Hot And Healthy With Nicole Van Hattem | Mindset | Nutrition | Success | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle



Tune in to the show and learn how to avoid burnout, build resilience and create a sustainable model for healthy success. This is the place to be if you are a high-achiever, human resource professional or business owner and you are hungry to learn from the experts what it takes to be Hot in Business and Healthy for Life.Holistic Success Coach and best-selling author Nicole van Hattem takes you to meet the people and practices behind today's integrative approach to health and success. The show is fun and informative, packed with inspiring stories, practical tips and tools, resources and much more. Access additional resources and connect with show guests here:


  • Ep. 126 - How to master your money mindset with Melissa Meagher

    19/01/2019 Duración: 45min

    As a woman in small business it’s important to know all you can so that you can master your money mindset. Do you know what your money stories are? Melissa Meagher is one of our very own Hot & Healthy in Business Expert Contributors. She is super star Mum and passionate business woman with over 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry. She’s been a Financial Planner, Stockbroker and Seminar Delivery Specialist. She’s taken her knowledge of finance and her love of people and created her own money coaching business called Talking Money, providing tools, support and framework for people to give them clarity and awareness when it comes to their money. The Hot & Healthy in Business Podcast brings the secrets to success for women in small business. To find out more visit 

  • Ep. 125 - Why are you invisible in business? CEO & Founder - Nicole van Hattem

    12/01/2019 Duración: 29min

    Ever wondered why sometimes it seems like you are invisible in business? You as a woman in small business are giving it your all, you are getting your content out there, you are working really hard but nothing seems to be paying off. You wonder to yourself – what could it be, what am I doing wrong? Well never fear, we have the solution for you.  Nicole van Hattem is a Holistic Success Coach, she is the Founder and CEO of Hot & Healthy in Business and will be joining us on a regular basis throughout the Hot & Healthy in Business Podcast to share her insights on visibility, mindset, fuel and success strategies for women in small business so they can be sustainably successful and burn bright – not out! In this episode we ask the question – why are you invisible in business? We look at the five key areas that Nicole focuses on when providing visibility coaching to women in small business. The Hot & Healthy in Business Podcast brings the secrets to success for women in small business. To find out more

  • Ep. 124 - Getting back to basics and taking control of your health and wellness with Alexandra Brewster

    05/01/2019 Duración: 46min

    For women in small business the struggle is real! Often our own health and wellness tends to take a backseat when we are flooded with what we believe to be much higher priorities in our business and personal life. Today I want to introduce you to someone who will be joining us throughout the year on many episodes and can help you take great care of yourself naturally with common sense practical advice. We will be talking about getting back to basics, going organic and what role your gut plays in your holistic health and wellness. The Founder of Hot & Healthy in Business, Nicole van Hattem joins us in this episode. Alexandra Brewster is the Principal Naturopath at Healing Hands Natural Health Centre in Ipswich Qld. She spent 25 years as a registered nurse and midwife working in diverse fields such as general surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology, well baby clinic, maternity and as a school nurse at a private grammar school. She is a Naturopath, Nutritionist, Western Herbalist, Institute of Functional Medicine C

  • Ep. 123 - Living in Gratitude with Luke Amery

    08/08/2018 Duración: 27min

    We all know how the law of attraction works. Ask the universe for what you want, keep that vision in your mind and eventually you will get what your wish. But what happens when you are living in a hyper busy world, full of bright shiny objects and never ending distractions that pull your focus away from that vision? What happens when you are so distracted that you forget to specify the terms of your wish? What happens when the Universe shows up with exactly what you wanted BUT… it doesnt look the way you expected. Today on the Hot & Healthy in Business Show, we have Inspirational Speaker, Mindset Coach, Brain Cancer Survivor and Best Selling Author, Luke Amery who will be sharing with us his own story of manifestation and why you should be careful what you wish for, because…. you may just get it. LEARN TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITHOUT BREAKING Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you The Hot & Healthy in Business show. Bringing women in business the expert

