Conrad Rocks



I talk about how to get closer spiritually to the biblical Jesus. I discuss what it means to "walk after the Spirit" and to have a relationship with God. My experiences and scriptural exploration will help you to Know Jesus - and not just know about Him.


  • Words of Knowledge in Evangelism

    22/08/2020 Duración: 33min

    There is a moment in evangelism where we are talking to the person and seeking the Lord for wisdom on how to proceed. Sometimes a word of knowledge is the key. SHOW NOTES: Open our mouth and watch God work; Establish rapport in Evangelism; Rapport removes rocks of offense; Banner blindness mentality in evangelism; Different sources for words of knowledge; Not everything in the spirit is from the Throne room of heaven; Our deceitful heart Jeremiah 14:13-14 and Ezekiel 13:2; Demons and familiar spirits; The person projecting in the spirit; Nathaniel under fig tree or woman at the well; Heb 5:12-14 senses exercised by reason of use!; Heb 4:12 maturing in Word and Spirit for discernment; Developing a relationship with God in the green season; Discerning the source of supernatural knowledge; The farm smell example of recognition; Fort Hood shooting spirit of murder; Lady with elevated emotion over break up; Word of knowledge was a Divine Appointment; The Projection Game; 2Ki 4:27 God hid wor

  • Remove the Stumbling Block of Iniquity

    15/08/2020 Duración: 24min

    Is there something that we do that initiates a chain of events that leads to sin? Stumbling Block before Faces; Purposely putting up the block Eze 14:3-5; If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: Psalm 66:18; Keeping our prayers from being hindered 1Pe 3:7 and Jas 4:3 ; We sow into ourselves Gal 6:7-8; Wigglesworth on staying in The Word; Job wouldn't look at maids Job 31:1; Jesus takes it further Mat 5:28-30; Chronology of sin; Jesus searches the reigns Rev 2:23; Looking unto Jesus Heb 12:2; Peter watching the wind ; Eph 4:14 winds of doctrine; Transformation takes time; 2Co 10:5 Casting down vain thoughts; Bringing EVERY thought into obedience; Links: Ever Increasing Faith FIST: Overcoming Night Terror Making the Demons Leave Open Your Ey

  • How to Endure Tribulation

    08/08/2020 Duración: 24min

    Have you ever noticed how often times the congregation hates the messenger and the message sent to them? Flesh ignores God in the green season; Difficult to hear from God during the Trial; David's testing in 1 Sam 30; Moses Family feud in Numbers 12; Jesus warns that our families can be enemies Matt 10:35-38; The congregation wants to stone Moses and Aaron Num 14:10; People with Evil Report Died Num 14:37-38; Jeremiah was rejected by his people; Jesus rejected by His people; Jesus prays for them anyways Luke 23:33-34; God’s perspective 1Sa 8:7 ; Stephen's example Act 7:52-60; Persecution arises because of The Word Mar 4:17; Tribulation to enter the Kingdom Act 14:22; Tribulation endurance and the crown of How How to life Rev 2:9-11; Jesus rebukes Pharisees Matt 23; FIST and books Overcoming Night Terror Making

  • Imminent Death as Motivation

    25/07/2020 Duración: 25min

    A calendar that shows how much time you have left. Using our imminent death as motivation to hear "Well Done!" Show Notes The imminent Death Calendar as a motivator; Not many blocks left; How long does transformation take?; Hezekiah and his extra 15 years; 2Ki 20:12-18 showing king of Babylon treasures; One day will be the last; Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days; Psa 39:4 LORD, make me know mine end; Mat 28:18-20 Great Commission; Baptizing and Making disciples; 2 Corinthians 5:10 Judgment seat of Christ; 2 Corinthians 5:10 Living in Jesus; John 8:31-32 Being disciples of Jesus today; Who are we disciples of?; 1Co 11:1 Imitate Paul as he imitates Jesus; John 12:24 Dying to bear fruit; The revelations were written down; Don't die with the music still inside; Links Alex Becker Dark Tactic Video Meaning of life podcast FIST LINKS: https://www.c

  • Pondering the Meaning of Life

    11/07/2020 Duración: 22min

    Pondering the meaning of life during a swim. Lot's of juicy tidbits in this podcast thought experiment. I might actually be on to something here! What is the meaning of life?; People's names that last centuries; Absalom's posterity and a pile of rocks; Making a difference in the world; Mass murderers and history; Achilles in the movie Troy impacted me; Even tombstones fade away; Paul and winning the prize Php 3:14; Obtaining in the race 1 Co 9:24; Love in 1 Cor 13 is the motivation; Wanting to be remembered is rooted in selfishness; Subtract love and we are clanging cymbals; Love is in BOTH the greatest commandments; Hearing "Well done"! by Jesus; Knowing Jesus is eternal life John 17:3; FIST

