Misalliance by SHAW, George Bernard

Misalliance, a 1910 play by George Bernard Shaw, is an ironic examination of the romantic entanglements of a varied group of people gathered at a wealthy mans country home on a...

Liegt Daniel Roth Falsch?: Ist Fasten Ungesund?

Der Autor Daniel Roth hat mit seinem Buch „Gesund und schlank durch Kurzzeitfasten“ viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt.Er behauptet, dass man durch das Kurzzeitfasten seine...

Salt & Light Radio With Stuart J. Roth

Stuart and Stephanie tackle our communitys most complex social, economic and spiritual issues.

Planet Bride With Henry And Michelle Roth

Great advice from wedding gown designers Henry and Michelle Roth.

Promoking Avec Marco Bernard De Productions Extrême

Promoking est un podcast qui sadresse aux entrepreneurs désireux de mieux promouvoir leur entreprise. Il livre des informations sur le domaine de la publicité par lobjet, les...

Major Barbara by SHAW, George Bernard

George Bernard Shaws Major Barbara focuses on the family of aristocratic Lady Britomart Undershaft and her estranged husband Andrew, a millionaire armaments manufacturer. Their...

Eli Roth And Lorenza Izzo: Meet The Filmmaker

Director Eli Roth and actor Lorenza Izzo talk about two of their recent films. Knock Knock stars Keanu Reeves as a husband and father who's home alone for a weekend and offers to...

Doctor's Dilemma, The by SHAW, George Bernard

The Doctors Dilemma is about Dr. Colenso Ridgeon, who has recently been knighted because of a miraculous new treatment he developed for tuberculosis. As his friends arrive to...

Mrs. Warren's Profession by SHAW, George Bernard

The story centers on the relationship between Mrs Kitty Warren, a rich woman, described by the author as on the whole, a genial and fairly presentable old blackguard of a woman...

Perfect Wagnerite, The by SHAW, George Bernard

The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on the Niblungs Ring (originally published London, 1898) is a philosophical commentary on Richard Wagners Der Ring des Nibelungen, by the Irish...

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