A monthly reading and conversation with the New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman.
Narrador: Francisco Fernández // Más audiolibros en: https://audiolibrosencastellano.com // Puedes apoyarme en: http://paypal.me/audiolibrosffj
Fresh Air from WHYY, the Peabody Award-winning weekday magazine of contemporary arts and issues, is one of public radio's most popular programs. Hosted by Terry Gross, the show...
Reseñas de libros, comentarios y discusión de temas relacionados con el mundo de la lectura. Acompaña a Bosco para conocer que tienen de bueno y de malo tus libros favoritos y...
Programa dedicado a la audición de relatos de suspense y misterio de autores clásicos en este tipo de literatura.
Kelly Writers House impresario Al Filreis leads a lively roundtable discussion of a single poem with a series of rotating guests including Linh Dinh, Randall Couch, Jessica...
Twice a week or so, the London Review Bookshop becomes a miniature auditorium in which authors talk about and read from their work, meet their readers and engage in lively debate...
En Casa de Tinieblas podrás encontrar relatos y novelas narrados con voz humana. Historias de terror, fantasía, ciencia ficción y misterio. Ven, acércate, y disfruta con la...
Enthusiast Jacke Wilson journeys through the history of literature, from ancient epics to contemporary classics.Find out more at historyofliterature.com and...
Literary interviews and discussions on the latest releases in the world of publishing, from poetry through to physics. Presented by Sam Leith.