Happy Birthday Dame


Death Dames Podcast

Each week, we cover your favorite dark and creepy stories, and pick apart the weird science and history behind them. True Crime/Science/History/Comedy Podcast. Hosted by Kimberly...

O Corcunda De Notre-dame

Victor Hugo, escritor e romancista francês, inspirado por Chateaubriand, escreveu em 1831 esta obra protagonizada pela Catedral Notre-Dame de Paris. Por meio da história de...

O Corcunda De Notre Dame

Seja bem-vindo a mais um grande clássico da literatura universal. O Corcunda de Notre Dame, uma das três obras-primas do genial escritor Victor Hugo. Nesta edição adaptada...

Notre-dame De Paris

Tra le opere più complete, toccanti e intimamente biografiche dell'intero Ottocento francese, questo capolavoro di Hugo si può leggere su tre diversi livelli di...

Notre-dame De Paris

Victor Marie Hugo (26 February 1802 – 22 May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. Hugo is considered to be one of the greatest and...

Dj Dame Williams

Dame Williams has solidified his position as an amplifying DJ of Philadelphia. A luminary affiliate of the world-renowned Scratch Academy, Dame has become a favored tastemaker for...

Notre Dame Stories

Notre Dame Stories highlights the work and knowledge of the University's faculty and students. This podcast will feature interviews with Notre Dame faculty members who can lend...

Podward Notre Dame

Tony Simeone is a live events producer with Fighting Irish Media. Jon Cotton is a video producer in FIM's feature productions group. Together they take listeners on an insider...

Dames And Dragons

Join us in our 5e Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast featuring an all lady cast, jokes, a mystery or two, and some fumbling attempts at heroism. On a floating island...

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