The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty



Welcome to The BodyLove Project Podcast, Im Jessi Haggerty a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Personal Trainer living in Boston and, your host! Each episode well dive into a different topic where we dig deep to develop a healthier relationship with your diet and body. In a nutshell, this podcast is about loving your body. Whether that means learning how to nourish your body with food, movement, meditation, or positive self talk. My hope is to help listeners take one step closer to mending their relationship with food and their body, so they can show up for the parts of their life that matter most.


  • Ep. 030: Isabel Foxen Duke on Emotional Eating and Size Justice

    12/07/2017 Duración: 01h25min

    Today's episode covers a lot of ground with a guest that is extremely fluent in the BodyLove Language. Isabel Foxen Duke is the Creator of Stop Fighting Food—a free video training program for women who want to "stop feeling crazy around food." After years of trying to overcome emotional eating, binge-eating and chronic weight-cycling through "traditional" and alternative approaches, Isabel discovered some radical new ways to get women over their "food issues" once and for all—not just by shifting the mindsets of individuals, but by challenging the dominant diet culture as a whole. A fixture and thought-leader in the greater body-positive movement, Isabel has been featured in the Huffington Post, Elle Magazine, XOJane, and has been praised by Ricki Lake. Her writing and free guide, How To Not Eat Cake, can be found at and you can watch her free video training series at Resources Jessi’s Free Intuitive Eating Audio Download BodyLove Project Patreon Page Isabel

  • Ep. 029: Meredith Noble on Building Resiliency Grieving the Thin Ideal

    05/07/2017 Duración: 55min

    Meredith Noble is a certified coach who helps plus-size people find food and body peace. Her practice combines Health at Every Size and intuitive eating philosophies with feminism and fat acceptance. With her compassion and expertise, her clients learn how to feel more comfortable in their skin, be at ease around food, and leave toxic diet culture behind. In this episode Meredith talks about how one doctor’s weight loss recommendation lead her down the road to disordered eating, body shame, and over exercise. It wasn’t until she discovered Health at Every Size that she was able to just live her life as a self-identified “small fat person”. After going through her own healing process, Meredith decided to dedicate her career to to helping people in plus-size bodies build resiliency in a world that favors small bodies and diet culture. Now, she does the work to help people heal on an individual level, and also works as an activist to help us heal on a cultural level.   Resources Jessi’s Free Intuitive Eating Au

  • Ep.027: Shira Brenner on Her Transition from Disordered Eating to Body Love

    21/06/2017 Duración: 01h16min

    In this episode we talk about:  How Shira experienced weight stigma as a child, and how that set her on a path to disordered eating. How she found dance and yoga in a dark and sad time in her life. And how it both made her feel both connected and disconnected to her body at the same time.   How she was suffering from anorexia for months, and simultaneously being praised by colleagues and friends on her “dedication”. How she worked with an eating disorder therapist and dietitian to help her recover. Join the conversation: Resources Jessi's Website + Free Intuitive Eating Audio Guide Shira's Website

  • Ep. 026: Emily Fonnesbeck on Orthorexia and the Big Problem with Elimination Diets

    14/06/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    One of my favorite things about hosting this podcast is my guests’ willingness to share their stories. Today’s guest, Emily Fonnesbeck, was so generous in sharing her personal history with orthorexia, and how her eating disorder recovery now informs her practice as a dietitian. Emily is a Registered Dietitian and her practice is in southern Utah. Here are some of the highlights from this episode:   Orthorexia   Orthorexia, directly translated means “perfect eating”. It is typically accompanied by a lot of food rules, elimination diets or “cleanses”, and an obsession with “clean” or “pure” eating. Emily talks about how her “functionally dysfunctional” relationship with food and exercise snowballed, overtime, into “full-blown” orthorexia. Orthorexia, combined with an exercise addiction lead to a pelvic stress fracture, a weak and fatigued body, and a slew of digestive issues (all of which are very common side effects of undereating and overexercising). Orthorexia, exercise addiction, and perfectionism are real

  • Ep. 025 The BodyLove Closet Clean Out - How to Clean Your Closet for Your TODAY Body.