  • Consequences for Ignoring the Heart

    27/06/2020 Duración: 36min

    Show Notes: Not confessing negative things with our mouth can possibly lead to ignoring important heart issues. This has consequences. Think on Good things Phil 4:8; Pitfalls of not resolving heart issues; Torment Matt 18:32-35; Prayers not being heard Ps 66:18; 1 Pet 3:7 hindered prayer; Unconscious mind running the show; Max Planck Institute Study; Heart trumps willpower; 2Ti 2:25-26 recovering ourselves out of the snare of the devil; Johns Hopkins on forgiveness; Unforgiveness leads to diseases; How to forgive; Mayo Clinic on forgiveness; Unforgiveness and disease; The act of forgiveness; Follower Facebook comments; Links FIST https://www.conradrock

  • Purging Iniquity - there is Victory!

    13/06/2020 Duración: 35min

    Struggling with iniquity even though you confess Jesus is Lord? There is victory. Bringing some scriptures your way today! That check in our spirit is what we need to work on; Thoughts precede actions; Living the Abundant Life ; Get control of our thoughts before they control us; We choose what to think Phil 4:8; Cognitive therapy and the bible; Intrapersonal dialogue like God in Genesis 1; 1Pe 2:24 living to righteousness; 2Ti 2:25-26 opposing ourselves and snare of the devil; 2Ti 2:19-23 the believer purges themselves to be a meet vessel; 2Co 7 we clean ourselves ; 1Pe 1:22 purifying our souls; Holiness and the root of bitterness Heb 12:14-15; Soil and the Sower of the Word Mar 4:3-9; Be Still know God Psalm 46:10; We are our thoughts Prov 23:7; Seeking God in our introspection; Psa 77:6 searching the heart diligently; Psa 4:4 communing with our heart; Psa 63:5-6 meditating on God; Rom 12:1-2 Transform our minds; Smith Wigglesworth says to clean the heart!; AA Allen says to cle

  • Suckered by the New Age Agenda

    06/06/2020 Duración: 20min

    Don't get suckered in by the New Age Agenda! I fell prey to the New Age teachings when I was vulnerable. I am a Christian that emphasizes the bible; Raised cessationist went for the new Age; Bible emphasizes spiritual relationship; Rom 8:14) Led by the spirit are sons of God; Rom 8:9 Spirit dwells in the believer; Gal 5:16 Walk in the spirit; Gal 5:18 be led of the Spirit; Joh 14:17 World cannot receive the Spirit; 1Co 14:15 praying and singing in the spirit; Gal 6:8 sowing to the spirit; Opens the door to demons Exo 34:7; 2Co 11:4 New Age preaches another Jesus ; Mat 10:25 calling the Lord Beelzebub; Smith Wigglesworth and George Muller books; Eph 4:14 don't be tossed around with new doctrines; Links: Smith Wigglesworth Apostle of Faith George Muller of Bristol Overcoming Night Terror Making the Demons Leave FIST https://www.conradrocks.

  • Leading by Example

    30/05/2020 Duración: 22min

    It takes more than words and a once a week monologue to make disciples. People watch our lives to see if we are worth listening to; Discipling is intimate and takes time; Fruitful disagreements; 1 Corinthians 11:1 imitating Paul as he follows Jesus; Weeding our theological garden; James 3:1 be not many teachers; Paul learned from Jesus and then discipled others; Joshua 3:3-4 Ark crossing the River Jordan; Hebrews 5:13-14 from Milk to meat by exercise; Matthew 24:44-47 meat in Due season; Links: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

  • Plucking Up the Root of Bitterness

    23/05/2020 Duración: 27min

    Sometimes we are forced to confront our thought life. It is a good time to pluck up the root of bitterness. Our continual thoughts can form our personalities; Romans 12:1,2 calls for a metamorphosis in our thinking; Unforgiveness and the tormentors Matt 18; Moods can be temporary; Hebrews 12:14-15 root of bitterness; Ephesians 4:29-31 put away bitterness; Unforgiveness leads to bitterness, which leads to torment.; Remembering an emotionally charged event; 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 Mastery in self-control; The world is watching our response; Matthew 10:16-20 take no thought - spirit speaks; Being congruent with the Spirit of God; Exodus 32:32 Moses interceded for Israel; Romans 9:1-3 Paul loved his brethren; Mind - emotions - then the body; Links: Faith and Evidence FIST

