The Cari Murphy Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 423:11:04
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"The Cari Murphy Show Straight Talk For The Soul"is an internationally syndicated weekly hour long program hosted by Best Selling Author, Soul Success Coach, Celebrated Media Personality and Founder and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, Cari Murphy. This is your personal invitation to an abundant, prosperous and joyful life. This program can be likened to a weekly multi-vitamin for the body, mind and spirit. Cari conducts enlightening discussions devoted to personal transformation, unleashing one's creative potential, radiant health, spirituality, the evolution of the soul, global awakening, self improvement, personal success, energy healing and positive living. CONTACT CARI AT:, or 1-800-704-SOUL.


  • Challenges are Catalysts to CLARITY! 04/12/17

    12/04/2017 Duración: 58min

    When we expand our understanding and perception of challenges, we step into the natural flow of our intended evolution. Challenges are not punishment, nor do we benefit from condemning ourselves or others because of them. Challenges are potential openings into greater options; openings into grand new playing fields of frequency. They are option openers! They are divinely designed invitations into greater self awareness, empowerment, self accountability, self responsibility and self love. They offer renewed clarity to our preferences, heightened levels of discernment with our choices, and enhanced ownership of our energetic "signal." Challenges are invitations into the refined ownership of our focus, our responses, our communication our moment to moment creations. They are potential doorways into vast new landscapes of reality - of our choosing and of our making. We are the selectors, and we give meaning and value to all that we experience. The key is deliberately assigning optimal value to ALL and acknowledgi


    05/04/2017 Duración: 53min

    We have the creative capacity to fuel all of our attention on focusing forward in our lives, and igniting a new highly empowered inner BRILLIANCE empire where everything is possible! We are truly master creators. This show is intended to activate the inner genius within us all!Launching a new inner brilliance empire involves realizing that we have the capacity to transform any perceived weakness into our greatest strength! We are alive in these physical bodies to hone and master those qualities with in us that we may have previously labeled in a less than positive way. We are never ever doomed to a life or lifestyle or perspective of personality that is limited! We came into this physical world as eternal spirits with the intention of refining, enhancing and expanding our energetic expression in every single way. Our attention to something only exaggerates it's expression in our lives, therefore It is wise to be discerning about the selection of our focus because without proper direction, it can exaggerate pe

  • What Does it Mean to be “BLESSED?” : LETTING GO of LACK! 03/29/17

    29/03/2017 Duración: 55min

    We are new earth activators, creators and alchemists! Being “blessed' is our birthright! Being blessed requires being LESS of our limited selves and MORE of our infinitely powerful and creative selves!Each and every one of us are leaders. We are leading the creation of our lives in each new moment. As empowered leaders, we must consciously let go of the lack consciousness (less-Ings!) to open up, create, receive, and allow the blessings to FLOW! As empowered leaders, we must consciously release dread, disappointment and doubt to allow ourselves the complete FREEDOM of pure expression that is our birthright. We must shift from being lackFULL to being joyFULL in our opinions and offerings of ourselves and our light.My invitation to you: Be Bold from withIN. Be authentically, powerfully, divinely visible. No more dimmed down, watered down versions of YOU! Be fully invested in igniting, sharing and revealing yourself without fearFULL filters limiting your heartFULL expression. No more partial participation in ac

  • Developing Revolutionary Response-Ability: Shaping Our World from the Inside-Out! 03/22/17

    22/03/2017 Duración: 56min

    This show is truly dedicated to those who are committed to their own personal evolution, which requires taking revolutionary responsibility for our existence. YOU really Are An Interior Designer: The Master Molder, Shaper, Creator Designer, Allower Be-er, Chooser and Doer of Your Life Experience; you are the writer editor producer and storyteller. And... here is your Universal Spoiler Alert: The End of This Story is UP TO YOU. It is the choices and responses you make in each new moment that maps new pathways within you and around you. The more committed you are to your own evolution, the more you accelerate the opening of exciting new possibilities, options and opportunities. They expand as you do.A good question to ask: Are You Cheering on Life or Criticizing it? Becoming aware of that answer is the way that you claim heightened revolutionary responsibility ( which is just the conscious ability to respond to life ). The evolution of your eternal essence requires a developed habit or pattern of consciously se

