The Cari Murphy Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 423:11:04
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"The Cari Murphy Show Straight Talk For The Soul"is an internationally syndicated weekly hour long program hosted by Best Selling Author, Soul Success Coach, Celebrated Media Personality and Founder and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, Cari Murphy. This is your personal invitation to an abundant, prosperous and joyful life. This program can be likened to a weekly multi-vitamin for the body, mind and spirit. Cari conducts enlightening discussions devoted to personal transformation, unleashing one's creative potential, radiant health, spirituality, the evolution of the soul, global awakening, self improvement, personal success, energy healing and positive living. CONTACT CARI AT:, or 1-800-704-SOUL.



    20/09/2017 Duración: 01h44min

    LISTEN TO ALL SHOWS FREE AT WWW.STRAIGHTTALKFORTHESOUL.COM DEBORA WAYNE, founder of “The Pain Free Living Program™,” is an internationally known energy healer and pain-release specialist whose expertise is helping people to rapidly find and remove the hidden causes for Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue,Depression and Anxiety, Trauma, struggles with food, weight, emotional eating, addictions, and more. Many of Debora’s past clients have reported complete and total healing of severe pain symptoms and chronic conditions even though nothing else they had tried previously worked!Since her own “health wake-up call” over 30 years ago, Debora has been immersed both personally and professionally in the Healing Arts. Her life’s work unites both leading-edge science and spiritual healing, and features her revolutionary, non-invasive method known as Biofield Healing™ which has helped thousands of people worldwide to get their energy and lives back on track.Debora is the #1 Bestselling Author of “Why Do I Still Hurt? – Rapid


    14/09/2017 Duración: 01h45min

    Receive access to all calls at www.StraightTalkfortheSoul.comEthann Fox always had a feeling that he had a gift with energy. From an early age and through his adult years in the business and financial world, he had an intense knowing that he could help people and never walked away from someone in need. Simultaneously, he walked the spiritual world, eventually becoming an accomplished astrologer and numerologist. Yet his logical, left brained mindset left him very skeptical of his energetic healing ability. He had dismissed many unusual and profound healing experiences as coincidence, until 1997 when a series of unmistakable events finally began to convince him. His belief was further confirmed upon meeting Barb Morey, a gifted aura reader who’s abilities can be compared to those of the late, Edgar Cayce. What she saw in his aura that day sent Ethann on a quest to better understand his gift through a series of experiments and study groups. Suddenly, many of th e unusual life experiences he had lived made compl


    06/09/2017 Duración: 02h03s

    Realize your connection to Lemuria, Lemurian values and energy of love, acceptance, beauty, wonder and creativity, as well as and how to remember and re-develop those traits within yourself again as we co-create ourselves and our planet back to a place of harmony and peace.Lemuria is an ancient civilization said to have existed previous to and concurrently with Atlantis in what is now the Pacific Ocean, including the Hawaiian Islands, Easter Islands, New Zealand, the Maldive Islands, and perhaps beyond. It was an idyllic culture where people honored each other, and all beings and lived a life of spiritual and creative pursuits in harmony with on another.The priestesses came to SanRa in meditation in 2011and explained that they were a priestess circle that lived in Lemuria and that she was one of them. They told SanRa that she was the only one of them still in physical form and that they wanted to work together again to bring back to the Earth the predominantly feminine Lemurian values of beauty, truth, cooper

  • Lakshmi Light: Become the Radiant beacon of Prosperity with CARI &; Christel Hughes!

    17/08/2017 Duración: 02h37s

    Are you ready to become the RADIANT BEING OF PROSPERITY YOU ARE MEANT TO BE?In this powerfully illuminating call, we feel the abundant light and love of Goddess Lakshmi and swim in the frequencies of her light! Christel will also be doing mini intuitive readings identifying your #1 prosperity block! She is also doing mini reading in our facebook community at Christel Hughes is an international Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, Medium and Multi-dimensional Visionary, specializing in self-development, energetic healing and rapid transformation for individuals throughout the World. Most people know Christel for her lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings that unlock your Truth and immediately transform you energetically. Christel's purpose is to bring and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth. TO GAIN ACCESS TO ALL CALLS SUBCRIBE TO THE SERIES FREE To access Christel's Incredi

  • Cosmic Ascension, Advanced DNA Upgrades, Energy Updates and MORE!

