Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast



CPA Exam Study Tips & Tactics and Accounting Career Advice. Jeff Elliott is a Licensed CPA (KS) and founder of - the most-visited CPA Exam site on the planet.


  • Lost AUD CPA Exam Credit | Start Studying from Scratch?

    23/11/2021 Duración: 01min

    Lee lost his AUD CPA Exam credit. Should he start completely over or is it ok to "cram" since he's passed it already? Have a question for the podcast? Ask Jeff.

  • Recommended Study Order for REG CPA Exam | NINJA Only


    What is the recommended order of NINJA Materials (NINJA Book vs Sparring vs MCQ) when studying with only NINJA CPA Review? Have a question for the podcast? Ask Jeff.

  • Big 4 Mom Struggling with FAR (74, 71, 73) | Becker + NINJA


    Caroline: "I failed FAR numerous times (74, 71, 73). I'm a mom of 2 working full time at a Big 4 firm and I don't know if I should start over or what path to take. I'm using Becker CPA Review and NINJA." Have a question for the podcast? Ask Jeff.

  • Move AUD CPA Exam | Already Failed 3x (70,71,72)


    Justin has failed the AUD CPA Exam 3x but is scoring well on his AUD MCQ sessions. Should he move his exam up and take it sooner? Have a question for the podcast? Ask Jeff.

  • NINJA MCQ Trending Score vs RECON | Forgetting FAR Concepts


    What is the difference between the NINJA MCQ Trending Score and RECON phase? What to do if you're forgetting what you've already studied on FAR? Have a question for the podcast? Ask Jeff.

  • CPA Test Bank Assessment Questions | Simulation Journal Entries


    Are CPA Test Bank assessment questions worth it? Does order matter when entering journal entries for a CPA Exam simulation? Have a question for the podcast? Ask Jeff.

  • How Claire Passed the CPA Exam with only NINJA CPA Review | Another71 Podcast #97


    In this podcast, I interview Claire, who passed the CPA Exam with NINJA Only, and hear her story about how she studied, the significant obstacles she faced on her CPA journey, and what's next after passing.

  • How Many Weeks for NINJA CPA Book | Struggling with CPA Exam Sims


    How many weeks should you spend reading the NINJA CPA Review Book? What to do if you're doing well on your CPA Exam questions, but struggling with the simulations.

  • Overcoming CPA Exam Anxiety | NINJA Trending Score 73


    How to overcome CPA Exam testing anxiety when your NINJA CPA Trending Score is south of a 75.

  • BEC CPA Exam Written Communication Tips | International CPA Student


    International CPA Student with no tax experience & struggling with REG, BEC CPA Exam Written Communication tips, and 20 Day CPA CRAM plan.

  • How to To Motivate Yourself for the CPA Exam | Another71 Podcast #96


    CPA Exam Podcast Questions: Sloan - I am writing to get some advice. First, I wanted to thank you for inventing NINJA CPA! I will give you a little background.  I started my journey with Becker only and scored 71 and then 72 on FAR. After supplementing with NINJA I got a 75.  For AUD I used Becker supplemented with NINJA and scored 79.  The same method for REG and scored 78.  I took BEC and I scored a 71. Do you have any tips?  As a side note, I go through all the Becker material first then I do all NINJA questions 3-4 weeks before the exam and listen to the audio every morning.  I take notes while studying both and review them. Crystal - Hi Jeff, I need your wisdom. I received my BEC score -  74. From a strategic perspective, should I retake BEC or take FAR next? What would you do? Lyla - How do I memorize the various amounts in addition to the phase-in AGI/MAGI ranges for all the credits?? (NINJA & Gleim)4 Do I have to complete reading the Ninja Notes before jumping into the MCQs? - Jes (NINJA Only)

