Public Speaking With David Murray



Public Speaking with David Murray is a weekly podcast where I share tips and techniques to help you take your public speaking to the next level. Each week I will share a new tip or technique which you can apply to your next speech or presentation to help boost your publicspeaking skills.


  • Let’s speak! with Mike Kettle: communication skills to deliver successful projects and for demanding clients – 028

    13/11/2018 Duración: 24min

    Allow me to introduce you to this week's guest Mike Kettle.  Mike is the Head of Housing Development at the City of London and is responsible for delivering an ambitious programme of affordable housing for the City. He talks about his experience of speaking at committees and his strategy for dealing with challenging questions. He tells us that if we don’t know the answer it is OK to say “I don’t know”. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: Mike shares his insights into the importance of being able to communicate your ideas in the workplace and how good communication is critical for project success. He shares his tops tips for delivering effective presentations. And, if you listen carefully, you will hear how he uses the fairy tale ‘The Elves And The Shoemaker’ to great effect. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you become a confident speaker and communicat

  • Two things to remember if you ‘Forget your words’ – 027

    06/11/2018 Duración: 02min

    If you ever worry that you won't be able to remember all of your speech and forget your words, this episode is here to help you with two great techniques. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: I call the first technique 'What to do if you forget your words'. It is something that can happen to all of us when we are standing in front of an audience. You get to a point in your speech but suddenly, you cannot remember what to say next. If this happens you should avoid looking at the ceiling or floor and instead maintain eye contact with your audience and therefore your connection with them. This will give you time to remember what you want to say next. I call the second technique 'The audience cannot read your mind’. And that's the secret. If you do miss out a bit of your speech, or jump ahead a little. The audience will never know.  So, simply pause... and continue. If you would like t

  • Two things you should do when ‘Preparing your talk’ – 026

    30/10/2018 Duración: 02min

    In this episode I share with you two tips that will help you when you are preparing for your next talk or even presentation at work. I call the first tip 'KISS'. When preparing your material always have your audience (the listener) in mind. You want to ensure your message is received loud and clear. You do this by removing any jargon or longer words from your content which may be difficult for the audience to understand. So think 'KISS' (Keep It Super Simple) when preparing your pitches, presentations and talks. I call the second tip 'Keeping to time'. Would you believe that time can be your biggest obstacle to delivering effective pitches, presentations and speeches. This is because there will always be an expectation that you deliver them within a specified time. If you run out of time, it is likely you will be asked to stop and you won't be able to finish. What do you do to make sure you don't run out of time and ruin all your hard work? Have a stopwatch ready and time yourself when practicing. If you w

  • Two ways to make you ‘Look and Feel confident’ – 025

    24/10/2018 Duración: 03min

    In this episode I share with you two techniques that will help you look and feel confident when delivering speeches and presentations. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: I call the first technique 'Calming your Nerves' and you can use this in your preparation before the big event. I guide you through an exercise where you focus on breathing and count your breaths. This can help you feel calm, centred and ready to deliver confident speeches and presentations. I call the second technique 'Confident Posture' and you can use this whilst you are delivering your speech or presentation. By simply having your hands out to your front and side, this will give you the appearance of someone who believes in what they are saying and is worth listening to. Try to avoid folding your arms, having your hands in your pockets and keeping your hands behind your back. The more open and confident your p

  • Let’s speak! with Jade Mountain: using language to lead others & motivate yourself – 024

    05/10/2018 Duración: 23min

    Allow me to introduce you to this week's guest Jade Mountain.  Jade has almost 20 years of experience in teaching, lecturing, leading & coaching and heads up a digital team in a University. She talks about the importance of using 'positive language' to help motivate & encourage yourself and others to achieve personal and business goals. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: She shares her experience of running ultra-marathons and how this taught her the importance of self compassion and that 'it is OK not to be perfect'. She shares her top tips on how to prepare and deliver online learning content, using video in your business and how to create a more active and customer-centric learning experience. In the next episode I will be sharing a breathing exercise that will help with nerves or when you are feeling overwhelmed. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to hel

  • How moving LEFT and RIGHT creates the ‘Timeline’ for your talk – 023

    30/09/2018 Duración: 01min

    In Episode 21 I shared how you can capture the imagination of the listener by adding stories to your pitches, presentations and talks. In today's episode I share with you a technique which will enhance your story-telling skills even further. Here it is.... Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: Picture standing in front of your audience and talking: a) When you talk about the PAST (e.g. a previous experience at work) move your body to the RIGHT. b) When you talk about the FUTURE (e.g. a future proposal at work) move your body to the LEFT. It is as easy as that. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you become a confident speaker and communicator you can download my free top tips booklet here: If you like this public speaking coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can