  • Dancing with Destiny! Is the Dance FIXED OR FLEXIBLE? 03/15/17

    15/03/2017 Duración: 52min

    The word destiny often implies that there is a predetermined plan that we are destined to discover, and yet this completely leaves out the freedom and the liberation we intended experience here on planet earth! Destiny, when looked upon from a broader perspective, is a fluid representation of the callings of our soul as those inner stirrings attempt to steer us toward the most optimal pathways providing the grandest creative expressions available to us at any given time! To simplify this term from a broader perspective, our "destiny" is simply to decide, determine and take charge of the optimal creative unfolding of our lives. There is nothing that should or that must be done. In this journey, there is only the claiming OR denying of our creative potential.Destiny is really synonymous with creating. Yes, we had general intentions when deciding to come here and experience life as an immortal spirit in physical form on planet earth, but the details we left open! The beautiful and brilliant details of our dest

  • Cultivating the Art of ABUNDANT LIVING! 03/08/17

    09/03/2017 Duración: 52min

    Cultivating the Art of Abundant Living is a joyful practice of expanding our ability to appreciate life more than we condemn or judge it. The frequency of lack, and our attention to it is the only thing that prevents us from realizing the infinite, abundant nature of our creative potential and this universe! Practicing feelings of fear, worry, doubt, concern and injustice cultivates the art of lackFULL living! No one consciously chooses to cultivate that art, and yet it is important to deliberately cultivate the opposite. This show is intended to support us ALL in placing our emphasis and focus on cultivating the art of abundance, which is rooted in appreciation, generosity, empowerment, celebration, praise and love. We decide the creative players of energy that we include in our daily experience, so why not choose creative players like joy, exhilaration and appreciation? Why not allow these highly empowering emotional and energetic players to be the most active creative components formulating your experienc

  • The Sweet Satisfaction of Shifting From Stressed to Stretched! 03/01/17

    01/03/2017 Duración: 49min

    Are you more critical or complimentary of yourself, of life and others? With your thoughts, words and attention, are you promoting more possibility or more problems? Are you ready to shift away from your stress and S-T-R-E-T-C-H into the supreme satisfaction of self-selected expansion and success? We are alive to thrive through and beyond stress, and that state of thriving doesn't deprive anyone else of anything! In fact, as we choose to thrive while the world around us appears to be stressed, we support the amplification of our entire planet thriving!If you are reading this now, or if you listen to a show like mine, it is clear that you were born to change this world! You are alive to participate in the creation of new earth as a wayshower; a pioneer of consciousness. You are here to pronounce and proclaim pure possibility, no matter what the circumstances around you may reflect. The stress that we incur is but an opportunity to stretch our consciousness and announce, declare, pronounce and proclaim a grand

  • The Significance of Circulating Energy! MONUMENTAL Healing Happens in the FLOW 02/22/17

    22/02/2017 Duración: 56min

    Monumental clarity, flow and healing happens when we realize and practice the soulFULL art of circulating energy. As we practice consciously directing the flow of energy within us through choice, breathwork, meditation and clear/purposeful intention, we cultivate our capacity for clearing the pathways within us. This flow supports us in making deliberate decisions in our day-to-day lives. Conscious choices correlate to clear rewards. Clearly circulating (rather than stagnant) energy cultivates a state of being that allows us to translate and interpret the infinite living library of energy and information contained withIN us in new ways. It supports us in remembering and accessing our divine cosmic heritage. As we step into the flow, we are given the symbolic keys to access the codes to our multi dimensional selves. This inner library carries and contains vast amounts of information, light, knowledge and memory. The essence of INNERstanding our true essence requires a clear open flow and circulation of energy

  • Are You THRIVING in LOVE or Depriving Yourself of LOVE?02/15/17

    15/02/2017 Duración: 55min

    Are you addicted to LOVE? What kind of love? We can easily become addicted (positively or negatively) to patterns of love that either keep us thriving in love or enduring cycles of depriving ourselves of it! I’ll be speaking about love in all forms; self-love, intimate/romantic love, and love for ALL. After this show, you will gain clarity on whether you most often *dismiss and doubt* love or *celebrate and magnetize* it into your experience! Join me LIVE for this brand new empowering show designed to ignite the light of love in all areas of your life!

  • Are YOU committed to YOU? The Significance of Self-Care for the SOUL! 02/08/17

    08/02/2017 Duración: 56min

    You deserve to make YOURSELF a priority beginning NOW. Your divinely designed role as a being of LIGHT in physical form is to claim responsibility for your focus, your creations, your radiance, your energy field, and your dedication to nurturing yourself with love in each moment. It's not only a role you select, it is a GIFT you offer yourself in this ever-evolving, ever-expanding journey of evolution.It is entirely up to us to choose to live from the heart space and give ourselves the immense love, compassion, tenderness, respect, kindness, and care that we are so worthy and deserving of! WE DON'T HAVE TO EARN THE RIGHT to give ourselves this high level of self honor and attention. It is our birthright.NOW is the time to lightIN your energetic load! It's time to shift from fear, doubt, self-judgment, lack and limitation into LIGHT. It's time to commit to YOU fully. No more compromising your personal power. No more putting yourself last. No more disregarding your intuition. No more suppressing your voice. It'

