The Cari Murphy Show



"The Cari Murphy Show Straight Talk For The Soul"is an internationally syndicated weekly hour long program hosted by Best Selling Author, Soul Success Coach, Celebrated Media Personality and Founder and CEO of Empowerment Coaching Solutions, Cari Murphy. This is your personal invitation to an abundant, prosperous and joyful life. This program can be likened to a weekly multi-vitamin for the body, mind and spirit. Cari conducts enlightening discussions devoted to personal transformation, unleashing one's creative potential, radiant health, spirituality, the evolution of the soul, global awakening, self improvement, personal success, energy healing and positive living. CONTACT CARI AT:, or 1-800-704-SOUL.



    28/02/2018 Duración: 52min

    Are you ready to transcend the trauma held inside of you and feel the creation of spaciousness within your consciousness? Are you ready to bring to your awareness any steady practice of focusing on the things that corrupt you internally? In doing so, you will bring them to the light. You will transcend them and expand the corridors and pathways of your consciousness! Our intention with this show is to make a shift from (unconsciously) supporting the amplification of a chain of pain and instead support and sustain a new empowered pattern and cycle of liberation instead! Now is the time to clear the accumulated inner clutter and corruption that has muddied up our natural connection with all that we are as divine beings of light; as multi dimensional Pillars of light! Join us to get illuminated - from the inside-out!


    19/02/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Would you like to create a body free of illness, dis-ease and limitation? To upgrade our consciousness and physical bodies, we must consciously begin to let go of the mental, emotional, speech, action and reactions distortions and patterns to bring us back into balance and harmony. We've all heard about the The Fountain of Youth, but where is it? This show is dedicated to not only identifying the location of the fountain of youth, but realizing its existence and allowing ourselves access to it at anytime. The fountain of youth resides within us. Its components are sourced from the energy we activate and allow to flowWe are dynamic beings capable of accessing an infinite supply of life force energy. We were born to become walking, talking, living miracles, conscious pioneers as we merge the physical and spiritual. Do you want to inhabit a self-rejuvenating, self-regenerating, ageless body? Do you want to experience markedly increased energy, improved endurance, improved sleep patterns, a calmer disposition, i


    15/02/2018 Duración: 51min

    Are YOU THRIVING in LOVE or depriving yourself of love? We can't thrive in love and deprive ourselves of it at the same time! Now is the time to evolve beyond the limitations you've created that keep you from love! It's time for a a re-union with your heart and a renewed connection with other hearts; a true connection with yourself, perhaps one that you've been denying, ignoring or avoiding for days, months or even years. Love and evolution go hand in hand. In fact, the word evolution contains the word love in it! The first four letters of the word evolve are the word LOVE spelled backwards. The two are inextricably linked! Without evolving the lens through which we perceive love, we cannot expand our experience of it!Once we claim our divinely designed role as:The source of our own love (or fear), joy (or sorrow), peace (or chaos), healing (or pain), nurturing (or avoidance), expression of passion (or suppression), vitality (or dis-ease), contentment (or discord), remembrance (or repression) and acceptance


    09/02/2018 Duración: 01h08s

    This show serves as a reminder from your soul to welcome new doorways of possibility and to welcome and embrace your option to upgrade and expand your life! Life is not happening to us; it is happening through us. It is a reflection of the conscious OR unconscious choices, deliberate or auto pilot choices that we are making from moment to moment. Will You Choose to Remember Your Radiance?Will You Choose to Engage with and Activate Your Divine Essence? Will You Choose to Birth a New Expansive Blueprint?Will You Choose to Accelerate Your Availability to Abundance? Will You Choose to Propel Yourself into Higher Realms of Perception?Will You Choose to Access New, Expansive Levels of Consciousness?Will You Choose to Cultivate Your Capacity to Choose Consciously?Infinite Expansion Awaits YOU!

  • Remembering Your Divine Purpose! 01/31/18

    31/01/2018 Duración: 59min you feel aligned or completely out of sync with your divine purpose? Why are we really here? What is the point of existence? We are not alive to conform, feel confused, confined or condemned! We are alive to create! We are individual streams of consciousness (divine creative energy) simultaneously creating our realities side by side one another. Life is an invitation for souls to participate in the evolution of consciousness. We are eternal immortal beings expanding thought! We are intended to consciously utilize the infinite potential of our minds to create matter. We get to observe and witness the universe responding to our expansion of thought from moment to moment because what is consistently activated in our minds turns into matter! Join Cari and she delves into ideas and ways to actualize your highest potential as a sovereign creator; how to explore your creative potential as spirit in form!

