The Vedic World View



Join philosopher, educator and celebrated speaker on the cognitive sciences Thom Knoles for conversations with leaders, teachers, authors and professors designed to inspire and provoke deeper insight. Thom is an renowned expert on the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness, and on the 5,000 year-old body of wisdom known as the Veda. For over 40 years, he has personally taught meditation to tens of thousands of students and consulted to governments and private corporations.


  • Colonization, Gossip and Jealousy, Giving Away Our Power

    20/12/2021 Duración: 26min

    It’s time for another Q&A episode with Thom, this time covering a range of questions with a similar theme, acquiescing our power to others.In answer to a question about the harm of colonization, he reminds us that it’s not such a recent phenomenon, that humans have had an inclination to dominate groups from other regions for millenia, and will likely continue to do so. Thom explains that the societies that endure are those that remain invincible and who give back more than they take from their invaders.He discusses jealousy and gossip, and how we can liberate ourselves from the effects of the thoughts or words of others. It all boils down to a single false idea that can quite easily be dispelled.And in a slightly different vein, Thom explains the role of envy, as opposed to jealousy, and how we can use it to assert more power rather than to relinquish it, and how we can help others do the same.Episode Highlights: [00:45] Q - How Did Europe Get Away With Colonizing the World?[02:11] The Mechanics Behind Co

  • Dealing With Family Gatherings

    13/12/2021 Duración: 17min

    It’s that time of the year where families come together to experience the joys of the family bond. Greetings are given, embraces exchanged, laughter is shared, tears of joy are shed, and the love is felt. And then it starts…The euphoria wears off and the tension kicks in.It might just be some low level tension that doesn’t really amount to much. Or it could be a full-on dispute that escalates to a large-scale crisis. Or it might be something in between.Not in every home of course but, for many families, this is the standard operating procedure.For Vedic meditators this is perfect. It gives us the opportunity to test how ‘colorfast’ our practice has made us. We get to test which of our buttons can no longer be pushed. We get to exercise the cosmic responsibilities that come with being a Vedic meditator.Sit back, listen in, and let Thom help you prepare for what could be one of your most peaceful festive seasons yet. Episode Highlights: [00:45] The Greatest Test[02:12] A Successful Interaction[03:41] Becoming C

  • Reparenting Psychology and the Vedic Perspective

    06/12/2021 Duración: 16min

    Reparenting is an often-used psychological technique where one is given, or gives oneself, opportunities to learn the lessons of character or personality development that one might have missed out on through ‘insufficient’ parenting or care during childhood.It’s a technique that has met with some success, yet, as Thom explains in this episode, there is a missing element that might make this approach incomplete.The Vedic perspective is that we, including our parents and caregivers, can only act based on the level of our consciousness. This being the case, rather than focusing on repairing the ‘mistakes’ of our parents and caregivers, a more complete approach would be to focus on elevating our own consciousness.In fact Vedic traditions embody this approach, and teach us to access our own inner guru or teacher, and to bring out the best of our own feminine and masculine qualities, while honoring our parents and caregivers for doing and being the best that they knew to be.Episode Highlights: [00:45] Reparenting P

  • The Difference Between A Spiritual Awakening and Psychosis

    29/11/2021 Duración: 20min

    Episodes of psychosis and experiences of ‘spiritual awakening’ have one key characteristic in common, they are both experiences that are ‘out of the ordinary.’This can be problematic, especially if the person making a diagnosis has not had an experience of spiritual awakening themselves.One key distinction between the two states though, is that a spiritual awakening is accompanied by a stable sense of Self (with a capital S), whereas a psychotic episode is the opposite, and is usually accompanied by an erratic sense of self (with a small s).A spiritual awakening is desirable, whereas a psychotic state is not. Listen to Thom explain the states in more detail, and how you can deliberately set yourself on a path that makes a spiritual awakening the more likely option for you.Episode Highlights: [00:45] The State of Psychosis[02:19] A Genuine Spiritual Awakening[03:47] What Are You Minus All the Thoughts?[05:33] Experiencing What is Beyond Thought[07:01] Describing Your Experience in Language[09:01] Dr. Ronald D