    09/08/2017 Duración: 02h29min

    Go to to register free and gain access to all shows! Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a globally recognized Author, Transformational Speaker, Teacher, Coach, WayShower/Guide, New Earth Physical Ascension & Empowerment Guide assisting others in Awakening To Remembering fully and Living Mastery from within. As an embodied Ascended Master & Ancient Key-Code-Holder for NEW Earth, she brings forth higher consciousness wisdom and knowledge to empower all ready to embrace their own Quantum Existence now.As a highly respected visionary, sage, oracle, and re-educator through higher consciousness existence, Lisa is regarded as an expert on the Crystalline LightBody Evolution, Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Energy Mastery and NEW Earth Existence NOW. She shares from her own experiences and works through the unified field as love with a focus on transformation and expansion beyond one’s current physical reality. All of her works are Light Encoded to activate and raise the vibration

  • Multi-Dimensional Healing, DNA Upgrades &Igniting Your Gifts from Cari and Audrey LightLanguage!

    02/08/2017 Duración: 02h03min

    Audrey Light Language is a New York-based energy worker, light language speaker, and divine channel. She is celebrated as a ‘healer to the healers’ from ‘time before time,’ and was a vessel for Spirit to birth forth a new octave for humanity and Gaia. Audrey has worked with clients in person in the NYC area and all over the world via Skype or phone for: light language healing, the language of the Akash, channeled messages from higher beings, sacred key codes and your own personal list of ascension numbers, and DNA awakening- all extremely powerful healings and activations that occur on multiple levels. She has been featured many times at the NEWLIFE Expo in NYC- America’s largest mind, body, and spirit expo- alongside renowned healers/speakers like Judy Satori, Jay Emmanuel, Jodi Serota, and others, and has shared her work at the Edgar Cayce Center, the META Center, and more. This is healing without the smoke & mirrors- healing through the illusions, to the truth.Audrey speaks the Languages of Light as we

  • Divine Messages from Mary Magdalene with Cari and JUDY SATORI!

    26/07/2017 Duración: 02h16min

    Judy Satori is a multi-dimensional story teller; a catalyst and activator for Spirit. Her role is to transmit energy words of new creation, designed to switch on more of our human 12-strand DNA genetic code.Her spiritual purpose is to help usher in a new beginning and a new way for life for us on Earth. She is an energy conduit for Spirit, a step down transformer between Heaven and Earth, Source and Soul. Her mission is to activate human potential in a way that has previously been impossible. Now that the Earth has shifted to the faster pulsating energy of the fifth dimension, human beings can begin to be energetically recreated to return to the ‘perfected pattern’ that is our birthright. Streams of light, energy and most importantly sound flow through Judy that generate peace and love in those exposed to her work. These transmissions also activate specific changes to the human genome – the DNA instructions for human life creation, activate previously dormant soul and human mind power potential and enhance ph


    19/07/2017 Duración: 01h27min

    Dr. Sue Morter is an internationally known authority on bridging science, spirit and human possibility. Through her seminars, retreats and presentations she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy medicine; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery; the sole purpose and practical living.Dr. Sue’s visionary model and techniques ignite an entirely new approach to living in creative genius and personal freedom through the embodiment of high-frequency energy patterns. Her body of work draws from her experience as a doctor for over 30 years, inspiration from a life-changing awakening during meditation, and her personal passion for cracking the code of life itself. Her greatest joy is sharing her discoveries with others.Far too often concepts like stress, pressure, and deadlines determine daily experiences and diffuse efforts of maintaining a balanced life. Through Dr. Sue’s healing messages and techniques, individuals are able to bridge the worlds of spirituality and practical livi

  • Hidden Truths of the Rishi's Immortal Path! Energy TRANSCENDENCE AND LIBERATION

    12/07/2017 Duración: 01h55min

    Akasha Sananda has been in the healing arts since the age of fifteen and has served in over thirty different countries as a world teacher. His mission is to humbly serve and assist humanity in becoming fully realized and to obtain liberation as free, sovereign beings.Known as a ‘Liberator’, Akasha has attained spiritual liberation under the mentorship of the Himalayan yogi Babaji Nagaraj. Since this time Akasha has continued to be contacted by both Babaji and two Himalayan Rishi’s known as Boganathar and Agastya. These Himalayan Masters are highly evolved immortal beings, who have transcended the elemental nature of gross matter and are the pure embodiment of source consciousness. High initiation from the Rishi’s led Akasha around the world to learn many sacred traditions and ancient wisdom while uncovering hidden truths of the immortal path. It is only recently that Akasha Sananda has been given permission to share the ancient wisdom of the Rishi’s and Immortal path. He serves this purpose through his life e


    05/07/2017 Duración: 01h47min

    Jarrad Hewett is the Best-Selling Author of Love, Life, God: The Journey of Creation as well as the co-author of the International #1 Best-Selling The Big E – Everything is Energy: Unleashing The Power of Everyday Wisdom. His new book, The Gospel of You: The Truth About God, Religion, and Who You Really Are is available now.Jarrad’s in-depth energy work has led to 3 Best-Selling books, regular radio show appearances, and a devoted client list featuring some of the biggest and most well-known names in the Self-Help and Spiritual Movements.

