Dorothy Forster

Sir Walter Besant (14 August 1836 – 9 June 1901), was a novelist and historian. William Henry Besant was his brother, and another brother, Frank, was the husband of Annie...

Dominik Kova?ík

Welcome to Dominik Kova?ík, where amazing things happen.

Dominik Szafraski Podcast

Cze, jestem Dominik i dokumentuj swoje poszukiwania pasji i celu ycia. By moe zainspiruj Ci do zainteresowania si muzyk, programowaniem, grafik, biznesem, marketingiem lub czym co...

Flirten Neu Erleben - Dominik Bartl

Connect Coaching ist Dein Ansprechpartner für Persönlichkeitsentwicklung Flirt. Ich unterstütze Dich dabei, Deine beste Persönlichkeit zu entfalten und hier lernst Du, wie Du...

Howards End by FORSTER, E. M.

The book is about three families in England at the beginning of the twentieth century. The three families represent different gradations of the Edwardian middle class: the...

Der Network Marketing Podcast Mit Dominik Fürtbauer

Der Network Marketing Podcast von Dominik Fürtbauer ist ein Podcast für selbstständige Unternehmer, Vertriebler, Führungskräfte und Menschen, die wissen wollen, wie sie in...

Howards End By Edward M. Forster

It's sad, but true to say that today Edward Morgan Forster's works are known more from their film and television adaptations rather than from their original novels. Yet, these...

Machine Stops, The by FORSTER, E. M.

The Machine Stops is a short science fiction story. It describes a world in which almost all humans have lost the ability to live on the surface of the Earth. Each individual...

Howards End (version 2) by FORSTER, E. M.

The Schlegels frequently encounter the Wilcoxes. The youngest, Helen, is rejected by the younger Wilcox brother, Paul. The eldest, Margaret, becomes friends with his mother Ruth...

Edward Forster Und Seine Prophetischen Kollegen (audio)

Der Vortrag dreht sich um das Jahr 1909, also das Entstehungsjahr von The Machine Stops. Denn neben Forster haben auch andere Autoren 1909 zugeschlagen: zum Beispiel H.G. Wells,...

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