  • The Art of Following Charm

    23/11/2021 Duración: 13min

    Frequently on the podcast you’ll hear Thom mention ‘charm.’ While we all have a good understanding of the word charm, in Vedic Meditation circles, charm has a special, more nuanced meaning.For a Vedic Meditator, charm is like an inner-guidance mechanism, a gentle tug that steers you in the direction of that which is most evolutionary, not just for yourself, but for all of Nature. It’s a subtle form of intuition that feels charming to experience and charming to follow, hence the name we give to it.In this bonus ‘charm-inducing’ episode, Thom gives us a wee taste test of his soon-to-be-released course, The Art of Following Charm, in which he explores the nature of charm, how to recognize and cultivate it, and how every decision can become a matter of effortless attraction.Enjoy the episode and, if you feel charmed to do so, we hope you put the art of following charm into practice and join us on the course.The Art of Following Charm Course - Highlights:[00:46] The Dire

  • Hypnosis and Vedic Meditation

    22/11/2021 Duración: 42min

    Hypnosis is often seen as having therapeutic value, a way of overcoming problems caused by an ‘incorrect psyche.’ Because of the layer of silence achieved inside a Vedic Meditation sitting, Vedic Meditation, we’re frequently asked if it is actually a form of hypnosis.The short answer is no. Vedic Meditation is not hypnosis, but to understand the answer fully requires a closer look at what hypnosis is. Though hypnosis may be done with good intent, and may apparently have some ‘good’ effects, and may appear to be beneficial, essentially it’s a form of manipulation. So in that sense, hypnosis is in fact the opposite of Vedic Meditation. Vedic Meditation provides an opportunity to transcend the mind, to go beyond the small s self, the field where hypnosis has an impact, to the big “S” Self, where hypnosis has no impact whatsoever, and where the psyche can obtain benefits far beyond anything that hypnosis can deliver, and in perfect alignment with Nature.Listen to Thom explain this more fully, looking at the subje

  • My Maharishi - Following Charm to Brazil and Germany

    15/11/2021 Duración: 23min

    Travelling with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi meant there was never a time for a dull moment.In this episode, Thom shares some adventures of a particular trip to Brazil, with an unexpected detour to Germany. With Maharishi, Thom soon learned that the unexpected was always to be expected. Maharishi wasn’t just a passionate teacher of following ‘charm,’ but he was also a 24/7 exponent of it, even at 3 am...Episode Highlights: [00:05] An Invitation From Rio for Maharishi[02:03] Drawing Restfulness Into the Working State[03:31] His Asana[04:16] Maharishi's Visit to the Roman Catholic Cathedral[06:10] "I'm Always Enjoying Myself"[07:42] "We're Going to Germany"[09:29] Neem Stick: Maharishi's Toothbrush[10:53] A Financier of Maharishi's Needs[12:11] "She Will Run All of That"[14:07] His Magnetic Charisma[15:30] Maharishi's Unplanned Lecture At The Airport[17:02] One of the Best-Documented Lives Imaginable[19:39] Maharishi Isn't a Person, He's a Phenomenon[21:35] Maharishi's Great Skill Useful https

  • Post-Concussive Symptoms, Misfortune, and Dementia

    08/11/2021 Duración: 29min

    Can Vedic Meditation heal post-concussive symptoms? How is the experience of misfortune framed within the Vedic worldview?Can Vedic Meditation help lower the risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia?In this, another Ask Thom Anything episode, Thom answers all of the above, including details of the broader healing effects of meditation in general. He reminds us that stress is the greatest cause of disease and that Vedic Meditation is the most powerful means of removing psychological and/or physiological stress, helping us to heal current health difficulties, and to prevent or reduce the effects of future health difficulties.He also shares a perspective on misfortune and difficulty that we can all make use of, even if we haven’t attained the highest consciousness states yet.No matter what your perspectives on health or misfortune are, you’ll find great value in hearing Thom speak on the subjects.Episode Highlights: [00:48] Q- Can Meditation Heal Post-Concussive Symptoms?[01:05] If They Can Think a Thought…[02:02] Medita

  • Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

    31/10/2021 Duración: 16min

    All of us think but how often do we contemplate where our thoughts come from? And when we do, how accurate is our answer?Many of us think thoughts are the work of the brain, stimulated either by the environment or circumstances around us, or by memories of the past or fears of the future.For most of us, there is also a sense of identity associated with the thoughts we’re having. We define ourselves based on our thoughts, especially those that we repeat on a regular basis.Given that we have 60,000 plus ‘cognitive processes’ per day, that makes a perfect set up for a never-ending ‘identity crisis.’It’s only when we give ourselves a chance to bypass the thinking process, to reach a state of pure Being, awareness minus thought, that we get a chance to experience our true identity, the state from which thoughts originate. The more time we spend in this state, the more accurate our thinking becomes, the more aligned we become with Nature.We invite you to listen to Thom’s explanation then do your own research to ver

  • The Difference Between Vedic Knowledge and Hinduism

    24/10/2021 Duración: 51min

    A very frequent question Thom receives is "What is the difference between Vedic knowledge, learned through Vedic Meditation, and Hinduism?"Hinduism, as a religion, is supposed to honor thousands, if not millions, of Gods. This religion offers many offerings to people from all over the world and is practiced by around a billion people in India. It surprised many to learn that Hinduism does not originate in the Vedic or Sanskrit languages, which makes it quite an intriguing conundrum.Hinduism in reality is a linguistic construction that came about as a result of British rule in India. Hinduism is a combination of religious beliefs, some of which are based on Vedic understandings, while others may derive from the practices they adopted to show dignity and self-respect while they were dominated by the British.In this fascinating episode, Thom shares the history of Hinduism and what sets the Vedic worldview apart from Hinduism.Episode Highlights: [00:52] - What Distinguishes the Vedic Worldview From Hinduism?[01:4

  • The Revival of Ayurveda

    17/10/2021 Duración: 20min

    Ayurveda, the ‘science of life’ has become very popular in developed nations in recent decades, thanks to the work of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in reviving this ancient body of wisdom.Dating back several thousand years, the practice of Ayurvedic techniques was forced ‘underground’ when the British colonized India and imposed their own ‘modern’ approaches to health.Fortunately, some families passed the wisdom down through the generations, allowing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to bring three of the greatest minds on the subject together for a long-overdue revival of this timeless body of knowledge.In this episode, Thom explains some of the details of that revival, and explores some of the key differences between the Ayurvedic and ‘allopathic’ approaches to health. Importantly, he explains how the two approaches are complementary rather than ‘alternative’ to each other.Episode Highlights:[00:00] - The Meaning of Ayurveda[01:41] - The history and extinction of Ayurveda[02:59] - Ayurveda was made illegal in India[04:01] - Th

  • Emotional Healing, Comparison Thinking, Feeling Emotions

    10/10/2021 Duración: 16min

    We are always striving to attain more and more in our lives. But, every now and again, we get the impression that we haven't done enough with our time. No amount of accomplishment is capable of bringing us fulfilment. And, it's also not a bad thing to have a lot of achievements on your scoreboard.But, more importantly, are we truly enjoying the process or simply trying to finish the race? Unfortunately, even after winning, we often postpone our celebrations until we reach the pinnacle of achievement.In this Ask Me Anything session, Thom Knoles explains why it is critical to enjoy the process of achieving something and how we cannot fail when we are enjoying the process. Thom also tells how we can experience the natural expression of our emotions.Episode Highlights:[00:00] - Q - What is the Vedic Worldview of Emotional Healing?[01:12] - De-Exciting the Consciousness[01:54] - Making the Healing Process Rapid[03:08] - Vedic Meditation is Good for Emotional Healing[04:19] - Vedic Meditation Awakens Your Brain's P