  • Ascension Support from The Lemurians and the Multi-Dimensional Beings of Telos 06/28/17

    28/06/2017 Duración: 01h54min

    Spiritual Guide and Channel for the LemuriansLorie is an ascension guide and a high council channel for the multi-dimensional beings inside Telos, the Lemurian city of light within Mount Shasta. Her mission is to gracefully guide humanity into the fifth dimension. Through her direct guidance from her Higher Self along with her channeled communication with the beings inside Telos, Lorie guides people through the ascension, activating their light bodies, healing old patterns and beliefs systems and awakening the divinity within. She offers teachings on ascension, multi-dimensional living and transitioning into the fifth dimension.Lorie new at the age of 13 that she was here to assist humanity through the ascension. It wasn’t until 1992 while on a retreat in Mount Shasta, she was introduced to Telos and met Adama, High Priest of Telos. It was during this retreat she was shown her role in the ascension. She was here to introduce Telos to humanity and to bring humanity into Telos; essentially bridging these two re


    23/06/2017 Duración: 01h49min

    Amma Sophia is a High Priestess of Sonic Alchemy, Sound and Vibration. The gift of her voice was given to her by direct transmission from the Beloved Sophia. Never having the ability to sing before it was a true miracle when the intonations of the Dove, Shekina Sophia came through her on Cathedral Rock in Sedona AZ. She is a gifted reader of the Akashic Records and specializes in Sonic Rose Alchemy, Soul Essence Readings and Akashic Clearing. Her psychic abilities are astounding. She embraces her shamanic nature integrating the shadow and the light. She is a true alchemist and has a gift for piercing through the veil of illusion. Her passion for dance, sacred breath, music, poetry, and vibrational activation allow her to share as a divine conduit of universal love.Her journey of initiation began at age 30 when she followed her spirit to sacred sites around the Earth. With trust of her intuition and faith in the universe, she was lead to Master Teachers, Sacred Sites, Mystics, and Healers around the

  • 360 Degrees of Abundance in ALL Areas of Your Life with Mas Sajady and Cari! 06/07/17

    08/06/2017 Duración: 01h24min

    Tune into this powerful call with Mas Sajady from Cari's Straight Talk for the Soul Series! To hear it in its entirety or listen to ALL calls, register FREE at StraightTalkfortheSoul.comAfter his second near death experience, Mas Sajady was gifted with intuitive and healing abilities so remarkably potent that he was soon likened to some of the most significant healers in history. Mas works on the core frequency level to help redesign and reprogram your blueprint, materializing fast and tangible results and manifesting abundance in all areas of life. Thousands around the world have transformed their lives after just one or a few sessions with Mas. “Change your frequency, change your life,” shares Mas.Mas Sajady has always been intuitively gifted. Like many others, he tried to hide or ignore his highly intuitive nature so he could “fit in”. It is for this reason Mas has always strongly advised parents to support children who have similar affinities. It literally took Mas two near death experiences to awaken

  • The Power of Proclamation: What are YOU Proclaiming? 01/18/17

    01/06/2017 Duración: 57min

    Pay attention to your personal pipeline of proclamations! You can very purposefully position yourself in the absolute presence and power of prosperity with inner and outer proclamations that support your ever-expanding personal universe! Are You Proclaiming Peace and Prosperity or the Opposite?Are You Proclaiming MORE thoughts and ideas about your Desires and Dreams or are you Proclaiming more thoughts about Doubt and Discord? Do you more consistently proclaim Wellness or Sickness? Chaos or clarity? Each moment is a new creative choice point. We are creating again and again and again. Our personal proclamations (inner/vibrational and outer/verbal) serve as the fuel and the building blocks of our creations. The magnitude of our realized potential lies in direct proportion to our proclamations! When we proclaim promise, possibility, purpose, and passion our potential expands! This show is dedicated to YOU expanding your creative potential by reminding you of one of the most valuable tools that you possess withi