  • Free CPA Review Materials & Practice Exams | Another71 Podcast #95


    Podcast Questions: 1. Hey Jeff - what do you think about free CPA review materials such as CPA Review for Free? Does NINJA CPA Review have a Free Trial. If so - what’s the difference? - Denise 2. I am taking my last exam, FAR, in one month. Do you recommend doing any practice exams? Or should I only do practice sets of MCQs and Sims? - Kendall 3. I was told by my CPA Review course that 7.5% would be testable in Q4 of this year. Can you please confirm? - Jeff 4. I know there’s a whole thing on how much to study… I don’t remember, but you have a billion children and work. I have two young boys and work 45+ every week. I struggle to find time to do anything between work, family, and sleep (driving and eating there somewhere). How do I make this work without feeling extremely exhausted and like I’m not present for my family? - Jessica on Another71 Facebook 5. Hey! Do you think I should practice sitting in 4hr increments? 6. Is AMT no longer testable on the CPA Exam? Thanks - Annabelle

  • CPA Exam Pass Rate (Q2 2021) | Podcast #94


    Topics covered on this podcast: Intro: CPA Exam Pass Rates for Q2 2021 1. Hey Jeff - I’m beginning my CPA Exam preparation. How many weeks should I plan for each test? - Denise 2. I just resubscribed to NINJA after failing the FAR section for my 5th time on June 29th with a 67 (My other scores were 59 [12/28/20, I used NINJA before my 2nd attempt and then got a 68 [2/11/21], 52 [3/23], and 70 [Originally scheduled for 5/14, but halfway through taking my exam, the entire testing center crashed and had to retake it on 6/4]). [I then figured maybe to 'rush my retake before June 30th]. My 'primary' CPA course is Roger. Now, here I am, with my 6th attempt scheduled for September 1st (3.5 weeks). I wanted to know if you had any tips to help because I am almost on the verge of 'throwing in the towel' and saying, "I guess this isn't for me." :( Also, do you think I should reset my data in the MCQs Dojo? Thanks so much!!! Yitzchak 3. Your reg notes say NOL for 2018 and beyond are limited to 80% taxable income and

  • July 2021 CPA Exam Changes – Podcast #93

    30/07/2021 Duración: 01h08min

    Questions covered on this CPA Exam Podcast: "What are the CPA Exam changes after July 1?" “Many CPA study programs market their materials with prescribed study time amounts. How is Ninja CPA Review different?.” “How do I study for FAR? I have been out of school for years and the massive amount of information overwhelms me. Help!” “I passed FAR & REG without notes but failed AUD & BEC. What would you recommend for someone like me?” "What kind of advice do you have for someone who is scoring in the mid 60's and above in more than 2 retakes!" “I sat for AUD and got a 70. I'm wondering if the CPA Exam is for me. Any study tips? How long should I study for my retake?” "I failed AUD and I don't know how to approach the subject again. Feeling absolutely lost." “I received a 73 on REG and lose AUD at the end of July… At least I have FAR for over a year…Please advise!” “REG - I have gotten a 72, 74, and 68. This was just using Wiley CPA and I now have purchased NINJA. Any advice.” "Would

  • CPA Exam and the Coronavirus Lockdown – Another71 Podcast #92

    21/04/2020 Duración: 01h25min

    CPA Exam Study Questions covered on this Podcast: Sameh - is the percentage of completion still tested on the FAR exam because I found an MCQ about it, I have heard that it is not tested any more so I want to be sure about that. Lucy - I barely finished watching Wiley videos for FAR. I am reading the Wiley FAR textbook. I did not start MCQs and Sims of it. I am going to study with the Ninja program after I finish MCQs and Sims. I have CPA Exams scheduled for FAR and AUD in July 2020. What strategy do you recommend to pass FAR and the other three? Please advise me. Thank you Andy - I am a Ninja Monthly member and just curious about what you think about how COVID-19 will impact the CPA testing as all the centers have been shut down with uncertainty on when it will be re-opened. This makes it difficult for us that want to schedule our study time for test dates (mine got canceled due to COVID) and for expiring scores. I would like to hear your thoughts and strategies you would implement during these times. Re

