All Frontiers Are Jealous

A charming rogue, Dan Courtney is learning fast that it takes more than a little charm to lay the groundwork for a railroad. Particularly when the plan is to build it across...

The Dive Bomber

Lucky Martin is a daredevil of the skies—a test pilot who lives to break the rules and push the envelope. He’s a trailblazer—flying higher and faster than any pilot out...

The Black Sultan

Meet Eddie Moran, a slightly disreputable American cooling his heels in French Morocco. He's as smooth as they come, one step ahead of the game … and of the police. Who's after...

False Cargo

Insurance investigator Brent Calloway may be too hard-boiled to crack a smile, but he’ll go to any length to crack a case. Calloway’s about to go to extremes to see to it that...

Black Towers To Danger

Drilling for oil is a dirty business, and for Bill Murphy, it’s about to turn positively filthy. But Murphy’s as big and tough as his home state of Texas and he’s more than...

The Lieutenant Takes The Sky

American pilot Mike Malloy has learned his lesson: when you join the French Foreign Legion, it’s best not to wipe the floor with two French officers ... no matter how richly...

The Red Dragon

As a lieutenant in the US Marine Corps, Michael Stuart was once considered an officer and a gentleman. But that’s all changed. Now he’s seen as a renegade, a traitor and a...

Gun Boss Of Tumbleweed

Mart Kincaid may be the fastest gun in the state, but it does him no good—because his gun and his life are not his own. They belong to Gar Malone, the King of Concha Basin, a...

Danger In The Dark

Fortune hunter Billy Newman is not a man of great strength or physical courage—he gets by on his wit, wiles and good looks. And he’s had quite a good run—striking gold in...

Devil's Manhunt

In the Arizona territory, every mountain hides a fortune—and every man fends for himself. Tim Beckdolt, rangy and self-reliant, is as American as the frontier itself. But after...

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