  • The Fast Track and Formula for DREAMS Fulfilled: Selecting YOUR OPTIMAL TIMELINE & YOUR SOULS HIGHEST EXPRESSION FOR 2018! 01/24/18

    25/01/2018 Duración: 57min

    We are the pioneers of this expanding universe! Are you ready to highlight the highest truths and potential‘s as the false illusions of this reality are now being illuminated in the light? Are you ready to create a landscape for MIRACLES? Are you ready to Realize Your Brilliant Self & your Highest Soul Expression?Are you ready to push out all the density and acclimate to the highest frequencies that are now available to you? Are you ready to Merge and Align with the Timeline You Prefer? ( The ONE where dreams are manifested in your physical reality?) Are you ready to entrain yourself with the frequencies of expansion in as many moments as possible?Are you ready to see notice and embrace the higher spectrum of opportunities available to you in each moment? If you answered yes to any or all of those questions then this show is for you! We are such amazing limitless cosmic beings. We are the conduit’s for divine love on new earth, and we are here to release, clear,transmute, transcend, upgrade and upshift no

  • The Power of Proclamation: What are YOU Proclaiming? 01/17/18

    17/01/2018 Duración: 57min

    Pay attention to your personal pipeline of proclamations! You can very purposefully position yourself in the absolute presence and power of prosperity with inner and outer proclamations that support your ever-expanding personal universe! Are You Proclaiming Peace and Prosperity or the Opposite?Are You Proclaiming MORE thoughts and ideas about your Desires and Dreams or are you Proclaiming more thoughts about Doubt and Discord? Do you more consistently proclaim Wellness or Sickness? Chaos or clarity? Each moment is a new creative choice point. We are creating again and again and again. Our personal proclamations (inner/vibrational and outer/verbal) serve as the fuel and the building blocks of our creations. The magnitude of our realized potential lies in direct proportion to our proclamations! When we proclaim promise, possibility, purpose, and passion our potential expands! This show is dedicated to YOU expanding your creative potential by reminding you of one of the most valuable tools that you possess withi


    27/12/2017 Duración: 56min

    ATTRACT ABUNDANCE, SUCCESS AND LOVE WITH EMPOWERING THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS AND AN EMPOWERING NEW VOCABULARY!It is my intention that with the insights from this show your thoughts, words and emotions will begin to ignite infinite new pathways for prosperity and love to flow into your experience with grace and ease!You can choose to *Release Verbal Roadblocks* by adopting an *Empowering New Vocabulary!*Obstacles begin to vanish when you replace limiting thoughts, beliefs and words that serve as barriers to your joy with ones that allow for an ever-increasing stream of abundance in all forms to flow through! My intention with this show is to inspire you to adopt a brand new empowering vocabulary that will OPEN THE FLOODGATES to an infinite supply of inspiration, bliss, prosperity, money and love! By consciously directing your focus and selecting thoughts and words that empower and inspire you, your life must change and expand to reflect this!The spoken word has tremendous power. The way we describe the present deter

  • Prepare for the Great Cosmic Event o12/21/17

    21/12/2017 Duración: 01h35min

    REGISTER FREE FOR THE ENTIRE SERIES at or The Great Cosmic Event of the Winter Solstice is finally upon us! In this year of New Beginnings, we have been awaiting the culmination of the greatest infusion of light ever before seen on this planet to finally complete on December 21st. The Great Particle Convergence/Emergence that began as a powerful Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st is now coming to fruition bringing the fullness of all of its gifts to us, our Earth, the solar system, galaxy, Universe and beyond! This is an extraordinary opportunity for personal and collective enlightenment . Enlightened particles from the Galactic Heart and the Higher Dimensions of Creation are converging to weave together new timelines of divine perfection for us all.Are you ready to become All That You Can Be?FROM THIS SHOW YOU WILL:Receive LIVING TRANSMISSIONS from the Avatars, the Angelic Realms, The Cosmic Beings of Light, the Galactic and Universal Energies to a

  • Dropping the Energetic Barricades to Health, Wealth, Happiness and Love 12/13/17

    14/12/2017 Duración: 57min

    WWW.CARIMURPHY.COM/RADIO-SHOWWWW.STRAIGHTTALKFORTHESOUL.COM The holidays often highlight our challenges and barriers to connection, harmony, peace, abundance and love. This show is dedicated to recognizing the purposeful nature of everything we experience and illuminating the ways we contribute to the construction and building of present and future bridges OR barricades. We are always given the opportunity to respond to life from a more masterful perspective. We can build barriers in REACTION to our challenges or we can build bridges in RESPONSE to them. Are you energetically building bridges that lead to beauty and bountiful blessings or are you building barriers rooted in shame or blame that only keep you in bondage? Is YOUR consciousness pointed in a direction that supports the building of bridges or barriers in your experiences? Are you carrying old outdated beliefs about yourself, others and life that are blinding you from experiencing the optimal outcomes available to you? Our consciousness holds belief

