? It means cutting through all the mind drama and deciding something. This may sound simple at first blush, and the idea of just deciding is simple, but it’s not always easy. Why?  Because for most people just deciding something is scary. The brain will tell you, you don't have enough information to make the decision. Or you don’t have any evidence the decision will work. It will say, slow your roll, little lady….what do you think you’re doing or who do you think you are deciding something like this? And that question is what plagues many of the women I work with. In some areas of life it’s easy to be clear.  Yet in other areas, like say, what you’re going to do with the next 30 years of your life now that your kids are gone….it can be paralyzing.  Tune in this week to learn

  • 077 Overfunctioning

    04/06/2021 Duración: 26min

    This week I dive into the concept of overfunctioning, which is when we use tools, skills, and know-how from one aspect of our life and apply it to a different aspect of our life, except it’s not needed.  If you’re a teacher, it looks like interacting with your kids or partner as a teacher instead of a partner or mom.  If you’re an accountant, it looks like making sure everything is in balance and all loops are closed in other areas of your life, not just on the spreadsheet.  It’s the brain’s way of taking what has worked in the past and applying it to the situation at hand, and while it seems like it would be helpful, it often causes a ton of unnecessary stress and drama.  The thing is, overfunctioning is something I’ve done a lot in my life, and I bet you have too…..all unknowingly.  Tune in this week to learn more about what overfunctioning is, how to tell if you’re doing it and how to use a more useful strategy instead.

  • 076 The Big Rocks in Life

    21/05/2021 Duración: 14min

    Sometimes life hands you a plate filled with so many situations it’s hard to handle it all at once. Yet, if you’re like me, you still try.  And try and try.  But no matter what your Action Line is filled with, you can never outrun thoughts that don’t serve you.  This week I share what’s been going on behind the scenes here, how trying to keep all balls up in the air showed up as emotional neglect, and what I was forgetting to remember.

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