  • Smart Enough to Pass – CPA Exam Podcast #91


    Subscribe/Comment/Review*: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | YouTube * (even if you hate it) :) Smart Enough to Pass - Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #91 Jeff, I'm at a breaking point. I failed 6 exams so far, I'm really busting my butt studying and putting in a lot of time and effort. I need some help because I don't know what to do. I signed up for Ninja monthly and I'll be honest, I've studied my hardest following your ELL program, but still, my studying has not translated. I have friends who passed this entire exam in 6 months and studying not nearly as much as I am. Please help me out. Thanks. - Can you walk me through your NINJA study materials as I am new to it? - I have noticed that a lot of the sample questions want an answer as to what a certain ASU topic covers - are we really supposed to remember ASU topics!!?? If so, is there some sort of a list that can be studied? Also - when are you going to do another podcast? - Hi Jeff, do I need to read the AUD book as a whole? It has a lot of pages or read

  • CPA Exam Failure Pity Party – CPA Exam Podcast #90

    10/10/2018 Duración: 28min

    Subscribe/Comment/Review*: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | YouTube * (even if you hate it) :) CPA Exam Failure Pity Party - Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #90 - Failed four CPA Exam sections - had a pity party + wake-up call - REG Section 179 - use 2017 or 2018 numbers? - Passed 4/4 CPA Exam sections with NINJA only - Failed FAR (48) & AUD (63) - 72/74 on REG with 18 month window closing - Lack of DRS SIM practice to blame for a 71?   Have a CPA Exam Study Question? Send it below and I'll personally answer as soon as possible.   First Name*Email* Question?*Please tell us about your CPA Exam status.AUD Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedBEC Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedFAR Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedREG Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassed

  • CPA Review Course Comparison – CPA Exam Podcast #89

    08/10/2018 Duración: 29min

    Subscribe/Comment/Review*: Apple Podcasts | Google Play | YouTube * (even if you hate it) :)   Disclosure: This site owns NINJA CPA Review and it has advertising/affiliate relationships with the CPA Review courses on this page, meaning we may receive a commission if you purchase through these links. Retail prices listed as of September 2019. NINJA MonthlyYaeger BundlePremium CourseUltimate PassPlatinum CourseElite UnlimitedBecker Premium $67$1,589$1,999$2,899$2,999$2,999$2,999 ✅ AICPA-Licensed✅ AICPA-Licensed✅ AICPA-Licensed✅ AICPA-Licensed✅ AICPA-Licensed✅ AICPA-Licensed✅ AICPA-Licensed ✅ Videos✅ Videos✅ Videos✅ Videos✅ Videos✅ Videos✅ Videos ✅ Book✅ Book✅ Book✅ Book✅ Book✅ Book✅ Book ✅ Test Bank✅ Test Bank✅ Test Bank✅ Test Bank✅ Test Bank✅ Test Bank✅ Test Bank ✅ Study Notes

  • Video – Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #88

    27/08/2018 Duración: 55min CPA Exam Podcast #88 - NINJA Plus CPA Exam Videos - CPA Exam Weekly Progress Tracker - Two Weeks to Study for the CPA Exam - CPA MCQ Trending Score - CPA Exam Active Learning - Which CPA Exam to Take First in 2018 - CPA Exam REG Study Tips   Have a CPA Exam Study Question? Send it below and I'll personally answer as soon as possible.   First Name*Email* Question?*Please tell us about your CPA Exam status.AUD Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedBEC Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedFAR Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassedREG Exam Status*Select OneCurrently StudyingNeed to PassPassed setTimeout(function(){apbct_sendAJAXRequest({action: 'apbct_

  • Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #87

    20/08/2018 Duración: 43min CPA Exam Podcast #87 - Failed CPA Exam BEC - NINJA Plus vs. NINJA Hot Spots - CPA Exam Gift Tax Exclusion - Adding "CPA Candidate" to Your Resumé - The Ethics Exam for CPA - CPA Live Review Courses - Corporate Partnerships and Trusts - Fear of Failing CPA Exam - MCQ CPA Exam Method Have a CPA Exam Study Question? Need Help Balancing Life and the CPA Exam? You can Ask Jeff, and your question will be answered in the next CPA Exam Podcast. Free NINJA CPA Review Materials Want to Study Less & Get Higher CPA Exam Scores? Can I send you $162.12 of Free CPA Review Materials that will help you... Study Less Avoid Common CPA Candidate Mistakes Get Higher Scores Spend More Time with Friends and Family Finally Pass and Get On With Your Life?      

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