  • Release Inner/Outer Toxicity to Realize Your Potential 12/06/17

    07/12/2017 Duración: 58min

    NOW is the time to SHINE THE SPOTLIGHT upon true, authentic expressions, authentic connections, and sincere heart felt, heart centered experiences that reflect our divine nature and all that is possible for us. We are actually changing our atomic structure and becoming the divine humans we are here to BE. To realize this expanded state of BE-ing, we must go through "layers of liberation" by freeing ourselves from everything that is in organic, unsupportive, chaotic and limiting. We must commit to transcending the shadows of unconsciousness within us and around us. We are being invited to do this with every challenging experience reflecting its own unique flavor of toxicity. Unraveling these layers gives access to the more highly illuminated states of consciousness available to us at this time. As long as we are entangled in thoughts, beliefs, relationships, connections and beliefs that are of an inorganic/ egoic/ unconscious level - not rooted in the heart- we support the creation of frequency fences that dis


    30/11/2017 Duración: 53min (another uplifting community to support you!)I am dedicated to providing avenues for expanded awareness. I am dedicated to answering the grand questions of life such as “who are we?”, “why are we here?”, “what is our souls heritage and what did we come to contribute to this planet?” I am committed to creating global communities for the purpose of supporting those who are ready and willing to live consciously for the purpose of creating personal and planetary change. It’s time to broaden the spectrum of information available to us and therefore it is my greatest intention to provide the most progressive insights that will assist us on our journeys. Today's show carries the intention to ignite your cosmic consciousness! We are made us stardust! We are pioneers dwelling in this phenomenal Milky Way Galaxy evolving in consciousness on a rapidly shifting planet. There are not only planetary themes and cycles being played out, but Cosmic, Galactic and Uni


    23/11/2017 Duración: 58min

    Give Yourself Permission to THRIVE! YES YOU ARE WORTHY!The kind of of “thriving” I will speak of is a state of being. It is not about the collection or accumulation of things. It is a state of being where we feel excited and exhilarated no matter what occurs outside of us. It is a consistent and deliberate choice to thrive NOW –no longer waiting for some point in the future where we perceive ourselves to be worthy of feeling FREE. This state of being is most easily realized when we remember our eternal identity; the source of all true authentic power, value, purpose and inspiration. It is my intention that by the end of the show you will have shifted your energetic set point to allow for greater thriving in all aspects of your life.Join our global listening family LIVE and let’s get inspired together! WWW.CARIMURPHY.COM


    15/11/2017 Duración: 53min

    Nothing in this universe is random or without meaning and purpose, including our pain and our challenges. Discernment is the dedicated discovery of the divine in our decisions. Pain can be seen as a gateway leading us into heightened states of empowerment. Discernment is equal to making clear dedicated decisions that are devoted to honoring who we are. Discernment is refined from our experiences as we learn how to directly perceive, translate, interpret and respond with crystal-clear clarity. Often times we have veils of illusion preventing us from soulfully seeing the divine truth in others or our experiences. In addition, we can unknowingly contract, repress, suppress and disengage from the very opportunities that are meant to set us free. The reality is that challenge is inevitable, yet empowerment is optional! Pain is inevitable, and yet prolonged suffering is optional. When we claim that as our truth, we become empowered rather than victimized by pain. Join Cari as she supports you in turning your pain i


    09/11/2017 Duración: 56min

    When your consciousness (INNER WORLD) expands, you will undoubtedly and rather quickly notice unlimited resources available to you! You will notice new streams of support, inspiration, love and potential available because you’ve created an inner landscape that allows for it; because you have cultivated your consciousness in such a way that it prepares you energetically to receive the magical blessings of life. Is it luck? Absolutely not! It is energy meeting energy. An open and receptive inner world meets an open receptive external reality. Luck is actually a very dis-empowering word that assigns responsibility for experiences outside of us, when in fact the quality of our experiences are entirely of our making, choosing and selecting.We attract or repel people, opportunities, situations, abundance or love with our consciousness, and with the thoughts, feelings, expressions, expectations and beliefs that make up the landscape of our consciousness. No landscape is set in stone. Our inner world is always fluid

