Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar



Michael Steele and Rick Ungar keep you up to date with the latest breaking news and headlines. We like to have fun and we like to get things done. We are the home of Rational Radio.


  • "Ultimately, it's a question of facts."

    04/05/2018 Duración: 29min

    Rudy Giuliani, a recent addition to President Trump’s legal team, revealed in an interview with Sean Hannity Wednesday night that Trump reimbursed Michael Cohen, his personal attorney, $130,000 that Cohen paid to former porn star Stormy Daniels as part of a settlement agreement before the 2016 election. In the same interview, Giuliani claimed that nothing about Cohen’s payment or Trump’s reimbursement violated federal campaign finance law. Many other legal experts disagreed. Election law professor Ned Foley, director of "Election Law @ Moritz" and Ebersold Chair in constitutional law at the Ohio State University's Law School, breaks down both arguments and the potential legal implications for the president. Rick and guest co-host Ed Morrissey discuss the tragic case of Alfie Evans and what it says about government overreach.

  • "I think it's a head-fake"

    03/05/2018 Duración: 32min

    The Washington Post reported Tuesday night that special counsel Robert Mueller warned President Trump's legal team back in March that he could subpoena the president and bring him before a grand jury if he won't agree to sit down for an interview. Legal experts began debating and discussing whether a sitting president could be subpoenaed at all, let alone by the special counsel. Former federal prosecutor Doug Burns talks to Rick and guest co-host Rick Tyler about whether Mueller can and will subpoena President Trump. He also shares his thoughts on the potential interview questions that were leaked earlier this week. Former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price acknowledged in a speech Tuesday to the 15th annual World Health Care Congress that repealing the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate will increase premiums for all Americans. It was a surprising admission from a long-time opponent of Obamacare. The guys discuss what this hypocrisy says about our politics and our policies.

  • "This is a presidency where one day feels like a week."

    02/05/2018 Duración: 28min

    NBC News reported Monday that White House chief of staff John Kelly, increasingly frustrated with the president, called President Trump an “idiot” in one meeting and has tried to portray himself as a bulwark to hold back the president’s chaos. According to eight current and former White House officials, Kelly's comments to aides has eroded morale in the West Wing. Kelly pushed back against the story, calling it “total BS.” Will the chief of staff get the boot? Carol Lee, a national political reporter for NBC News who helped break the story, talks about Kelly's future in the administration. Keziah Daum, an eighteen-year-old student in Utah, bought a Chinese dress to wear to her prom. When she posted a photo of herself in the dress, she was attacked on social media and accused of cultural appropriation. Daum joins Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker to discuss the whole ordeal.

  • "We have to have a conversation about the dinner going forward."

    01/05/2018 Duración: 33min

    Michelle Wolf’s roast of Washington media, politicians and other Beltway power players at Saturday’s White House Correspondent’s Association dinner left many with a sour taste in their mouths. The controversy around Wolf’s performance has dominated the social and news media conversation for the last 48 hours, inspiring debate and discussion about the role and purpose of the dinner in promoting the 1st Amendment. Olivier Knox, SiriusXM’s Chief Washington Correspondent and the incoming president of the White House Correspondent’s Association, notes that some members of the WHCA were critical of Wolf's performance because it “sends the message that we are in fact anti-Trump…that we are at war, not at work.” However, Knox adds, “I happen to think we’re not at war. We are at work.” Knox joins the guys to discuss the controversy and how the WHCA plans to continue in its work to support journalists covering the White House. Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker also talk about ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp’s assertion that

  • "I'm not buying it. Nobody should."

    28/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    South Korean president Moon Jae-in announced Friday evening that, together with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, North and South Korea will work towards a formal end to the Korean War by the end of 2018. The two countries will also work together on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. The announcement sent ripples of hope and suspicion across the globe. North Korea has a track record of promising peace only to later continue business as usual. Gordon Chang, a Daily Beast columnist and author of “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On The World”, thinks the new push for peace talks may be an attempt by Kim Jong-un to divide the U.S. and South Korea. Chang joins Rick and guest co-host Matt Mackowiak to lay out his concerns and suspicions as we witness the historic summit between the North and South Korean leaders. Mark McKinnon, executive producer and co-host of Showtime’s “The Circus” talks about documenting “the wildest political show on earth.”