  • Navratri Sharad - Celebration of the Divine Feminine

    06/10/2021 Duración: 08min

    When we think of feminine and masculine, typically we tend to think in terms of gender, i.e. female and male but the Vedic worldview has a much broader approach than the arrangement or expression of chromosomes. In Vedic circles the feminine and masculine are seen as aspects of creation, present everywhere and in everything. Wherever there is masculine there is always feminine, and vice versa, with the feminine often referred to as Mother Divine and celebrated through a vast range of personifications* and a range of festivals or holy days. One of those festivals is Navratri Sharad, a celebration of triumph over ignorance, held over nine nights and 10 days in the fall of each year (Northern Hemisphere fall, Southern Hemisphere spring).Though each night of Navratri Sharad honors specific representations of Mother Divine, Thom invites us in this episode to use the festival as a springboard to making the celebration of the feminine an everyday occurrence and an opportunity to continuously explore just what the fe

  • My Maharishi - Daily Life and Travels with My Master

    04/10/2021 Duración: 12min

    Over the period of 25 years, Thom Knoles got to spend many extended periods of time with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a student and a ‘replicant,’ one of many charged with the task of sharing Vedic wisdom with the world.In this episode, another instalment of the My Maharishi series, Thom recounts some of the aspects of daily life and travels with Maharishi, including Maharishi’s tireless round-the-clock efforts to fit as much teaching into his lifetime as he possibly could.Warning - This episode may require you to reassess your current standard for ‘busy’ :-). Episode Highlights: [00:40] An Unusual Man in Every Respect [02:00] The Light of the World [03:35] Ask, Ask [04:59] Who’s Awake? [06:11] Conscious Rest [07:40] My Waking is More Restful than Your Sleep [08:38] I’m in a Hurry [09:25] More Multiplication[07:40] My Waking is More Restful than Your Sleep [08:38] I’m in a Hurry [09:25] More Multiplication Useful

  • Drugs and Spirit Medicine

    26/09/2021 Duración: 56min

    Humans have been using substances to have ‘extraordinary experiences’ for millenia. Sometimes this is motivated by a simple sense of curiosity, and at other times it might be to ‘fill a void,’ while in other cases it might be motivated by a promise of an elusive ‘spiritual experience.’ In some cases it leads to addiction and dependence, while in others it might just be a bucket-list experience that someone moves on from.In this episode, Thom takes a non-judgemental look at the motivation and impact of such experiences, and outlines an alternative approach, one that’s more sustainable and that leads to a ‘permanent high’ that most people couldn’t even conceive of.Episode Highlights: [00:40] The Desire to Belong[02:29] Tribal Life [04:27] A Sense of Identity [06:00] Join the Club [07:14] Human Beings Crave Variety [08:33] The Nature of the Knower [09:51] Badge of Rank [11:29] The Difference Between a Cult and a Religion [12:39] Shibboleth [13:25] Drugs [14:35] Why Drugs Work[15:59] Endogenous Chemicals [18:03]

  • Vedic Meditation and Mantras

    20/09/2021 Duración: 11min

    Mantras are central to the practice of Vedic Meditation, but different understandings about what the word mantra means sometimes lead people to misunderstand how the mantra is used.For some, the word mantra means ‘a slogan’ or a tagline of sorts, used as a way of encapsulating a group point of view. For others, a mantra is a tool to aid concentration or to use as an affirmation.In Vedic Meditation the use of the mantra is very different. To understand this difference, you need to understand the distinction between ‘charm’ and suggestibility, which Thom explains simply and beautifully in this podcast episodeEpisode Highlights: [00:40] Mantra - A Mind Vehicle [01:47] Bija Mantra[03:26] Attraction and Distraction[04:52] Beyond Meaning[05:47] Hypnosis and Suggestibility[07:05] Suggestibility is a Social Problem[07:59] Becoming Less Suggestible[08:42] Using the Intellect in the Proper WayUseful Links:

