The Civil Wars

While these things were going forward in Spain, Caius Trebonius, Caesar's lieutenant, who had been left to conduct the assault of Massilia, began to raise a mound, vineae, and...

The Civil Wars

Caesar, although he was not as yet at open enmity with him, determined neither to aid him by his influence nor openly oppose him on this occasion. But the consuls Lentulus and...

Ist Fasten Wirklich Gesund? : Hat P. A. Straubinger Recht?

Der Autor P. A. Straubinger hat mit seinem Buch “Der Jungbrunnen-Effekt” viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Er vertritt die Ansicht, dass Fasten zu einem gesünderen,...

On The Alexandrian War: De Bello Alexandrino

It is the translation of the famous book written by an officer of Julius Caesar that tells us about the war in Alexandria of 47 BC. and other episodes that happened immediately...

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