  • Defending the Christian Faith

    16/05/2020 Duración: 42min

    Does a Christian need to be able to defend their faith? For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Rom 8:14; Geography and religion; Night Terror groups and unbelief; My Trek into the New Age; Basing belief on a relationship and not intellectual assent; My Sinner's prayer experience; Heb 11:35 were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection; John 6:65-69 apostasy and perseverance; Enduring to the end to be saved ; 1 peter 3:15 reason of HOPE; James 2:18-20 even the demons believe in God; sheep and goats, wheat and tares all together; People that are on fire have had encounters; Acts 14:22 much tribulation enter the kingdom; Jude 1:18-19 walking after their senses and not the spirit; 2 Corinthians 4:18 things unseen are eternal; Paul's supernatural experienced turned him into an apologist; Search for me with all your heart .Jer 29:13; Rewarder of them that diligently seek him.Heb 11:6; Seek him with all thy heart and with all

  • Missing God - A good idea or a GOD idea?

    09/05/2020 Duración: 45min

    How do we know that we are hearing from God? My experiences and some bible experiences coming your way in this podcast. Is it a good idea? or a God idea?;. Psalm 127 Except the Lord build the house we are wasting our time; God still speaks from heaven Heb 12;25; Zeal without knowledge; Follower comments from Facebook; Lori - wanted her husband to change; Christin - wanted to go to church class; Randy and the sovereignty of God; Missing it and getting sick? What?; Paul left Trophimus sick 2 Tim 4:20; Rev 2:22 Jesus casts church members in sickbed? ; Drinking the cup of Christ unworthily and getting sick 1 Cor 11:24-30; Act 9:15-16 Suffering is part of the Christian walk; Many confirmations before I moved to Florida; Tempting God to get out of it; Gideon developing his relationship through confirmations; Jesus Jam Texas event confirmations; Lucifer's 5 I wills versus Jesus' Thy Will; The dream about Pascagoula; Where God guides, God provides; Joshua not praying about the Gibeonites; Abraham and

  • Flag Over the Cross

    25/04/2020 Duración: 29min

    We were going for a walk down a street that means Good View and I saw a flag hanging over a cross. And the words "We are exalting the flag over Jesus" came out of my mouth. I had some more confirmations from friends quickly after that. Show Notes: Walking down a street that means Good Vision! ; Exalting the flag above Jesus; Two or Three confirmations; China taking down crosses above the flag; Francis Bellamy and the pledge of Allegiance; Spanish Flu killed 675 Thousand Americans; Azusa Street Revival began in a home; Looking to everyone but God for answers; "Under God" not added til 1954; Original Bellamy Salute looked like Nazi and Fascist Salute; The spirit behind it all; Exodus 20:4-5 not serving idols; Luke 4:5-8 Only serve God; Prophetic Facebook comment by Diane M. Holstein; The football dream comes up again; 2Ch 7:13-14 God's prescription for saving His people; Links: Fox news CHRISTIAN POST

  • Biblical Positive Mental Attitude

    18/04/2020 Duración: 33min

    Our mental attitude affects our health and well being. Thoughts precede emotions, which precede what happens with our bodies and then our environment. Ps 19:14 thoughts and meditation of my heart be acceptable; Proverbs 23:7 we are what we think; Difference between thoughts and emotion; The etymology of Psychosomatic; Placebo - faith in a pill; Examples of negativity sucking life; Positivity affects those around us; Studies showing a good attitude promotes health; Thoughts precede emotions precede feelings; Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; Psalms 102:5 By reason of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my skin. ; Proverbs 14:30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.; Fruit of the spirit Galatians 5:22-25; Galatians 5:17-21 flesh fruit ; Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, ; Mark 11:23-24 not doubt in our heart; information versus merry heart; forgiveness Mark 11:25-26; Matthew 18:34-35 forgiving from

  • Faith and Evidence

    04/04/2020 Duración: 32min

    People in the bible ask for confirmations of their faith. Our faith grows as our relationship grows; Mark 8:36 God is more important; Matthew 10:28 Fear God not man ; Vines definition of Faith ; Examining Hebrews 11 relationships; Enoch walked with God; Noah heard God; Abraham heard God; Have faith in God Mark 11:22-26; Paul had a relationship before miracles happened; There is Power in the word; Evidence procedures when losing weight; Gideon and his evidence procedures; Judges 6:36-38 fleece gets wet; Judges 6:39-40 fleece gets dry; An enemy bolsters Gideon's Faith! Judges 7:9-15; Manoah seeks evidence - Judges 13:8-9; Daniel 10:12-14 Daniel seeks a solution; Daniel 9:20-23 Daniel seeks God; My evidence to go to Florida; Trying to buy a house without praying about it; Zechariah vs Mary; Links my book