    07/06/2017 Duración: 31min

    Read the full blog post:

  • Ep. 024: Meg Salvia on Eating Disorders and Diabetes

    31/05/2017 Duración: 01h03min

    Meg and I covered a lot of ground in this episode, but one of the most fascinating topics we covered was on this intersection of eating disorders and diabetes. Similarly to last week’s episode, the question comes up: which comes first? We don’t know the answer, but Meg delves into her theories, and how she actually works with clients with diabetes under the Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating, Weight Neutral model. Resources BodyLove Project Bonus Episode Jessi’s Nutrition & Movement Therapy Services Meg’s Website

  • Ep. 023: Lauren Adler Dear on Digestive Health and the Surprising Alternative to Elimination Diets

    24/05/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    My conversation with Lauren is chock full of amazing information about digestive health, and I have to say, we’ve barely scratched the surface! I think we need to do a follow up episode to dig even further. But, if you’re someone who’s suffered from digestive discomfort, you’ll likely find this information fascinating. In this episode we cover: The interesting intersection of eating disorders and digestive health. Many people who suffer from an eating disorder might also suffer from digestive issues. Alternatively, those with digestive health issues might try so many restrictive diets, that it can ultimately lead to an eating disorder or disordered eating pattern. IBS, what it is, how to get diagnosed, and two effective treatments you can try, under the supervision of a registered dietitian. Why “bloating” might not be as abnormal as you think. How hypnotherapy might be just as effective as following an elimination diet for IBS. Why (unfortunately) there is no one-size-fits-all model to correcting digestive

  • Ep 022: Paige Smathers on the Art of Nuance and Critical Thinking

    17/05/2017 Duración: 51min

    I was so excited when Paige and I scheduled her return to the BodyLove Project Podcast to talk about the practice our practices are centered around: nuance. It seems to be a lost art in our culture. We really like black and white, right and wrong thinking. It's easier to make a "yes" or "no" decision than to really spend some time formulating your own thoughts, based on your own values.  Here's a great example: Jake: Where do you want to go for dinner? Me: I'm not sure, what are you in the mood for? Jake: I'll eat anything. Me: Ok, what about Highland Kitchen? Jake: No.  And this goes on and on and on and on, until I finally list a place he agrees on. Now I know we are not the only couple that deals with this. But the moral of the story is, it's easier to answer a question when you're presented with two options, versus when you have to develop a thesis, support your thesis with research, and develop a conclusion.  In this episode Paige and I talk about... How to help open a larger conversation, avoid argumen

  • Ep. 021: Jennifer Rollin Gets REAL about Why We Try Gluten Free Diets for Depression, Brain Fog, and More

    10/05/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    A few months ago I connected with psychotherapist Jennifer Rollin in a professional Facebook group we're both in. We both happened to watch a particular interview with an MD who was promoting a pretty strict diet to "cure" depression. It didn't take much digging to find out that there is no substantial evidence to support this doctor's claims, and I thought it would be fun to have Jennifer on the podcast to really hone in on just how dangerous these messages are. My goal with this podcast is NOT to get you as a listener to buy into MY way of eating or moving. My goal is to help you think more critically about the health and wellness information you see out there and learn to become your own expert. Jessi’s Intuitive Eating Bonus Episode Jessi’s Nutrition & Movement Therapy Services Jennifer Rollin’s Website Jessi’s Menopause Article The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris DBT Skills Workbook

  • Ep. 020 BONUS: 10 Questions with Rachel Millner

    03/05/2017 Duración: 06min

  • Ep. 020: Rachel Millner on Being a Recovered Clinician

    03/05/2017 Duración: 59min

    Rachel Millner, Psy.D., CEDS is a licensed psychologist and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist.  She specializes in the treatment of all forms of eating disorders and practices from a Health at Every Size(R), weight neutral perspective.  She treats adults in her private practice in Bucks County, PA, and treats children and adolescents with eating disorders using Family Based Treatment at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Millner is the founding president of the Greater Philadelphia Chapter of IAEDP and is currently completing her Body Trust Certification(R) through the Be Nourished Training Institute in Portland, OR.  Resources Jessi’s Intuitive Eating Bonus Episode BodyLove Project Community Jessi’s Nutrition & Movement Therapy Services Rachel’s Website Fatso (book) Virgie Tovar Jes Baker Dances with Fat

  • Ep. 019 BONUS: 10 Questions with Barbara Spanjers

    26/04/2017 Duración: 13min

  • Ep. 019: Barbara Spanjers "Dieting is a Symptom of a Bigger Issue"

    26/04/2017 Duración: 58min

    Barbara Spanjers is a therapist and wellness coach who is hellbent on helping women banish the evil tag team of food-guilt and body-shame. She draws from a diverse educational and career background including media production, massage therapy, and psychotherapy. In her wellness coaching practice, Cake Is Magical Wellness, Barb takes a weight neutral approach to help her clients heal their relationship with food and their bodies. She offers a three-month program, Have Your CAKE (and Feel Peaceful, Too) to help clients move from a place of judgment and self-criticism to curiosity and self-compassion. For more information about the program, visit You can catch Barb at, where she infuses a sense of humor and irreverence into her writing. She fears no food (except beets) and loves to help others do the same. Resources Jessi’s Intuitive Eating Bonus Episode Jessi’s Nutrition & Movement Therapy Services Barbara’s Website Beauty Redefined Diet Survivo