  • Freedom is an INSIDE Job! 11/01/17

    01/11/2017 Duración: 54min

    Join the 3 million subscribed listeners for this brand new show with Cari!Anytime we look outside of us for something to produce freedom or to provide a solution, we approaching freedom from the outside in! Freedom of any kind (personal --relationship --financial --health) is realized when we cultivate feelings of thriving within us first instead of demanding that external things change to provide the solutions for our freedom or independence!We always have the option to thrive from a space of self cultivated freedom because in each moment we have the power to choose condemnation or compassion, love or fear, boredom or enthusiasm, victimization or empowerment, injustice or well-being, struggle or flow, doubt or determination, defense or accountability, stagnation or inspiration, shame or beauty, confusion or clarity, insecurity or confidence, ease or dis-ease, suffering or grace, happiness or hatred, blame or ownership, poverty or prosperity lack or abundance, resentment or freedom! We have the power to choos

  • SUPREME SELF EMPOWERMENT: Embracing Choice Points as Portals of Opportunity 10/25/17

    25/10/2017 Duración: 58min

    What is a choice point? A choice point is an opportunity that we claim in any given moment to select the reality we wish to step into. A choice point is a portal; a potential opening into a brand new arena of consciousness. Without awareness, we can easily forfeit, ignore or deny our creative potential and capacity to steer our lives in the direction of our choosing. This show serves as a reminder from your soul to welcome infinite possibility into your life! Life is not happening to us; it is happening through us. It is a reflection of the conscious OR unconscious choices that we are making from moment to moment. Supreme self empowerment is realized when we nurture our role as the grand "choosers" of our state of being and its corresponding realities. I invite you to launch into an expanded new playing field of awareness, creativity, joy, and love as we support one another in remembering our capacity to CHOOSE.Will You Choose to Remember Your Radiance?Will You Choose to Engage with and Activate Your Divine E

  • Clutter Clearing from the Soul Perspective: Clearing Out the Old to Create Space for the NEW! 10/18/17

    18/10/2017 Duración: 57min

    This show is dedicated to an upgraded, enhanced understanding of the Power of Prayer from the Soul Perspective! PurposeFULL Progressive Prayer in the New Paradigm is rooted in an internally cultivated space of freedom and empowerment rather than fear, desperation and powerlessness.As we become very clear about prayer and how to practice it in its most empowering, purposeful way, we benefit the unfolding of our own journeys as well as the planet in ways that are far more effective than the lower frequency fear-based patterns of prayer from the old paradigm.We are alive at this time to usher in a new paradigm of peace, and it requires updating the way that we pray so that prayer is offered from a space of love, harmony and gratitude instead of fear, lack, doubt and insecurity. To be leaders in this upliftment of consciousness that we came here intending to be a part of, we have to do things in a new way -- including!

  • NOW IS THE TIME! BE WILLING TO BE THE UNLIMITED VERSION OF YOU with Cari and Sherry Anshara! 10/11/17

    12/10/2017 Duración: 01h34min

    Get free access to all shows in this powerful series at Sherry Anshara, Founder of the Anshara Method, utilizes her experience and expertise as a Consciousness Expert, Medical Intuitive, and Spiritual Advisor as the foundation to her groundbreaking work with Cellular Memory. Sherry has been a successful business leader in the corporate world. After a near death experience in a devastating accident, Sherry’s life completely changed and she lost everything. Although life as she knew and loved it disappeared, this allowed her to conceive the process that the human body uses to internalize its external experiences. She saw how emotional information is physically embedded, how cellular memories are connected to negative belief systems, and how this process creates discomfort and disease. She was guided to create a method to release these memories. Despite the profound results, Sherry refuses to be called a “healer,” she has been described by many as “The Consciousness Expert.” She a

  • Ascension Support for Light Workers, Empaths & Healers with Cari and Tarek Bibi! 10/04/17

    04/10/2017 Duración: 01h40min

    Gain access to all calls in the series free at www.StraightTalkfortheSoul.comTarek Bliss Bibi is an Indigo Child. He has changed the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide. He works with business women and individuals on the spiritual path to help them Thrive Doing What They Love! He is a healers healer. Through his revolutionary Infinity Healing modality ,that is being recognized as one of the most powerful healing modalities out there, he is able to help his clients achieve and manifest their hearts desires with infinite ease and grace even if they have not been able to achieve their results elsewhere.Tarek Bibi, aka. Mr. Miraculous, a facilitator of inner transformation helps you transcend your emotional and psychological blocks at their core level to Live your Life Miraculously! Many of our blocks stem from childhood experiences and now they are manifesting in our relationships, businesses and health. He has been labeled an empath, indigo, a star seed, an earth angel, and a light worker. He earns the name

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