  • The Story of Sophie

    12/09/2021 Duración: 08min

    After 50 plus years of instructing Vedic Meditation, and 50,000 plus students, Thom Knoles has accumulated thousands of shared memories with these students.In this episode Thom shares a delightful anecdote about Sophie, who learned Vedic Meditation with Thom when she was only eight years old, and how Sophie’s wisdom helped Thom teach the concept of Cosmic Consciousness to a roomful of adults.Episode Highlights: [00:40] Sophie from New York[02:09] What will come into your consciousness state?[03:25] Cosmic Consciousness[04:58] Deep Diving[06:19] A Simple ExplanationUseful Links:

  • My Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Walnut Tree

    06/09/2021 Duración: 09min

    While Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spent thousands of hours teaching his students formally, often it was the day-to-day life situations that provided the most profound teaching moments.In this, another instalment of the My Maharishi series, Thom shares a delightful anecdote of a picnic in Switzerland that gave rise to one of Maharishi’s most famous sayings, “You can't stop someone from behaving according to their level of consciousness.”Enjoy this short but sweet episode.Episode Highlights:[00:40] Out in the Field[01:51] The Numbers Game[02:32] A Picnic in Switzerland[04:04] A Photo Opportunity[05:15] A Trivializing Gesture[06:17] Don’t Expect Mangoes From a Walnut Tree[07:17] Consciousness Dictates BehaviorUseful Links:

  • 5D, Spirit Babies, Success and Support, Paramahansa Yogananda and Kriya Yoga

    29/08/2021 Duración: 23min

    Yet another interesting mix of questions in today’s Ask Me Anything episode with Thom.In discussing 5D, The Fifth Dimension, Thom explains how premature contentedness is the enemy of enlightenment and that, regardless of what we call it, the true measure of progress is to become an exemplar of Self realized consciousness.He describes the Vedic worldview on the incarnation of babies (including fetuses) who only remain with us for a short while.Thom also describes how common measures of ‘success’ (money and fame) are irrelevant to our effectiveness in meeting the need of the time.In this episode, Thom also pays homage to Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi and an inspiring leader in the 20th century.Episode Highlights: [00:40] Q - Please Comment on 5D (The Fifth Dimension) and Its Effect on Our Meditation Practice[01:11] Santosha - The Enemy of Enlightenment [02:10] Premature Contentedness[03:31] Self Realization Means Self Actualization[05:11] Chronic Brain Failure[06:21] Earned Contentedn

  • Curing Insomnia and Finding Purpose through Vedic Meditation

    26/08/2021 Duración: 13min

    In this short bonus episode, Thom shares a couple of bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to address two problems of epidemic proportions, insomnia, and a lack of meaning or purpose.He starts with a delightful story of how Maharishi Mahesh Yogi learned that better sleep was one of the more popular ‘side effects’ of meditation when he first came to the United States. He also explains the cause of insomnia and why Vedic Meditation is the ultimate cure for it.And in relation to meaning and purpose, Thom outlines that the lack of meaning or purpose comes about because we don’t have a direct experience of our own true, inner nature. Once we have that experience, the experience of true Bliss, which of course we can get through Vedic Meditation, then our role in evolution becomes self evident, and meaning and purpose are naturally met.Enjoy!Episode Highlights:[00:48] Meditation Beats Insomnia[02:11] The Cause of Insomnia[03:21] The Unwinding of Stress [04:51] Deeper Rest Than Sleep Through Meditation[06:15] Awakening the Mi

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