Dont Be Blasé

The Statler & Waldorf of debate discuss the most irrelevant topics in the worlds of sport, wrestling, hip hop & pop culture

Corbin Nazzl (aka N.stalin)

I am a musician and composer. Music engaged in 3 years when parents gave me a small study at the music school. Before your collection, which I started writing in 2008 and finished...


Quando não há tempo para poesia a poesia inventa um tempo. O tempo de uma música, o tempo de um cigarro, o tempo de uma cerveja apressada, o tempo do ônibus em uma parada, o...

Abram As Cortinas

O minilivro de Luiz Anthony traz poesias em estilo próprio, desde os mais variados temas de nosso cotidiano até fatos imaginários e recortes da realidade. Selecionadas entre os...

Coffin Road

Three went out in search of the Sound—Seeker, Teller, and Winder (though they weren't called that then). Only Teller returned, living long enough, just, to tell the Tale.

Cousin Phillis

Most critics agree that Cousin Phillis is Gaskell's crowning achievement in the short novel. The story is uncomplicated; its virtues are in the manner of its development and...

Cousin Henry

Indefer Jones is the aged squire, between seventy and eighty years of age, of a large manor, Llanfeare, in Carmarthen, Wales. His niece, Isabel Brodrick, has lived with him for...

Cousin Osmosis

A podcast where two cousins talk about media they've heard of through cultural osmosis.

Corvino's Podcast

No greater rush then getting in front of a crowd and just start doing your thing, vibing... For bookings and more inormation please contact ~ Much love!

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