  • Casting Down Vain Imaginations - HACK

    28/03/2020 Duración: 39min

    Are you casting down vain imaginations only to have them come back again and again? In this podcast I am sharing a ‘hack’ that has been working for me. Casting down Imaginations 2 Cor 10:4-5 ; Romans 12:1-2 renewing our minds; Benefits of renewing our minds; 2 Timothy 2:19-26 anchor passage ; We are to depart from iniquity; Sinners are slaves to sin John 8:34; Romans 6:15-16 we are servants of who we obey; We purge ourselves to be meet for the Master's use; Holiness Hebrews 12:14 1 Thessalonians 4:7 2 Corinthians 7:1; The struggle with the mind and flesh Romans 7:25; Romans 7 becomes Romans 8 !!!; The formula for freedom John 8:31-32; We reap what we sow now Galatians 6:7-8 ; God watches our thoughts Psalms 19:14; The John 10:10 suicide exposure; Sources of vain imaginations; The old way - the sun and the cross; Philippians 4:8 intentional thought life; Revelation 2-3 benefits of overcoming; Casting down WHILE adopting the values of God; This wicked thought has no place in my future!!

  • The Temple of the Lord - Vain Confidence

    22/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    I heard in the Spirit a phrase found in Jeremiah chapter 7. It clearly applies to today. I heard in the Spirit a phrase in Jer chapter 7; Hearing from God with partial phrases; Lying words and trusting too much in the temple; God dwells not in temples made with hands Acts 17:24; Traditions nullify the word of God Mark 7:13; Worship in Spirit and Truth John 4:21-24; Vain confidence is rejected ; Doing pagan traditions and thinking it is ok; Obeying the voice of God Heb 12:25; FIST

  • My Journey in Healing - From Skeptic to Believer

    21/03/2020 Duración: 37min

    Exploring my journey in Faith Healing. I used to think it was fake but now I am a firm believer. I used to think healing was fake; I grew up in Cessationist church; Faith healers were exposed as frauds; A man raised from the dead exposed as fraud; Watching Benny Hinn closely; I prayed for a lady to live and she did!; David George gets healed at church! ; OFCC had many testimonies of healing; Man's eye straightened up; Couple gets pregnant through prayer; Dave and Patty Lage interview ; Kevin Riordan praying for people on the Street; Stephen Barret - Radical Transformation in healing; I saw healings first hand with Garry Nesbit; Seeing healings first hand with Doug Hanson; Praying with doubt #DoesNotRock ; Praying in the "Name" of Jesus ; Being meet for the Master's use; Links http:

  • After This Manner Therefore Pray Ye

    07/03/2020 Duración: 16min

    Prayer walk in Pascagoula - "after this manner therefore pray". Meditate in the precepts Joshua 1:8; Meditating in precepts and have respect unto thy ways Psalm 119:15; Didache they prayed the Lord's prayer 3 times per day; Jesus is the Word and the Way to the Father; Praying in the spirit versus rote memorization; Moses waited on God 7 days Exodus 24:16; Acts 13 waiting on the Spirit to Speak; Quakers quietly waited on the Lord; Praying the Lord's Prayer "after this manner"; Links Didache on youtube

  • Getting Close to Jesus

    29/02/2020 Duración: 23min

    Going to heaven or being with Jesus? What is more important? Show Notes: Tracts focus on going to heaven; Is there more than heaven and hell?; I use tracts as conversations starters; Getting people closer to Jesus than they were before they met me; God is worthy to be praised no matter where we are; Would you tell people about Jesus even if you went to hell? ; Lazarus and the rich man Luke 16:19-31 ; Man in hell wanted to warn his brethren; Love is to be a primary motivation; Exodus 32 Moses intercedes and is willing to be blotted out; Paul is willing to be accursed for his brethren - Romans 9; Matt 7:21-23 lip service for heaven sake ; Depart from Jesus - not from heaven ; Rev 3:21 overcomers sit with Jesus in His throne; Matt 25 - depart from Jesus - not depart from heaven; John 14 - God abides with those that love Him; Prodigal son Luke 15:11-32 notice the proximity and death; Gen 2:17 Adam died the day he ate the fruit; Luke 17:33 seeking to save our lives; Mark 8:35-37 seeking to save o

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