One day, an ape named Kala finds a small human boy in the jungles of Africa. She names him Tarzan ("White skin" in ape language), and raises him as her own. In time, differences...
"I leave to others the decision as to the good or evil tendencies of my character..." These highly amusing memoirs by notorious womanizer Giacomo Casanova are quite possibly the...
"I could not procure a more agreeable pastime than to relate my own adventures, and to cause pleasant laughter amongst the good company listening to me."In this first volume of...
An imaginative, clever, and mischievous boy named Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn witness a murder in a graveyard and Tom is forced to testify against the murderer,...
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn attempts to solve a mysterious murder which takes them onboard a steamboat back to Arkansas, gets them tangled up with diamond thieves and the...
Having spent years scamming people, getting arrested, escaping justice and generally causing havoc on the continent of Europe, Casanova is looking around and finding that he is...
A gripping, suspenseful thriller from crime writer, Alex Caan, perfect for fans of Judith Cutler, J M Dalgliesh, and Lisa Stone.It was the wedding of the year. Millie Beaumont...
She’s your best friend. And your worst enemy...A gripping new thriller with a jaw-dropping twist, for fans of B.A. Paris, The Wife Between Us and Gone Girl.BethBeth is running...
Blood is thicker than water, the family bond stronger than any other.A gripping psychological thriller that will hook you from page one - the perfect read for fans of C.L. Taylor,...
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide - an electrifying, heartpounding, truly unputdownable thriller - a bestselling debut from talented newcomer, Gabriel Bergmoser. 'A truly...