  • "It's a mess...Our vets deserve better."

    27/04/2018 Duración: 40min

    Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, physician to Presidents George W. Bush, Obama and Trump, withdrew from his nomination as Secretary of Veterans Affairs early Thursday morning. Lawmakers, experts and the media criticized Admiral Jackson’s nomination from the start because of his lack of administrative experience. He faced further scrutiny this week after members of the White House medical staff raised allegations of “over-excessive” drinking while on the job, over-prescribing medication and creating a hostile work environment. This is the eighth nominee for VA Secretary since 9/11. Why does the VA never seem to get a win? Paul Rieckhoff, founder and CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, gives a veteran's perspective on Admiral Jackson’s decision and the VA’s track record in the 21st century. Disgraced comedian Bill Cosby was found guilty of three counts of indecent assault by a Pennsylvania jury today. Mr. Cosby's assaults spanned decades and there were dozens of allegations against him. Washington Post

  • "When a new administration comes in, it's entitled to change policies from the prior administration"

    26/04/2018 Duración: 37min

    A federal judge for the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia ruled Tuesday night that the Trump administration would have to continue protections for current DACA recipients and continue accepting qualified applicants to the program. Two other federal judges, one in Brooklyn and one in San Francisco, handed down similar orders to the Trump administration, saying it had to continue to protect Dreamers. However, Judge Bates is the first to rule that the president must continue accepting applicants. Judge Andrew Napolitano noted on Fox News that this could force presidents to support predecessors’ policies, even if they campaigned against them. Steven D. Gordon, a litigation attorney in Holland & Knight’s D.C. office, breaks down the ruling.EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt instituted a new “transparency” rule that will limit what kinds of research are used in writing regulations. Pruitt’s allies say that it will increase public trust, but members of the scientific community say it will block the

  • "We have a solution here that could save thousands of lives a year."

    25/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    On Tuesday morning, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and CNN's chief medical correspondent, published an open letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on CNN.com. Dr. Gupta shared stories and corresponding scientific evidence about how marijuana treats pain better than opioids and could even help end the opioid crisis. Is pot the secret weapon we’ve needed in the fight against the opioid epidemic? Rick Ungar talks to Dr. Gupta about his research and upcoming CNN special report: “Weed 4: Pot vs. Pills”. Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker, a veteran TV journalist, discuss the recent backlash against celebrities like Kanye West, Shania Twain and Roseanne Barr who have voiced support for President Trump. Have we reached a new level of intolerance?

  • "He's giving up the honor and prestige of the United States."

    24/04/2018 Duración: 36min

    Kim Jong-un announced through North Korean state-run TV on Saturday that North Korea is ceasing all of its nuclear missile tests. The North Korean dictator stated that tests would no longer be necessary as “the weaponisation of nuclear weapons has been verified.” Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said that he was glad that Kim “learned PR.” Is this just a PR move by North Korea and what should we make of this newest overture? Career counterintelligence officer Malcolm Nance breaks down North Korea’s latest move and what we can expect from the summit between Kim Jong-un and President Trump. Andy Puzder, former CEO of CKE Restaurant and President Trump’s first nominee for Secretary of Labor, talks about his new book “The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot to Stop It”.

  • "This does not add up to me."