  • Is the Universe Really INSIDE US? 02/01/17

    01/02/2017 Duración: 54min

    We have forgotten the totality of who we are! Are You in Resonance to Receive the full majesty that is divinely YOU? Are you ready to live life beyond the limitations of the matrix and activate the universe within you? Are you ready to be a conscious participant rather than a passive participant in the evolution of your experience? Are you ready to fully explore the unified quantum field that we all abide within that begins and ends inside of you?This show is dedicated to helping you remember your grand divine nature. Remember- you hold the keys to your inner kingdom and your consciousness mansion! Enlightenment is but a state of coming into harmony and balance with all aspects of yourself. It's merging with all fragments of your divine essence in the most harmonious beautiful ways. NOW is the time to activate and jumpstart our dimensional merging and blending capacities so that we begin to see, hear, feel, realize, remember and embody the totality of who we are! The universe truly dwells withIN us, not outsi


    25/01/2017 Duración: 56min

    Are You Ready for a Breakthrough Experience? When we fight against life, we completely exhaust ourselves. There's another option...Are you ready to open into a brand-new frontier of existence? Are you ready to allow yourself entry into a new portal of clear perception? Are you ready to experience the sweetness of sovereignty in its purest embodied state? Are you ready to contribute your light even when (and especially when) it feels the most challenging to shine? Even when your ego is instigated to fight, defend protest and explain?The crumbling of the old and the creation of the new occurs as we surrender and shine our light rather than clash and fight. When instead of protesting against anything or anyone we devote our time and love and attention to everything that we are FOR! That decision is one of the greatest breakthroughs we can experience again and again and again as that decision is selected every new day. The way that we choose to view everything that we see contributes to either a breakthrough or b

  • The Power of Proclamation: What are YOU Proclaiming? 01/18/17

    18/01/2017 Duración: 57min

    Pay attention to your personal pipeline of proclamations! You can very purposefully position yourself in the absolute presence and power of prosperity with inner and outer proclamations that support your ever-expanding personal universe! Are You Proclaiming Peace and Prosperity or the Opposite?Are You Proclaiming MORE thoughts and ideas about your Desires and Dreams or are you Proclaiming more thoughts about Doubt and Discord? Do you more consistently proclaim Wellness or Sickness? Chaos or clarity? Each moment is a new creative choice point. We are creating again and again and again. Our personal proclamations (inner/vibrational and outer/verbal) serve as the fuel and the building blocks of our creations. The magnitude of our realized potential lies in direct proportion to our proclamations! When we proclaim promise, possibility, purpose, and passion our potential expands! This show is dedicated to YOU expanding your creative potential by reminding you of one of the most valuable tools that you possess withi

  • New Year; New You! It's time for an Empowerment Upgrade! 01/11/17

    11/01/2017 Duración: 57min

    This is the year for doubt-FREE dream-FULL desires that reflect your highest aspirations for yourself and your life to be realized! Now is the time to truly capture the essence of the totality of what you wish to experience this year. There is a new you ready to emerge. There are new nuggets of an EXPANDED YOU waiting to shine and be expressed in this world, and what better time than now to allow this greatest version of you to come forth!It's time to allow the revelations and realizations of the past year to ignite the clearest, most empowered you to lead the way as you confidently venture forth into this new year! Lead the way into your record year; your record year for being recognized and received by yourself, first and foremost. Now is the time to let yourself BE all that you've become. What better time than now to emphasize the empowered, ecstatic, elated, illuminated genius that you've become AND diffuse the denial and doubt that devalues it? Now is the time to let yourself experience explosions of ecs


    04/01/2017 Duración: 55min

    This show is dedicated to building supportive new belief structures and perspectives that empower will us from the inside out! Authentic power is not found in rigidity; it is realized through flexibility and expansion. Authentic creative power is known when we focus on where we want to be, not where we are or where we've been. This kind of soulfully inspired power is progressive in nature. It is diminished when we look backward or blame. It is amplified when we focus on what is present rather than what is absent.Do your current beliefs add value to your life? Do they enhance or diminish your dreams and the manifestation of them? Beliefs are synonymous with thoughts, opinions and points of view. They are perceptions, and when consciously selected from a soul perspective, they are intended to give us wings! They are intended to liberate us so that we may venture FREE into new dynamic landscapes of life! We are NOT intended to live in a consciousness shack or bubble. We are intended to expand our wings, yet this

