Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper



Becoming a good leader requires a decision, a plan for honing your skills and a relentless focus on getting better and better. Listen as my guests share their wisdom and lessons about leading and creating a high performance inclusive culture. Connect with me on Twitter @Coachhr


  • Connecting to Your Body During Conflict At Work with Zahara Jade (Ep 133)

    07/04/2023 Duración: 20min

    When was the last time you listened to what your nervous system was trying to tell you?This week's conversation builds off of last week's interview with Zahara Jade. This week we're talking about how to tune into your body while you're at work, particularly in stressful situations like expanding workplace responsibilities or while you're in conflict with colleagues. Listen in while Zahara Jade shares her top tips for somatic exercises to help slow the nervous system in times of change. Stress ages our minds and bodies by putting often unnecessary weight on our processing systems. With these simple techniques, you can slow down, re-evaluate, and get the work done in a way that creates the largest impact for yourself, your team, and your organization. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat do people not understand when it comes to our body's responses to change (fight, flight, freeze, and appease)? [03:44]What is the difference between "Big T" Trauma and"little t" trauma? [07:12] What are some of your techniques t

  • Becoming a Somatic Leader in the Workplace with Zahara Jade (Ep 132)

    31/03/2023 Duración: 37min

    When was the last time you listened to what your nervous system was trying to tell you?Do you know how to work with your bodily reactions to conflict in the workplace?Throughout the workday, your nervous system can come in and out of activated states as you enter into challenging conversations with your boss, colleagues, and vendors. More often than not, our reactions to difficult situations at work can often be linked back to experiences we've had throughout our life, sometimes even as early as foundational memories from childhood.In today's episode our guest, Zahara Jade, explains how and why traumatic memories are often stored somatically in the body, and how emotional access can be a crucial component of healing. Zahara also shares her wisdom on how childhood experiences can lead to disconnection from emotions and the importance of reconnecting with the body to access important emotional truths. By tuning in to this episode, you will not only gain a better understanding of your approach to conflict in the

  • Small Moments Matter: How Consistency Builds Trust with Pamela Brooks Richards (Ep. 131)

    24/03/2023 Duración: 47min

    What is trust? What factors make up trust? What factors make others feel trust towards us and vice versa? When the trust factor goes up, the work gets done. But how can we move towards building it authentically during times where people are more politically divided than ever before?In this week's episode, Denise Cooper interviews Pamela Brooks-Richards for her take on how we can build genuine trust in the face of change. It can feel extremely uncomfortable to say "no" to our bosses or other authority figures in our working life. What do we do when the noise in our head tells us we can't "be bad", and our nervous system gets activated in challenging work situations? Trust is not only about telling the truth and keeping promises, but it is also about being accountable and restoring trust when it is broken. Building authentic trust in the workplace takes time and effort. It requires accountability, restoration, and confidentiality. Trust is built and destroyed in small moments, so it is essential to be consiste

  • Transforming Your Voice, Transforming Your Career: A Guide to Executive Presence

    17/03/2023 Duración: 37min

    Have you considered how your tone of voice impacts your executive presence? When we think about growing our influence and presence in the workplace, we often think of driving business metrics, increasing sales, or making ourselves more visible to higher-ups. However the numbers are simply one facet of your contribution to your team. Have you considered that the language, tonality, and volume and inflection you use also plays a huge role in how others perceive you? In today's episode Dr. Miluna Fausch, an Executive Communication & Presence Coach, teaches listeners how to build confidence in their communication skills by leveraging one's whole self - physical, energetic, mental, and emotional - to influence others and achieve goals. If you're looking for tips to uplevel your communication and presence in your career, this is the episode for you.THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat do we do if other people perceive us to be communicating in ways they don't like? [06:44]How can I become more aware of my execut

  • The Science of Turning Knowledge into Action with Dr. Evian Gordon

    10/03/2023 Duración: 41min

    Do you know how to set the pace for change in your organization?Are you aware of the ways in which our brain prepares us to embrace change?In this episode, Dr. Evian Gordon, founder of Brain Resource joins Denise Cooper to discuss the importance of change and innovation in today's rapidly evolving world. Listen in to hear Dr. Gordgon's strategies for individuals and leaders to develop the necessary mindset and habits to succeed in a constantly changing environment. The ability to embrace change is an inside job - it starts with you. With awareness of our own brains, mindsets, and habits, we can shift the needle and become the agents of change we aim to be. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWHow did you get into integrated neuroscience? [05:03]What do you mean when you say that our ability to embrace change is an inside job? [08:03]What is the link between knowing and doing? How do relationships empower us to change? [11:53]What does research show about our capacity for change over time? [24:09]What companies are e