    21/04/2018 Duración: 37min

    Fox News host Sean Hannity accused the news media of being partisan hacks and "nothing more than an extension of the Democratic Party” during the opening monologue of his primetime TV show on Tuesday night. Hannity went on to express how he thinks all the “fake news media” does is “parrot liberal talking points” and try to delegitimize President Trump “24/7.” Is it hypocritical for Sean Hannity to slam the media for “bias” when he says things that could be seen as biased in their own right? Is there real bias against conservatives in the “mainstream news media” or is it more of a rallying and talking point for conservatives? Michael Steele and Rick Ungar dig into the question of whether there is inherent liberal bias in the mainstream media. On Thursday evening, the Department of Justice gave Congress access to former FBI Director James Comey’s memos about his meetings with President Trump. They were leaked to the public almost immediately. Our hosts dive into the meat and potatoes of the memos and share thei

  • "The idea of making nice with Kim Jong-Un is unsettling to me."

    20/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    South Korean President Moon Jae-In told reporters on Thursday “North Korea is expressing a will for complete denuclearization." President Moon’s statement was met with skepticism because in the past, North Korea has reneged on deals when it came to dismantling its nuclear program. Bill Gertz, senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon, weighs in on President’s Moon’s claim and shares his outlook on President Trump’s upcoming meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Farmers across Midwest are restless over the potential backlash they face from President Trump’s recent trade policies. Doug Palmer, senior trade reporter for Politico, talks about how one of the president's core constituencies could suffer because of his tariffs and the threat of a trade war.

  • "You can argue this both ways, as dumb as it sounds."

    19/04/2018 Duración: 41min

    On September 24, 2017, President Trump issued a "travel ban" that would prevent foreign nationals from eight countries from entering the United States. The countries listed were: Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Yemen and Somalia. Some government officials from Venezuela were impacted as well. Because these are Muslim-majority countries, many liberals claimed that the travel ban was racist and done in order to single out Muslims. The Trump administration argued that this was an issue of national security and the president, as the chief of the executive branch, has the right to craft immigration policy, especially when national security is involved. The state of Hawaii, along with other parties, sued to block the ban from going into effect. The Supreme Court heard opening arguments in the travel ban case this week. Former federal prosecutor Doug Burns joined Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker to recap the arguments both sides are trying to make. Author Donald Lee Sheppard talked with the guys about his b

  • Remembering First Lady Barbara Bush

    18/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    Former First Lady Barbara Bush passed away this evening at the age of 92. The wife of President George H.W. Bush and mother of President George W. Bush, Mrs. Bush was an iconic figure in Republican and national politics for decades. Andrew Ochs, who produced C-SPAN's 'First Ladies Series', called her "the most prolific and most productive first lady in history." Michael Steele and Rick Ungar share memories of Mrs. Bush and talk with SiriusXM's Chief Washington Correspondent Olivier Knox and Ochs about her legacy and impact on the White House and American politics.

  • "I don't see how you get around that hypocrisy."

    17/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    President Trump ordered airstrikes and missile strikes against chemical weapons facilities in Syria Friday night in conjunction with British and French forces. Many of President Trump's supporters sounded off on social media and over the airwaves, expressing their feeling that this contradicted everything Trump said on the campaign trail. From Fox News hosts like Laura Ingraham to InfoWars’ Alex Jones, Trump supporters expressed their disgust at this “business as usual” move by the president. Columnist and radio host Jack Hunter joins Michael and Rick to share his perspective on the strikes and why he sees them as contradictory to the president’s campaign rhetoric and promises. Our hosts also discuss the potential impact of former FBI Director James Comey's opening salvo on President Trump as he kicks off the press tour for his book, "A Higher Loyalty".

  • "Mitch McConnell will get him [Pompeo] confirmed."

    14/04/2018 Duración: 35min

    Current CIA Director Mike Pompeo testified in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday to begin the confirmation process to become Secretary of State. Senators from both sides of the aisle asked him about his positions on the Iran Deal, North Korea and President Trump’s power to launch military strikes on the Assad regime without congressional approval. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is prepared to oppose and possibly derail Pompeo’s nomination. Elana Schor, congressional reporter for Politico, talks about the obstacles on Director Pompeo’s path to confirmation. Will he become our nation's top diplomat? Michael and Rick also talk about some of the tidbits we've seen of former FBI Director James Comey’s tell-all book.