  • Ep. 018 BONUS: 10 Questions with Nancy Clark

    19/04/2017 Duración: 03min

    Have a question you want me to ask my guests? Submit it by emailing

  • Ep. 018: Nancy Clark on the Intersection of Sports Nutrition and Eating Disorders

    19/04/2017 Duración: 51min

    A few months ago I was at an eating disorder conference here in Boston, and hanging out by myself at a post-conference networking event (can you tell I'm an introvert)? Then, I was greeted by another dietitian, who complimented my on my soft-looking sweater. I turned to introduce myself and asked... "and your name is?" "Nancy Clark", she responded.  I was super embarrassed in that moment one, because I've followed Nancy's career since I was an undergraduate in Nutrition, and didn't recognize her immediately, and two, because I got slightly giddy as I realized I was talking to her in person, one-on-one. It only took about 30 seconds of talking to her before I blurted out, "do you want to be on my podcast?!" She said yes, and here we are having an insightful discussion on the intersection of sports nutrition and eating disorders. Our conversation can benefit both recreational and professional athletes, and professionals who are working with both.  Resources BodyLove Project Bonus Episode Work with Jessi Nancy

  • Ep. 017: Katie Dalebout on Healing Through Journaling, Dealing with Bad Body Image Days, and Being Uncomfortable

    12/04/2017 Duración: 01h14min

    In this episode Katie shares her complicated relationship with food growing up and through college, and the tools she used to ultimately address the underlying issue: “I just didn’t know myself”. As a child she fell victim to the the issues our culture has with body image. She constantly found herself wanting to look like what she saw on TV and comparing herself to her friends. Her freshman year she gained some weight, and unintentionally lost it (and then some) while studying abroad. When she returned home she received positive feedback and validation for losing weight which motivated her to “keep going”. Katie continued to lose more and more weight by engaging in unhealthy behaviors that eventually spiraled out of control. After seeking guidance through self-help books, Katie stumbled onto journaling as a tool to help her express some of her deepest feelings, which eventually helped her heighten her self awareness and get to know herself better in the process. Journaling had such a profound affect on Katie,

  • Ep. 016: Megan Bray on Releasing Shame Through Sharing Her Recovery Story

    05/04/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    Today I am talking with Megan Bray. Megan is a Certified Eating Disorder Dietitian working for Food, Mind, Body Wellbeing in Australia. In this episode we talk about her own experience suffering from an eating disorder, and how her lived experience allows her to really empathize with her clients.   After recovering from her eating disorder, Megan eventually pursued a degree in nutrition and dietetics, but quickly realized she didn’t resonate with the traditional dietetics model. She found that her education was not looking at the big picture of supporting long term health and wellbeing and instead was more focused on a “quick fix”. It was at that point that she discovered Health At Every Size and Intuitive Eating as an alternative method to helping those struggling with food and eating issues. Now she uses her tools as a practitioner, combined with her lived experience to help her clients reach a full recover. has found that sharing her story can really help others. She explains to clients that this work is n

  • Ep. 015: Abbey Sharp on Orthorexia, Navigating Weight Gain, & Ditching FitBits, and More

    29/03/2017 Duración: 58min

    One exciting aspect of Abbey’s career as a registered dietitian is her Youtube channel, Abbey’s Kitchen. On this channel she debunks diet myths with the help of Diet Debbie, her diet crazed “alter ego”. At the beginning of this episode we touch upon a few hot topics in the diet world such as restricting to maintain weight, gluten free diets and some of the controversies behind wearable devices such as the Fitbit. Throughout the rest of the episode we talk about where Abbey is today in her career and the journey she followed to get there. She had never struggled with her weight or dieting until after high school when she was told by a naturopathic doctor she was allergic to ALL forms of sugar. At that point she developed a fear of food that ultimately lead to what is now known as orthorexia. Her biggest shift in her relationship with food came after she graduated college and began her career in food media. She quickly realized in this career she would not always have access to what she considered to be “clean

  • Ep. 014: Summer Innanen on Giving Up Dieting to Improve Your Self Worth

    22/03/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    As a Body Image Coach, Summer has an amazing perspective on body love and body acceptance. However, she hasn’t always had the privilege of being at peace with her own body. As a child she never felt comfortable in her body and grew up with the belief that thinner was better. This belief spiraled into an obsession with dieting, exercising and numerous weight loss attempts. At the time, Summer didn’t realize that she was struggling with exercise bulimia, a condition where you use exercise to compensate for eating, and described her obsession with exercises as an addiction. After struggling for years she sought professional help because ultimately her obsession was taking a physical and emotional toll on her body. Summer clarifies that it wasn’t necessarily the quantity of exercise that was the problem, but her relationship to exercise. For this reason disordered behavior in our society is so often overlooked. People do not realize it is more about the individual's thoughts rather than how that person looks. Sum

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