Live Fearless: A Call To Power, Passion, And Purpose

Sadie Robertson, New York Times bestselling author and star of Dancing with the Stars, has an important message for her generation: you don’t have to be held back...

Auschwitz Lullaby: A Novel

Based on the true story of a brave German nurse tasked with caring for Auschwitz’s youngest prisoners, Auschwitz Lullaby brings to life the story of Helene...

No More Faking Fine: Ending The Pretending

Scripture reveals a God who meets us where we are, not where we pretend to be. No More Faking Fine is your invitation to get gut-level honest with God through the life-giving...

Miracle On Voodoo Mountain: A Young Woman's Remarkable Story Of Pushing Back The Darkness For The Children Of Haiti

"It took months of God waking me up in the middle of the night before I realized I was the one He was calling to leave my comfortable American life and move to Haiti."Miracle on...

Less Than Perfect: Broken Men And Women Of The Bible And What We Can Learn From Them

In Less Than Perfect, bestselling author Ann Spangler brings 38 of the most intriguing people of the Bible to life, helping us see how our spiritual ancestors were real human...

Wicked Women Of The Bible

Wicked Women of the Bible, by the bestselling author of Women of the Bible, Ann Spangler, tells the compelling and entertaining stories of more than twenty of the Bible’s most...


Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. Hamlet, hijo del difunto rey de Dinamarca, se siente melancólico y abatido por las cosas del mundo. Su madre se ha casado con Claudio...

Hamlet - Dramatizado

Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. Las circunstancias -y también la ambición, la envidia y el asesinato-  van a hacer que Hamlet y Ofelia, una pareja de enamorados...

Haberlas Haylas

Once aproximaciones al concepto de bruja a cual más hilarante, original, fresca y demoledora. En esta colección de relatos caben tantas brujas como guerreros fanfarrones,...

El Rey De Harlem

Con una cucharale arrancaba los ojos a los cocodrilosy golpeaba el trasero de los monos.Con una cuchara.Fuego de siempre dormía en los pedernalesy los escarabajos borrachos de...

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