  • "I am very optimistic that...we will redeem the soul of America."

    13/04/2018 Duración: 19min

    Long before John Lewis represented Georgia's fifth district in Congress, he was one of the great icons of the Civil Rights Movement. Congressman Lewis was one of the original 13 freedom riders and, as chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, he was one of the six primary organizers of the 1963 March on Washington. Congressman Lewis joins Michael and Rick to reflect on the legacy of his friend and colleague Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 50 years after Dr. King's assassination, the congressman talks about how we can continue to uphold and expand his legacy.

  • "This is the general abandoning his army at the peak of the battle."

    13/04/2018 Duración: 37min

    Speaker of the House Paul Ryan's decision not to seek re-election in 2018 has created a whole new set of issues for Republicans heading into the 2018 midterms. Pundits and politicians are already discussing Ryan’s possible successors and the internal struggle the party faces and will continue to face. Rick Wilson, a Republican consultant, Daily Beast columnist and author of the upcoming book “Everything Trump Touches Dies”, explains his recent column “Donald Trump Takes Out Paul Ryan, and ‘It’s Going to Be a Civil War’”. Wilson joins Michael Steele and Rick Ungar to discuss what impact he thinks Ryan departure will have on the House and why he thinks the GOP is in for a reckoning come November. President Trump signaled Thursday that he may want the U.S. to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership, something that would reverse one of his first acts in the office. The guys give their take on the president's most recent policy reversal.

  • "It doesn't signal anything good."

    12/04/2018 Duración: 30min

    Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced Wednesday morning that he will not seek re-election in 2018. The announcement sent shock waves across the country. Many Republicans in Congress are looking at difficult re-election campaigns in November as Democrats appear poised to retake control of the House. What does Ryan's resignation say about the GOP's outlook for the midterms? Will Ryan stay on as Speaker or will House Republicans want to elect a new leader? Kyle Cheney, congressional reporter for Politico, talks about how Capitol Hill is reacting to the news of Ryan’s retirement and how it will affect the GOP for the rest of 2018. Veteran counterintelligence officer Malcolm Nance breaks down some of the ways the Trump administration can respond to the Assad regime’s latest chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilians.

  • "Mark Zuckerberg's net worth went up $3 billion because they [the Senate] didn't make him sweat."

    11/04/2018 Duración: 33min

    Mark Zuckerberg appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday for the first of two public hearings on Capitol Hill this week. The Facebook founder and CEO addressed issues regarding data security and privacy related to the harvesting of private information by Cambridge Analytica and Russian meddling during the 2016 presidential election. Journalists and pundits were critical of the Senate Judiciary Committee from the very first question because it appeared the senators hadn't done their homework and were ignorant about some of the most basic aspects of Facebook. Steve Kovach, senior correspondent for Business Insider, says that let Zuckerberg get through the hearing virtually unscathed. Kovach breaks down the hearing with Michael and Rick and talks about what questions he'd like lawmakers to press Zuckerberg on. On Monday night, FBI agents raided the house, hotel room and office of Michael Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer. Former federal prosecutor Seth Waxman weighs in on what the F

  • "This president is going to respond to it. There's just no question."

    10/04/2018 Duración: 31min

    An attack possibly involving chemical weapons in the rebel-controlled city of Douma, Syria killed dozens of men, women and children and injured hundreds more. While there is no ironclad evidence yet, many are accusing the Assad regime of carrying out the attack against its own citizens, following a similar chemical weapons strike around this same time last year. President Trump and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley have stated over the last 36 hours that these atrocities are unacceptable. The president called for a missile strike on Syria the last time such an attack took place. How will he respond this time? Michael and Rick share their thoughts on how President Trump will and should respond to the chemical attack in Syria. Bill Scher, a contributing editor to Politico Magazine, talks about why Americans—especially Democrats—should forget about trying to impeach President Trump and why Robert Mueller should try to indict President Trump.

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