  • Riding the Waves of Life from the Soul Perspective 05/24/17

    24/05/2017 Duración: 53min

    The adventure and journey of this lifetime will always include waves of emotion and waves of challenge. It is our self-selected approach to riding these waves that determines the quality of our lives. We can either ride WITH the waves or fight against them and get pummeled energetically each and every time.There is a divinely designed gift from every wave. That gift is clarity. When we EXPAND OUR PERSPECTIVE and seek the covered jewel and gift from every wave of experience, we emerge with greater strength, confidence and empowerment. We clarify the ways we wish to respond to life. We get clear on what we will tolerate or not tolerate. We realize the infinite blessings of self love, self nurturing and self trust. We can ride every wave of experience with clarity or confusion; the choice is ours. The peaks of the highs and the depths of the lows are self-selected.My intention with this show is to inspire you to remain balanced and centered no matter what is going on within you or around you by consciously choos


    17/05/2017 Duración: 01h38min

    In 1990 Nora picked up her first deck of tarot cards after a reader suggested to her that she might benefit from them. This had only confirmed a desire that she had felt since childhood, a desire to reach beyond the physical, to reach into other realms, to experience a connection. She began working with her deck on a daily basis, diving into the tarot, the imagery, and the feelings provoked by those images. Soon she began reading friends and relatives, as she deepened her connections and divination abilities.In 1996 Nora established conscious contact with The Pleiadians and her spirit guides which triggered an awakening of her abilities and gave her access to her own records. She now channels a multitude of high vibrational beings, including The Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, Calliandra, and The Lyrans/Lemurians. In 2007 she began receiving information sharing specific techniques and technology to facilitate the integration of the fifth dimensional identity and the re-ascension process and that has become the


    10/05/2017 Duración: 01h42min

    Listen in to this powerful interview with MATT KAHN from my Straight Talk for the Soul Global Masterclass Series! To listen to this interview in its entirety (as well as numerous others), please register FREE for the series at and you will be supplied with complimentary replays from all of our calls plus a bonus gift package valued at over $5000!Matt Kahn is a spiritual teacher, mystic, and intuitive healer. His spontaneous awakening arose out of an out-of-body experience at the age of 8, and his direct experiences with ascended masters and archangels throughout his life. Using his highly attuned intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt serves as a bridge between the mystical realms and the journey of awakening. Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, unexplainable physical and emotional healings, and have awakened to their true nature through Matt’s profound and loving teachings, and transmission of sacred heart wisdom. When intuitively

  • Embodying Crystalline Consciousness with Cari and Sandra Walter! 05/03/17

    03/05/2017 Duración: 02h14min

    Listen in to this powerful interview with Wayshower, Gatekeeper and Ascension Guide Sandra Walter from my Straight Talk for the Soul Global Masterclass Series!To listen to this interview in its entirety, please register FREE for the series at and you will be supplied with complimentary replays from all of our calls. Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper who serves the Light Intelligence of Source and the Shift in Consciousness on Gaia.As an Interdimensional Liaison since 1999, Sandra assists awakened HUmans through writings, videos and creations focused on the Shift, and the comprehensive Ascension Path online training class. She is a member of the Pleiadian-Sirian alliance, and receives regular Ascension updates from them as well as Archangelics, Masters and Galactics in Service to the Ascension. Sandra is not associated with the GFL, I AM activity, or any new age organization.Sandra shares information as a contactee and conduit to empower, inspire and ac

  • Riding the Waves of Life from the Soul Perspective 04/26/17

    26/04/2017 Duración: 53min

    The adventure and journey of this lifetime will always include waves of emotion and waves of challenge. It is our self-selected approach to riding these waves that determines the quality of our lives. We can either ride WITH the waves or fight against them and get pummeled energetically each and every time.There is a divinely designed gift from every wave. That gift is clarity. When we EXPAND OUR PERSPECTIVE and seek the covered jewel and gift from every wave of experience, we emerge with greater strength, confidence and empowerment. We clarify the ways we wish to respond to life. We get clear on what we will tolerate or not tolerate. We realize the infinite blessings of self love, self nurturing and self trust. We can ride every wave of experience with clarity or confusion; the choice is ours. The peaks of the highs and the depths of the lows are self-selected.My intention with this show is to inspire you to remain balanced and centered no matter what is going on within you or around you by consciously choos


    19/04/2017 Duración: 55min

    What if you could really feel more bliss, ecstasy and harmony than ever before, starting today?What if you could activate a self-selected state of harmony and actually insert that option into your daily life beginning now?You are the Master Builder of your very own consciousness mansion you can begin to activate and anchor new empowering thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviors with the power of your focus and intentions.Aren’t you ready to align yourself with every amazing possibility available to you and instantly elevate your entire experience of health, wealth, dynamic prosperity and love?Join Cari at 1:00 p.m. Pacific and get inspired!

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