Easton Bible Church's Podcast



Easton Bible Church Sunday Messages


  • Episode 6: "DIY Spirituality" Rooted Week 5

    12/03/2023 Duración: 33min

    According to a recent study, almost 80% of teenagers and adults in the U.S. not only believe in a spiritual or supernatural dimension but consider themselves spiritual in some way.People are not becoming less spiritual, even though many are leaving the church. But what does it mean to be "spiritual"? And what does it look like to grow spiritually or to further embrace one's spirituality?In this week's passage, Paul warns his readers against trying to create their own spirituality by following the popular traditions and beliefs. Just as there are today, in Paul's day there were those who believed that following Jesus wasn't truly enough: to achieve true spirituality, you need to do it yourself. But while discovering your own personal spirituality might sound courageous or enlightened, it only leads away from the fullness of life that only Jesus can give.Can we help you discover the fullness of life that comes through Jesus? Can you help us see that fullness of life more clearly? Contact us. More info https://w

  • Episode 5: "The Difference Jesus Makes" Special Message

    05/03/2023 Duración: 29min

    "Who is Jesus?" It's a question that everyone must answer at some point. For some, it's a conscious deliberation, an investigation. For others, it's a matter what they've been taught and have accepted readily, whether dismissing him as nothing more than a great teacher or believing him to be Lord of all.In this passage from Mark's Gospel (Mark 6:14-44), different groups suggest potential answers given for Jesus' identity, just as today some people believe that Jesus was perhaps a teacher or prophet, a god or God himself. But what you believe about who Jesus is makes all the difference in your life.Who do you think Jesus is? Has He, or is He, making a difference in your life? Let us know.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.Check out Reverend Bateman's ministry at https://teachthestory.org/#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #differencejesusmakes #whoisjes

  • Episode 4: "Jesus Is All You Need" Rooted Week 4

    26/02/2023 Duración: 40min

    We live in a scary world. Wars and threats of wars, geo-political tensions, fake news and deep fakes, unstable weather patterns that threaten crops and other weather-dependent industries, political factions and division, inflation, housing prices and rising interest rates, sickness and disease, epidemic-levels of depression and anxiety among adults and teens, the disturbing effects of social media and the dehumanizing dangers of digital technology, the list goes on and on. How do you live in a world like this without, to put it bluntly, freaking out?In this week's passage in Paul's letter to the Colossians, Paul powerfully explains that, while it's easy to trust in all sorts of things- money, a political party, in science, or in religion or karma- to feel like we have some control over our lives, Jesus is all we need. When you're rooted in Jesus, there's nothing to fear.Can we help you find roots in Jesus? Can you help our roots grow stronger? Contact us.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), e

  • Episode 3: "What Do You Know" Rooted Week 3

    19/02/2023 Duración: 42min

    Paul's warning to the believers is that there are some ideas that sound good, that appeal to our thirst for enlightenment, but ultimately do tremendous damage to us and others. Today we're inundated with competing theories clamoring for our attention and loyalty. It's critical that our pursuit of knowledge be rooted in the One "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," Jesus (Colossians 2:3).Can we help you pursue th the wisdom and knowledge found through a relationship with Jesus? Can you help us stay rooted in the hope of eternal treasure He provide? Contact Us.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #whatdoyouknow #wisdom #colossians #treasure #rooted #lovegodservepeople

  • Episode 2: "Deep Meaning" Rooted Week 2

    12/02/2023 Duración: 34min

    What makes life significant? How do you know that your life has significance? Or does it?According to this week's passage (Colossians1:15-23), Jesus is at the heart of all existence. If we reject Jesus and try to place ourselves at the center of everything, we're forced (cursed?) to manufacture our own significance out of nothing. It's a burden that at best leads to a shallow and self-manufactured existence-"life is what you make of it"- or at worst to anxiety, hopelessness, and despair. The true significance we're looking for is only found in the One who made us and gave his life for us. Because without him, life is nothing more a series of accidents without rhyme or reason or meaning.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #deepmeaning #significance #colossians #rooted #lovegodservepeople

  • Episode 1: "Made for the Light" Rooted Week 1

    06/02/2023 Duración: 49min

    Have you ever wondered what kind of life you were meant to live? Or maybe felt like you were living a life you weren't made for? In the opening of his letter to the church in Colosse, Paul powerfully and vividly describes the kind of life we were all created to live, what he calls "a life worthy of the Lord" (v. 10).That is a life you can have. A life not stuck in darkness, but rooted in the light and life of the Lord Himself? Let's help each other live in the light for which we have been made. Contact us. Blessings   More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #colossians #madeforthelight #rooted #lovegodlovepeople

  • Episode 4: "People Blindness" Love God Serve People Week 4

    30/01/2023 Duración: 41min

    Have you ever had someone look right past you when you were talking to them? Can you think of a time you've done that to someone else? In the busyness and demands of life, it's easy to look right past people rather than truly care for them, even the people we should care most about. It's happened to all of us, and we've all done it to someone else.Consequently, our relationships suffer, we feel unappreciated and unseen, and we perpetuate the problem by ignoring the very real needs of others.In the famous parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus shows us the danger of “people blindness”: the inability to see someone in their humanity, made in the image of God and worthy our time and attention.And so, just as God cares for us in our need, He is calling us to compassionately see and respond to those around us.Can we share with you how the compassionate love of Jesus can lead you into a life of compassion? Can you help us to see people the way that Jesus sees them, made in the image of God and worthy of compassion? C