  • Navigating the Boys' Club: Tips for Thriving as a Female CEO with Deborah Snow Walsh (Ep 127)

    03/03/2023 Duración: 33min

    What does it take to thrive as a female CEO? This week we're discussing how to thrive as a woman CEO in a male-dominated world. Although women have made significant progress in breaking through the glass ceiling, there is still a significant gender gap in leadership positions, especially at the CEO level. In this episode, Deborah Snow Walsh leads us through exploring some of the challenges that women face when trying to climb the corporate ladder and offers practical tips for women who aspire to become CEOs.One of the main challenges is the lack of access to coaching and information. According to a study, only 15% of women receive detailed information compared to 50% of men. Listen in to hear us delve into why this disparity exists and how it can be overcome.Lastly, we'll discuss the importance of networking, building a personal brand, and developing a leadership style that is authentic and effective. Deborah Snow Walsh also explore strategies for negotiating salaries and promotions, as well as ways to overco

  • Jean Drummond's Fight for Health Equity: Lessons for Employers and Healthcare Professionals (Ep 126)

    23/02/2023 Duración: 36min

    We know social determinants of health play a role in 80% of healthcare outcomes. What about workplace outcomes? In this episode of our podcast, we have the pleasure of interviewing Jean Drummond, a seasoned healthcare professional with over three decades of experience in the industry. Jean is an expert in healthcare equity and disparities, and in this interview, she shares her insights on how social determinants of health affect the well-being of employees and communities.Doesn't it make perfect sense that if you have a chaotic home life, it's only a matter of time before it affects your work performance? Doesn't it seem that a team having access to good nutrition, exercise, and mental healthcare will improve outcomes for organizations? In today's episode, Jean Drummond, President and Founder of HCD International shares her expertise as a healthcare expert and a businesswoman. Whether you're a healthcare professional, an employer, or simply interested in learning more about healthcare equity and disparities,

  • Pamela Brooks-Richards on the Danger of Dissonance in the Workplace (Ep 125)

    17/02/2023 Duración: 37min

    Do you know how to improve your own sense of motivation? Why are some people more motivated than others? Is it possible to become more intrinsically motivated over time? What do we do when our potential doesn't seem to be matching up to our outcomes?In this week's episode, Denise Cooper interviews Pamela Brooks-Richards for how we can use neuroscience research on motivation to move closer towards work that lights us up. Brene Brown points out that dissonance is the opposite of integrity. Emotions like shock and anger are quick-burning emotions, with a short-half life. Meanwhile, dissonance will not disperse from our emotional landscape until it is dealt with. Join us as we deep dive into Get It Done by Sam Bennet and Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown. If you're wondering how to understand what motivates you in the working world, this is the episode for you.THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWHow do we create motivation? [10:25]What role does the mindset we have towards a task play in our ability to get it done? [14

  • The Tech Revolution for Pay Equity with Dan Kopp (Episode 124)

    10/02/2023 Duración: 45min

    What role does technology play in abolishing pay gaps?Pay discrepancies have long been a barrier to achieving gender equity in the workplace. In fact, studies show that it will take 208 years for women to achieve equal pay. This is a sobering statistic, but our guest Dan Kopp, cofounder of Dinamico is determined to change it. Through his work, he is on a mission to abolish pay gaps one employer at a time.Many organizations are still unaware of the pay inequities that exist within their own staff. To leaders who don't see this as an issue, Dan has a simple message: ignorance is not bliss. Pay gaps have real consequences for employees and the organizations they work for. Not only do they undermine employee morale and create an environment of mistrust, but they also limit the talent and potential of the workforce as a whole.So, what role does technology play in abolishing pay gaps? Dan believes that technology is a key tool in the fight for pay equity. With the right tools and strategies, organizations can analy

  • Deborah Snow-Walsh on Breaking the Cycle: Examining Generational Expectations in the Workplace (Ep. 123)

    03/02/2023 Duración: 26min

    How can Gen-Z and Millenial workers grow their careers? With pensions and 30-year work tenures being a thing of the past, our approach to work has changed. This is especially true for younger workers, who have experienced a uniquely tricky entrance into the world. In this week's episode, Deborah Snow Walsh discusses the impact of the current generation, Gen-Z, in the workplace. This generation has grown up with different values and perspectives on work compared to previous generations especially around workplace cultures, compensation, work-life balance, and value-driven work. If you are a leader looking to better understand the tough challenges that employers may face in managing and connecting with this generation in the workplace. this is the episode for you. If you are a Gen-Z or Millenial worker looking to negotiate a stronger salary and connect with your manager in a meaningful way, you're in the right spot. When we understand each other's values without demonizing our differences, we build workplaces w