  • Ensuring Optimal Vitality & Radiant Health in the New Year! 12/29/16

    30/12/2016 Duración: 54min

    Experiencing physical vitality has always been a huge passion of mine, and on my conscious journey of spiritual awakening it has become even more of a vital component in my life because I know the importance of balance, blending, and honoring my physicality as well as my spirituality.From my perspective, vitality has ZERO to do with weight. It has everything to do with wellness; in body mind and spirit. Aren't you ready to activate and amplify new feelings of vitality for life and love, within you and in your physical body?Throughout life, our vibration is continually evolving. Our vibration determines the level of vitality that we embody and experience. So, as our vibration continues to evolve and expand so does our capacity for experiencing greater and greater levels of vitality!We are alive to optimize our physical experience as eternal souls inhabiting these physical bodies, and despite the challenges we come up against we ALWAYS have the option of optimizing the flow of vitality, no matter what condition


    23/12/2016 Duración: 56min

    Manifestation is not just about the materialization of things. Manifestation is a coalescing of energy; a merging and melding of energy that is taking place at all times. It can take physical form, but manifestation truly begins non-physically! Manifestation occurs in every moment. It's a thought. It's a feeling. It's a person. It's an interaction. It's a result. YES, it can be a thing, but manifestation happens from moment to moment as energy is activated, expressed, and then combined, felt, seen, known and blended!Manifestation is occurring NOW and NOW and NOW. It begins with an emotion. It is not something that occurs at some point in the future when a goal is realized. Energy is always in motion, and THAT is manifestation. The world around us is constantly cooperating with us! It is cooperating with the energy we are emitting, and it is magnetizing to us the perfect reflection of that energy. Life becomes more rewarding, fulfilling, amusing and entertaining (and fun!) when we practice flexing our manifest

  • Clutter Clearing from the Soul Perspective: Clearing Out the Old to Create Space for the NEW! 12/16/16

    16/12/2016 Duración: 57min

    This show is dedicated to an upgraded, enhanced understanding of the Power of Prayer from the Soul Perspective! PurposeFULL Progressive Prayer in the New Paradigm is rooted in an internally cultivated space of freedom and empowerment rather than fear, desperation and powerlessness.As we become very clear about prayer and how to practice it in its most empowering, purposeful way, we benefit the unfolding of our own journeys as well as the planet in ways that are far more effective than the lower frequency fear-based patterns of prayer from the old paradigm.We are alive at this time to usher in a new paradigm of peace, and it requires updating the way that we pray so that prayer is offered from a space of love, harmony and gratitude instead of fear, lack, doubt and insecurity. To be leaders in this upliftment of consciousness that we came here intending to be a part of, we have to do things in a new way -- including!

  • PurposeFULL Progressive Prayer in the New Paradigm!! 12/08/16

    09/12/2016 Duración: 56min

    This show is dedicated to an upgraded, enhanced understanding of the Power of Prayer from the Soul Perspective! PurposeFULL Progressive Prayer in the New Paradigm is rooted in an internally cultivated space of freedom and empowerment rather than fear, desperation and powerlessness.As we become very clear about prayer and how to practice it in its most empowering, purposeful way, we benefit the unfolding of our own journeys as well as the planet in ways that are far more effective than the lower frequency fear-based patterns of prayer from the old paradigm.We are alive at this time to usher in a new paradigm of peace, and it requires updating the way that we pray so that prayer is offered from a space of love, harmony and gratitude instead of fear, lack, doubt and insecurity. To be leaders in this upliftment of consciousness that we came here intending to be a part of, we have to do things in a new way -- including!

  • CONTINUAL CONSCIOUSNESS REFINEMENT: Clearing Inner Corruption for CLARITY in the Grand Creative Equation of LIFE!12/01/16

    01/12/2016 Duración: 56min

    The opportunity for soulFULL refinement and alignment has never been grander or greater! This is the new frontier! We are here to be change agents dismantling, disengaging and unraveling all the false notions and ideas inside us about who we are and about the world around us so we may ignite the light of remembrance and ignite the light of creative potential within us ALL! Now is the time to refine patterns and cycles to gently and easily begin to eliminate any toxic ways that have only support us is sustaining a slow and steady erosion of our alignment with who we really are! YES, time for new cycles and patterns as we bring to our awareness any steady practice of focusing on the things that are bothersome and that only perpetually corrupt us internally!Now is the time to shift from unconsciously supporting the amplification of a chain of pain and instead support and sustain a renewed, highly empowered pattern and cycle of liberation instead! Join me as I delve into the layers of this message with the intent

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