  • Episode 3: "Stretchy Love" Love God Serve People Week 3

    23/01/2023 Duración: 42min

    Do you ever feel like you're suffering from a love shortage? As though you only have a small amount of love to go around and it's not enough for the people you have to deal with in your life?In these few verses (1Peter4:7-11), the Apostle Peter describes how our love has to be expansive-stretchy-if we're going to be able to love one another, rather than give way to bitterness or anger.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #stretchylove #loveoneanother   #lovegodservepeople

  • Episode 2: "Blessings in the Wilderness" Love God Serve People Week 2

    23/01/2023 Duración: 38min

    Do you ever feel isolated, alone? The weight of things holding you down?In the second week of our "Love God Serve People" Series, our dear friend Gary Moody shares what it's like to find Blessings in the Wilderness. Gary shares from Scripture, and his personal journey, that in the midst of those isolated times, God is leading us to find and see hope.That hope begins with faith in the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the confidence in His desire to see you become the person He has created you to be. Can we share with you the daily and eternal Blessings we've found in our journey through the wilderness? Can you be a part of encouraging us with your story of hope? Blessings.  More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #blessings #wilderness #miracleoffreedom #lostcause #newcreation #lovegodservepeople

  • Episode 1: "Hope for the World" Love God Serve People Week 1

    09/01/2023 Duración: 34min

    Do you tend to see people as a lost cause or a cause worth fighting for? What do you think keeps us from seeing people the way that God sees them?Your perspective - how you look at the world-determines so much about how you live, the decisions you make, who you love, and what you hate. So, how do you see the world? What is the lens through which you look at the people around you? And, even more importantly, do you see them the way that God sees them? In this passage in 2 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul challenges us to see people not as irredeemable or as our enemies or not worth loving, but as people whom God loves and for whom Jesus gave His life.Can we go forward with you to share the future God has in store for us? Can you help us see people the way God sees them? Contact us. Blessings.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainespo

  • Episode 6: "Same God, New Year" A Special New Year Message

    02/01/2023 Duración: 43min

    Welcome to the New Year 2023! Our special message today from our Pastor of Family Ministries Luke McAlack encourages us to focus our hearts on a God who doesn’t change even though, for us, time marches on.We focus on the acronym PASTA, which stands for Praise, Adore, Sorry, Thanks, & Ask.With each item, we will concentrate on starting our New Year by strengthening our relationship with God through the practice of these 5 behaviors in our lives.With this, we pray that you see more clearly the path to peace, joy, & hope into which God has planned for you. Blessings.Would you like to know more about how you can put PASTA into your life? Can you help us do the same? Please contact us.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #happynewyear #samegodnewyear #pasta #lovegodservepeople

  • Episode 5: "Supersize Your Hope" A Thrill of Hope Week 4

    19/12/2022 Duración: 33min

    Have you ever, in the midst of what seemed a hopeful time, seen your hopes vanquished? Your expected hope just didn’t turn out the way you had thought. If that’s happened, how did it effect you? Did you lose hope?….did it lead you to downgrade your hope for the future?In the 4th message of our “Thrill of Hope” series, Pastor Lucas shares that when our hope is based on the mercy and love God has for us, our hope can never be lost. In fact, the hope in us will continue to grow stronger. Because, we can never outhope what God can do.  And with that strengthening hope from God, we can continue to grow into the people God has created us to be, that is loving, peaceful, and generous people that can encourage others to see hope in what appears for so many to be a hopeless world. Can we encourage to grasp ahold of a hope that is both now and forever? Can you encourage us to see fully and share that hope with the world? Please Let us know. Blessings.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@e

  • Episode 4: "Hope For The World"- A Thrill of Hope Week 3

    11/12/2022 Duración: 34min

    The Magnificat is one of the most beautiful expressions of hope found in all of Scripture. In her song, Mary declares the character of God - His compassion, mercy, power, love, and faithfulness - revealed in His relationship with His people, which fundamentally alters the course of human history. Mary's song invites us to remember God's past faithfulness which gives us hope for the future. But it also gives us a picture of the kind of future God is creating, based on his character, a future in which injustice and oppression are turned on their head. Mary's Song points to a very real future kingdom that we're called to promote here and now, energized by our hope in Jesus' future return.Blessings.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #hope #advent #athrillofhope #lovegodservepeople

  • Episode 3: "Hope Enough" A Thrill of Hope Week 2

    04/12/2022 Duración: 37min

    Do you think it's possible to live without hope? What are you hopeful for? Or why do you feel a lack of hope?This week we're looking at Mary's response to Gabriel's announcement that she would be the mother of God's Son, the promised King whose kingdom would have no end (Luke 1:32-33).Faced with possible ostracization and humiliation, potentially even death, Mary's hope in God's plan for her serves as a powerful inspiration of what it looks like to trust God even when we don't fully understand what he's doing.Can we encourage you this Christmas season to see the eternal hope that the coming of Jesus has brought and the life changing power it has to heal our hearts? Can you encourage us? Contact us. BlessingsMore info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #hope #advent #athrillofhope #lovegodservepeople