  • Ep. 122 - Why do coaches and authors starve? with Katrena Friel

    24/07/2018 Duración: 29min

    The biggest trend in the business world at the moment is to produce a book of your own. It’s become mainstream and is almost an expectation of being in business. To some extent, Having your own book has been put up on a pedestal as the ‘saving grace’ to your business. As if once you have a book the money will come, the people will come and everything just flows easily from there. But that raises the question then, that if having a book solves everything…. Why do Authors starve? Today on the Hot & Healthy in Business Show, we’re chatting with Katrena Friel from Becoming The Expert about why Authors and in turn, coaches who publish their own books, starve, why this happens and most importantly, what you can do to make sure it doesn't happen to you. LEARN TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITHOUT BREAKING Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you The Hot & Healthy in Business show. Bringing women in business the experts they need to help grow their businesses withou

  • Ep. 121 - Free to be me with Hypnotherapy with Chey Bodhi

    17/07/2018 Duración: 26min

    Do you ever have those internal conflicts where your head says one thing but your heart says another? For instance you’re looking at a new pair of shoes which would go perfectly with that dress for the next networking meeting. Once voice in your head is screaming ‘Buy them. They will look gorgeous on you!’ But theres another voice in your head that is reminding you that you dont have the money spare to spend because you have bills that need to be paid… and yet that other voice of yours really really wants those new heels! For some people this form of stress, this internal conflict, is an everyday part of business life and one we have just come to accept as part of our personalities. What if I told you today’s guests mission in life is to solve this internal conflict that is going on in your head? And that she believes this stress and anxiety, this internal conflict, actually stems from childhood trauma and can be healed. Today on the Hot & Healthy in Business Show, our expert Chey Bodhi is going to share

  • Ep. 120 - Creating Calm Amid Chaos with Marney Perna

    10/07/2018 Duración: 31min

    Let’s get real for a moment, deep down, do you know that you are the reason your business is not progressing? Are you continually sabotaging, doubting and blaming yourself, especially when it comes to finances, but you really have no understanding of how to stop it and instead choose to follow the next shiny object that catches your eye instead. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we place this stress on our shoulders when we are already doing way too much juggling all the different aspects of our lives? In today’s episode of the Hot & Healthy in business show, our guest Marney Perna is going to share with us how a $1mil financial disaster in her own life put all her tips and tools as a Stress Management Expert to the ultimate test. LEARN TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITHOUT BREAKING Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you The Hot & Healthy in Business show. Bringing women in business the experts they need to help grow their businesses without burning out

  • Ep. 119 - Shout Your Message from the Rooftops Using PR with Morgan Spencer

    04/07/2018 Duración: 22min

    Everyone in business wants to get their message out into the world and I know you do to. You want to be well known and as a result well paid and you want more credibility and visibility so your ideal clients and those amazing opportunities find you. But how do you do that? How do you step onto a bigger platform so you can shout your message from the rooftops and not burn yourself out by whispering to every single person you meet? It’s all about Public Relations. Today’s guest on the Hot & Healthy in business show is Morgan Spencer who is best known for her ability to amplify messages in strategic, creative and compelling ways, and craft a story that not only the media want to write about, but one that people want to read about. Now she may be young, but this little firecracker has certainly done the hard yards in her industry… as you are about to find out. THE TOP SHOW FOR WOMEN IN BUSINESS WHO WANT THE SECRETS TO MORE SUCCESS WITH LESS STRESS Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, N

  • Ep. 118 - How Inherited Emotions Cause Self Sabotage with Amanda Mackay

    26/06/2018 Duración: 30min

    Have you ever really stopped to think about where your emotions come from? Where that insecurity stems from? Why you act a particularly way in certain circumstances? Why you stop yourself from achieving greatness at the very last second? Have you ever considered that your self sabotage, your emotional responses may not actually be your own, but may have been inherited from someone else? Today on the Hot & Healthy in Business Show we're going to chat about how you can Burn Bright, Not Out in business by identifying these emotional projections and self sabotage and ultimately how you can heal them. Our guest Amanda MacKay is a second generation energy healer and sound healer and is going to share her story of how she beat this self sabotaging, emotional response cycle through Sound Vibrations. LEARN TO BURN BRIGHT, NOT OUT, IN BUSINESS Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you The Hot & Healthy in Business show. Bringing women in business the experts the