  • Pamela Brooks-Richards on how to build goals that motivate change instead of causing shame (Ep 122)

    27/01/2023 Duración: 35min

    Do you know how to build goals that motivate instead of shame? As we start the new year, we've been talking about the importance of gratitude when it comes to setting goals for 2023. Goal-setting can often have an unfortunate effect on people, with many developing habits of setting unrealistic goals and spiraling into feelings of shame when they don't achieve them.In this episode, Pamela Brooks-Richards talks about the importance of leading with joy and integrity to create a more grateful space for ourselves and those around us. When we operate from a place of integrity, we strengthen our self-esteem and resolve (plus, we get a pretty sweet dopamine rush in the process!)If you are looking for ways of allowing your values to guide your actions and goal-setting, this is the episode for you. By incorporating these practices into our daily lives, we can build the habits necessary to achieve our goals and live a life of integrity and purpose.THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat’s your superpower? [03:51]What is the

  • Transitioning from Me to We: How to Build a Strong Team

    19/01/2023 Duración: 37min

    Are you afraid to give your team your best?In this episode, we interview Kyle Mcdowell, author of Begin With WE: 10 Principles for Building and Sustaining a Culture of Excellence, on what it really takes to create a culture that is focused on collective success vs. individual wins. This week, we discuss how picking each other up, taking action, making mistakes, and leading by example all works together to create a strong team dynamic. Kyle share strategies on how to establish healthy boundaries and rely on your teammates, even when it feels vulnerable. This episode is perfect for any leader who is ready to build a team that prioritizes the collective over the individual. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat does being an authentic leader really mean? [07:20]How might you approach a team member who overcommitted and wasn't able to deliver on what they said they would? [19:20]What is the "Leadership Gap"?[20:30]Everyone has experienced leading when you have a resistor on your team. Can you tell us a story about h

  • Organizational Psychologist Zoe Fragou on how you can protect your self esteem in the face of workplace "mobbing"

    28/11/2022 Duración: 42min

    What would you do if you found yourself being slowly bullied out of your organization?Psychometrics is what we call the science of measuring someone's personality in a specific context. What does this mean for you? Personalities and values are all unique to each individual, and when you bring people together for a shared goal, you start to experience the culture of an organization. Psychometric research is focused on assessing people's personalities in a corporation and using that research to draw conclusions about their culture. Even for CEOs and Founders, it can be quite difficult to assess the workplace culture that they are building. This research can also be helpful in identifying organizations that may be prone to "mobbing" behaviors. Mobbing refers to the targetted act of trying to push someone out of an organization. Most often, this happens because a person thinks differently, they represent a change in the status quo, or they're being targetted for being part of a historically marginalized

  • Pamela Brooks-Richards on creating lasting culture change (Ep. 119)

    17/11/2022 Duración: 37min

    94% of respondents in a recent study by Bamboo HR think that culture is the most important thing in an organization. Many executives think that if their organization has a good culture, it will result in higher productivity. But when it comes down to it, do we know what "good culture" really is? Can we put our finger on it? "When you start diving into what workplace culture really is, you're going to hear things like, well, it's the way that assignments are rolled out. Are they fair or not fair to everybody? What are the opportunities for advancement, and how do we go about that process? How do employees collaborate?" This week's episode is part of a series where Denise Cooper interviews Pamela Brooks Richards for her take on what it takes to really steer culture change at an organization. If you've been wondering how to THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWIf you're an executive or an entrepreneur and you're dealing with both people who are working for you, or vendors, etc - how do you make dec

  • EDI Expert Joann Wortham on improving patient outcomes through building trust

    10/11/2022 Duración: 40min

    How does the healthcare industry address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion? Healthcare systems are run on data. This data can include anything from number of falls, number of infections, to how long it takes patients to enter and leave healthcare locations. This data also shows us that the number of wrong site surgeries go up when people don't feel psychologically safe to speak up. There is a direct correlation between the level of trust and safety that people feel at work, and the lived experience of patient outcomes. In this week's episode, EDI expert, Joann Wortham tells us about her experiences in helping healthcare executives address discrimination and inequity in their field. If you've been wondering how you can move the needle and influence patient outcomes for the better, this is the episode for you.THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWHow did you decide to step out of a lucrative career into the field of EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion)? [02:26]How can an administration better understan