  • Episode 2: "Our Anticipated Hope" A Thrill of Hope Week 1

    28/11/2022 Duración: 43min

    What is it about the Christmas season that inspires you? Does anything about it bring you down?In the first message of our 2022 Advent series our Pastor of Family Ministries, Luke McAlack, encourages us to see the hope that the coming of Christmas represents.That is, that something great is about to happen. It is the anticipation of Jesus coming into our lives that provides a hope for today and forever. Have you received the gift of eternal life and hope provided when Jesus enters your life? Do you need to find out what that means or how that happens?We encourage you to ask us. Or, if you have already been blessed by the hope Jesus provides, can you share your hope and be a blessing to others this Christmas season? Please contact us. Something great is about to happen!More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #advent#hope #b

  • Episode 1: "Give Thanks" A Thanksgiving Week Message

    20/11/2022 Duración: 36min

    Are you a thankful person? Are you not particularly thankful? Somewhere in the middle? How does each scenario affect your life?Thanksgiving is one of our country's mostcelebrated holidays. Every year people gather with friends and families to celebrate and enjoy good food and time together. There is something within us that recognizes the need for gratitude, even when we don't know why or to whom we should be grateful. But God has created us in such a way that being thankful unlocks within us new reservoirs of untapped joy and peace. More specifically, in difficult seasons of life, gratitude can increase our confidence in the future God has planned for us.We invite you to help us grow in confidence for the future, and we ask if we can partner with you in doing the same. Contact us.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj#gi

  • Episode 10: "The Long Game" Spiritual Reality Check Week 10

    13/11/2022 Duración: 35min

    Do you feel that life is often harried, even panicky? That everything needs to be fixed right now?When we do, we tend to look for solutions that are quick and easy because, frankly, we need them to be quick and easy or we'll fall behind. But the deepest things that God wants to do in and through us often don't come quickly or easily. They happen over often long periods of time.So, rather than being in a hurry or looking for the quick fix, the reality is that better spiritual and emotional health, stronger relationships, and joy in the blessings God gives all come when we invest in the long game.Can we encourage you to move step by step into the blessings God has created you for? Can you help us? Please contact us.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. BlessingsThank you for subscribing and sharing.#eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #spiritualrealitycheck #thelonggame #patience #blessings #love

  • Episode 9: "Better Together" Spiritual Reality Check Week 9

    06/11/2022 Duración: 42min

    Are you part of a group, job, family, political party, church, fanbase, etc. that seems unified? What makes them unified...or not unified?We live in an increasingly fractured and divided society. Rather than seeking to understand and find common ground through shared values and with an attitude of humility, many people have succumbed to fear, anger, and even hatred towards anyone who doesn't agree with them.And, sadly, that fracturing is taking place within the church as well. But for the church to be who God has called us to be- a light in the world pointing to Jesus- unity is not only possible, but essential. Blessings.Please contact us if you would like to be encouraged to be more of a light to the world around you. Or, perhaps you can help us become more like the light of the world we have been created to be. More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#e

  • Episode 8: "There Is Hope" Spiritual Reality Check Week 8

    30/10/2022 Duración: 37min

    When you think of suffering, what comes to mind? Are there particular kinds of suffering that you fear more than others? Can you ever see hope in the midst of suffering?There is an inescapable fragility to our society today. Many of us take easy offense to others' words or ideas, are quick to judge, and actively avoid anything we find unpleasant or disagreeable, insulating ourselves from anything that might hurt or harm us, not only physically but emotionally as well. We don't like hard things, and life is hard. There is a brokenness to our world, a futility born out of sin, that means difficulty and suffering are literally impossible to avoid. But running from anything that's hard is not the answer. Nor is some sort of pollyannish hope.Instead, as Paul describes in Romans 5, there is another kind of hope, a resilient hope, that can give us the strength we need to endure and overcome.Our message today exports us all to find and live that special resilient hope. BlessingsCan you encourage us to live in hope de

  • Episode 7: "Your Life Matters" Spiritual Reality Check Week 7

    23/10/2022 Duración: 36min

    Do you ever wonder if your life matters? And what is it that would make your life matter? Is it the idea of "making a difference?The idea of making a difference in the world or in someone else's life might seem like an idealistic notion, but there is something within us that needs to know our life counts for something.Without that, we can quickly fall into apathy and indifference, languishing through life instead of living with the purpose that we have been created for. The reality is that your life does matter. It matters immensely. God is calling you to create a better future for yourself and then for others. That life begins with a heart that knows that you matter to God, and creates a life in you that makes a difference in the lives of others by helping people experience the life-changing relationship with Jesus that you have discovered.Would you like to know that you matter to God...and to people? Perhaps you would like to partner with us in making a difference in the world? Either way, we encourage you

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