  • Ep. 117 - How to Delegate with Confidence with Julie Cook

    20/06/2018 Duración: 25min

    When it comes to delegation women, in general, really struggle. We rarely know what to delegate, and have a deep seated fear about letting go of our tasks because we worry that others wont do it to our standards. It's because of this we don't ask for the help that we need which usually results in BURN OUT and at the same time, we rarely hear help when it is offered to us. Julie is an expert in Team Development and delegation. As a small business owner, she has made all the mistakes when it comes to delegation so she knows your pain well but most importantly, she knows how to solve it. LEARN TO BURN BRIGHT, NOT OUT, IN BUSINESS Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you The Hot & Healthy in Business show. Bringing women in business the experts they need to help grow their businesses without burning out. Connect with Julie at: Connect with Nicole at:

  • Ep. 116 - Embrace Your Natural Rhythm with Sharon

    12/06/2018 Duración: 27min

    Embrace your natural rhythm of life and become intuitive to your emotional, physical and social needs throughout your menstrual cycle. Use the Emgoddess tools and resources to recognise the four phases of your menstrual cycle and how insight and intuition into this phenomenon can inspire you to take control of your life and embrace the power that is ‘womanhood’. Sharon Wood is the Founder of Emgoddess, a unique entity focused on changing perceptions and attitudes towards a topic not overtly discussed – a woman’s monthly cycle.  Sharon holds qualifications in holistic aromatherapy from The Tisserand Institute of London, and certifications in herbalism, natural fertility management and specialised aromatherapy. TUNE IN TO THE EXPERTS THAT WILL HAVE YOU LIVING A HOT AND HEALTHY BUSINESS LIFE Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you Hot and Healthy TV: interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success. These conversations have the power to change the w

  • Ep. 115 - Who is the Victim in Bullying with Jeff & Maree

    07/06/2018 Duración: 31min

    Jeff and Maree, the Co-Founders of Love Dynamics, Work Dynamics and Multiple Brain & Dance Integration, assist those in both personal and work-related relationships learn how to understand, accept and appreciate the value that each have to offer others (and themselves), and to share and grow as confident and independent, yet connected, individuals ... through employing their natural talents, skills, gifts and strengths. Their aim is to remove, as much as possible, the potential for relationship disruption through awareness, acceptance, learning, and growing. With empathy and engagement … through knowledge and wisdom … comes success. TUNE IN TO THE EXPERTS THAT WILL HAVE YOU LIVING A HOT AND HEALTHY BUSINESS LIFE Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you Hot and Healthy TV: interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success. These conversations have the power to change the way women work and live. You’ll discover the people and practices that have

  • Ep. 114 - Clearing Head Trash with Sue Lester

    30/05/2018 Duración: 24min

    Sue Lester who specialises in clearing head trash, is an international mindset healer, coach and professional speaker. She works with individuals, teams & audiences, optimizing their unconscious blueprints ™ so they feel successful on the inside too, reigniting their zest for life's adventures, and achieving that elusive life balance. Sue is author of "The Face Within: How To Change Your Unconscious Blueprint" and "Answering The Call To Adventure". Our topic today is: How to Clear Head Trash TUNE IN TO THE EXPERTS THAT WILL HAVE YOU LIVING A HOT AND HEALTHY BUSINESS LIFE Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you Hot and Healthy TV: interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success. These conversations have the power to change the way women work and live. You’ll discover the people and practices that have helped millions of women to burn bright not out! It’s an inspiring and informative look at how women in business really can have it all. Connec

  • Ep. 113 - How to Mate 4 Life! with Summer Maughan

    23/05/2018 Duración: 26min

    TUNE IN TO THE EXPERTS THAT WILL HAVE YOU LIVING A HOT AND HEALTHY BUSINESS LIFE Holistic Success Coach, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you Hot and Healthy TV: interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success. These conversations have the power to change the way women work and live. You’ll discover the people and practices that have helped millions of women to burn bright not out! It’s an inspiring and informative look at how women in business really can have it all. Connect with Summer at: Connect with Nicole at:

  • Ep. 112 - Success Under Stress with Anahi Brown

    16/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    Build your armour to set you free! Showing up in the world. Every single day. No matter what. Talk about a stressful process. So we create armors. We develop defense mechanisms to protect us, to keep us as part of the tribe, as one of the team.  Even when, in the process, we set rules and standards impossible to attain and, as a result, we become Perfection Olympians working tirelessly to win a toxic medal despite the pain, stress and sorrow it brings us. Anahi Brown is an Empowerment Consultant who believes everyone deserves pleasure, purpose and joy, and supports her clients in defining life on their own terms, enabling them to accomplish and be all they want regardless of who they are, where they live, their size or beliefs through her Holistic Nourishment approach. Our topic today is: Success Under Stress Holistic Success Coach, Founder of Hot & Healthy Network, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you the Hot and Healthy show: Interviews with experts in mindset, food, fi

  • Ep. 111 - How to write a book in a weekend with Sigrid de Kaste

    08/05/2018 Duración: 28min

    Becoming a published author is easier than you think and more powerful for you and your business than you may realise. Sigrid takes us through the process of how to write a book in a weekend and how to use your book to build your business. Sigrid de Kaste - #1 Bestselling Author of 'Build a Book to Build a Business', 'The Secret of Marketing a Business like Yours' and '5 Practical Steps to Find and Keep Great People'  Sigrid de Kaste, is the Founder and Director of Stickybeak Marketing Sigrid formally studied marketing and has direct experience of starting up, building, and selling businesses; together with the different types of marketing that is required for each stage In building her own Businesses, Sigrid discovered the Power of Authorship and the way it creates Competition Free Positioning. She’s now developed the Formula: Build a Book with Built-in Marketing that Builds your Business, specifically designed for Women in Business, to experience the Power of Authorship as their Top Marketing and Insta

  • Ep. 110 - A Self Healing Journey with Kelly Kingston

    01/05/2018 Duración: 30min

    Hospitalised 10 times and the Medical Doctors couldn't find the problem. What she discovered herself changed lives. Kelly shares her personal healing story that can inspire you to look at your path to wellness in new ways. Our topic today is: A Self Healing Journey Holistic Success Coach, Founder of Hot & Healthy Network, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you the Hot and Healthy show: Interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success for Women in Business. Discover more at

  • Ep109 - No Bullshit Wellness with Brendan Waddington

    24/04/2018 Duración: 28min

    Meet the author of the Wellness Bible, Brendan Waddington ND BHSc - Sceptical Naturopath, Clinical Masseur, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Author. He has a few hard truths about wellness and the health industry that you'll want to share with your mates. Our topic today is: No Bullshit Wellness Holistic Success Coach, Founder of Hot & Healthy Network, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you the Hot and Healthy show: Interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success for Women in Business. Discover more at

  • Ep108 - Sports bra - the right one for you with Ivanka Menken

    17/04/2018 Duración: 29min

    Ivanka studied to become a teacher in the Netherlands but her path brought her to Australia instead. As a management company consultant she helps many executives and leadership teams to achieve their corporate and personal goals by focusing on systems and process improvement and organisational change. But she doesn't stop there... Always looking for ways to improve people's life, she saw the opportunity to bring Q-LINN sports bras to the women of Australia. She is passionate about women not being held back and achieving their goals and dreams, irrespective of the size of their boobs! Our topic today is: The Upside to Underwear Holistic Success Coach, Founder of Hot & Healthy Network, TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Nicole van Hattem brings you the Hot and Healthy show: Interviews with experts in mindset, food, fitness and success for Women in Business. Discover more at

  • Ep107 - Loving Endometriosis with Maja Arslanagic

    10/04/2018 Duración: 39min

    Maja was diagnosed 3 times with endometriosis. She says it was a blessing that changed her life completely. She became a health coach, raw food chef, pranic healer and reiki master as a result. She shares her healing journey – after trying doctors’ suggestions, she decided to heal naturally and experimented with holistic approach to health, as this was her opportunity to prove to herself that her life philosophy actually worked – that the power to heal, the power to be happy, to be healthy is in me/you/us. Connect with Maja Arslanagic through

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