Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe è stato uno dei più influenti scrittori americani, l'iniziatore del genere poliziesco, della letteratura dell'orrore e del giallo. I...

Allan Brito Podcast

Animação | Modelagem 3D | Jogos Digitais | Empreendedorismo | Multimídia

Edgar Allan Poe Poems by POE, Edgar Allan

Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849) is widely famed as one of the greatest writers of all time. He is best known for his works of horror, such as The Tell Tale Heart. However, and this...

Edgar Allan Poe Poems By Edgar Allan Poe

Best known for his scary tales, mystery and detective stories and imaginative fantasy stories, Edgar Allan Poe was also a gifted poet. He wrote more than 70 poems and almost all...

Contextualizando Kardec: Do Século Xix Ao Xxi

"Estudar Kardec pelo método de Kardec" é uma proposta instigante, tanto porque nos desafia a compreender com clareza o método por ele adotado quanto nos coloca diante de uma...

O melhor de Edgar Allan Poe

Ao longo de quase dois séculos, Edgar Allan Poe se consolidou como uma das maiores referências mundiais para o gênero do horror, contribuindo intensamente também com o modo de...

Allan Ramirez Freakmix Radio

Allan Ramirez it's a DJ and producer from Ibiza, presents FreakMix.It's a peculiar dj set, from the roots of the house music presents a journey through all its different variants...

Conversations With Allan Wolper

Hosted by Allan Wolper Audio biographies of people whose lives and ideas are on the cutting edge. Host Allan Wolper is a journalists journalist. A superb interviewer, radio and...

The Allan Mckay Podcast

Allan McKay is an award winning Visual Effects Supervisor and Technical Director in Hollywood - join Allan as he interviews many of the leading experts in Hollywood about their...

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