Shree Kalidass

Welcome to the Shree Kalidass podcast, where amazing things happen.

Anima Mea

Uma coletânea de poesias de cunho alvaresiano, uma imersão do século 21 no mundo obscuro e spleenetico do século 19, onde ao invés da musa inspiradora ser uma virgem pálida...

Anita’s Homecoming

The warm blood trickled over her fingers. His body contracted as he stared at her, a rattling sound passing his lips. Then his knees suddenly caved in and he collapsed in front of...

Anima Parlante

Eccoli: sei racconti come rappresentazioni letterarie al confine tra sogno e realtà, conscio ed inconscio, dimensione umana e dimensione spirituale. I personaggi di ogni...

Anita's Musings

Sharing to brighten a day. A wide variety of topics will be covered. Hoping you find the offerings uplifting and return often.

Annita Greece

If you are seeking for help. I can do it Counselor Cover art photo provided by Michael Olsen on Unsplash:

Sheree Speaks

Minister, teacher, life coach, speaker, writer and Mommy - Sheree Speaks On topics relevant to anyone ready to exercise their right as a spiritual being to live a healthy, happy,...

Martyrs' Shrine

Martyrs Shrine is the National Shrine to the Canadian Martyrs. This holy and historic site honours the eight Jesuit Saints who lived, worked, and died here over 350 years ago.

Novena Al Anima Sola Para Pedir Ayuda En Toda Necesidad Y Ser Liberado Del Dolor

Rezo de nueve días, rimado, para pedir ayuda en toda necesidad y ser liberado del dolor, al Ánima Sola. Incluye Oración Diaria y Copla para pedir la bendición del Ánima Sola.

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