  • Let me help you solve the riddle of running out of ‘Time’ – 022

    26/09/2018 Duración: 01min

    Can you guess the answer to this riddle? "Sometimes you don't have enough of me! Sometimes you run out of me! Sometimes you have too much of me on your hands, but you cannot hold me. What am I?" Have you guessed? That's right...I am talking about 'TIME'. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: Time can be your biggest obstacle to delivering effective pitches, presentations and talks because there will always be an expectation that you deliver them within a specified time. What do you do? Have a stopwatch ready and listen to this week's top tip. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you become a confident speaker and communicator you can download my free top tips booklet here: If you like this public speaking coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more and

  • Capture the imagination of the listener by ‘Telling a story’- 021

    23/09/2018 Duración: 01min

    Remember how much you loved hearing stories when you were younger? I certainly did. Recall how you were captivated by the words that painted pictures and took you to new and exciting worlds within your imagination? Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: Did you know that by incorporating stories into your presentations or speeches, you create a deeper connection with the listener.  Stories offer a way for us to see things from a different perspective and are a powerful way to get your point across. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you become a confident speaker and communicator you can download my free top tips booklet here: If you like the podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with David at

  • Let’s speak! with Stephen R. Marriott: walking into a new life as an author and speaker – 020

    07/09/2018 Duración: 22min

    Allow me to introduce you to this week's guest Stephen R. Marriott. Stephen is a former investment professional and shares his deeply personal story of how he had the courage to leave the corporate world behind, went for a long walk and discovered a new life as an author and speaker. He talks about how he coped with being 'thrown in at the deep-end' when he suddenly had to speak to over 100 people at the launch of his first book. Although nervous to begin with, he shares how this experience taught him that 'he can do it'. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: Stephen's top tips for speakers are: 1) Add stories to your talks to make them more personal, 2) Move your body and use hand gestures to enhance your talks and to 'bring home the message', 3) Use eye contact to make you feel more confident and bring people into your talks'. If you would like to find out more about Stephen you ca

  • Want to speak but think you have nothing to talk about? Hear this! – 019

    28/08/2018 Duración: 01min

    So you want to stand up and speak but you are worried you have nothing to talk about. You have nothing to say. If you are ever struggling to find an idea to talk about, the answer is simple. Talk about what you know best, YOU! People do want to hear stories and the experiences of others. So never struggle for an idea again and simply speak about YOU! Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be talking with a public speaker. More info to follow. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with David at

  • Give the listener a gift by ‘tying a bow’ over your talk – 018

    21/08/2018 Duración: 01min

    We all like gifts, don't we? Well, here is a clever little technique for you to use when preparing to give your next talk. Give your listener a gift by 'tying a bow' over your talk. You do this by opening and ending with the same statement. This is a great way to show you have clearly thought about the structure of your talk, and boosts your talk in the memory of the listener. Do give it a try. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode, if you ever struggle to find an idea to give a speech about, I have something that will help you. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with David at

  • Open your presentations like this and people will want to listen – 017

    14/08/2018 Duración: 02min

    You want people to listen when you have put hard work into preparing your speech, or that work presentation, or even your big pitch. Am I right? You are going to want to jump straight in and start speaking, but if you do, the listener won't necessarily be ready to listen. Instead, follow my 3 steps to begin your speeches, presentations & pitches, and your listener will want to hear what you have to say: 1. Start with a pause, 2. Ask your listeners a question or ask them to imagine something, 3. Pause again. It is that simple. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be sharing a clever little technique for structuring your talks by 'tying a bow' over them. This is where you open and end with the same statement. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking co

  • Let’s speak! with Cornelia Fernandes: public speaking for your business – 016

    07/08/2018 Duración: 13min

    Allow me to introduce you to this week's guest Cornelia Fernandes. Cornelia is an entrepreneur who uses public speaking to effectively promote her business. She shares her insight into the importance of public speaking for both business and personal development. Her advice to anyone thinking about developing their speaking skills to promote their business is..."Just do it!" Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: If you would like to find out more about Cornelia and the work she does, you can connect with her at In the next episode I will be sharing my strategy for starting your speeches and presentations so that people want to hear what you have to say. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out more yo