  • DEI Strategist, Dethra Giles, on why Allyship isn't Enough (Ep. 117)

    03/11/2022 Duración: 42min

    Allyship produces fair-weather commoraderie. Allegience is about supporting historically marginalized groups, even when it doesn't serve you. In today's episode DEI Strategist, Dethra Giles, talks us through how allyship is not enough when it comes to progressing the DEI movement. Allyship is only present when it's beneficial for the person holding the most privilege to be supporting others. The moment it stops being beneficial, that allyship goes away. The idea of allegiance proclaims something much more holistic. What would unwavering support do for historically marginalized communities in workspaces? What would the impact be on issues like age discrimination? bias based on a person's accent? If you've been wondering how to move DEI efforts from frantic reactions brought on by world events, to a sustained effort that can be maintained over time, this is the episode for you. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWDethra Giles talks about her superpower of seeing things in people that they cannot see in themselves [

  • Vice President at Brown & Brown, Deborah Snow Walsh, on how to tell if your talent strategy is working for you

    27/10/2022 Duración: 26min

    You know how to prioritize hiring, but do you know how to build a successful talent strategy? How do we want to hire? Who do we want to hire? Who will work successfully? What areas of the organization need the biggest impact in order to grow the company? This week, we Deborah Snow-Walsh will be answering these questions and more. Snow-Walsh's expertise includes consulting for corporations regarding their internal policies, executive search processes, and coaching for leaders. She has been involved with HRPS, and was co-chair of its annual conference and various planning committees. This week's episode is part of a 12-month long series, where Deborah Snow-Walsh will be a repeat guest on the show. Have a question you want her to answer? Drop us a line at and we'll be sure to answer it later this year. If you're wondering how to positively impact the talent strategy at your organization, this is the episode for you. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat is a talent strategy (04:29) How

  • Microsoft Partner of the Year, Denis O'Shea, talks through what a password-less world looks like (Ep. 115)

    20/10/2022 Duración: 43min

    80% of people prioritize their personal privacy over their organizational security. The average person is overloaded with passwords to remember. What if instead of giving the same old online security training, we started making it about personal privacy? When you think about it, your company has your salary information, your social security details, and your home address, and they have an obligation to make sure it never gets leaked. By talking about data security in terms of personal privacy, you can not only get the ear of the people in your organization - but you can also make your company more secure. We know that people are sick and tired of passwords, each person has upwards of 97 passwords as of 2022. The answer is not to write your password in a book, it's not writing them in an app, or having a browser remember all your passwords. What would it look like to go password-less? With the technology we have available today we can rely on biometrics, multi-factor authentication, and single sign on. In t

  • Workplace Conflict Expert Bonnie Artman Fox on how your upbringing shapes your conflict mindset(Ep 114)

    13/10/2022 Duración: 40min

    How did my Family get into my Office?!What role does your upbringing play in how you address conflict at work? Emotional landmines, abrasive leaders, and lack of emotional intelligence can spell a recipe for disaster in the workplace when left unchecked. This week's guest, Bonnie Artman Fox, shares her experiences as a coach helping leaders develop healthy interpersonal skills to stop dysfunctional workplace relationships. Whether we like it or not, our family dynamics can often come out to play in our work life. However, we can choose to what degree we allow this energy to dictate our actions. If you're wondering how to resolve differences sooner and make work relationships stronger - this is the episode for you. Abrasive leaders exist everywhere, listen in for productive conflict strategies, tips, and inspiration from Bonnie. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat do healthy coping skills look like in the workplace? How do I know if I'm in fight/flight/freeze? (8:27) What does H.E.R.O.I.C. leadership look lik

  • Resilience & mindset expert Chazz Scott on the power of self-talk (Ep. 113)

    06/10/2022 Duración: 42min

    Is your self-talk helping you or hurting you? The way we think about ourselves plays a huge role in the outcomes of our lives. Our behaviors, actions, and non-actions are all influenced by the thoughts we hold about ourselves. The human mind on average thinks of 6,000 individual thoughts in 24 hours. How many of these thoughts are serving you? Our self-awareness and our ability to make decisions is more like a muscle than it is anything else. Willpower is a muscle. Decision-making is a muscle.  Like with any muscle, if you overwork it'll become fatigued. And when it becomes fatigued, it tends not to be able to give you what you need to help you make better decisions or lift the weight of what is happening in front of you. In this week's episode, we have Resilience and Mindset Expert, Chazz Scott on to share his advice on how we can become more self-aware and empowered to change our thoughts, which will change our behavior, which will change our lives. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWGive

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