  • How to use the ‘Power of 3’ to stand out from the crowd – 015

    29/07/2018 Duración: 01min

    You think of an inspirational speaker and they will use the 'Power of 3' in their speeches. The power of 3 is an effective way to A: Structure your speeches (think start/middle/end),   B: Share information in a way they helps you and the audience recall your message (e.g. my favourite foods are: 1. Pasta, 2. Fish, 3. Pineapple). C:  Makes your speech sound more structured, engaging and attractive from the viewpoint of the listener.  So do give it a try. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be talking with an entrepreneur who uses public speaking to effectively promote her business.  She shares her insight in to the importance of public speaking for both business and personal development. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident public speaker don’t forget to subscribe to this weekly public speaking coach

  • Don’t rush in to start speaking, Do use the ‘Power of the Pause’ – 014

    30/06/2018 Duración: 01min

    When you are feeling a bit nervous before delivering a presentation or public speaking, it is natural to want to get started as quickly as possible and get it over and done with. But if you do you are likely to rush and lose your way and will feel less confident. Instead, before speaking pause for a count of 4 or 6 breaths. This will give you an opportunity to get used to your surroundings, gather your thoughts and give you a confidence boost before speaking. Do give it a try. This is the 'power of the pause'. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be sharing a technique which will help you to stand out from the crowd. It is called 'The Power of 3'. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a confident public speaker don’t forget to subscribe to this weekly public speaking podcast. If you would like to find out more you

  • It’s going to be OK, ‘the audience cannot read your mind’ – 013

    23/06/2018 Duración: 01min

    Let me share with you something that you might just find surprising...'the audience cannot read your mind'. In this episode I share with you a strategy so that the audience will never notice if you have skipped ahead, or missed a bit out when you are public speaking or presenting. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be sharing a technique called the 'Power of the Pause' to help you feel confidence during your pitches, speeches and presentations. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a better public speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. You can also get in touch with David at

  • Let’s speak! with Adam Wells: from fear to love of public speaking – 012

    13/06/2018 Duración: 15min

    Let me introduce you to this week's guest Adam Wells. Adam is an experienced public speaker and he shares his story of how he took his fear of public speaking and turned it into a passion, where he now speaks regularly to large audiences. He shares his public speaking tips and insights for beginners and experienced public speakers. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: If you would like to find out more about Adam, you can connect with him at In the next episode I will be sharing something that you might find surprising... 'the audience cannot read your mind'. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a better public speaker don't forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with me at

  • The secret to connecting is to ‘Open your speech with a Question’ – 011

    08/06/2018 Duración: 01min

    When you are public speaking you don't have long to gain a connection with your audience. The opening of your speech has to engage them in a way that connects with their own personal experience. If you do this, then they will stay with you until the end of your speech and you will be remembered. A brilliant way of engaging your audience is to 'Open your speech with a question'.  Ask something of your audience and give them time to think about their own experience. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be talking with a public speaker who will be sharing his story on how we went from having a fear of public speaking to presenting to hundreds of people. He shares some top tips on how to be a great public speaker, whether you are a beginner or more experienced. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a better public spe

  • A ‘Mindfulness’ exercise to help prepare you to give a great speech – 010

    02/06/2018 Duración: 03min

    Public speaking can be scary. Even the most experienced of speakers will tell you that they get nervous before a speech. If we are not careful our nerves can take over and make us feel unprepared and cause us to panic when we are about to speak. In this episode I guide you through a 'Mindfulness'  exercise which you can use in the days and hours building up to delivering a speech. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be sharing a tip on how to engage your audience by opening your speech with a 'Question'. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a better public speaker don’t forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out more you can get in touch with David at

  • How a ‘KISS’ can simply ensure you are understood – 009

    26/05/2018 Duración: 01min

    You've done your research. You have practiced your speech. But how can you be sure your message is understood? In this episode you will hear a technique called 'KISS' (no, not that kind of kiss!). This type of KISS is the best way to guarantee your message is received loud and clear when delivering a pitch, presentation or speech. You do this by removing any jargon or longer words which may be difficult for the audience to understand. So think KISS (Keep It Super Simple) when preparing your pitches, presentations and speeches. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive monthly tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence. Please click me: In the next episode I will be sharing a 'Mindfulness' exercise which you can use when preparing for your next speech. If you would like to discover more public speaking tips and techniques to become a better public speaker don’t forget to subscribe to this public speaking coaching podcast. If you would like to find out mor

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